Avatar of Sigil


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7 yrs ago
Current Malfunctioning Space Toilet (favorite death post in RPG) : roleplayerguild.com/posts/4…
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Example of a "Character Flaw": roleplayerguild.com/posts/32..
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Just caught the Star Trek reference in your Extras. Wow, I must need more coffee. Okay, that out of the way: Looks good. Numbers crunch just the way they should. Hell, throw them in a bowl and serve them with a sliced banana, 'cause they probably stay crunchy in milk. So... Kosara is approved. Transfer this CS over to the CS Tab, and to make it official - Welcome to Avonshire. It's good having another Seraphim Immortals member in the RP.

NOW, Tiefling is off the table. Last spot filled. Ixnay on the Eifling-tay.
No rush, not starting for a couple more days, yet. Got you reserved, though.
Okay, looks good. I appreciate the fast edits. Please move your guy over to the CS Tab and welcome aboard.

Out of the frigging gate! Numbers look good, no issues to note. You are good to go. Please move your CS to the CS Tab, and thank you for coming out of retirement for Avonshire.

Okay! For everyone else submitting characters, pending the approval of @rivaan we are now full up on Tieflings. The golden ratio of Asmodeus's children has been reached. And the fact that my phone just autocorrected properly for "Asmodeus" is a little frightening.
It's a bear, I know. And thanks for the quick edits. That being said, also accounting for racial modifiers, you're a point high now.
Thanks for the submission! Couple of things - The ability scores need to go by the modified point buy system outlined in the character generation rules in the original OOC post. Your subclass is a little muddled, I assume you're going with Champion, yes? Lastly, the image has a vertical cutoff of 250 px.

It all seems a little specific; mostly this is to help me organize when I have to reference things on the quick.
Cool deal, Celestial Warlock lady. Couple of things: 1) Image - 250 px height at max. And while I know it's just for a representation of the character, I couldn't help but notice the rifle. Artwork is spiffy, though. For a quick and dirty pic, I might suggest Heroforge.

2) This setting is in a temperate climate, away from the ocean, in the middle of Autumn. As she has no special protection from the elements in a magical sense, wearing the clothing you described will present difficulties. Summing up, it's cold. On a social metric, this is a place of grain harvesting and stodgy, conservative folk. But that's a roleplaying issue.

Numbers crunch okay. Fix the image size and let me know.

@Moon Man
Two well-developed paragraphs at minimum. Given that there will be some witty banter back and forth between characters, you might be compelled to do more. And most people put a good amount of work into their initial post, but... two well-developed paragraph minimum.

Looks good. Numbers crunch okay. Everything is in order. Check your PMs for stuff, then move your CS over to the CS Tab. Welcome to Avonshire.

Sounds positively blasphemous. Looking forward to the horror.
I'm quite a fan of chaos, permitting everyone has fun. I spied those heals on your bard, but I was struck by a bolt of inspiration and had to go with what I did. I should have a completed CS by the end of the day.

I know, no rush and all that. But I'm excited!

Yeah, the character is a reskinned (read: creepy) Lore Bard that was designed to run as an NPC to fill in some roles in another campaign. The spells were intended to change depending on the needs of the party, as they probably will have to here. Especially if the group has a ton of healers. I do love the flexibility of the College of Lore.

And sure, no amazing rush. Just color within the lines on character creation and we'll get to this when we get to it.
It looks like the party won't suffer for healers, that's for sure. After the initial group has been accepted, I might have to allow some character tweaks or spell selection adjustments for the sake of balance. Or just let the lopsided chaos ensue. Coin toss at this point.
Initial IC post is up.

That being said, as no one is approved yet, NO POSTING. It's there to give a better idea of what to expect and a little about the setting. Maybe even help in choosing a character type. In any case, enjoy.
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