@thewizardguy@SanaChanEilidh watched the back and forth between Tania and Emily. She felt like she should take Emily's side due to their friendship, but honestly, they were both kind of being idiots right now. Tania was coming off a little prissy and "I-turn-my-nose-up-at-your-uncouth-shenanigans" and Emily was, well, being Emily. She'd probably tell the President to stuff it if he was standing in her path and she wanted to run down it. These two...it really was a monumental clash of egos.
Eilidh decided the best thing to do wold be to let them burn some of this hostility off with some healthy competition. If Emily won, great! If Tania won, Emily will hopefully have come closer to learning the lesson that she'll have to learn one day at this school; she can't do everything she wants here. Eilidh started to push the two in this direction.
"Emily. I actually think she was challenging you to a race. I think she's implying she's the faster flyer. I'd say yes and go for it if I were you."