"He undermines my personal hobbies!"
"YOU STARE AT DIFFERENT UNIVERSES THROUGH AN ORB! AND YOU'RE...doing it right now, what a suprise."
"It's a long history, mister, but essentially my baby bro ("HEY! IM NOT A KID!") got a magic orb from a strange van, and later found us in a different universe. He could communicate to us, and he did, but it only worked once so he got me to get him to our older bro (*blows a raspberry kiss*) and we've been going to different universes trying to do stuff, and also turns out we are NOT meant to be together, and the universe is after us. Also, they just don't like each other, and fight a lot. Anyways, I'll get started with, umm, do you guys have a zsropgaslop? Water is fine, if not."
This is life for the raccoons.