Location: A10
Cavendish inwardly mused that this had to be the most obnoxious fight that he had ever been in, bar none. He was a former soldier, a Constable, and servant to eldritch powers. Yet for all of his history, this fight won the prize.
There was fire all around him. Fire and rats, screams, blood, and whatever was left of the hulking monstrosities that had just lost their ability to move about and smash things for him. And the screams - lest he forget about the whimpers and cries for help from the prisoners. This was all set up for a lovely end to an otherwise successful venture, even with these interlopers (and the Constable was pretty sure that he had done an excellent job throwing this little Going Away party). These things were expected. So they were obviously not what made this the most obnoxious fight that he had ever been in.
It was mostly that, after the magic and the fire, attacks upon his person and neutralization of allies on the battlefield, these people seemed to be intentionally ignoring him in favor of the rabble in the cages. This was curious. He demanded more respect as an adversary than this. "No, no, no. That's not how this works. No one gets their prize until after the game is over. Perhaps you forgot - I'm still playing."
Cavendish's face screwed into a wicked smile as he gathered magics into his free hand; crackling black energy which mirrored in his rattish eyes; the same pulsing, necrotic energy demonstrated when he let loose twin bolts of damaging energy just earlier. This time, his attention was diverted at the last moment with the feeling of weight pulling down at his trousers, and even odder, nips from tiny teeth. Annoying, but clearly not damaging. Still, prudence dictated that he spare a glance down. "What out of the Abyss is?" he started, realizing that undead rats were crawling up his clothing, gnawing irregularly at the flesh underneath. He could not tell from where this new development originated, even if the music might have been a clue, and wished to address that as soon as possible. But the spell was already in the middle of being cast, and so he had to complete it against his selected targets or risk it fizzling, at the best of possibilities. His vicious looking shortsword slapped at the miniature undead minions as they neared his tenderer bits, while he reached out to strike from afar with magic.
Twin blasts of black, crackling energy flew from his hand, aimed for the ones who still seemed to be interested in his presence, the Cleric and the Warlock. Perhaps their screams of agony would jolt the others out of their stupor. Unfortunately, the dead rats had done their job well enough that the one aimed at Kosara flew over everyone's head at a forty-five degree angle to the cobblestone ground beneath his feet, and the other only grazed Marita, imparting a light shove that her armor absorbed without much difficulty.
Cavendish attempted to reassert control over the rats rapidly approaching his nethers, but apparently his influence ceased when their life functions did. Instead, in his frustration and desire to hurt something, anything, he compromised his own plan slightly. The swarm of rats nearest to Kathryn broke away from the larger group and massed toward the tall Knight, occupying the same space as herself and massing up her armored figure as the dead ones had done to him, chewing and gnawing wherever the armor did not cover. "Eat well, my pets!" hissed Cavendish, satisfied that blood was spilled from one source, at least.
- Kathryn has taken 6 points of Piercing damage.
- Areas to the north that are aflame or containing rats are still considered Difficult Terrain, with appropriate movement penalties. The flames have additional, quite painful penalties for being walked through.
Guard 2
Location: ?
@rivaan Kosara is up next. Give me a tag when you're done.