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The Coffin Goblin appears to be all that which remains, hurling himself as fast as its little Goblin feet can go in the direction that it hopes has the most safety. Blood and gore litter the area to the west of the road leading to the Avonshire Township, and the day appears (but that has been deceiving as of late) almost won.

So let's keep this combat update short and sweet, shall we? Our Battle Map has been updated to reflect the new information, and here starts a shiny new round. The ball is in your court, Adventurers.
@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Lewascan2@Sigil

Okay ladies, gents, and something that rhymes with gents that represents the full complexity of the alphabet mafia, but which I have not the wherewithal at present to announce in any way which sounds catchy, we move onward! make no mistake, we are still in Initiative order. That being said, here is the layout, modified for all the lovely kills you have racked up over the surprise and first combat rounds, respectively.

  • Kosara
  • Hugh
  • Kathryn
  • DM
  • Marita
  • Victoria

Going by Initiative rules present for 5e, @rivaan goes first. Again, you have two days to get your post in, or you will be skipped and the Dodge action will be implemented. As always please tag the next person in the list. Everyone have fun with the cleanup. The new Battle Map is posted in the IC. If there are questions, please drop me a line in the Discord.

Oh! Quick note - if the guy is taken down, tag me. Things will start moving back to Narrative. Thank you, and good hunting.

Victoria Belmont
Half-Elf, Bard, Level 3
HP: 16 / 23 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: Bless
Location: E16
Action: Spell: Shatter
Bonus Action: N/A
Reaction: N/A


The fight seemed to be ending without undue and/or unfortunate incident. This was good. The fact that Victoria helped to take point was not exactly what she had in mind for her midday activities, but fate had strange ways of changing plans toward the unexpected. Following the dispatch of the Goblins nearest to her, Victoria took the opportunity to scan the impromptu battlefield around her. It looked like things were over, until Marita let the cat out of the bag. Or the Goblin out of the box, as it were. The itinerant Bard switched back to a more martial posture, such as she was capable of demonstrating, until the utterly comical nature of the retreating Goblin was made apparent. There were those in her group who were closer and more capable of handling this one than her self, and so Victoria allowed herself to relax her posture a little and enjoy the show.

A burst of motion from the corner of her eye brought Victoria turning back to the tree nearest her. At this exact moment, she witnessed the arrow which struck Marita but missed notice of the one which found its home within her flesh. She screamed in pain and surprise, almost dropping her slender sword into the grass and leaves below but managing to hold on. It could be noted that, even in the intense discomfort of taking an arrow, her cry was sublime in pitch and melody. Victoria's involuntary calls of distress, inexplicably, were musical.

Gritted teeth held back the smallest portion of a growling, alto seethe as she crudely removed the arrow from herself. The wound was bad, but not mortal. And Victoria was damned lucky that she didn't leave the arrowhead in there with her ill-advised tugging out of the embedded projectile. It definitely hit a bone. This was not great. Even more troubling than the wound was the amount of blood which issued from it. "Bastards!" she asserted through her teeth, much of her distress apparently aimed at the growing discoloration of her fine garment. Addressing the tree, and inhabitants therein, she continued, "Do you have any idea how much that cost?!?"

This outrage renewed Victoria's vigor, which oddly resulted in her vocalizing notes. Scales ascended and descended, showing off her vocal range as she gradually moved to an higher register, each note wholly separate from the last and yet increasing in speed even as she went up in pitch. the determined look in her eyes kept scanning the tree, but not for the Goblins themselves. If she was right, she wouldn't have to know where they were.

For a second, it seemed like her voice came from two different places - herself and the center of the leafy mass. Victoria stopped vocalizing, while the sound issuing from the tree continued, growing to painful intensity. A stillness pervaded the great arbor, broken quite literally by a sound of splintering and cracking; an explosion of autumnal color flitting outward from the tree in all directions before fluttering to the ground. Then several branches, broken cleanly off as if severed by a sword followed, tumbling to the ground. Then the two Goblins. They had what appeared to be cracks all about their skin, clothing, and armor, spiderwebbing out like an organic stained glass window, eyes fixed and frozen except for one, which was cleanly bisected by such a crack. Their bodies thwacked upon the ground with a wet, meaty sound.

With disgust, Victoria threw the bloody arrow onto the ground in front of the corpses.
Coffin Goblin!
Location: E12 -> E9

Aw, they look so cute when they're sleeping, don't they? Wait! It's not sleeping! It's not sleeping! Dear sweet and merciful bacon, it's on my face! AaaaAAAaAaArrRrRRRRrrgle!

Alright, so it's not really on anyone's face, but not for a lack of trying. Yes, this was a Goblin who found a spot to sleep it off. The lightly swelling spot on its forehead might be an indicator as to what happened to the coffin lid a moment before. The deranged and highly confused creature gives a faux-innocent grin which exposes a piece or two of poorly cooked person caught between its pointed teeth. In an instant it springs up and gives Marita a mighty shove. Mighty shove! The mightiest, possibly! Wait, no? Okay, nevermind.

Unfortunately, it didn't realize that there was a bit of a size difference, and he wasn't really at his best, so said shove doesn't so much as move Marita more than it might take to fend off the creature with her shield, if even that. Disturbed at the scene of Goblin carnage around, the small bandit takes the opportunity to Disengage and run for it. Just, absolutely haul his potentially doomed, green posterior out of there as quickly as possible. Before anyone could react, it's shoes were already on the road, headed west, screaming up demons in its high-pitched, wiry voice (which you might swear was nothing but profanity even though no one speaks this language) and waving its arms about like a demented Kermit the Frog.

On the other hand, so far as coffins go, this one actually looks fairly comfortable. Perfectly suitable for a very, very loooooong rest.

Goblin 4 & Goblin 5
Location: Tree!

The more astute of you might have noticed a discrepancy in the numbers on the map. This was on purpose. In any case, this tiny oversight will be repaid with blood. The tree (specifically, the large one north of the campfire and east of the overturned cart) suddenly rustled with activity, its temporary residents visible for only a moment as ranged attacks were executed. But more to that in a moment. Unlike their colleagues, these two goblins had taken to something of a strategy; their leather armor was plastered with fallen leaves from the foliage of the area and they took to the branches, their lithe and lighter forms better able to maneuver in the branches. Though what they might have used as adhesive might be a question best left unasked.

The duo, silently agreeing that the sight of their erstwhile sleeping companion, Coffin Goblin, running off screaming might just be the best opportunity to launch their counterattack, chose wholeheartedly to do just that. The targets were chosen partly out of tactic and partly out of convenience; the former being the Cleric, Marita, who had demonstrated painful mastery of divine magic which eviscerated two of their companions, and Victoria, who was simply nearby and thusly an easier target.

The first arrow flew from the soft cover of still thick red-orange leaves, shifting its course slightly in the light wind but still making its way to its target. The jagged, irregularly shaped arrowhead found its mark, mailing the Cleric smartly in her center mass with a sudden sharp twinge. Luckily, Marita's armor holds out remarkably, making the attack more of an action that gathered attention.

The second arrow also found its mark, entering Victoria's shoulder in a place where her light armor did not expertly cover. The fletching quivered for a split second as the arrowhead came to an abrupt stop. It might have just settled on something hard underneath her flesh. First blood was drawn against the attackers, and it was drawn from the Bard.

The moment that the arrows made connection, both Goblins issued sinister giggles and disappeared back into the leaves, opting to Hide rather than retreat. Obviously still in the tree, but pinpointing might take a little doing to achieve.

@Sigil - You're up next.
Location: E12/E13

The push of this blitzkrieg attack against the Goblin bandit squad did very little to despoil the land, and in fact, wasn't doing much to upset the usual sounds of the wind and wood around them. Oh yes, the squirrels and birds of the land did an excellent job getting away from the fray, and Kathryn's warcry from earlier did shatter the slumber of the odd, unwary burrowing mammal nearby. And let's not forget the crackling golden energy blast delivered by the Tiefling atop the high rock, accompanied by various admonishments to the general naughtiness of the ruthless greenskins below. Or the screaming and jabbering of the Goblins themselves as they realized that stabbing was afoot.

So I retract my previous statement. Despite the quiet surety with which this group saw to the combat on its outset, the following moments could have been heard by an elderly Dwarf wearing earplugs, fresh from the pounding, ringing hammers of an active forging operation during wartime.

Yet, even over this, as if finding the one moment wherein loud noises were not happening and attention from the majority of the group had eyes upon, or at least peripheral vision containing, a certain human-sized wooden box nearabouts to the road, one could hear the scrambling of movement coming from within. More than this, an even less astute observer would have had no problems hearing a hollow THWAP as something violently connected with the interior or the coffin's lid hard enough for it to swing up an inch or two before slapping back down.

Following this - silence.

@Dragoknighte Marita is up next. Good luck!
@Dragoknighte@rivaan@Remipa Awesome@Lewascan2@Sigil

To all my guys, gals, and assorted nonbinary pals, I bid you a warm and fuzzy welcome to the first round of actual, turn-based combat! I know, right? So exciting! Hell, I'm out of breath!

I realize that this probably doesn't look quite as epic a brawl as it might have been, a good measure of this because the surprise round that we all took saw the group stomping roughshod over the lion's share of the baddies on the map. This tells me a few things. In later planned encounters, factors might need to be adjusted. But don't any of you worry; this one will continue without any of the interesting bits of DM fiat that one might do to keep things lively. (mental note - cancel the Ogre paratroopers - for now) As promised in our Discord, for your posting convenience, our spiffiest of Initiative Orders follows:

  • Kosara
  • Hugh
  • Kathryn
  • DM
  • Marita
  • DM
  • Victoria
  • DM

As things perish, I will update the Initiative Order to reflect. A few things to consider/be reminded of before we begin in earnest, now that we are in rotation:

Special rules or circumstances will be given for each fight in OOC when it begins. In this case, there are no special rules; this is a straightforward fight. There are a couple of circumstances to consider, and most of this is about line of sight. Kosara has an okay view of everyone except for G9. The ones behind the cart have the equivalent of half cover. Hugh has zero line of sight. He will have to reposition before he can get off a shot, if he intends to attack. Kathryn can make out G9 around the trunk of the big tree north of the campfire, but from her position cannot see the other two behind the wagon.

You have 48 hours when your turn comes to post or you will be skipped. Your character will automatically take the Dodge action, and we will move on. If you are skipped twice you are removed from this RP. When you have posted, please tag the next person in the initiative order. As always, make all declarations and rolls in the Discord OOC and wait for results.

And per usual, thanks for showing up and have fun with the massacre glorious battle ahead.


But the gut-wrenching, blood-spewing, limb-rending, toe-licking horror of the day wasn't done yet! Oh no, there was more crimson vitality to spill across the fading grass and colorful tree sheddings of the season. The bold and noble(?) adventurers questing in the Avonshire region had done much to run over this green skinned speedbump on their way to glory, but the job had not been completed as of yet.

Likewise, the Goblins weren't ready to back down, either. The surprise had worn off, and there was going too be hell to pay for interrupting their revelry by slaughtering those in their drunken GobSquad. The gloves were off, and sharp, pointy implements were being readied with the intent to add structurally superfluous orifices to the collective torsos of their attackers, numbers be damned! Maybe their confidence came from a wine cask. Maybe they knew something that the party didn't. It was not their prerogative to reveal such secrets, if they existed in the first place, in the middle of this skirmish.

Suffice it to say, those surviving Goblins gripped their stabby things tightly and made horrible, lewd gyrations at the warriors nearby. They weren't going down without a fight, and meant every insult along the way.

Initiative has been rolled. The privilege of first attack goes to @rivaan. Let's see what Kosara the Tiefling has for us today. Your 48 hour window begins now, and remember to tag the next person in the rotation. Good luck!

Victoria Belmont
Half-Elf, Bard, Level 3
HP: 23 / 23 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: Bless
Location: H11 -> E16 (Morty to D15)
Action: Weapon Attack
Bonus Action: (ongoing) Help Action for Morty
Reaction: N/A


Victoria watched most of the plan metaphorically dissolve into a puzzling, foamy liquid which pooled disappointingly around her ankles. Somehow she had managed to get herself out in the front of an ongoing melee, where in all honesty Bards dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge should not be when there were warriors and armored clergyfolk about. It was a less than optimal situation, but there they were. Given a lack of options now that she was in the thick of things, it appeared to be the better action to move along with the flow of the conflict, pushing through to the other side as attempting to evade this situation was now impossible.

Given that Victoria was prone to supporting others in a fight rather than taking a more brutal approach, she decided to act in this regard as it came to Marita, as she had made it her priority to act as backup to the one taking point. In this case, it was the Cleric. If only her colleagues could see her now. To her credit, the purple clad Bard was quite the striking figure as she placed one careful, dexterous foot in front of the other in pursuit of her quarry, about a meter length of skillfully forged, sharpened steel clearing the throat of its scabbard with a muted metallic hiss. The cut & thrust rapier swished before Victoria, her face and movements radiating the kind of fearless confidence that only a great hero (or talented performer) could muster.

Meanwhile, the burlap-wrapped monstrosity which Victoria kept as a tusked beast of burden took off at a jerky, uneven gallop, skirting past Marita on the side of the gruesome cookfire opposite of its mistress, bearing down on the injured but not dispatched Goblin. The look of sheer, fearful distraction which crossed the diminutive adversary's face was temporary, as this opening allowed Victoria to plunge her blade into its chest and remove it in a single deft motion. The Bard believed in fighting effectively far more than she did fighting fairly, and would utilize whatever was available in the pursuit of pragmatism for this task. This included but was not limited to the use of reanimated swine.

As the blade exited the creature and its breath gurgled its last, Victoria swept herself into a functional pirouette, spinning a bit for flourish and for the practical effect of a quick survey of the battlefield around her. This fight was not done yet.

Victoria Belmont
Half-Elf, Bard, Level 3
HP: 23 / 23 Armor Class: 15 Conditions: Bless
Location: P14 -> H11
Action: N/A
Bonus Action:
Reaction: N/A


There existed the briefest of battlefield short-speak which detailed the plan which they had intended to pursue. Things like this happen when new information crept into open knowledge. In this case, the true nature of their potential opponent. And while Victoria wasn't one who usually relied on such silly concepts as concrete plans, a generally agreed upon idea as to how they should proceed was more preferable then not. So what happened next was ever so slightly irksome to the young Bard. Still, it was not entirely without merit, and so Victoria gave a shrug and committed to placing herself where she she might be most useful.

The gift of deepening shadows and other barely tangible obscuring factors came as a welcome addition, even if this took place at the time of day when the sun was almost at its highest. It still functioned admirably to greatly enhance Victoria's stealthier abilities. A brief mental command had Morty following along in her footsteps as to minimize noise coming from the reanimated foodstuff, and soon she was on her way to position as planned.

The very recent conversation about offering surrender and arguments designed to counter said point flashed briefly through Victoria's mind. She didn't agree with the idea, thinking that such an offer was impractical at best and would ruin any chance at surprise. Seeing as they were outnumbered by almost two to one, this might be important. As drunk as the Goblins were all it took was one lucky shot to turn this outing into a tragedy, and they had more chances for this kind of luck that her compatriots. Still, if Kathryn was to deliver terms, she might as well get it over with. Owing to Victoria's nature, she refused to verbally weigh in on the issue. Who knew? Maybe this might deliver another, heretofore unforeseen option to the situation.

It was at this moment that things took a turn. Kosara moved to join Hugh, their resident sneakyperson, instead of backing up their frontliners. Kathryn's movement slowed to a cease along the road, stopping a bit short of taking point. Marita was out front and all alone; not helpless by any means but without someone covering her immediate vicinity. Victoria was no soldier, despite the martial sword at her waist or the well utilized dagger opposite it on her belt. But she was naturally a very dashing looking individual that could exude confidence in ways that seemed like magic. Plus, of course, she knew a bit of actual magic. Her place might not have been at the front of a fight, but damnit, someone else needed to be. She had a clerical blessing upon her, she told herself. Even if it was from Law deity. She would be fine.

Victoria felt a little bad about that last thought. Most of the deities to which she gave homage supported a code of ethic, though it was largely their own principals they upheld and not the concept of Law as its own divinity. It still didn't mean that the bless didn't itch a little, like an unexpected hug. She could sense the underlying power flowing through her, which hopefully she would use with something akin to dignity and sophistication.

These factors in mind, Victoria issued a quick mental command to Morty, subtly changing the nature of its standing orders to assist and bodyguard, and contrary to her usual tactics for health and well-being, moved as quietly as she could to support point by taking Marita's rear flank. Respectively, the walking, mummy-wrapped barbecue known colloquially as Morty took up position at Victoria's side. If they were going to do this, they might as well get this done. Victoria placed the most assertive, unshakable expression that she possibly could and rested her hand on the hilt of her rapier. A quick glance down confirmed the presence of a long, slender bag at her side. Whatever contingencies she could muster were in place. She gave a quick nod in Marita's direction, curious as to what was going to happen next. It was an exciting moment to be alive.


Aside from the occasional laughter and snatch of conversation in a guttural, whiny language that no one seems to be able to understand, a series of burps (birthed of pilfered wine) let fly in a competitive nature for volume, depth, and duration, and the occasional meat-fart, most of what can be heard is the rustle of wind through leaves. No animals, be they the beasts of the earth or the birds of the sky; nary a cricket chirp nor scratching of an unwary squirrel upon tree bark could be heard over the gibbering victory sounds of the inebriated antagonists. The aroma of meat and sizzling fat hung irregularly in the air at the whims of the prevailing breeze, which itself suppressed the otherwise omnipresent scents of a rural autumn.

As this group of intrepid adventurers silently (and dear sweet bacon was it silent) moved to their intended locations to attempt control over the likely field of battle, the Goblins did not seem any the wiser. There was one moment where a single diminutive greenish bandit stood from near the fire, its mouth agape and eyes suddenly wide. A skinny arm reached up in the general direction of the party as they maneuvered, quite possibly to alert the others to the uninvited approach of tall humanoids to ruin their feasting and fun. The next second saw this Goblin close his eyes tight and let forth a single, quite gooey sneeze upon one of its fellow before crouching back down, blissfully unaware of anything amiss happening and returning to chew on a couple of bones before tossing them into the fire, stripped of any discernible flesh. A fuss was kicked up around the fire, following the phlegmy assault, but nothing that didn't resolve itself in a short moment.

No one even seemed to notice the shadows deepening on the other side of the road and upon it; no twitch of ear or uttering to indicate that they saw anything moving from within it. The lookout is still laying atop the large rock, bow in hand yet apparently so addled by drink as to not know and/or care about the events around. So the question persists; what do you do?

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