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Lol. The criminal joining up with the Nephilm. That'll go well
So, are there lessons today? Or is it lunch next? What's the plan?

Eilidh sees the Griffin, Tania, from earlier, but she was looking a little regretful. That sentiment was shared by Eilidh. She shouldn't have lambasted Emily or stormed off like that, really. She did willingly follow her up there, and it wad a nice thing until they got in trouble. Then Eilidh just got scared and wanted to lash out. Sort of getting in trouble on her first day was just a bad start, and had put the centaur in a bad mood. She'll apologise to Emily when she next sees her.

"I didn't really get in trouble. Emily did, though. And I yelled at her too..." she muttered, obviously feeling bad about that, "but let's try and make a fresh start. Preferably the three of us, but us two for now. So, I'm Eilidh Chiron from Glasgow. Where are you from, Tania?"

Her Glaswegian accent was strong, and she did look, genetically, like a typical white Brit, but there was also something slightly Mediterranean European about her face structure. Italian or Greek, maybe.

I love writing characters with flaws, especially teenagers. Like, Eilidh's a hypocrite to the point where even her inner monologue is contradictory between posts. She's excited by breaking the rules, then gets scared, emotional, and blames somebody else.
Tried to make an elf who likes adventure, it eventually evolved into basically Tarzan

Heidi was noticing the man she saw enter the room walk in her direction. She couldn't let herself stare at him, both because if he wasn't the culprit, she might miss a telltale sign from somebody else, and if he was, he'd know she was onto him. When he was about ten feet away, he turned to her, and she immediately saw in his eyes that he was about to make a move. Her hand shot towards her gauntlet to switch it on, but it was too late. He covered the distance very quickly. What?!! He must have secondary mutations, or is otherwise able to apply his power to essentially give himself new powers. Who knew what else he could do? Could he absorb energy? Heidi decided she wouldn't fire on him until she found out and answer to that question, lest she make him stronger.

Then she felt it. The searing pain in her shoulder where his hand was. She cried out, causing anybody not yet evacuated to look in their direction. She tried to make a move, to think, but the pain was magnified in her brain. All she could think about was fight or flight. She tried to grab at him, but before she could, he placed his hand to her chest, and she was suddenly propelled through the window.

As soon as she landed, she opened her eyes. The pain was beginning to subside, and her head beginning to clear. She immediately noticed that she was no longer feeling the effects if the radiation. That was a plus, at least, though the pain in her shoulder was still incredible. She replayed the scene in her memory, and realised he must have removed her radiation sickness. So he wasn't a total scumbag, but most mutants aren't. Most mutant criminals have some moral code, because most of them believe they're right, or justified, or above the laws of man.

Her memory also picked up that Shawn had been trying to talk to her through the Comms during that ordeal. She switched them on, "Shawn. He can do more than just emit radiation. He can move really fast, and remove radiation, and I'm not even sure what else. Be careful. He might be able to absorb energy. Maybe even your electricity and my gauntlet!" Heidi wasn't thinking very straight right now, plus she didn't have enough time to verbally relay a battle plan. Besides, she couldn't even make one without knowing what this dangerous man could do, and she didn't want to get anybody killed. She really wanted to retreat to the ship right now, but she had to stay and watch. She might yet be able to help.

She turned her gauntlet on, and flicked all of the switches in preparation.

Really want to make a second character, though. I just don't have one in mind besides the fact they're a female elf who likes/liked adventuring, gave Amber her pipes and uses a bow/crossbow/both. I can never finalise a backstory/alignment
Just to say I haven't vanished
Heidi has started to feel sick suddenly. She rests against the wall, visibly sweating. This wasn't natural. She knew that much. Something that she was very susceptible to was making her very quickly ill. By process of elimination, considering things from food poisoning to a deadly virus on the loose, she comes to one conclusion; radiation. And considering the difficulties and processes of smuggling radioactive material into a bank without highly suspicious equipment, or any notable affects to oneself, it must be a mutant. She switches on her comms equipment.

"Booker, it's Heidi. There's radiation in the bank, and I'm pretty sure it's a mutant. I'm going to search for the culprit. They're probably in the main foyer, as that's the least suspicious place for a non-staff member, and a crowd's probably the best place to hide without standing out. They might be hiding, though. Is there any way we can utilise Cerebro?" Heidi studied everybody's faces as she talked. Everybody looked concerned and panicked, so whoever it was must be acting, and acting well. That ruled out the possibility that the culprit was merely out of control. Then they'd be looking around, very guilty, and twice as panicky as usual. No, the culprit here knew what they were doing. The other possibility was the mutation had just developed and they weren't aware, but everyone in that crowd was too old.

She put out her hand and grabbed one of the support beams. Her enhanced senses were making her doubly affected by the radiation, though she wasn't in more danger than anybody else physically. Her skin was pale and clammy, however, her eyes bloodshot and her sweating was getting more severe, as well as her breathing becoming heavier. She had to concentrate, and try not to believe she was this ill. The mind was a powerful thing, Heidi's mind doubly so, and if she wasn't careful it could trick itself into believing she was absorbing twice as much radiation as she was.

A possibility came to her; to stay and watch the crowd. The culprit wouldn't suffer any radiation sickness and would eventually be the only person with a healthy complexion, regular breathing and not feverish. She just had to wait, despite every cell in her body screaming at her to get out. This was a difficult situation. She really wanted to evacuate the Bank, but if she did, the mutant responsible would escape in the throng. With this method, she'd catch him before any lives were in danger but exposing any civilian to radiation for longer than necessary just felt wrong. Sometimes the overall right thing to do involved a few small wrong things...

"It's Eilidh. Ay-lee," Eilidh muttered, before starting to head to the staircase. "Oh, and Emily. I tried to warn you, but you're going to have to learn that this is how things work at school. Here, the teachers are the law, and when you do things they don't like, there are consequences not even you can ignore. This time you almost got me in trouble too. I'll be in my room, if there's anything you want to say." she said, clearly implying that she expected some kind of apology later.

This was going pretty badly so far, thought Eilidh. She was almost late, practically assigned to be some kind of role model even though she didn't want to be, and almost got dragged into trouble. Hopefully things will start picking up once the lessons actually start, unless Gym was first. Public humiliation's probably the one box that hadn't been ticked on 'bad first day' bingo, and Eilidh was far too cumbersome and unwieldy for anything requiring coordination or agility. If it did have to be Gym, please let it be running fast in a straight line.

She stopped at the top of the stairs. Oh right. She actually has to get down normally now. She'd forgotten about that. With a sigh, she started descending, being far more careful on the way down than on the way up because now all the weight was at the front, pointing down, and the back was raised. One mistake and she'd tip. Keeping a tight grip on the rail, she continues down the stairwell one step at at time, until she finally makes it to the bottom. She then heads straight back to her room.

Some features were starting to make sense now. The bed being plastic and rubber rather than wood or metal and the extra security on the window were because of Emily. Eilidh moved her sleeping mat a little closer to the wall. She didn't know if Emily emits electricity in her sleep, but she'd rather not find out. The bathroom, however, everything there seemed to be for Eilidh's benefit. The mirror by the sink was ceiling high, the toilet was very large and very low down. Instead of a shower cubicle, there was a deep bath with a shower fitted, and a collection of long handled scrubbers and brushes, even though Eilidh had also brought her own. It was actually kind of touching that the school had gone to all this effort for her. She was going to try harder from now on not to let them down.
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