“I doubt any of us are much for company tonight.” Iliskra smirked as she headed to pay for rooms for the night.

NIGHTAL 4, 1372 DR
Iliskra awoke the next morning feeling very well rested despite the circumstances at hand. Yesterday had been a long day to say the least. Trudging through the wintery countryside of the Scardale, battling an orcish brute and his henchman, saving the leader of a once renowned thieves guild, and then slaying the remnants of a neighborhood gang lead by aforementioned orc. Never mind the tension of sneaking about through the gloomy streets of an all but ruined city which was under a seemingly endless siege. Needless to say that once Iliskra, Leon, and Ibdur had settled themselves in at the Dragon’s Tail they realized just how exhausted they were.
The food at the Dragon’s Tail was edible, and not much beyond that. The bread was tough and flat, the stew too heavily seasoned, and the pitiful cuts of deer were more fat and gristle than meat. The ale and however was strong and the mead stout and flavorful. After a mediocre and tight-lipped supper and a few stiff drinks the three retired to their rooms. Or rather Iliskra to hers while Leon and Ibdur shared a room as there were only two left. Iliskra had hoped neither man nor dwarf snored loudly for the others’ sake. The accommodations were suitable if plain and the beds were quite clean and comfortable, Iliskra sank into her bedspread instantly and slept deeply throughout the night.
Iliskra hurriedly and shakily dressed after forcing herself from under the warm blankets and enduring the winter chill that had filled the room. There were no fireplaces upstairs, only those below had such a privilege in this establishment. Iliskra had noticed the greasy feeling of her hair locks and the faint sweaty smell that wafted up from her clothes beneath her armor. It dawned on her as she left her room that she had not bathed since the night before she joined the other mercenaries at Lord Hastlon’s estate.
The Talons are not meant to seek us out until the morrow, Iliskra thought as she headed down the creaky wooden stairs onto the ground floor, there must be a bathhouse somewhere near…
The patrons were more this morning, nearly every bench and stool were occupied. Mostly human men and women, though there was the odd halfling and dwarf to be spotted among the clients. Iliskra found a small round table in a back corner and ordered a simple breakfast meal of eggs and a cup of milk from a passing barmaid. The eggs were passable enough and the milk fresh. A nice change from last night. Leon and Ibdur were down before long and sitting huddled together with Iliskra as she sipped at a second glass of milk. The Dragon’s Tail was filled with the clinking of tankards, cups, and plates and the cacophony of dozens of people clamoring at once. So long as the three remained in their little nook they could talk openly without concern of eavesdropping.

NIGHTAL 4, 1372 DR
Iliskra awoke the next morning feeling very well rested despite the circumstances at hand. Yesterday had been a long day to say the least. Trudging through the wintery countryside of the Scardale, battling an orcish brute and his henchman, saving the leader of a once renowned thieves guild, and then slaying the remnants of a neighborhood gang lead by aforementioned orc. Never mind the tension of sneaking about through the gloomy streets of an all but ruined city which was under a seemingly endless siege. Needless to say that once Iliskra, Leon, and Ibdur had settled themselves in at the Dragon’s Tail they realized just how exhausted they were.
The food at the Dragon’s Tail was edible, and not much beyond that. The bread was tough and flat, the stew too heavily seasoned, and the pitiful cuts of deer were more fat and gristle than meat. The ale and however was strong and the mead stout and flavorful. After a mediocre and tight-lipped supper and a few stiff drinks the three retired to their rooms. Or rather Iliskra to hers while Leon and Ibdur shared a room as there were only two left. Iliskra had hoped neither man nor dwarf snored loudly for the others’ sake. The accommodations were suitable if plain and the beds were quite clean and comfortable, Iliskra sank into her bedspread instantly and slept deeply throughout the night.
Iliskra hurriedly and shakily dressed after forcing herself from under the warm blankets and enduring the winter chill that had filled the room. There were no fireplaces upstairs, only those below had such a privilege in this establishment. Iliskra had noticed the greasy feeling of her hair locks and the faint sweaty smell that wafted up from her clothes beneath her armor. It dawned on her as she left her room that she had not bathed since the night before she joined the other mercenaries at Lord Hastlon’s estate.
The Talons are not meant to seek us out until the morrow, Iliskra thought as she headed down the creaky wooden stairs onto the ground floor, there must be a bathhouse somewhere near…
The patrons were more this morning, nearly every bench and stool were occupied. Mostly human men and women, though there was the odd halfling and dwarf to be spotted among the clients. Iliskra found a small round table in a back corner and ordered a simple breakfast meal of eggs and a cup of milk from a passing barmaid. The eggs were passable enough and the milk fresh. A nice change from last night. Leon and Ibdur were down before long and sitting huddled together with Iliskra as she sipped at a second glass of milk. The Dragon’s Tail was filled with the clinking of tankards, cups, and plates and the cacophony of dozens of people clamoring at once. So long as the three remained in their little nook they could talk openly without concern of eavesdropping.