Heidi nodded and stayed absolutely still as Booker walked past. Well, she said hi, at least. Should she have done more? But he did look busy...It's fine, Heidi. It's fine. Just forget it. It's over. It's fine. Everything's fine. Move on.
She shook some sense back into her head and started to walk back to her room. There was plenty of time before training for some muscle stretches. She didn't know why they weren't compulsory before and after every training session for minimal risk of muscle strain and the most efficient muscle growth. Then again, many mutants here had mutations that meant they didn't have to exert their muscles in order to fight. Still, it was good practice for someone like her, who's best option in combat involving offensive mutations was usually to keep moving and not get hit with anything. It was just another reason why every mutant in the country should be taught control, mastery and restraint of their abilities, not just the ones in this school. The severity of the accidents that could occur if just one thing goes wrong with, say, an untrained pyrokinetic, was a worrying thought to dwell on.
As she was nearing the dorm wings, Shawn approached her. Don't panic. Maybe he's just passing. No, no, he's looking right at me. But he doesn't look angry or upset. That's good, at least. She stopped and listened to him, taken aback by not just how different his tone, body language and general demeanour was, but also what he was saying. It was a pleasant and gratifying thing to see her efforts go noticed and rewarded, but on the flipside, she needed to say something back. Luckily, it didn't seem like it would be easy to muck this up, so she relaxed, and prepared for a longer conversation than usual. Something that usually filled her with dread, which now did seem so scary when there were less apparent handicaps.
"Even so, it was a harsh prank even for Kurt. You seem to be in a better mood now though. That's good."
One second of silence passed, which was an eternity to Heidi's superfast brain. There was little conflict this time though. It was telling her to move the conversation on to something else, and keep it alive, and was currently cycling through the topics. It also went through everything that Heidi knew about Shawn from once reading over every student's bios.
"It's training next. If we're put on opposing teams, try not to aim for me." She caps this off with a shy half-smile.
She shook some sense back into her head and started to walk back to her room. There was plenty of time before training for some muscle stretches. She didn't know why they weren't compulsory before and after every training session for minimal risk of muscle strain and the most efficient muscle growth. Then again, many mutants here had mutations that meant they didn't have to exert their muscles in order to fight. Still, it was good practice for someone like her, who's best option in combat involving offensive mutations was usually to keep moving and not get hit with anything. It was just another reason why every mutant in the country should be taught control, mastery and restraint of their abilities, not just the ones in this school. The severity of the accidents that could occur if just one thing goes wrong with, say, an untrained pyrokinetic, was a worrying thought to dwell on.
As she was nearing the dorm wings, Shawn approached her. Don't panic. Maybe he's just passing. No, no, he's looking right at me. But he doesn't look angry or upset. That's good, at least. She stopped and listened to him, taken aback by not just how different his tone, body language and general demeanour was, but also what he was saying. It was a pleasant and gratifying thing to see her efforts go noticed and rewarded, but on the flipside, she needed to say something back. Luckily, it didn't seem like it would be easy to muck this up, so she relaxed, and prepared for a longer conversation than usual. Something that usually filled her with dread, which now did seem so scary when there were less apparent handicaps.
"Even so, it was a harsh prank even for Kurt. You seem to be in a better mood now though. That's good."
One second of silence passed, which was an eternity to Heidi's superfast brain. There was little conflict this time though. It was telling her to move the conversation on to something else, and keep it alive, and was currently cycling through the topics. It also went through everything that Heidi knew about Shawn from once reading over every student's bios.
"It's training next. If we're put on opposing teams, try not to aim for me." She caps this off with a shy half-smile.