Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

October 10th, 2029.
Peterson Estates
Passenger Island, Castleburg
On a mission with: Alchemist @Duoya, Blast @Hitman, Gematria @Scarifar, Bastion @Infinite Cosmos, Dahlia @baraquiel

When Madison got to the top of the stairs, she heard more footsteps behind her, and hid in the nearest door which was a broom cupboard. From there, she heard both gunshots, and then footsteps of several people past the door. She heard Ada's voice talking to, she presumed, Alchemist. So, was it Peterson's wife who was behind this? Were they the boss? How far did this really go? Either way, she all but admitted that she'd been using her husband, and she was in possession of some kind of button that could kill him. So, there was no point 'rescuing' Peterson until Ada was captured. She addressed somebody else in the room too. That must be Gematria. Madison still had the element of surprise, but now wasn't the right time. Adawas going to take the other two Heroes somewhere. Madison would tail them, and then look for an opportunity to rescue Peterson.

October 10th, 2029.
Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant
Brookside, Castleburg
On a mission with: Mire @Blizz, Crane @Zoey Boey, Blur Rabbit @DClassified, Ardent @manythings, Terraformer @shylarah, Freakshow @Crusader Lord

Lab Rat silently let Torch monologue, as he fed them a fair amount of useful information. He was bragging. He wasn't planning to let any of them leave alive if he could help it. But Lab Rat had fought a lot of villians in her time, and they tended to underestimate her as 'the nerdy one who's power is to talk to rats'. Even this villain had a vendetta against another member of their team. They had a history that Flora didn't want to pay much attention to out of respect for her teammate.

This attitue changed when she saw that the sleeping one was injected with something, and begin to transform. A power enhancer? Or is he turning more into a Leftover? Serious and painful side effects, so it clearly hadn't been perfected yet. Was this somebody's attempt to replicate Project Chimera? Either way, the mere existance of something like that had serious ramifications!

Even though Menace grew so huge and powerful, she just had to trust that backup was arriving and that the Heroes outside could handle it for now. Upon seeing the monologuing villain had a fire power, Flora took off her lab coat and let it drop to the ground. Maybe she'd need to rethink her gimmick if a long, flowing lab cape could be a fire hazard. And she'd been so proud of coming up with the name 'Lab Rat', too.

The Twins approached her and Ardent, tried to weakly mock them, and then began multiplying. Flora pondered Ardent's question. Could she snag that black box? As Torch and Luna began fighting, she didn't think so. At least not yet. The fight was too frantic and messy and she'd just get in the way. Instead, she wanted to retrieve the empty needle gun. She wanted to take it back to Hero One and analyse this serum.

While her back was turned, one of the Twin clones swung at her with a crowbar, and bashed her skull. It hurt a lot, and had caused a nasty bruise, but Flora had barely moved from the impact. Her muscles and bones were both far too strong to succumb to blunt force like that. She dispatched the clone with an elbow to the face that knocked him out, without even needing to turn round. She then retrieved and stashed the empty needle in one of her belt pouches.

Unfortunately, Torch then injected himself with another needle. So it was a power amplifier after all, though the side effects seemed to be no less intense. He then immediately began spewing forth fire in every direction. On instict, Lab Rat darted away and to the wall, which then then scurried up and across with all four limbs. She was moving more like a rat than a real human now. Once she was facing his current blind spot, she leapt from the wall and attempted to tackle him. The heat was uncomfortable to her enhanced senses but she had to neutralize him and fast.
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Fireballs would cause some of the secreted mucus on Luna's horrific form to bubble, melt, and fall off in strange, sizzling chunks upon the abaonded factory floor as she charged him down and took the impact of his blasts. Even as Luna could feel the searing pain signals from her fleshy form, her pain tolerance having been well honed and then been further augmented by her capabilities, she would still keep up the charge regardless of the damage to herself as the forward-most head on her shambling visage kept the focus of its faintly glowing red eyes and horrifically split-open monstrous maw focused straight ahead on her target. There was no dissuading her from this course of action, nor stopping her monstrous roaring of untold warped and distorted voices coming out from her many mouths.

Torch, for what it was worth, wasn't one of the heaviest hitters of the old gang from what she'd ever known....man hadn't even been among those kept at the HQ for later while the rest of them had been sent out to die for the sake of what amounted to blasted publicity stunt of all things. A useless, hollow publicity stunt meant to propel those left behind into infamy, enough to work to make that accursed dream of being 'big time villains' a reality. The thing that had cost most anyone left with even two cents of brain power in their heads back in the old Blue Skulls their lives and otherwise.

As her monstrous form crashed into the body of Torch, tendrils and myriad arms reaching out as well, Luna would grab and thusly rip the black control device from Torch's hands as her mass sent the other metahuman flying. The tendrils that grabbed the device would then retract it quickly into her own body, moving it to where one of her many heads had retracted into a hollowed-out space inside of her huge fleshy body while her HERO watch had come to be stored elsewhere inside of her. This, even as she stood back up from where she'd fallen and continued her pursuit of the man to try to get him while he was down.

"Why did you decide to accept their deal in the end?"

Why indeed. The therapist had asked her that after she took up HERO's deal. Poor therapist had listened to her about a lot of things, helped her work on many others, and yet she could still recall her response after they'd talked a little more about it. Motivations. Reasoning. Etc. Things that'd motivate her to accept that deal, all trying to make sure she wasn't feeling forced into it among other things. Therapist crap, basically, though in hindsight she was glad for it to enough of an extent. Helped her get her head on her shoulders, perhaps for the first time in her life, and she'd resolved to do something with that.

And she still felt that resolve even now.

"[Because] for the last few years I thought I'd rot in my cell for the rest of my life, yeah, and hell I'd determined myself to do just that after all I've done. I deserve it I think, still think I do at least, but now at least I have a chance to make a difference rather than just sit around now. Make a good difference, in a great way, for as many people as I can help one way or another. This is something I never thought I'd get the chance to do in my life at this point, and I-....I....I-I want to do this, and do this with my own two hands and work my hardest at it.

You told me ta' find a better 'reason to live' than guilt and everythin', and I think this is it. I want to live for a good reason, not just feelin' guilty all day and night and wishin' I was dead with the rest of em'. Won't bring back the dead, make anyone else feel better or do better, won't make me better, or the like. I wanna' put myself to good use in something I've come to believe in now, and work toward that as best as I can and live my life as best as I can from now on.

As for the freedom eventually? That's just a tiny little bonus beyond all of this, nothin' more."

She would work to make the world better, even if it cost her the rest of her life to do so. For the kids and people who lived in Brookside, for the average person who got caught in the middle of all of this sort of crap, and for the people who had yet to be born. She'd fight to make sure as few bodies as possible got sent back in bags or pieces even among her enemies, and would make sure as many of people as she could would get back home alive. Couldn't save everyone, though, but like hell if she'd give up regardless. And right now wasn't any different, as if this fire got into more of Brookside, if the Zards' got spread out into the area, and the like then it would only make things worse for everyone. Even if she had to come out each day to spend all day and night hunting the things down alone and by hand she'd do it, but maybe with the device Torch had used now in her hands she could at least do one thing for the people of Castleburg and Brookside in this situation.

Yet the heroine and resident 'Freakshow' wouldn't get to her target much in time despite her efforts, though, as Torch injected himself with the same stuff Menace had been hit with and dropped the syringe on the ground. A lashing tendril would shoot out and grab the empty thing at least, though, before just as rapidly retracting into her mass to protect and store it. Likewise a hand would emerge from the lining of the internal space inside of her body she had created prior to store one of her new many heads, this hand holding the captured Leftovers Control Device and attempting to use it as the mouth of the one head in there also spoke loudly into it. She'd try it with her own normal voice, then by mimicking Torch's voice if that didn't do anything. Etc. But she had to at least try something.

(("Terrazards, return to this building and destroy it completely! Bring this piece of trash burning building crumbling down to the very ground and your use your bodies to put out any scraps of the fire that remain afterward!")

Bring down the building, right down on the head of the asshat who was setting it on fire right now. Bring it down, and kill Terrazards. Then what would remain in the aftermath, if any of the Terrazards? She had a plan for that once they got to that point, but one thing at a time for now. She had to see if this particular stupid plan of hers, certainly not the first nor the last, would function how she hoped. Otherwise, she had to come up with a Plan B really, really fast and on the fly. She could at least do that. But for now, Torch had gone even more insane and was doing a good job of making the place into a literal dumpster fire at this rate. But....perhaps it was the funeral pyre he had wanted....and the one he deserved as well.

They had to get out of there before things got worse, though, and as Torch went mad Luna would try to emit more protective anti-fire mucus and would fire about five bone spikes from her body at the man like a shotgun blast. This all as she scrambled off back toward the others, where if she got the chance she'd try to grab up Lab Rat and both of the Twins and to pull them safely close to herself as her own huge form sought to barrel out of the burning building and back into the safety (ironically) of the open and not-currently-on-fire space outside. If her attempt to command the Terrazards was working, however, she'd not attack any Terrazards on the way out. If it wasn't working and the the things were still attacking them all anyways or such, she'd use the extra arms and bone spikes and her many feet and such to keep killing as many Terrazards as she could on the way out one way or another.

"Time to go, party people! Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times, and be careful because the local Lizards bite!"

Yet as her main external heads spoke this aloud and in a hurry as she sought to do all of this, she would take care to contain the injured member of the Twins as well as use a side head to speak to the other one if she had managed to get ahold of them as she intended to do.

"Hey, kid. Time to get out of here, see if I can keep you two alive too at that. This ain't picking pockets near the corner store on fifth. Hate me or not, I don't care, because you two don't deserve to die because of Torch being the insane asshat he is....or other reasons for that matter."

@Blizz@ManyThings@Silver Carrot@shylarah@Hitman@DClassified@Zoey Boey
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 18 days ago

Current Location: Peterson Estates, Passenger Island, Castleburg
Current Teammates: Blast @Hitman, Wireframe @Silver Carrot, Gematria @Scarifar, Alchemist @Duoya, Bastion @Infinite Cosmos Stray @Rabidporcupine

Eva nodded in agreement. She faced the doorway, hands alight in green as she was preparing her paralyzing toxin to shoot at the army of guards that was about to go their way. Surprisingly, it was just a singular man.

"Jo... Joseph? W-What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at HERO Three with the others?" Eva asked in confusion and surprise, clearly not expecting him of all people to show up now that she and Jake were just about to go into the secret room.

Jake just accepted it pretty quickly, so Eva guessed she had to too. Not that she had any choice anyway. She nodded again in agreement to Jake as he went first into the darkness. She was about to follow him too before she heard Madison through the comms.

"Peterson's not the mastermind? But how does Toreador know?" She asked back in confusion at Madison. So far, tonight had only given them more questions than answers. "Okay okay. Go help out Rupa and Gematria. Me, Jake, and... Joseph found a secret passageway here in the cellar. Will update you all when we found clues. Over."

Eva then glared at Joseph. "I don't know what game you're playing at here. You were supposed to be following orders, not finding a loophole around them. If you somehow mess this up..." Eva paused to take a quick breath before continuing. "We were each given our own assignments. Don't go mess up ours just because you're bored with yours." She angrily said to him as she followed Jake to the passageway.

Like the others, she found herself in the quintessential villain's secret room. "This looks like a workshop or something, and it probably is too." Eva replied, looking at the scraps and heaps of metal on the tables. "Do any of you have a camera or something like that? We need to record all thi-"

She jumped in surprise when the metal door where they came from shut loudly on its own. The 'garage' door then opened and out came these weird-looking robots. Just the way their red eyes contrast against their emotionless faced and wirey bodies made them look extra creepy to Eva. This had got to be the work of another villain, one who's specialty was making evil robots to try and take over the world.

"Gholem." Eva said in annoyance. What did he have to do with Peterson? No, based from what Madison said if it was indeed true, someone else must be backing the mad scientist up. Before she could demand more information out of him, Jake swiftly knocked him out cold.

"I... Okay." She said in a defeated tone. First the toxin she wasted in putting into the guards and guests' bodies, then the camera, then Joseph's surprise appearance, then this. She made a mental note to ask Powers to let her do more solo missions, beg even if she had to.

The robots started blasting away and Eva pushed a table forward, letting the metal fall on the floor as she used the table as a shield. "Blast, Stray! Don't go near me!" She warned her teammates, not wanting them to get accidentally affected by her toxin. Some of the robots kept blasting at the table so she tossed her faux fur coat up in the air, hoping they'll get distracted by it. If it worked, they would've blasted the coat into ashes and she'll emerge from the side, blasting them with acid that will melt them down.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by ManyThings
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Inside Flaming Municipal Recycling Plant, Brookside

Collabed with GM @Hitman

Ardent felt a little embarrassed for Thing One and Thing Two as the pair immediately folded after his first attack. Resting the signpost on one shoulder, he grabbed the phone he had mounted on the wall to record the fight. If he ever posted that one, it would be a pretty damn short video. Then again, maybe short-form content was the way to go these days. More digestible.

"Hey. Quit whining. You're the ones who picked a fight with me." He talked down to the twins, but he was mindful of the injured one's condition.

In Ardent's career as a vigilante, he had managed to avoid killing anyone, accidentally or otherwise. This poor fucker wasn't in a good state, but if he was left to lie there he would probably live. Maybe with some brain damage.

If he was left lying in a burning building, though, it would be a different story. And funnily enough...

"Ah, fuck."

Freakshow's old enemy (or old comrade?) was apparently taking his vendetta a bit too seriously. The drug that had enhanced The Menace's transformation into a gigantic form was now enhancing Torch's fire-tossing power into a searing inferno. Any dreams the HERO team had of being able to present a gloriously pristine and lizard-free recycling plant to the higher-ups were quickly going up in smoke. Literally. Ardent's first consideration was making sure the cloning villains didn't burn to death in the confusion, but Freakshow seemed to be on top of that matter. She had tried using her power to endure the enemy's fire attacks, but seemingly had changed her mind and was choosing this moment to grab what she could carry and retreat out of the blazing deathtrap. Not a bad idea, as far as Ardent was concerned. There was just one more person who needed to be pulled out of the flames.

Ardent discarded his parking sign and began to move quickly, darting between the whips of flame that were twisting across the indoor space. Torch was going wild, and his frenzied attacks weren't precise enough to hit Ardent amidst the chaos, but the sheer heat and the smoke that had begun to cloud the plant were still enough to make the flying hero grit his teeth and squint. Rather than shy away from the fresh patches of burning debris though, he donned his goggles and stuck close to them as he took a roundabout flightpath towards the villain, letting the damaged property provide him with cover to mask his approach. It was Lab Rat who had reached Torch first, though, aiming to surprise him from behind.

The laughing villain casually sidestepped out of the way of Lab Rat’s attack. He didn’t even need to turn to face her to do so; it was as if he had sensed or heard her in some way, perhaps. Something about the man was certainly changed, if that even needed more explanation. The crazy person that was hurling a few fireballs was not the same crazy person that stood before them now. His senses were sharper, and his powers were much, much more devastating. The fire-retardant mucus and bone spikes that Freakshow had just tried to hit him with were burnt into cinders by a white-hot flash of fire, evaporated like they were nothing.

Whatever the cause of this newfound strength and ability was, it allowed Torch to jolt quickly out of the way of Lab Rat’s attempted grab, allowing her to harmlessly pass by him. Torch then pointed a hand towards the rodent-like hero, firing a concentrated stream of fire from his hand directly at the location she landed.

He didn’t seem to be bothered or even interested in whether or not he hit his target; he was enjoying his enhanced pyrokinesis (and, consequently, his enriched pyromania, it seemed) way too much. In fact, he didn’t even seem bothered by his original target, Freakshow, any more, or by the fact that she had easily pilfered his device and was commanding the Terrazards return back to the recycling plant, or that she was now running out of the building with multiple people in tow. He simply raised his hands, sending twin streams of fire from his palms at the Terrazards, which were now frantically running into the building. Torch lifted his masked head in the general direction of Ardent.

"I see you up there, hero. Come down and join the pyre!" Five large fireballs formed behind Torch’s head, and then promptly began to chase after Ardent, honing in on him like heat-seeking missiles.

Ardent weaved between the flaming spheres that came his way, but cursed under his breath when they changed direction to follow after him. Whether Lab Rat was going to retreat with Freakshow or stay to fight by his side, Ardent wanted to take this annoying bastard out. He needed a clear shot at him, but apparently the masked villain had gained more than just enhanced firepower from the drug. Whether he was using some fire-based trick to detect the heroes’ body heat or if he had simply gained enhanced senses, it was apparently impossible to sneak up on him.

Using his power, Ardent plunged straight downwards, no longer heading directly for Torch. He picked up speed, and for a moment it looked like he was trying to outmaneuver the fireballs by changing direction just before he would hit the ground. But before he put any distance between them, the barrage of flame came crashing down. There was a brilliant flash, and the stench in the plant worsened as a pile of plastics were incinerated.

Whether Torch was detecting sound, or heat, or movement, the massive explosion of his five fireballs hitting the floor at once was sure to be quite the spectacle. Enough to make him lose track of Ardent’s position? Hopefully. After all, it looked as though the hero had been burned up on impact.

That was until a split second later, when the concrete flooring a few feet ahead of the explosion burst open and Ardent rocketed out, hands pointed in front of him like a diver’s. His boots were slightly singed, but he hadn’t been hit by the fire. Not quite. It seemed that he had pierced through the floor and tunneled underground briefly to shield himself from the attack. Now, he had unearthed himself not far from Torch, and rapidly closed in on him.

”Close call!” In truth, that wasn’t something Ardent had ever tried before, and he hadn’t known if it would save his life. But he hadn’t doubted himself either. Improvised tactics in the midst of chaos were his bread and butter.

Maybe Torch was surprised, maybe he wasn’t. Ardent was going for him either way. Flora had been on the right track with grappling the villain, he thought, but they would need to match the guy’s newfound agility. Ardent could do that, he was certain. Moving at blinding speed, he aimed to tackle and grab hold of Torch at a low angle. If he could lift him, he could get him out of here.

Torch might have been surprised by this clever maneuver. It was hard to tell, what with the full-face mask and the insane chuckling. Either way, though, he certainly didn’t act like the attack phased him. In fact, quite the contrary. The average person would have been completely caught off-guard by Ardent emerging from the concrete ground with the grace and poise of a dolphin leaping from the sea, and likely would have been easily crushed. But somehow, some way, Torch was not going to be taken down by this attempt.

With shocking reaction time, Torch faced down Ardent and, as the hero barreled towards him at breakneck speed, blasted the oncoming hero with a searing beam of fire, attempting to stop him mid-flight and take him down. The enhanced villain laughed all the while as he channeled the pulse of fire directly at Ardent. He was enjoying himself; that was clear.

Ardent had been here before. Darting around, repelled by ranged attacks whenever he tried to get in close. It wasn’t so different from his fight against that annoying cowboy. But as quick and as deadly as Torch was, he was no cowboy, and Ardent was getting tired of listening to that laugh.

I’ve played this stupid game already!

As he flew headlong at Torch, Ardent used the building to his advantage once again, dipping both hands down to break off a section of the flooring, longer and thicker than his own body. In a normal fire, the concrete skeleton of the building would be the only thing not burned up. Against Torch’s flame, even that much was optimistic. Used as a shield, the flat face of the massive slab quickly warped and glistened like melted candy. Torch was too sharp to fool, even with his attention split between Lab Rat and Ardent. No more tricks. Feeling his shield begin to reach its melting point, Ardent continued to press forwards to his target. At the last moment, he struck the backside of the slab with his elbow, letting chunks of half-melted concrete scatter forwards over Torch. Amidst that shower of debris, whirling just beyond the beam’s line of fire, was Ardent, fury on his face, finally finished closing the gap.

Clenching his teeth, Ardent brushed off tiny pieces of superheated shrapnel. He reached out towards the pyrokinetic, intent on grabbing hold of him while maintaining his own momentum, to send himself and Torch flying through a window on the backside of the building, away from everything.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Joseph nodded as Jake and Eva recognized him, the fact that that the speedster had gotten his name wrong not really annoying enough to outweigh the fact that they were both actually alright.

"Yep, John here." He grinned at the pair. "Sorry, would've called ahead, but I ended up rushing a little to get here after my meeting was over, so I guess it sorta slipped my mind... Guards outside did seem to be pretty tense though, so yeah, if they gotcha on camera, I'd say they're probably already on their way."

He nodded again at Jake's plan, more than happy to get through this without wasting too much time. During the brief period of time where they waited for him to check for traps, he couldn't help but overhear Eva talking to one of the others over the comms. He was about to say something about how Toreador might have potentially known Peterson wasn't the real one behind all this because he had read the man's mind, which she might be surprised to learn was actually a bit of a common tactic among mindreaders. However, before he could make his smartass comment, he found himself cut off as she rounded on him, chewing him out for coming to the mansion and messing around in their mission because he was bored of his.

And maybe it was because he'd been caught off guard by getting cut off, or maybe it was more from the sheer amount of stress and panic he'd had swirling around in his gut from the moment Spencer had shown him the divinations of both groups being overwhelmed, but for just a moment, Joseph felt his persona slip.

"Are you serious?" He asked, the smile he worked so hard to keep up whenever he was around other people disappearing completely from his expression, replaced by genuine anger. "I'm not here to screw around, I thought you guys were gonn-"

However, before he could go any further, he managed to catch himself, forcing himself to bury the frustration and fear he'd felt. It was his own fault she thought he'd be here for something like that, after all. He was the one who put the act up in the first place, people thinking of Joseph Moore as nothing more than a lazy good for nothing was the whole point. He couldn't go getting pissed at her for believing he was the person he made himself out to be...

And so, after taking a second to clear his head, he looked back to her, the lazy smile plastered across his face once more.

"Uh, sorry, just... uh, just pretend you never saw that, yeah?" He asked, briefly ducking his head apologetically. "Pretty sure Jake would've taken care of any traps by now, so we should be good to get going, I reckon."

Honestly, he couldn't deny that he'd kind of hoped he could just find everyone, get them in the van and get the hell out of there before something actually did happen, because even though he was sure at this point that whatever Spencer had shown him was at least bullshit in the way that it clearly hadn't been taking place at that moment like he'd claimed, it had still shown Jake and Eva in that wine cellar, in the middle of an assignment the other magus hadn't even been supposed to know about. So even if what the ICOSA agent had shown him wasn't going to happen, odds were good that something was, and he didn't want anyone to be caught up in it when it did... However, he also understood that the mission was more important than something which may or may not actually happen, so at this point he could only hope that they could get it over and done with quickly.

This sentiment was only reinforced when they entered what was very obviously a workshop, and if what he'd seen in the three years he'd spent living adjacent to the Hag's workshop was any indication, this was almost definitely some sorta gearhead like she was... Though the combination of the generally 'villainy' vibe and what he was pretty sure were bloodstains on the floor led him to believe this one might be just a little more evil than she was. Maybe.

Either way, it immediately had him even more on guard than he had been already, eyes darting around the room, when he heard Jake's suggestion to go check up on the others while he stayed to keep watch. As much as he did want to go find the others as well, however, he had absolutely zero intention of splitting the team up even more than it already had been and leaving the guy there on his own. Before he even got a chance to open his mouth and say as much, however, the door slammed shut behind them. He cursed internally, frustrated that he hadn't expected it to do that ahead of time, and taken some sort of measure to prevent it before letting Jake and Eva get caught in what he should've recognized as a blatant trap.

His hand tightened around the handle of the white cane as the machines marched out, followed by an elderly man he recognized as Gholem. Perfect. The old man was the whole reason everyone was here in the first place, so all he had to do was take him out and they could end it right now!

It looked like Jake was one step ahead of him though, going from standing beside he and Eva to beside Gholem within maybe a second, tops. He then immediately proceeded to beat the man to the ground in a move that Joseph was honestly a little worried someone as old as him might not be able to survive, but he couldn't really complain, since he was planning to do pretty much the same thing if Jake hadn't. However, he'd seen those robots twitch as the old scientist had messed with that remote, and he didn't let his guard down, even though he really wanted to...

Unfortunately, there was no such luck, and he watched in horror as the robot beside Jake took a shot that would've killed anyone who couldn't move faster than the bullet being shot at them. Thankfully, Jake could do that, and the team jumped into action, Joseph already dashing forwards before the speedster had even finished speaking. He heard Eva instructing them to avoid getting close to her as he ran.

"Right, I'll take these ones!" He shouted back, rushing towards a trio who were a little further back. He held his arms in front of his head as they raised their gun arms, sending a volley of bullets in his direction. Luckily, Joseph had gone into this mission fully expecting to be shot at, and had therefore spent a good couple of weeks stitching multiple layers of defensive reinforcement arrays into each and every part of the outfit in preparation for it. As such, while too much damage would still cause the enchantments to burn out, and each bullet still did hurt like hell, they didn't penetrate the fabric, bouncing off it and falling to the ground mostly harmlessly. Once he was close enough, he reached into his pocket and threw a runic tag at the closest robot, attaching itself to it's 'head.'


The rune immediately glowed a bright purple, before the robot started to spasm in place, sparks and other electrical discharge arcing across it's frame. Not wasting a second, Joseph ran right past it, instead dashing at the automaton to its right, white cane raised above his head as he shouted another incantation.


With his words, the last segment of the folding white cane glowed red with multiple strings of ogham, briefly increasing to well around fifty times it's normal weight as he brought it crashing down on the already barely armoured robot, literally crushing it in half. To the electrified robots left, the third robot raised it's gun to continue firing at him. In response, Joseph reached back to the first one, deactivating the electric array and quickly dodging behind it, getting it shot by it's comrade in his place. From there, he simply spun around the now thoroughly finished off first robot, swinging the cane back around and increasing the weight of the end again mid-swing to smash through it's torso with the sheer momentum.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

Member Seen 1 day ago

[ 𝑅𝒾 𝓁 𝑒𝓎 ]

Lost in his thoughts as he was, Riley didn’t even bother looking up when Magician walked into the room, his voice nearly unbearably smug as he spoke. Whatever he was saying simply went in one ear and out the other. After a moment, there was a sound Riley didn’t recognise and then the man’s presence was gone.

Good riddance.

Dr. Reininger was next out but Riley was content to ignore everything and keep to himself for the moment. Wiseman was up next for the chopping block, which didn’t concern him. He had other things to–

All of a sudden, the lights went out and Riley perked up, his head leaving his arms to stare intently at the ceiling, eyes narrowed. He loosened his restraint and his vision splintered once again, seeing everything at its most base state. Something that he couldn’t quite get a grasp on caught his attention. Something that hadn’t been there before. His vision snapped back and he pressed a palm to his temple to soothe the dull ache behind his eyes.

How annoying.

The good doctor then tried to leave the room; emphasis on tried. Instead of the door opening as it should to let the doctor out, Dr. Reininger jerked suddenly and collapsed to the floor in a heap. Riley’s eyes followed her body as she fell heavily, nearly motionless as if hit by a thousand volts of electricity. No, not “as if”. She’d just been electrocuted by the door handle.

Was she dead?

The slight rise and fall of her chest answered his unasked question. So, not enough to kill anyone then. Riley wondered why that was. Surely, that would have been a far better way of ensuring whoever touched the door wouldn’t be an issue further down the line. Maybe they were simply more averse to killing than he was used to. Or, perhaps they simply couldn’t.

.... Regardless. With how things were shaping up, either ALISA was pulling a Skynet, or something else was at play here. Maybe even someone.

"Apologies for the intrusion. I simply need to keep you contained in order to prevent you from interfering with my plans. And also from escaping the range of the signal blocker. Please remain seated. Hey, but at least I got you out of therapy, right? That should count for something."

Were they.... talking to Wiseman? Was he their target? Did they not know who else was in here?

Not that it mattered; in the end, the result would be the same.

Riley’s eyes went back to the door as the man in question picked up the incapacitated doctor and placed her out of the way. The door was coursing with electricity—a measure to keep them trapped in the room, however long that would last. It wasn’t a terrible strategy by any means, but he’d seen better. Been involved in better, even. It was effective enough to get the job done, though.... well, not quite. For a moment his eyes were drawn to Wiseman's actions and his lips twitched as he watched the man escape out the side of the building.

So much for keeping him contained.

Briefly, he considered shifting to combat mode, but he dismissed the thought almost as soon as it came to mind. He’d wait until he actually met something he had to fight, even if it meant limiting his range. Even then, it was a coin flip as to whether it would even come to that.

Not that he needed it now.

It was easy to start the meltdown process as he approached the locked door. It was almost second nature at this point, with how often he found himself doing it. The electrified door served no obstacle in the face of his power, the metal deforming and melting before he even touched it. The electronics that made up the metal barrier shorted out and burnt up as its internal heat increased to extreme levels, and finally, Riley’s hand touched the door. His fingers sank through the molten metal like butter, and the rest of his body followed.

Now, all that was left was to find the people responsible.

“Where should I start?” Riley mused to himself.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Scarifar
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Scarifar Presto~!

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Gematria held the taser on Peterson for several seconds, only stopping after a couple rounds had been fired from his gun. She then moved to kick the gun away from his hand, then turned to Rupa. "You okay?" Gematria asked, but the sound of clapping behind Rupa was the answer she received. It was Ada Peterson, Sam Peterson's wife, and she had the two surrounded with her soldiers. Gematria froze, unsure of what to do now. Her mind raced furiously, trying to come up with a way to get them out of this situation. A few ideas did come to mind, but they were all exceptionally dangerous and did not have a guaranteed chance of success. When Ada began threatening Sam Peterson, Gematria realized that there really wasn't much of a chance for them to make it out, at least not if it meant keeping him alive. They were in a hostage situation, and Gematria didn't like it.

"You... you won't get away with this!" Gematria futilely sputtered out. Gematria didn't know what else to do, but she could only decide to follow Ada and her soldiers out of the room to who knows where. I then occurred to her that maybe she should inform the others about their current situation. Gematria quickly typed out a text message and sent it to everyone else on the mission via their Hero watches: Alchemist and I, hostage sitch. Peterson innocent. Wife Ada guilty. Help. She hoped it would be enough to relay what was going on.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Peterson didn't seem phased by Rupa's pleas for him to surrender, but luckily, it didn't really matter all that much. Gematria's doll quickly launched at the business tycoon and pierced his side with a taser attachment, incapacitating him within seconds. Two shots fired off as he fell, presumably from the muscles in his hand convulsing and accidentally pulling the trigger. Rupa didn't even flinch at the noise, as neither of the shots came close to hitting her (and not capable of harming her even if they did land). She approached the unconscious body and looked Peterson over quickly. Breathing and unconscious - best case scenario. Thank god...

"You okay?"

Rupa was about to respond to Gematria, but the sound of clapping behind the pair caused her to drop back into a combative stance and pivot to face the source.

Peterson's wife, Ada, had entered the room. A brief flash of confusion crossed Rupa's face before the woman spoke out to them, revealing her involvement. Rupa was shocked, enough that she couldn't react before Ada called for reinforcements. Four armed guards shimmered into view at different corners of the room. Teleported? Or were they just cloaked the whole time? Rupa gritted her teeth and murmured under her breath.

"Fuck, they can do a Predator? Dammit..."

She could feel her fists tighten as she looked over everyone in the room. The rifles seemed basic enough, they shouldn't be an issue. The men themselves had quite the weight advantage, but all it would take is a single tap and they'd be out of the fight. And if they hit her with their fists, they'd lose them - best case scenario, they get a single hit in with the butt of their rifles if it's fiberglass or something. The closest one was maybe 15 feet - they'd probably unload a few shots into her before she got to him.

Not worth it. Richochets or missed shots could hit Gematria or Peterson. Rupa breathed out as her posture loosened, turning her attention back towards Ada.

As Ada continued to speak, Rupa could feel her blood run cold. She knew Rupa's name. Literal worst-case scenario there. And the 'benefactor' she spoke of was almost certainly someone connected to her family - either directly, or potential allies seeking to marry into or benefit from the crime syndicate. Was it her old Fiance? A family member? Just some random unrelated criminal that wanted to use her power for money?

Didn't matter. Peterson's life was threatened almost immediately after the revelation, and if they knew Rupa's true identity, then the rifles those men were carrying were almost certainly not going to shoot metal bullets at her. Probably gas pellets or rubber rounds. Fighting wasn't an option, like she said. And considering the kill switch was a damn ring on her hand, there wasn't an easy out here. Rupa was starting to hate hostage situations...

"...Really locked us down with this one. Good job. You mind if we stick to aliases? I don't really like the P-word, and you probably don't want me calling you Mrs. Peterson the whole time. You make this master plan? If so, you should have given your goons some predator masks to match the cloaking thing."

The girl dropped her fighting stance, fists unclenched and shoulders slumped. It was strange how calm Rupa was. She nearly had a panic attack when Eva was stabbed a month ago, and had cried when Mr. Peterson was holding her at gun point a minute or two ago. But this woman not only knew her real name, but she also had a hostage and more than twice their manpower. And, despite that, Rupa didn't feel anything.

It was a very familiar and very uncomfortable sensation. She was starting to wish she had stuck around with the Psych Eval like she was originally assigned. Needed a distraction before she did something stupid. Saw reference? Maybe Home Alone? Both had traps, didn't really fit. She flicked her eyes to one of the posters on the wall and spoke again.

"Hey, you were married to the guy - is it true that Mr. Peterson collected most of the props from The Thing? I'm thinking about asking for the Spider-Head after we free him from whatever power or tech you're using on him. I'll put it on a shelf in my living room, right next to your mugshot."

There we go. Throw in some quips, see if you can bait out some information. Not as many profanities as Rupa would have liked, but it probably wasn't smart to push things when Ada had a kill switch on her finger and guns pointed at the others. If Rupa was lucky, Gematria might be able to sneak a message to the others' earpieces while Rupa distracted their captors with pointless dialogue.

Hopefully, one of the other heroes shows up soon. Rupa heard Eva on her earpiece a minute or two ago when she responded to Wireframe's message, and she said that Jake (probably Blast? Rupa hadn't really asked the guy's name) and Stray were in the cellar. Wireframe should be nearby and hopefully would be able to get them out of whatever horrific situation Ada would probably lead them into. Or at least cause enough confusion that Rupa could try and destroy Ada's ring. Or her hand, either worked reall- no, preferably the ring.

Rupa kept her eyes on the other woman, waiting for Ada's response. She didn't really expect any answers to her questions, nor would they be especially useful if she got them - she was honestly just hoping it might trip the woman up, or she might slip a name or one of her benefactors. Realistically, she'd just lead them at gunpoint to some more secure part of the mansion so she could trap or kill them.

Whatever the case, it was better to dwell on that than on how this woman had managed to uncover Rupa's true identity. Or how many other people did the same.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Hitman
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Hitman Mori Quam Foedari

Member Seen 25 days ago

Peterson Estates
Passenger Island, Castleburg
Status: Infiltrating
Speaks to: Dahlia @baraquiel, Stray @rabidporcupine
On a mission with: Wireframe @Silver Carrot, Bastion @Infinite Cosmos, Dahlia @baraquiel, Gematria @Scarifar, Alchemist @Duoya, and apparently Stray @rabidporcupine

Apparently, Professor Gholem's kill-bots were rejected not because they were too dangerous, but perhaps because they were too safe. With great simplicity, Stray had dispatched several robots with his pre-prepared runes, and Dahlia several more with her blasts of acid. Blast, for his part, had very efficiently roundhouse-kicked the last remaining killbot into oblivion with a barrage of attacks so quick and vicious that it seemed almost comical. He stood over his downed electronic robot, before looking around the room that was filled with scraps and hunks of destroyed and acid-melted metal. Not too shabby for a day's work.

"Well, that's like, what, 75% of the mission taken care of? Badabing, badaboom," Jake said confidently, stretching his arms. "Why don't we look around for some type of computer? Gholem's whole villain thing is being, like, a massive nerd. He has to have some type of device around here that he does his nerd stuff on." Jake walked around the room, examining the tables, and fortunately, he was able to quickly find said “nerd stuff device,” a laptop sitting atop one of the workbenches in the room.

Jake looked at the two other people in the room- one of them was a longtime assassin, and the other was somebody that Jake had seen at HERO One struggle to figure out the basic uses of a cell phone- and made the executive decision to be the one to open the laptop. Luckily for him, Gholem clearly had not expected visitors and left the device unlocked. Not like it would’ve been particularly difficult to access the device in the right hands, but it did make it easier in the moment.

Jake was not exactly a computer whiz in any sense, but he did know how to open tabs, and the first tab that pulled up on the screen was disturbing. Particularly because what had just come up in his face…was his face. All of their faces. It was profiles of the heroes, including the people who were on this mission. Information about their lives, their powers, their capabilities, their records, everything.


Jake removed a device that had the shape and design of a thumb drive and slotted it into the side of the device. "ALISA, we got Dr. Robotnik’s laptop, and he has what looks like HERO files. Any ideas?"

”First, a possible security breach, and now this,” the disembodied female voice said exhaustedly, if it were possible for artificial intelligence to grow tired. ”I’ll forward everything to the Boss and to Wiseman, but he had to have had access to this information well in advance. We’re probably looking at a mole of some kind. Not good.”

"That…would be bad,” Jake said lamely, sneaking a glance at the two people in the room. He quickly decided that neither of them were the mole; otherwise, he probably would’ve been poisoned or origami’d to death. (Truth be told, Jake didn’t exactly know what Stray’s powers did.)

”An understatement, to say the least. We’ll figure this out. In the meanwhile, you should probably go help the rest of your team. They aren’t doing nearly so well as you are right now.”

"Can do.” Jake looked down at the unconscious Professor Gholem, before looking up at his two colleagues. "You guys should go find them. I’ll make sure to get Dr. Doom here into a place that he can’t crawl away from, and then I’ll catch up. Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a jiffy.”

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

"I’m glad we’re in agreement," the woman said with a sinister look on her face. "And for the record, I’m not going to entertain any movie-talk, or the usual reparte where you insist I won’t get away with it and I happily respond that I will. I’ve had enough of that already."

"Let’s run through the sequence of events here. You two will stay put in this office and wait. I already have somebody cutting the power to the room, so don’t think about any type of electrical trickery. Instead, I’m just going to walk outside and lock the door. And if any of your friends try to come, they’ll have to come up the stairs, which means they’ll run right into an attachment of invisible guards. And then, well…" Ada ran a finger over her neck. "One way in, right into the jaws of defeat. Oh, and of course, if I hear any commotion coming from this room…" She adjusted the ring on her finger. "You know what happens. Now, make yourself comfortable. Might be a little wait."

Ada walked out of the room, followed by the attachment of guards. The study doors shut behind them. One of the guards took his position outside the doorway to the study, the other three, as Ada had indicated, disappeared from sight, perhaps positioning themselves at the top of the grand staircase to catch any unsuspecting heroes off-guard.
However, Ada’s theory did have a couple major flaws in it. Namely, the fact that while the grand staircase was the only good entrance upstairs, it wasn’t the only one. The same air duct that Gematria had crawled in from was still perfectly wide open, and the study had multiple windows that, while quite high up in the air, were certainly still ways in and out of the room.

Outside Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant
Brookside, Castleburg
Being observed: Crane @Zoey Boey, Lab Rat @Silver Carrot, Blur Rabbit @DClassified, Ardent @manythings, Terraformer @shylarah, Freakshow @Crusader Lord, Mire @Blizz

Outside of the facility, though the Terrazards were now rabidly running back into the building and leaping suicidally into the flames in a vain attempt to extinguish the blaze, Menace was still battling furiously. Crane’s knee hammering into his stomach was certainly causing him what appeared to be a great deal of pain, but Menace had his own response. As the two were grappling with their arms, Crane had introduced her knee into the equation, but Menace had a different approach.

He brought his massive head directly into Crane’s chin, his slightly smaller stature being useful in that sense, as he uppercutted her using his tremendously thick skull. With that move, Menace hoped that he would be able to bring the larger woman-giant down pin her before going for the fatal kill. Whatever the result of his strike may be, though, it was interrupted by the fungus that was crawling up Menace’s leg and torso. This was confusing to the addled ape-like creature, who swung around, trying and failing to escape the grasp of the mycota, and leaving him perfectly open for a finishing strike.

¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤

Ardent may have been trying to find new ways to close the gap with Torch, but success was hard to come by in this department. Doc Holliday had tried a similar technique to keep the flying hero at bay, but Doc Holliday was an older man with two antiquated revolvers. Torch, on the other hand, seemed untouchable. As Ardent swooped towards him, looking to grab onto the hero, Torch once again dodged with cat-like reflexes, firing a few more homing fireballs at Ardent as he blasted past him.

"You’re going to have to do better than that, hero!" the maniacal villain called out, turning to face the flying man. "Face it, there’s-...what the?"

The room had suddenly cooled down significantly. The temperature inside what was previously a swlteringly-hot area (from the searing fires, obviously) was now only modestly stuffy, and more interesting, it was raining. Water was pouring down from the sky, trickling down onto Ardent and Torch’s head and puddling throughout the room, extinguishing the many fires with loud hisses and causing Torch to go into a full-on panic.

”How is this-" Torch vainly attempted to fire a few more fireballs, but his pyrokinetic attacks were stifled by the falling water, which had gone from a shower to a deluge of pouring water that filled the expansive facility almost knee high. Torch stumbled through the water, his fingers flickering with sparks, as he tried to muster up some of his powers, and then-


For Ardent, what happened next was quite jarring: in an instant, the sensation of cold water on his skin was replaced with the familiar searing heat of fire, and the vision of the flooded recycling plant was replaced with the reality of the rapidly-smoldering building. It was as if Ardent had fallen asleep for a moment and had a dream about Torch getting absolutely soaked in the moment. And speaking of Torch, he was no longer attacking or even laughing; rather, he was laying face-first on the ground, a large dart sticking out of the back of his neck.

Furthermore, there was a new sight in the room: the woman who had previously been watching them from the water tower. The ICOSA inspector was looking surprisingly menacing for somebody that probably spent most of her days filing reports: she was adorned in a platinum-black bodysuit that zipped all the way up her neck, her scoped rifle was slung over her back, and in her hand she was holding some type of pistol that, with appropriate context clues, appeared to have been the weapon that had fired the dart which was currently sticking out of Torch’s neck.

Mari holstered her sidearm as she looked over at Ardent. "Next time, you probably should’ve gotten closer to him underground. You know the ground is, at least, easily drillable, possibly hollow. If you came out right under him, would’ve been a lot quicker fight." She pursed her lips after she issued the critique; perhaps she had quickly realized that the inside of a burning building was neither the time or place for battle commentary.

"Well, good enough, I suppose,” she quipped, her vowels having a slightly unique tone that betrayed the fact that English was not her first language. "You should make yourself useful and try and carry him out of here. Better you than me."

Mari was alluding to the approximately full foot of height that Ardent had over the more diminutive ICOSA agent, which made all the more peculiar the fact that she was very nearly bossing him around after her belated arrival to the fight. Still, she had shown up after all. If only they would know how much it had hurt her to go against her orders.

HERO Three
East Flank, Castleburg
Nearby: Backup @Zoey Boey, Fallout @Aku the Samurai, Wiseman @Blizz

The device that Backup had stepped on crinkled easily as the heroine destroyed it. Apparently, whoever had built the device had not invested in its durability.

Another source of noise now made itself known on the roof, but this time, instead of coming from the hijacked television, it came from the helicopter. "Surprised to see more arrivals. Truth be told, I expected you to disable the device quicker, but your performance was adequate enough for me to entertain some more challenges." The taunting, distorted voice coming from the helicopter was replaced by what sounded like clicking of a keyboard. "Backup, correct? Interesting that you were the first one to make it onto the roof. Especially interesting that you're arbitrarily trapped with two far superior intellects, at least IQ-wise. It'll be interesting to see how you deal with this. Initiate Protocol 12J-3."

Above them, a small drones (this might've been how the voice was watching Backup from the roof) did a loop around the HERO Three rooftop before landing on a rooftop adjacent to the one that the heroes were climbing up, with a solid 20 or 30 foot gap between them. The drone had deposited some type of black box on the rooftop, and said black box began to deconstruct itself, shifting and moving like it had a mind of its own, until it had constructed itself into the form of what appeared to be a small turret.

Said turret then began to shoot at Backup, firing one round precisely every 5 seconds and following the heroine across the rooftop. It was extremely evident that whoever was responsible for this hacking attack on HERO Three was messing with Backup; well, messing with all of them. Whether or not this was purely to buy time, or collect data, or just have some good old deranged villain fun was unknown. Perhaps it was a combination of all three.

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Blizz Grand Chancellor Supreme of the Wizard Council

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Backup had the same idea as him. That wasn’t a surprise, and it made this easier. She had gone ahead and taken a fight to the thugs at the roof, which Wiseman elected to use to his advantage. He scaled the building slowly on purpose, letting Backup soften them into easier beatdowns, before finally hopping up behind the helicopter and drawing his Stasis Blaster. All of them were on Backup, meaning absolutely none of them noticed as the other hero aimed a rifle at their bodies to stun them. Freezing bolts of energy went flying out from behind the helicopter, putting the battered henchmen out of the fight.

And then, just for good measure, Wiseman dropped a few shots into the hammer to scramble its internals. The metal exterior crackled and popped as ice formed over it, breaking up whatever was underneath.

”When we are finished with them, I’ll take the hammer to pieces and find whoever had a hand in this,” Wiseman said aloud, once the fighting stopped. ”Don’t damage it further. It should stop functioning any second no-“

He was cut short as a drone flew overhead and descended on a nearby building. It had some sort of structure it was carrying, which reshaped into a floor-mounted turret remarkably fast. It moved and fired slowly, but only at Backup. Foolish.

Wiseman raised his rifle and fired a shot into the barrel of its weapon first, to weaken it and cause structural damage. A second shot was quickly fired into the base of the turret, where its head met its body, to damage internal components. The Stasis Blaster was a freeze ray, and machines that large which had moving parts didn’t do so well when exposed to biting temperatures. Metal shrunk in on itself, water condensed and seeped into circuity, and cracked could form in materials unable to flex. Electrical capacitors lost their energy as well, and that was why this weapon worked so well against machines.

”We need to reestablish communication with the others. This attack was coordinated by someone clever, they knew we’d be divided today.”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

October 10th, 2029.
Peterson Estates
Passenger Island, Castleburg
On a mission with: Alchemist @Duoya, Blast @Hitman, Gematria @Scarifar, Bastion @Infinite Cosmos, Dahlia @baraquiel

Madison saw Gematria's message pop up on her Hero watch. So, she was right to hide. Ada had been the one pulling the strings behind her husband's back. Toreador had been right. No wonder the trail led to this household. They were banking on HERO assuming Peterson's guilt. Did their assumptions factor in that HERO members wouldn't be talking to any Junkers? At the end of the day, a Superhero is a Superhero. We are all allies of justice. It's only natural that we'd be working together.

Through the cupboard door, Madison could still hear Ada's voice but not what she was saying. She eventually heard footsteps, so peered out of the keyhole. She saw Ada walk past the staircase accompanied by three guards, who turned invisible once they reached the top of the stairs. They had looked like they were beginning to turn, so hopefully they'd headed downstairs. She looked back over to the study. There was a guard there. One that she could see. She looked down. The floor of the hallway was carpet, but the floor in the cupboard was wood. Which meant there had to be a spot where they joined. She crouched down and pried the metal edging up, just wide enough for a single strand of cable to fit, then turned her pinky toe into wire and fed it undernearth the carpet. She stuck to the edges of the wall as she unspooled more and more of herself underneathe the carpet, past the guard and up and around the doorway. She sacrificed her entire left arm to give herself enough wire. Once enough wire was gathered at the safe doorway, she gently opened the cupboard door and let it swing out just enough to be noticeable, and to make sure that the guard was facing away from the study door and was about to investigate. She reformed her left hand over there with the spare wire and suddenly grabbed the guard's mouth fron behind. She wasted no time in wrapping more wire around his neck. Performing a nonlethal blood choke was one of the basics of the Academy's hand-to-hand class, and Madison had gone through a lot of private practice to get it right, otherwise lacking talent or prior experience unlike the other students at the time.

Once he was unconscious and stopped struggling, she quickly let go and lowered him gently to the floor. She then snuck out of the cupboard, to the study door, and unlocked it from the outside while retracting the wire and reforming her left arm back where it should be. She peered in with a finger to her lips, and an inquisitive thumbs up as if to ask 'is everybody okay?'

October 10th, 2029.
Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant
Brookside, Castleburg
On a mission with: Mire @Blizz, Crane @Zoey Boey, Blur Rabbit @DClassified, Ardent @manythings, Terraformer @shylarah, Freakshow @Crusader Lord

Lab Rat's reflexes may not have been quite as fast as the juiced-up Torch, seeing as how effortlessly he managed to register her attack and then then comfortably dodge. Still, he wasn't the only one who's physical strength and speed were the result of a chemical injection. His was just more state-of-the-art, and he wasn't used to it yet nor could he control it. Lab Rat, however, had over a decade of experience. She hopped back the moment her feet could find purchase on the floor and avoided getting burned by the fire. The intense heat was still, however, disorienting to her enhanced senses, and she wasn't going to dodge a second time as easily now her equilibrium was unbalanced. She was very lucky that he'd lost interest in her before attempting a follow up.

Luckily, Freakshow came to the rescue, and grabbed Lab Rat in one of her arms. Lab Rat followed Freakshow'sadvice and tucked herself small. Almost unnaturally small given that she didn't have any shapeshifting abilities of her own. Well, she wasn't called a rat for nothing. She could see that Freakshow already had the remote, and that she'd already commanded the Terrazards to return to the plant. That was most everything wrapped up, except for that hole. It didn't look like there were any doors on it. Lab Rat would have liked more time to investigate but the plant was now on fire. Bringing the whole plant down on top of the hole might be the safer option after all. Even if that many Terrazards were acting natutally, people near the docks would still be in danger.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 6 hrs ago


Outside Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant

Crane had landed the first knee, but in grabbing its shoulders and pushing to keep it from tackling her or pushing her, she had neglected the option of it just using his head like a hammer. Crane’s head jerked upward, her eyes squeezing shut as she grit her teeth. ”Uuk”! She grunted. She released Menace and stumbled backwards before converting it into a backpedal to resecure her footing. Raising her hands to defend herself, she saw Menace distracted by Mire.

”Hmph!” She took a step forward, bounced on her back heel, and catapulted her fist forward with the mother of all haymakers. There was a burst of air to the knockout punch. One could feel the impact in their chest. As Menace collapsed, Crane shook out her wrist. Her stern face softened as she looked to the fungi.

”Thank you, Mire! I will bring you trees to eat.” She said, having the gift idea on the spot. Hopefully Mire liked the idea. She turned her attention to the burning building briefly. But she had to swat the lizards off her. And to be honest, she wasn’t eager to throw her weight and strength around such a weakened building and potentially make things much worse.


Hero Three

Backup peered up at the drone. Despite having easily endured a supernova of smarminess from the ICOSA rep, a little comment about her adequate performance was much more effective at getting under her skin. It was one thing to call her a troublemaker or to threaten her or bla bla bla, but to criticize her from on high?

”Bet you’re sitting real pretty in some air conditioned basement, huh? When I get there we’ll see how adequate you are at countin’ your fuckin’ teeth!” She yelled up.

Backup had enough hero experience to know when to get into cover. And seeing a mysterious object begin to construct itself on an opposing rooftop with one of the pieces being a long barrel…was one of those times. Backup hit the deck, trying to use both the raised lip of the roof and the helicopter as cover. It shot at her…once. It got off another singular shot before Wiseman took it down.

Challenges. Recording times. Making it shoot that slow wasn’t foolish, it was a test. ”They’re just fucking with us, Frankincense.” She said to Wiseman.

”Heroes are always divided, we don’t just hang out like barnacles under a fuckin’ boat. They don’t seem so clever to me.” She gestured around at the defeated goons and the broken equipment. Speaking of which, she picked up one of the broken guns. In a few swift motions she ejected the bullet in the chamber and dropped the magazine onto the floor. Then she grabbed it by the barrel and sent it spinning towards the drone in the air with surprising power and accuracy. ”Hoof!”

Backup pointed at the drone, were it likely still flying around. ”You wanna shoot that thing down or what?” With that she jogged over to the edge of the roof and looked down onto the streets below. On the lookout for more assassins, or signs of any inside the building.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Crusader Lord
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Crusader Lord A professional, anxiety-riddled, part-time worker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


The Terrazards were rushing in to bring the literal 'house' down, even as the bulky monstrosity of Freakshow barreled out of the building with a serious haste. Ardent had taken the heat, perhaps both literally and metaphorically speaking, from the amped-up Torch inside of the building....and she wasn't going to let it go to waste for the time being either. Evacuating the twins, and ultimately Lab Rat it seemed, in the nick of time was certainly a thing many might call 'heroic'. To her? To her it was just the practical thing to do to get the others out of there and rush them to safety, while also doing something or anything to try to bring down the flaming building before things got worse and maybe taking out Torch along the way. Or, well, hopefully not taking out Ardent in the process. Actually, that was a good point there-

"Ok kids, fun time's over! Time to get off the big ol' fleshy horror ride! Please just hold tight, or maybe not try to kill each other, or somethin'."

As she moved out into the open, and got properly clear of the building in her flight, Luna would gingerly deposit both of the twins as well as Lab Rat on the ground together. Though as she finished speaking, her tone went from an almost whimsical theme-park-ride tone to something more akin to an exasperated mother trying to juggle three kids in her arms while the other two were almost burning down the house. Almost. Maybe. Hopefully just an 'almost', though just in case the fleshy monstrosity kept the Terrazard command device concealed fully inside of her flesh alongside that other head that had been talking into it. Better to keep a handy tool on-hand and hidden from sight in case she-...oh. Ok. Yeah, that was better than she'd thought it was going to be.

Noticing the ongoing drenching of the now-just-smoldering building that was still being torn to shreds by her Terrazard Demolition Team, it also stood to reason that she'd at least notice the nearby kaiju fight going on as well. Or, well, two kaijus and an angry bunch of mushrooms trying to figure out how this was going to end until one hell of a haymaker took the giant monkey out finally. Things were going down fast though, weren't they? In part it made her glad, though otherwise it made her want to simply sigh at the hectic nature of it all. But that was a fight for ya, it could be fast and it could be slightly less fast depending on what was going on. Not unlike a bunch of suicidal morons on a bridge trying to hold it like they're the Greeks at Thermopylae.

"Terrazards, keep tearing down the building to the ground, and once done with that return to the open field here and line up in two neat blocks and wait at attention."

The head hidden inside of her body spoke into the command device again, even as her external heads kept an eye on things around her to make sure it all went down well enough at least while she stood next to the trio of bodies she'd gently put on the safe ground outside what was now right next to her. That giant hole inside of the building was certainly something to take note of as well, thinking back, but the Zards' had been pouring out of it like water from a busted dam earlier. Like someone had a breeding project going on down there, or had been cloning them or something. Went deeper than this stupid moron Torch and his attempt to make a goon squad for sure....how much deeper she didn't know, but to recruit a moron and draw them in with a proxy to take the fall that used a name like the 'Azure Skulls' it had to be something perhaps. Not to mention they'd lost sight of a convenient little super-smart tinkerer in more recent memory to boot, at least before ICOSA had arrived.


Following her gut instincts, Luna would inside of her own body begin fashioning a neat little thing in secret. Do her best to match the density, weight, exact dimensions, and size of the Leftovers Control Device using good old bone and such hard materials she could generate. She did have the real thing, after all, and she could engineer a nice, smooth replica 'just in case' after all. Just in case something or someone tried to pry it from her by force and held her peers hostage or something stupid like that. Or, well, if Magician tried to get it. She really didn't like that guy, or trsut him as much, though speaking about the matter of ICOSA....as for Ms. "Chimera" Perez? Heh. Well she could see the smaller woman wasn't on her perch, and that building just got a nice new water bath to help the situation. Didn't take too much to at least assume the woman had done something as things had gone to hell in a heartbeat, and the monster of a heroine felt more respect for that personally over someone just willing to sit back and risk innocent lives over this sort of thing.

"Hey Crane and Grumpy Shrooms, you two doin' ok?"

One of the extra heads would shout rather loud to the other two heroes, wanting to know if they were doing ok despite the victory. However, Mire was getting a new nickname for a breif moment even if they hated it. Also it wasn't tehcnically wrong, Luna felt, since Mire was a grumpy bunch of fungal matter with sapience and a personality of their own. But hey what was a bad situation for if not badly-timed teasing at teammates as thanks for a job pretty well-done in beating up a giant monkey? Eh? Eh? Well, overall perhaps it was a job maybe not nessecarily done yet anyways. It depended on how they proceeded from here really, and she wasn't going to make assumptions until the fat lady sang her heart out. But in the meantime-

"Hey Rat, er, Lab Rat. Could you keep an eye on these two knuckleheads for a sec? Specially' the one ready for some maple syrup here after gettin' pancaked, he'll need some doctorin' to get him back on his feet for sure. Don't have to worry bout' the nearby Zards', though, I've got em' handled for now.

Meanwhile I'm going to check in on Ardent and stuff inside real fast, and see if Ms. Perez decided to make her debut on the Brookside scene....also if that stupid hole is still open for now too. Somethin' about all of this smells a bit too fishy about this whole scenario and its timing from here, and I don't think its the trash in the burnin' building either."

With that, the monstrosity would make her way quickly back toward the burning building to catch up with her hopefully-alive teammate, maybe even to get him and Torch out of there if she had to help take down the murderous dolt. Secreting more of the fire-resistant mucus substance over herself, then, Freakshow would plunge into the smoldering building again in an attempt to locate the others. Yet while she braced herself for a potential battle, at the same time she hoped there wouldn't have to be one. Ardent was a tough guy, but he also wasn't immortal...none of them were for that matter.

@Blizz@ManyThings@Silver Carrot@shylarah@Hitman@DClassified@Zoey Boey
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by ManyThings
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Inside Flaming Municipal Recycling Plant, Brookside

Once Ardent learned of the homing function of his enemy's fireballs, avoiding them wasn't so much trouble. He let the flames crash against wrecked furniture and pieces of recycling equipment around the plant as he aimed to maneuver closer to Torch. It wasn't going to be easy, or so it seemed.

Briefly taken into some sort of illusory world by Marisol's power, Ardent took a moment to parse the confusing chain of events as the blistering heat soon returned to the room. The fight was over. Was the fire fake? No, it was the water that had been fake, to confuse Torch, and Ardent himself had also been caught by that hallucination for some reason. It was good to see their government oversight finally taking action, but she then immediately decided it would be a good time to offer a critique of his moves.

"Who asked you?" Ardent bristled. Had she only gotten involved because she thought he was actually going to lose?

"You should make yourself useful and try and carry him out of here. Better you than me."

"Ohh, oops. I was totally planning to leave this guy here in the fire, because I'm either evil or an idiot. But come to think of it, you're right. Lemme get on that."

Nothing was worse than being told to do something you were already about to do. Ardent made his indignation known and tried to needle the agent a little, but the flames were getting pretty thick, even without Torch adding any more onto them. Time to go.

Ardent picked up the unconscious villain and slung him over one shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Then, he affixed a small, oblong device to his own mouth. His compact rebreather. State-of-the-art tech, by the standards of a vigilante, at least. With that done, he extended his free hand to Mari, offering the chance to catch a flight out with him as well. It seemed she didn't have much trouble coming and going from this place, but he wasn't going to turn his back on her without quickly making the offer.

Whether he was carrying one person or two, he took to the air, flying well above the flames. Up there, the worst problem might have been smoke inhalation, but Ardent's rebreather saved him from that issue, and his passenger's gas mask presumably did the same.

As he flew, Ardent passed above Freakshow, who seemed to be making her way back inside the building. Moving alongside her were Terrazards, ignoring her in favour of doing even more damage to the burning building. He slowed down overhead, putting himself in view of the transformed hero just to make sure she didn't think he or Torch were stuck burning to death in the depths of the plant. He offered a nod, a thumbs-up. As far as he knew, this side of the crisis was handled. Hopefully she could grasp that much.

Moments later, a fresh hole was blasted through the wall, and Ardent emerged into the sun with his cargo. The hero's face and hair were slightly marred by soot, and the green jacket around his waist was little more than a pair of sleeves, but he was basically unharmed. He plopped Torch onto the grass, beside Lab Rat and the twins. Leaning down, he pulled the tranquilizer dart out of the villain's skin and then yanked the stupid mask off of Torch's face. This annoying dickhead wasn't much of a looker, Ardent was guessing.

Then, pulling the rebreather off his face, Ardent surveyed the scene. The Terrazards were under their control, the villains were all captured, and no hero was hurt. On the other hand, they couldn't completely relax, since one of the twins was quite badly injured and there was still an inferno raging at the plant. These were issues, but not high-priority ones in Ardent's mind. They could afford to take a practical approach.

He wiped soot from his face with his forearm and took out his phone, the screen only slightly warped from the heat.

"Okay. I'm calling 9-1-1."

If there was a special line for heroes to call when they needed things cleaned up, the former vigilante didn't know anything about that. For him, this was the usual move in the aftermath of a destructive fight, with an injured villain on the scene.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by shylarah
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[ Jareth ]

Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant

Jareth sighed in relief as Blur Rabbit heard his call and came down to help thin the hoard that was attacking his position in the earthworks. The other hero was just a blur of movement as he worked. "Thanks man," Jareth called. But then the remaining terrazards turned around and started charging the factory. Luna was now outside the factory, and didn't seem distressed by the approaching 'zards, so he could only assume that the matter was under control.

His assumption was backed up as the terrazards ignored Luna and her passengers, and went straight for the burning building, clawing at the rapidly-crumbling walls.

[ Amuné ]

en route to Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant

Amuné wasn't surprised when her powers registered danger to Madison. Wireframe was on a mission -- it made sense she'd encounter danger in some form. Of course that probably meant that the party crew hadn't managed to keep things as quiet as they would have liked, but it wasn't Amuné's mission, so she set that aside.

A ping of anxiety tied to Austin, however, was completely unexpected. "Wiseman? Come in, Wiseman." Nothing. She almost turned the car around, but she was nearly at her destination. It would be foolish to go back across town to help when she'd probably arrive too late to do anything. Besides, Austin was capable -- and the Fixeon crew had requested help. She had to focus on her chosen mission.

She pulled into the plant, parking next to the two black HERO vehicles. She'd put on a tactical vest before departing Hero Three, and now she grabbed her carbine from the passenger seat. "Fixeon group, this is Oracle. I've arrived. Sitrep, please." It wasn't hard to see that the plant was on fire. What had happened here?
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Blizz
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Unlike Wiseman’s dumb motherfucker of a writer, the hero himself knew what Backup was getting at by calling him “Frankincense.” One more people deluded into thinking he was a mage, apparently.

”They would not go to this much trouble if there was no ulterior motive here. I was trapped in the room with the doctor, they knew to isolate me. But their plan was flawed.” Of course he knew the point wasn’t to take them out. After all, this attack would escalate if someone died.

They were being harassed just enough to stay engaged without retreating or winning easily. ”This is a distraction.” He wheeled around and blasted the flying drone out of the sky, sending it down into the street below in a frosty ball of vapor. He kept an eye out for anything sneaking up on them.

”Our options are to regroup with the others, or press the advantage we have to look for their reinforcements. It is most likely Gholem, but we don’t know yet.” Wiseman had a feeling he knew which one Backup preferred, but he thought he’d outline it regardless.

”What do you think?”

The whole god damn building was starting to cave into the fire. By now, there was no hope of saving it. But maybe something would be rebuilt here, out of the ashes. Humans were tenacious animals, they lived long enough as a whole to know when someone should be cut away as rot from a tree. Mire caught a ride along the gigantic flesh dragon that Freakshow had become, and elected to retreat that way.

"They will die and return to the earth. Nothing in that pit of stone should be mourned" the fungal abomination said. "One day, you humans will return here and build something over the bones of these creatures, and they'll feed what grows in place of this "plant." Nothing was lost today, only changed."

They were a cryptic, unknowable creature, but Mire had lived for centuries. They knew the cycle of life on the same foundational level that humans understood breathing and hunger. Perhaps the fire would spread, or pollute the air with what was used to build the plant. Perhaps someone would come looking and fall into the pit, never to be seen again. But death was just a turning of the page in the grand scheme of the earth. Millions of years ago, mountains were killed and rotted away into what humans called soil, and yet flowers bloomed all the same.

"Now let's leave this place, I've killed enough of them for one day."
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Joseph was about to object to the idea, preferring not to leave Blast on his own. As easily as Gholem had seemed to go down, there was still a chance that the mad scientist had more up his sleeve. No, it was especially because of how easily he seemed to go down, actually. It felt too easy, and in Joseph's experience, that usually meant it probably was.

However, before he could say anything out loud, he got a message on his watch, his face going even paler than usual as he read it.

Megumi and Rupa's situation had deteriorated, apparently. He'd thought they'd be ok without him, considering the only threat he'd been shown during his interview was Rupa being held at gunpoint, something he'd assumed she'd be able to deal with fairly easily with her powerset. But now Megumi was saying it had devolved into a hostage situation of some sort, leaving them unable to act on their own.

"... I'll go on my own. Dahlia, you should stay with Blast for now. The way we beat Gholem felt too easy, and there's a chance he might have activated more than just these machines, or still had contingency plans prepared in case something like this happened. Even you'll have trouble dodging a bullet if you don't see it coming, better to have someone else to watch your back, just in case."

As he spoke, he pulled off his suit jacket and chucked it to Eva.

"Take this, just in case. The enchantments are running low on energy after that last fight, but it should be able to block at least twenty to thirty more bullets. That's only a 'should' though, not an 'is'. Don't rely on it for anything other than keeping you alive for more than one or two shots while you get to cover."

Finally, he pulled out another paper tag with a new runic array on it, activating it and handing it to them.

"Call me with this if something happens. I'll come running as soon as I know Gematria and Alchemist are ok."

And then he turned back and ran towards the door, pulling a pair of tags from his pocket and throwing them at the hinges.


At first, it seemed his incantation did nothing, the tags themselves simply sticking to the hinges and glowing for a moment. That all changed however when he actually reached it, the hinges tearing like foil as he pushed the door out of its frame without stopping.

"Al, can you take care of telling me where to go? I'm gonna try to contact Gematria." He asked the AI in his watch, before sending a quick reply to Megumi as he ran. "Safe to talk or being watched?"

Finally, he took one last protective measure. Taking off the pair of round, dark glasses he'd used to keep up his blind facade, he pushed them into the pocked of his shirt and waved his hands upwards from the sides of his neck towards his head, as if putting on an imaginary hood. The gesture was accompanied by another incantation, and a series of bandages rose from the collar off his shirt to coil around his head, wrapping around it completely, only leaving a few random locks of hair sticking out from certain points. Their positioning was in no way random however, as a second incantation caused three eye-like arrays identical to the ones on his tags to light up on the front, each written across multiple bandages and yet still remaining perfectly aligned.

Sure, it wasn't exactly going to be 'blending in' with the other guests, but that didn't really matter anymore far as he was concerned. Their presence there was already well and truly exposed, so at this point, he wasn't going to worry about anything other than getting everyone else out alive.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Scarifar
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Gematria crossed her arms and scoffed at Ada's response. Engaging in "movie-talk" was part of the fun of the hero-villain dynamic, and Ada was trampling all over it. "What's even the point then..." Gematria muttered to herself, kicking the ground absentmindedly. As Ada left, Gematria worried about Peterson's life. She had already figured out at least 3 different ways to escape the room she was in, but that would mean abandoning Peterson and Alchemist to their fate, and she wasn't going to do that. So there was little she could do but wait for the others to rescue them, and unfortunately, Ada would be expecting that to happen.

As Gematria was deliberating, a message popped up in her notifications. Opening it up, she could see that Stray had sent her a message. At first, she was elated. Her hero had come running to her rescue once again! Then confusion set in as she wondered what he was doing here. As far as he knew, he wasn't assigned to this mission. But she eventually dismissed that train of thought, not wanting to look a gift horse in the mouth. She mentally typed a message, Safe. Ada and goons left, but still trapped. Status?, and sent the reply back to Stray. Gematria knew that help was inevitably going to come, but it was still good to confirm it with her own eyes.

Speaking of which, a particular individual had also managed to sneak her way in. Gematria was surprised to see Madison making her way in already, not expecting help to arrive so quickly. Gematria flashed her own thumbs up at her and made a cheerful expression on her face plate. If things were going this smoothly, everything might turn out a-ok after all.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Ada didn't seem to really care about any provocations the two heroes made - she simply stated that they would not be leaving the study if they wanted Mr. Peterson in one piece, and that any reinforcements would be gunned down by invisible guards.

It was a little surprising - usually in the movies the villain transported the captured heroes to their lair, monologued a bit about their evil plan, and then activated a laser or slowly dipped them into a tank of sharks. Not just leave them in the room they got caught. Kinda took the fun out of things...

On the plus side, it was probably a good thing. The villains would have killed them if they could do it, not use a hostage and leave them on their own. They almost certainly had some supers, but were probably outnumbered or outpowered.

As soon as Ada left, Rupa breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn, that lady is way less hot when she's threatening our lives..."

There was no guarantee that one of the guards didn't just stay in the room considering they could become invisible, but just the fact that Rupa couldn't see anyone was enough to let her relax a little. The situation was pretty fucked. They would have to leave stealthily to avoid Ada's attention, and even if they did manage to get out, there was almost certainly a guard that would check in on them occasionally and notice they were missing.

There were options though - sneaking out the window was the most obvious, but if heist movies taught Rupa anything, it was that air vents were surprisingly large and can take you anywhere you wanted to go. Hell, she could probably tear a hole through the floor or ceiling if she really wanted to...

"What we thinking? Leaving could put Peterson at risk, but-"

Before Rupa could finish speaking, the sound of grunting and struggling could be heard behind the door. Seconds later, it fell silent and the door slowly opened, with Wireframe poking her head in to look at the pair.

"Jesus th- Jesus, that was fast!"

Rupa cut herself off mid sentence, dropping to a whisper when she noticed that Wireframe was trying to keep silent. She kept the whisper, relying on the earpiece to communicate more quietly.

"Thanks for the save. Ada's got a kill switch in her ring for Mr. Peterson - says she'll take him out if we leave."

As she spoke, Rupa was grabbing the burgers and tray resting on the desk, transmuting them into steel cable. The thought of tying up Mr. Peterson crossed her mind, in case Ada or whoever else was controlling him decided to do it again, but she was more likely to just kill him than use him like that again. The cable was more for escaping through the window, or if they didn't go that route, for restraining any guards they take down.

"You see where she was headed when she left? Or Gematria, can you hack into the cameras or something with Peterson's laptop?"
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by Silver Carrot
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October 10th, 2029.
Peterson Estates
Passenger Island, Castleburg
On a mission with: Alchemist @Duoya, Blast @Hitman, Gematria @Scarifar, Bastion @Infinite Cosmos, Dahlia @baraquiel

Ada having a killswitch in her ring was not welcome news. Madison had to think. To save Peterson's life, they would have to knock out or restrain Ada before she'd notice, or figure out how the killswitch worked and remove the device from Peterson's body. They didn't have the luxury of time to figure out the latter so taking out Ada seemed to be their best bet. Escaping was the last thing they should be focusing on as Heroes, especially when an innocent man's life was hanging in the balance.

She turned back and dragged the unconscious guard into the room, before gently closing the door and flipping the guard onto his stomach and using the steel cable Alchemist had just made to tie his wrists, ankles and mouth. She whispered out loud as she did.

"Ada walked from here past the stairs. That's all I know. I didn't hear any doors opening or closing so she must have walked round the corner. The rest of the guards turned invisible but I think they're guarding the staircase in case we get any backup. If anybody's contacted you already, warn them. Gematria, have you already downloaded all the information on that PC? We'll need it to make any charges stick on Ada. If not, please make that your priority as well as accessing the cameras. We'll try to find out where Ada is before planning our sneak attack."

October 10th, 2029.
Fixeon Municipal Recycling Plant
Brookside, Castleburg
On a mission with: Mire @Blizz, Crane @Zoey Boey, Blur Rabbit @DClassified, Ardent @manythings, Terraformer @shylarah, Freakshow @Crusader Lord

Lab Rat uncurled herself once her feet touched down on the ground. and looked over to the twins. One of them was in rouch shape, and his brother looked distraught with concern. Lab Rat lifted her goggles and began checking over his body, muttering as she did so. "Okay, mhmm, alright. Breathing is fine. Doesn't look like there's anything obviously immediately life threatening. At least two broken ribs, definite concussion, a lot of light wounds but nothing that might cause bleeding out...He's going to need medical treatment but he'll be okay."

She looked up at the other twin and gave him a very awkward, sheepish, "reassuring" smile as she retrieved some antiseptic dressing from one of her belt pouches and pressed down on one of the heavier wounds to reduce bleeding. She looked back up at the twin. "Can you hold this here, please?" she asked, before turning around to look back at the building. The Twin would see that the back of Lab Rat's head was bleeding. Her mousey brown hair was matted red around the area where the awake twin's own clone had struck her with a crowbar. And here she was helping his brother like the two of them weren't enemies one minute ago.

Ardent laid Torch beside her, and pulled out a tranquiliser dart. Lab Rat wanted a blood sample of Torch while the serum was still in his bloodstream but the only needle she had was the one with traces of the pure serum and she didn't want to sacrifice that. Note to self for next time; pack spare needles for blood samples.

Ardent rang the emergency services. Not a bad call. It wasn't strictly HERO's responsibility to see this issue right to the end and fill out all the paperwork. She also watched another HERO vehichle pull up, before a voice came through on her watch. Lab Rat spoke back into it.

"Oracle, this is Lab Rat. All villains subdued. One injured and in need of medical assistance. The plant is on fire and the Terrazards have been ordered to return to it. There's a hole inside the plant that I'm assuming leads to a Terrazard nest."
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