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The lack of inncence in this world's Nepgear put Blanc on edge, and saddened her in a way. She was anxious to find out what had become of her or her sisters, but there was first the matter of earning the grim CPU's trust, and then was the matter of finding out what happened here.

"Long story short, we're from another hyperdimension. We've received your plea for help and offer our services. Can you fill us in on what exactly happened, though? Why you called for help, why this level of security, and...out of interest, has anything happened to me, Rom or Ram?""
So, Peter's power was just as it appears. She already knew that. She was simply trying to keep the conversation going for as long as possible. No easy feat when one of them had severe social anxiety and the other had English as a second language. Suddenly she had an idea. She replayed her own memories in her head, pinpointing from Peter's accent not only that he was from Russia, but where in Russia he was from, and then she started speaking fluent Russian, even adding the accent of Peter's hometown.

"I apologize. Would speaking like this be easier for you? At least like this, one of us can have an easy time conversing."

She managed a tiny shy chuckle. Speaking became a lot easier when she shut off the questions, but they were still there despite her attempts to ignore them. 'Are you being to friendly or forward? Are you not being friendly enough? Would the surrounding classmates think anything about you speaking fluent Russian?' She made a stronger effort to drown them out with her mantra of 'This is going well'

The class chose this time to move, hide and get ready to enact the plan. She inwardly cursed. Sometimes the universe had terrible timing. She got up and hid herself under the teacher's directions.
I'll try and get a post out tomorrow. I've just been in a slump recently where I can't will myself to write anything. Really sorry.
Heidi nods. The new kid was talking to her again. This was her chance to redeem herself for failing to hold his attention earlier. She just had to keep calm and be natural. He asked you a question about yourself! How hard can it be to answer?

"Yes. My mutation is my thinking. I'm like a human supercomputer. It makes me overthink things a lot, though. It's not as fun as it sounds..."

You can't leave it there, Heidi. You have to follow it up with a question about him, but don't get too in detail.

"What's your ability?"
Grek began to look around, nose through everything he could get his claws on, lift things up, flip through books. It was easy to tell he wasn't well versed in the ways of social etiquette. "This is a nice hut you've got, if I'm honest."

He looked over at Alexius. The poor guy was still suffering in these caves, and Grek did feel some degree of compassio though had absolutely not idea how to express it. He eventually went with "Hey, you should probably eat something. It might settle your nerves."
Blanc landed on her feet, in a matter that could have been called graceful if it weren't for the small crater she had created. She looked around before anybody had even began talking. They were in Planeptune, but something was different, the swathes of smiling, cosmopolitan people...were gone.

"I've got a bad feeling about this..." she muttered, and as if on cue, she spotted the approaching vehicles. Then before any of them knew it, they were surrounded by armed soldiers. Hardly a warm welcome, but at least it was professional and made herself, and no doubt the others, think twice before making any rash moves. In her head, she was taking notes for improvements in her own nation's security team.

She managed a smile in the face of this reception. "We don't mean anybody any harm. We only wish to talk with whoever's in charge." she spoke softly to the soldier currently aiming a gun right at her.
You opened pandora's box, my friend.

But for srs, I'll stop alluding to the activities.
Dark Souls 2. Just...Dark Souls 2

Also, when my own temper gets the better of me, it itself becomes the reason I'm angry and sets me off in a self-feeding loop for hours.
I'm dropping out.

People put in less effort than me and "get really good" but I get "You need to put in way more effort."

Nooope. I'm out.
Heidi had noticed that the """conversation""" between her and the new kid had finished. Should she try to re-ignite it? He did seem to be engaging with this prank plan pretty well. Should she join in too? No, no, she wasn't going to bring herself to that level for a friend she might not even keep over the course of the day with her social skills. Besides, there will be other chances, other opportunities.

When her name was called, and she was asked to calculate the odds of this prank actually working, she mentally rolled her eyes and then, with a pause so brief she may as well ave been asked what on plus one was, she replied in a voice quiet from lack of practice yet just about loud enough for the class to hear.

"Between 68 and 86 percent, depending on his imagination and gullibility."

She hadn't even looked up.
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