Avatar of shylarah


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8 mos ago
Current The way some people spell makes me wonder about their pronunciation.
6 yrs ago
They say it's about the journey, not the destination. This is true of many things. Pizza delivery is not one of them.
7 yrs ago
TFW you know what you want to happen but the words aren't cooperating. Why is plot suddenly so much harder to write?
7 yrs ago
You can't fix a blank page ~ Neil Gaiman
7 yrs ago
Neil Gaiman on Friday. Neil Gaiman on Friday. NeilGaimanonFriday NEilGaimanonFridaYNEILGAIMANONFRIDAY NEILGAIMANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH


I am an adult, though I don't usually act like it. I'm a voracious reader, and not overly picky about books. I am artistic in a variety of areas, including music, drawing, writing, and sculpting. I have a minor obsession with dragons, and love the color violet. Fantasy is my preferred genre, be it past, future, urban...as long as it has a fantasy flavor to it. I also like scifi, mystery, and some horror. I am crazy, and I like tormenting my characters. But I don't bite...much. ^.~

Color Sergeant in Bot Killer Squad

Most Recent Posts

@Eviledd1984 We need a reason for these guys to stick together after finishing the dungeon. right now, we don't have a good reason to stay a party. Other than that, I think things are good. ^.^
Welcome to the guild! I love your username.
[ Elian ]

at a dungeon in Ocren

"Why you dirty little rat," Elian cried, as the jester cut down Howitzer and Uriel in quick succession. "You got what you wanted, and now you're doing this just for fun." She continued insulting him until he killed her too, and that didn't take long.

Ocren's capital city

Elian was hopping mad when she reappeared in Ocren's capital along with the others, but her rage soon passed. Still, she agreed with Claudia. "Oh, we should definitely report him. He didn't even keep his word, the dirty bastard. He's a liar, a cheat, a hacker, and a griefer. Someone needs to do something about him, and it looks like that has to be someone with authority. He blocked our reports, and knew the real names attached to our accounts...I don't think this is something the player community can deal with. I've heard stories of him wiping out entire raids." She paused, then gave the group a grin. "After we're done with talking to the admins, though, wanna run the dungeon again? I don't mind at all, and that way Goibniu here can get a look at that artifact like he wanted to."

Yeah, I have ChaosX. I'm Elian over there too. Why?
ah, so the guy is a cheat, a bully, and a liar too! good to know. ^.^
[ Elian ]

at a dungeon in Ocren

Elian made a face as the jester used her real name. "Oh, not just a bully but a cheat as well. Can you get any lower?" she exclaimed, sending a GM report herself with a wave of a fan through her menus. "Honestly, you could have run the dungeon yourself. If it's so important, and you're so experienced, that would surely have been an easy task. But nooo, you want to bother players who are just here to have fun. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. I'm with Rath, here. He's a cheat -- there's no point in fighting this fucking chucklenugget. Let's just wait for the dungeon to reset, and run it again. Honestly, it wasn't so bad -- we can do it again, no problem." She started after Rath, glaring over her shoulder at the jester. "Congratulations! You win. Shove the artifact up your fucking ass, you shitfaced cheat."

Now that she knew the jester was a hacker as well, Elian had given up the idea of fighting him. Even if they won, which was unlikely, it just wasn't worth the hassle. She'd reported him, though from what she remembered of the discussion in-game and on the forums that might not do any good. That was the limit of what she could do.
@Vietmyke *poke poke* It's your post.
@Eviledd1984 Do please take care of yourself!
[ Jareth ]

hills beyond North Brigold

Jareth followed the trail of destruction up the hill. He'd left the crowd of victims, heroes, and first responders far behind. Off to the sides there were cars, their route cut off by the landslide. Wiseman gave him an update, and Jareth acknowledged it. "I'm gonna do what I can to stabilize things," he said.

As he travelled to the coordinates Wiseman had given him, Jareth noted a pipe spewing dirty water that would need to be dealt with to prevent further disaster. He relayed its location to Amuné, trusting her to tell the first responders about it. For the time being, all he could do was compact the ground underneath it, so the water would take longer to cause another collapse. But the water pipe had been torn open by the landslide -- it wasn't the cause.

The trail of damage narrowed as he followed it up the hill, which was rather odd. Yes, landslides did gather power as they went, but normally they didn't start so small. And in the clearing just beyond the source of destruction was a tent and a few items. Jareth immediately contacted Alisa. "Alisa, let the others know. This was not a natural disaster. Someone caused it, though whether deliberately or accidentally I'm not sure. They don't seem to be around right now, so I'm going to investigate what they left behind."

The first thing he checked was the tent, to see if anyone was inside. But whoever had stayed there was long gone. Next Jareth looked at the map, to see if there were plans drawn on it, or places marked. Those would indicate possible locations, as well as tell if this was a premediated act. He looked around as well for footprints, but there didn't seem to be any. The grass in the clearing was too thick for him to tell where the culprit had stepped.

[ Amuné ]

North Brigold

Amuné did what she could to help the rescue teams and the paramedics, though it felt like precious little. Her powers would warn her if there was to be another collapse, she was pretty sure, since she would be in its path. One of the first things she'd tried was touching the dirt of the landslide, but she'd Seen nothing of interest. Since Joseph had the life-seeking coins leading rescuers to victims, there wasn't much more she could do to help in terms of finding people. She relayed Jareth's message about the water pipe, as well as its coordinates, to one of the firemen present, who said they'd take care of getting that line shut off until it could be repaired.

The next alert Jareth sent was a surprise. Who the hell would do something like this? Amuné could only hope it had been an accident. Combine that with the one youth who claimed there had been an explosion, and it sounded like someone with powers had caused the mess. She went over to a police officer and relayed these details. She didn't bother telling Jareth to bring her something back to use for scrying -- he knew the drill as well as she did.
Please excuse the profanity. Elian is hopping mad.
[ Elian ]

at a dungeon in Ocren

Working together, the party took the boss down. Elian cheered when it fell, especially since she heard a musical flourish and her HUD displayed an alert saying she'd levelled. A lot of the ceiling had fallen, letting light into the room, and illuminating their surroundings. After a quick heal to top everyone's HP off, it was time for looting.

Unfortunately, the little group wasn't alone. A player in a jester's outfit came forward, complimenting and criticizing their performance by turns. Elian was quick to recognize him as the infamous player killer that people were talking about as of late, and when she did, her elation at their boss kill turned to disgust. "Oh hell no. You think you can watch the fight, make a few snide remarks, and then waltz off with our trophy? Go jump in a lake, you fucking bully, and wear concrete shoes while you're at it. Christ on a cracker, hasn't your boss ever heard of playing the fucking game? And you -- I've heard of you. You're a no-good bully who thinks he's all that because he can make players cry. I got news for you, you belligerent twatwaffle. If your real life is so sad and pathetic that you get off on hurting others, you really are the fucking scum of the earth."
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