at a guild hall in ShebarElian sat at a table in Shebar's main guild hall, listening to the chatter around her with half a pointed ear. Most of the rest of her attention was firmly on those clustered around the notice board, though she spared a glance at the area chat every now and again. As a healer and support caster, she rarely lacked for people wanting to group up. It was just a matter of finding a good group. Her fans lay folded on the table in front of her, next to the mug of mulled cider she was nursing.
The most interesting recent rumor was about a human jester PvPing for no reason, kill-stealing bosses, and getting up to other poor-sport tricks. Word was, the admins couldn't trace the account, and so couldn't ban it.
Definitely someone to watch out for, Elian thought to herself. Every game had its trolls, and it seemed Tales of Endoroth was no exception.
Fortunately the community of ToE was, for the most part, a friendly one. She'd been playing since near the beginning and major issues like this were by no means common. The admins were attentive, interacting with the community and receptive to feedback. The game had become wildly popular, and had players all over the globe. Unfortunately, the larger the player base, the more likely it was that trolls would crop up.
Hopefully she wouldn't have to deal with this particular one.