Avatar of shylarah


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4 mos ago
Current The way some people spell makes me wonder about their pronunciation.
6 yrs ago
They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
6 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
7 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
7 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, urban...as long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~

Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad

Most Recent Posts

@Eviledd1984 Oh, he didn't say it aloud?
[ Elian ]

at a dungeon in Ocren

Elian had to admire Claudia's angel theming -- or at least she would after the fight, when her attention wasn't focused on keeping everyone up. Rath got Intimidating Presence up, and the skeletons focused on him at least for the most part, allowing the other damage dealers to attack freely. Maybe a little too freely -- some of the skeletons turned away from Rathello and went after Claudia and the ranger, with the ranger getting a deep wound in his shoulder.

The ranger had barely called out that he needed healing before Elian was whirling her fans around, casting a simple healing spell on him. Goibniu was still on the floor, leaving himself completely exposed save for the protection the party provided and his automaton. She didn't comment --- the ranger already had, and that was sufficient in her mind.

Before long the skeletons were dealt with. Elian stepped further into the room, nodding at the death knight's assessment that they should stay alert. The glowing spirits provided plenty of light by which to search the room for loot and secrets.
[ Elian ]

at a dungeon in Ocren

Elian stayed toward the back as the party entered the dorms area. The sight of skeletons in beds immediately set off her danger sense -- and it seemed the death knight agreed with her, warning everyone to be on guard. And they were right to be concerned, for the skeletons rose from the beds, grabbing nearby spears and threatening the party!

"Alright, here we go!" Elian called. "It's skeletons, so that means bludgeoning damage will be most effective." She whirled her fans in a circle, casting haste on the party, then protection from evil, and following that up with heroism for Rathello to boost his resistance to any diseases the skeletons might be carrying.

With her initial bases covered, she then cast a spell for boosting mana regeneration on herself. "If anyone else needs some extra mana, let me know," Elian said. She kept a close eye on the party's health bars at the edge of her HUD, particularly Rath's, so she'd know when to heal the tank.
[ Jareth ]

Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant

Jareth sighed in relief as Blur Rabbit heard his call and came down to help thin the hoard that was attacking his position in the earthworks. The other hero was just a blur of movement as he worked. "Thanks man," Jareth called. But then the remaining terrazards turned around and started charging the factory. Luna was now outside the factory, and didn't seem distressed by the approaching 'zards, so he could only assume that the matter was under control.

His assumption was backed up as the terrazards ignored Luna and her passengers, and went straight for the burning building, clawing at the rapidly-crumbling walls.

[ Amuné ]

en route to Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant

Amuné wasn't surprised when her powers registered danger to Madison. Wireframe was on a mission -- it made sense she'd encounter danger in some form. Of course that probably meant that the party crew hadn't managed to keep things as quiet as they would have liked, but it wasn't Amuné's mission, so she set that aside.

A ping of anxiety tied to Austin, however, was completely unexpected. "Wiseman? Come in, Wiseman." Nothing. She almost turned the car around, but she was nearly at her destination. It would be foolish to go back across town to help when she'd probably arrive too late to do anything. Besides, Austin was capable -- and the Fixeon crew had requested help. She had to focus on her chosen mission.

She pulled into the plant, parking next to the two black HERO vehicles. She'd put on a tactical vest before departing Hero Three, and now she grabbed her carbine from the passenger seat. "Fixeon group, this is Oracle. I've arrived. Sitrep, please." It wasn't hard to see that the plant was on fire. What had happened here?
[ Elian ]

at a dungeon in Ocren

Elian nodded along to Rath's tactical summary. "I think you hit all the bases," she said in reply to his question. "The only thing I can think to add is that I have a range of about 60 feet for most of my healing spells. If you want to get healed, you damn well better be in range -- and where I can see you!" She smiled to counter the bite of her statement.

The question of which door to take was an interesting one, but when the ranger suggested splitting up Elian immediately made an X with her fans. "Bzzt, wrong answer! You have one healer and one tank. Splitting up would be unwise. We're a party not a raid group. We don't have the support for multiple teams. Nice and steady will get us through in one piece.

"Personally, I think we should start with the doors on this floor first -- maybe the living quarters first, like Goibniu suggested, then the garden? Once we've cleared the bottom floor then we'll work our way up. It won't do to have enemies flanking us from behind."
[ Jareth ]

Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant

Jareth had thought they were all going inside, but Lab Rat asked him to stay outside. So he fell back to the earthworks, and worked on killing more terrazards. And there were plenty to kill, perhaps too many. He opened another sinkhole beneath a particularly dense cluster of 'zards, quickly closing it again, then went back to slinging pebbles. It seemed like there were fewer coming from the plant, which was a good thing. Maybe the fight was close to over.

A roar sounded from inside the plant, and then a few moments later the near wall was knocked down by...some sort of giant ape person. The terrazards also renewed their assault, so Jareth got back to work killing them. Crane was busy with the ape-man, so that left him and Mire.

Only then Mire vanished into the ground, leaving Jareth to fight the terrazards alone, as the plant burst into flames. Things were not looking good. "Blur! I could really use a hand here. There's too many terrazards for me to handle alone!" he called through the comm link, as he was forced backwards.
@AwesomeZero5 Elian is rank B, but more than halfway to leveling to A. ^.^
[ Elian ]

at a guild hall in Shebar

Elian quickly joined the group chat. She couldn't hide a grin at Goibniu's efforts to stay in character. He played gruff, but he was definitely eager. "Ooh, you squishy," she said, once she saw his rank and level. "I can help a little with that -- got a nice buff that grants HP based on my level, but we probably shouldn't go above rank C for questing."

When Rathello turned up, Elian brightened. It was always good to have friends along. "Hey, you big blue bastard! How the hell are ya?!" she said. "I can vouch for this guy, he's a good tank. Knows what he's doing, and stays where I can heal him," she added for Goibniu's benefit.

Claudia was an interesting one. She seemed to be keeping in character too. "Ocren is fine by me. I go where the wind takes me, so I'm up for just about anything," Elian said. "We should keep in mind that Goibniu is super squishy, though. A stiff wind will kill him right now. We need somewhere he won't die to a stray hit. I can't work miracles."

Two others asked to join their party, a ranger and a death knight. "I'm good with taking both along. Six is a good party size," she said in group chat.


It was by boat to Mogora, then on horseback to the temple. Elian chatted cheerfully with her fellow partymates along the way, eager to get to know them better. She also hit Goibniu (and the rest of the party) with a preemptive buff to HP. "Just so you don't keel over and die," she told the sphynx with a grin. "It lasts a couple hours, so I'll recast it once we get closer to the temple."

When they reached their destination, Elian tied her horse to a tree, and marked the location for teleport in case of death. Not that she expected to die -- this should be smooth sailing for their current party composition! But it was an ingrained habit, so she did it.

"Alright, gather round. Let's get our long-lasting buffs up, and then head in!"
@Eviledd1984 description is good. E, D, or even possibly C rank would work -- Elian can boost hp totals, so Goibniu won't die immediately at least. And okay, we'll take them with. ^.^
@Eviledd1984 Was your post deciding which dungeon we'd go to, and adding more characters to the group, or intended to be a background piece? Because with Goibniu at rank F, we probably shouldn't be tackling an A rank dungeon.
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