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I'm iffy on the idea of having an entirely un-Earth setting that just happens to have Pirates in it. What's everyone's thoughts on having one of the Spanish ruins holding some kind of portal to another world, and that world is where this rp is set?

It could start with the idea Lokileo had, but after the mutiny, they find the portal, come out to a storm and lose the ship (as well as every crew member who's not a player character. Anyone who joins after this could be a native, and anybody here could also be a native if you choose), and that's when the real rp starts. Gypz's map could be the first place they end up. They find my Captain character, sign up with his crew because he has a ship (But is a Pirate from their world. Much mysterious). So they're honest men (and a woman) albeit hardened sailors who can fight, but they're all of differing morality and opinions about sailing under a Pirate. So the overarching goal/first arc of the rp is to find the Privateer's treasure hidden somewhere in this world, but the meat of the rp will be the new wotld itself, it's own mysteries, it's own ruins and treasures, the portal's reason for being, ect.

In terms of how supernatural to make things, I think the portal is far enough. We don't really need magic and skeletons to have a swashbuckling adventure. There may be some curses, though. I'm drawing the line at curses.

This is all coming together nicely!


Chris Dent

The arena was silent for a few long moments. Nobody knew what was going to happen next. There was no activity. Nobody knew what to expect. Then something strange happened; The AWE main theme played and the titantron showed the text in black and white 'Local talent;
Chris Dent' which got a few cheers from the local indie fans who knew the wrestler from his work in the local indie scene. He was known for being a really good wrestler and having no other gimmick to speak of, and his treatment by the AWE reflected this. His presentation was so plain and generic, it was refreshingly different. To the main theme being his entrance music, but the very basic titantron, to the plain black ring gear, boots armpads and trunks. He wasn't a vanilla midget but his build was average for a wrestler, his hair was long and he had a goatee. If one wrestler could embody the word 'wrestler', it was this guy; Chris Dent. His utter forgetfulness made him memorable.

He walked straight to the ring and climbed the steps to climb through the ropes in a truly unremarkable fashion, after which he calmly paced, waiting for his opponent.

Then the telltale rising pitch of a better-known wrestler started, and the lights turned purple. The crown immediately started cheering and booing in equal succession, but there was no doubt about it. The crowd was ignited! The reason why would become clear as the rising pitched sound reached it's end and a sea of purple fireworks showered the stage as both the song and the titantron mirrored each other in presenting the words "I AM THE ONE AND ONLY!" and standing in the glow of the fireworks, with his fist raised, and wearing silver trunks and knee-high purple boots and gloves, was Oscar O'Sullivan.

And it was true. As he made his way to the ring, preening and posing for the booing fans up the ramp, and offering hands to children only to rip them away to the child's anguish, he really was the one and only. Face or heel, Oscar was a through-and-through superstar. He was the exact opposite of Chris Dent in every way. For eleven years, Oscar had been a joy to watch. From his midcard feuds with wrestlers long since retired, to his World Title win, to his feud with Drayden which will forever go down in the annals of AWE history. He'd spend a lit of time recently in the lower midcard, with a brief push straight after his injury, but his skill at not just wrestling, but character work was a double edged sword. He was a useful tool to elevate other stars. He could make anyone feel important, and thus that's what his task had become. But no matter what position on the card he was in, the crowd loved him.

When Oscar reached the ring, and he and Chris faced off; the two most different styles of character one could hope to see in the same ring,
the bell wrong, and they immediately started to grapple, and to the surprise and shock of the audience, Chris pushed Oscar to the floor.
It was at that moment that Chris suddenly started getting cheered properly for the first time in the night. They grappled again, and this time circled each other, but the moment Chris shielded Oscar from the ref's line of sight, Oscar delivered a swift knee below the belt and then caught Chris in a headlock, which was held for long enough, Oscar gauged, for the loud boos Oscar was getting for such a despicable act to die down. Oscar then called "Now" to Chris, too quiet and subtle for the cameras to pick up, and Chris slipped out of the headlock and twisted Oscar's arm painfully around, which, once the cheers had started to die down, was reversed into Oscar's own armlock, and then Oscar kicked the man's legs from under him and started to choke him before the ref pulled him away. The crowd were being taken on a rollercoaster, but Oscar didn't want to wear them out, just keep them hot for the rest of the night, and he eased off and started to pace Chris like a hungry lion while the younger indie guy recovered. Oscar then ran at Chris, but he leapfrogged over the heel and started to turn round, but was caught by a Pele kick to the face, followed by a Second Rope Moonsault, but Oscar didn't cover. Instead he gestured to Chris' prone body as if you say 'Do you guys believe I'm fighting this pathetic nobody'.

While Chris was still writhing, Oscar climbed to the top rope, and raised his fist, which used to be a sign that he was about to his the Six-Axis, a fan favourite move, but fans knew better. Heel Oscar would gesture for the move and hit a knee drop instead, and fans knew not to get their hopes up anymore. Sure enough, he leapt knee first, but Chris put his own knees up and Oscar landed painfully onto them.
As Chris stood up, now Oscar was writhing. This time, Chris went to the top rope and delivered a Swanton Bomb to Oscar. The crowd roared excitement, and the commentary team lost their shit screaming assorted phrases like 'No! No!' and 'It's gonna happen!' and 'What an upset! If Oscar is beaten in round one by local talent!'

Chris made the cover. 1....2...kick out. Oscar kicked out incredibly close. The crowd went wild. This was amazing T.V.! Oscar and Chris both slowly got to their feet and stared at each other, and as they did Oscar realised that it was time to wrap up this quick match lest the audience get burned out, and Gethin's match was next. Oscar wanted them hot for that one! He charged Chris who made a move to grab Oscar but he dropped to his knees and slid under Chris' reach, getting back to his feet without breaking stride, rebounding off the ropes and delivering a flying knee to Chris' face, flooring the local talent. He then dragged the younger wrestler up painfully by his hair,
Chris' cries being picked up loud and clear by the mics so that they didn't get drowned out by the cascade of boos. He then set Chris up for a Crucifix Cutter, hit the move, made the cover, 1, 2, 3. Oscar had beaten the local talent and moved on to round 2 of the tournament. The smarks were cheering as hard as they could, and the casual or local fans were booing. The crowd hadn't had a second of silence throughout the short match. As Oscar made his way to the back, followed shortly after by Chris, that was when the crowd finally started to die down. Oscar had made Chris look good, which in turn made Oscar look good as he'd just beaten a good wrestler as opposed to just some jobber. Chris' career will also get better after this. Literally nobody lost. Oscar O'Sullivan really was the One and Only.

Heidi was silent as she watched Emma go. She made a good point. What did Heidi see Shawn as from a professional standpoint. Would she be compromising their relationship with her feelings? She already made one error by putting blind trust in his risky idea rather than using her abilities to come up with a different plan. Was the reason for that solely because of her own fears? Or did her feelings for Shawn play a part then too?

She shook her head. There was a lot of conflict in her thoughts right now. Most girls her age, when they start to like boys, feel a little bit of doubt, a little bit of mental anguish, but their brains weren't comparable to supercomputers. Why couldn't things just be simple again? Why couldn't she just go back to being the shy girl who didn't talk to anyone?

Before she knew it, she'd made it to the classroom that was currently for Foreign Languages. Part of her brain had been guiding her feet while she was in mental turmoil, leading her to the right place. Her brain awed even herself sometimes, and this was one of those times. Heidi entered the class, and sat down. It was fairly empty, but she wasn't the first student to get there. A mutant with super speed and one with flight had beaten her to it. They looked over at her, then looked away again. This class, more than others, was where Heidi was really despised, due to the difficulty of learning a new language to everyone but Heidi, who could already speak eight languages fluently; English, Spanish, French, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Welsh and Scottish Gaelic. She was currently learning German as well. She got the feeling today's lesson wasn't going to be any of them, however.
@Burning Kitty

Ah, the guy who can understand any language. That makes sense!
Pyro, who would be the foreign languages teacher?
Complex, we should get started on that promo now!

Finished my sibling character!


C'mon. It wouldn't be a pirate rp without swordfights!

Also awesome ideas, everyone! Keep em coming, and I'll get up the OOC at some point near the end of this week. I'm kinda busy right now.
I'll be posting my character once Alex posts theirs
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