Big, roaring flames continued with their same intensity from its sticky, aromatic positions within barrels or spilled haphazardly across the cobblestones of the Township's center. Lighting conditions remained the same from recent moments; light bright enough to pick out detail around the cobblestones, with contrasting darkness as one enters the trees surrounding them. Past the sudden rustle of leaves upon the ground a few seconds prior, the area seemed quiet.
This quiet, such as it was, stood relative to the dull roar of flames and sounds of both physical and magical combat occurring in the best illuminated portion of the battleground, as well as the labored breathing, occasional jeers, and issuances of pain from the people fighting thereabouts. In short, while nothing could be casually heard from the darkness of the foliage, there were reasons why this perception could be inaccurate.
Cavendish was not having a great night. He maintained his wererat form, but he was damaged in several places physically, not to mention the psychic damage foisted upon him throughout their fight. Undead rats still clung to him, maintaining attacks upon his form that were pointless to cause actual damage but did what they might to distract. He was on his feet, if wobbly and covered by a partially damaged net. One hand still clung to a broad hunting dagger, though his main maintained his shortsword. He might yet be able to cut free with one good slash. The fight wasn't over.
It wasn't even over when a cloud of radiant fire settled around him. How he was able to maneuver himself out of the way of the descending plumes of OUCH was beyond his capability to fully understand, but maneuver he did. Unfortunately, this meant that no radiant flamey stuff affected his hempen bindings, either. He was pissed. In addition to this, he was starting to look worried.
Daisy, Lea, and two other townsfolk filed out of the cage, with lots of assistance among themselves. Daisy didn't quite know what to think of the last exchange she had with their potential saviors, but that part of it was done and she was getting getting the other non-combatants away from the fight with help from her coworker, Lea. The path they had chosen was the same one as Cecily, Beppo, and the Fisherman, even though it brought them clear across the square. It might have been notable that Daisy retained possession of Baronfjord's sword. She was not advertising this fact.
At this point, all of the prisoners had vacated their cages and were either moving to exit the area or were long gone.
New Round
@Arty Fox Baronfjørd - Time to kick the round off.