
Weather: Actual cold has settled around the countryside, with one island of refuge within the Coach House. It is dark now, and the moisture of the previous hours is settling into a moderate fog, settling in the lower places of the moors and vineyard.
Time: Early nighttime. There might be almost enough light to comfortably see by right this moment, but swiftly, the dying of the day is upon you. The dim and cool have passed, giving way to the dark and cold.
Ambience: The bastion of rural comfort known as the Coach House continues to warm, nourish, and provide a welcoming atmosphere, despite the best efforts of its inhabitants (unintentional or otherwise). The dominant sensory experiences remain the crackling fire, the grapeseed oil lamps, and riveting conversation. Despite the drama of the moment, an observer might not note any great amount of tension in the overall feel of events.
Amid the chaos exploding within the taproom in direct contrast to the civilized and impartial negotiations from the table, Lizbeth seemed invested. Invigorated even, as both talks and conflict drew to a cease. The stereotyped actions of professional adventurers were present for all to see, and the girl could just imagine herself in a seedy watering hole or place of ill reputation with dangerous people, contributing what skills she intended to acquire over the winter in pursuit of arcane lore, compelling quests, or rumors of that most coveted thing of all - loot. When Urmdrus gave the nod to help with her martial training, her expression became positively giddy. Reading the room, she remained quiet.
Urmdrus, on the other hand, kept stoic. There might have been the slightest flicker of something when the word "Duergar" was mentioned, but that passed instantly. He was still waiting, buckets in hand, for others to say something on the subject. Kathryn's formal introduction and notion that she was looking forward to the arrangement was enough of a confirmation for the older Dwarf, who nodded at the tall lady and gave a gruff "Hrm," to acknowledge. The words of Baronfjord required a little more explanation if he chose to answer, and one of his questions repeated that of the Bard's. It was probably one, he reasoned, to which he would have to give a response. "Make many things. Not a magician, but make many things." Staring at his unshod feet, Urmdrus further responded to the Dragonborn, "Chitin alone, not good as leather, wool for warmth." He snorted. "Good enough shoecrafter in Southmoor." But to the question now asked twice: "Assassin armor - Ankheg reinforcing leather. Segmented. Boil in oil to shape quickly, shape custom. Flexible. Tough. Ankheg plate, ankheg shield - soak in piss. Dry. Treat with oil, alcohol, fire. Chitin becomes strong like metal. Like alchemy." The last word, "alchemy," gave him a touch of trouble. But he managed nonetheless.
The tattooed Dwarf gave Victoria her own affirming nod and dropped the buckets abruptly to the floor. "Collect tomorrow after first meal." He held up a warning finger, saying flatly, "Just piss." He said this with the tenacity of a person with a specific incident in mind that still troubled him to the day. He even shuddered a little. But the questions were answered, the deal was struck, and he got some food out of it. A grunt and scratch of his nose later, Urmdrus turned and stomped back out the way he came in. To his credit, he did treat the door a little better this time. "...just piss..." he murmured to himself, trudging to the storage building within the Coach House's exterior walls and grabbing the chitin from inside, plus a respectable (but not too greedy portion of the flesh within. It took him three trips to snag everything he needed and place it into a work cart just outside of the Coach House, whereupon he lugged it off to parts unknown, presumably elsewhere in the landscape of the vineyard.
Lizbeth immediately sprung to work, gathering up dishes that needed to be cleaned and packing up unclaimed food which needed storage or disposal. Lucky for her, the night air would be plenty up to the task of short term preservation, so the majority of anything untouched (or minimally touched) went into baskets to be hung in the storage building on racks placed for this purpose. They were the same ones that held what remained of the Ankheg, so she made sure to put some distance between them. Before too long, only a moment or three, Lizbeth returned to the taproom and began to clean up the worst of the mess, what mess remained from the meal. "Aunt Ceecee usually sends people to handle cleaning when we have guests. But some things can't wait until morning." Her cheerfulness seemed to have no bounds, speaking with something close to glee even though the mundanity of chores and servants' schedules were being discussed. "But if it's alright with all of you, I am quite exhausted and I shall be readying to lay my head down. Excuse me?" With a skip to her step, almost a canter, the young lady began to gather her things and prepare for bed.