Location: E12 -> E9
Aw, they look so cute when they're sleeping, don't they? Wait! It's not sleeping!
It's not sleeping! Dear sweet and merciful bacon, it's on my face! AaaaAAAaAaArrRrRRRRrrgle!
Alright, so it's not really on anyone's face, but not for a lack of trying. Yes, this was a Goblin who found a spot to sleep it off. The lightly swelling spot on its forehead might be an indicator as to what happened to the coffin lid a moment before. The deranged and highly confused creature gives a faux-innocent grin which exposes a piece or two of poorly cooked person caught between its pointed teeth. In an instant it springs up and gives Marita a mighty shove. Mighty shove! The mightiest, possibly! Wait, no? Okay, nevermind.
Unfortunately, it didn't realize that there was a bit of a size difference, and he wasn't really at his best, so said shove doesn't so much as move Marita more than it might take to fend off the creature with her shield, if even that. Disturbed at the scene of Goblin carnage around, the small bandit takes the opportunity to
Disengage and run for it. Just, absolutely haul his potentially doomed, green posterior out of there as quickly as possible. Before anyone could react, it's shoes were already on the road, headed west, screaming up demons in its high-pitched, wiry voice (which you might swear was nothing but profanity even though no one speaks this language) and waving its arms about like a demented Kermit the Frog.
On the other hand, so far as coffins go, this one actually looks fairly comfortable. Perfectly suitable for a very, very loooooong rest.
Location: Tree!
The more astute of you might have noticed a discrepancy in the numbers on the map. This was on purpose. In any case, this tiny oversight will be repaid with blood. The tree (specifically, the large one north of the campfire and east of the overturned cart) suddenly rustled with activity, its temporary residents visible for only a moment as ranged attacks were executed. But more to that in a moment. Unlike their colleagues, these two goblins had taken to something of a strategy; their leather armor was plastered with fallen leaves from the foliage of the area and they took to the branches, their lithe and lighter forms better able to maneuver in the branches. Though what they might have used as adhesive might be a question best left unasked.
The duo, silently agreeing that the sight of their erstwhile sleeping companion,
Coffin Goblin, running off screaming might just be the best opportunity to launch their counterattack, chose wholeheartedly to do just that. The targets were chosen partly out of tactic and partly out of convenience; the former being the Cleric, Marita, who had demonstrated painful mastery of divine magic which eviscerated two of their companions, and Victoria, who was simply nearby and thusly an easier target.
The first arrow flew from the soft cover of still thick red-orange leaves, shifting its course slightly in the light wind but still making its way to its target. The jagged, irregularly shaped arrowhead found its mark, mailing the Cleric smartly in her center mass with a sudden sharp twinge. Luckily, Marita's armor holds out remarkably, making the attack more of an action that gathered attention.
The second arrow also found its mark, entering Victoria's shoulder in a place where her light armor did not expertly cover. The fletching quivered for a split second as the arrowhead came to an abrupt stop. It might have just settled on something hard underneath her flesh. First blood was drawn against the attackers, and it was drawn from the Bard.
The moment that the arrows made connection, both Goblins issued sinister giggles and disappeared back into the leaves, opting to
Hide rather than retreat. Obviously still in the tree, but pinpointing might take a little doing to achieve.
@Sigil - You're up next.