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Her sister nodded. Her ratty squeaking seemed to convey agreement. Odd. As Asteria led them the way they had come into the chamber, back through the burrow and out into the wider cave proper, she considered this issue. Her Mother had never “spoken” or at the very least, Asteria didn’t remember recognizing any of her sounds as holding meaning the same way language would. But her sister had understood her. Was that simply because they were both Dire rats? Even if the other rats had lower intelligence than her previous human identity provided her, they were still the same species. But perhaps there was such a thing as a monster tongue with which she could not only convey ideas to other Dire rats, regardless of whether they would comprehend the complexity of what she might say to them, but also communicate with the other monsters. It was a shame she hadn’t tried to do so with the lizard, but it hadn’t exactly given any opportunity to do so. Perhaps she would simply make more of an effort to try speaking properly with her sister…

As for the cave itself, it offered several opportunities. There was a very distant light, which Asteria assumed led to the cave’s exit, but the light from there was small and steadily disappearing as the night time progressed. Somewhat closer was a fire, but the numerous goblins she could see around it were an obvious sign of danger. Goblins were surely the most dangerous predators of the cave, for they could use tools and therefore advance in a way the rest of them couldn’t, not yet. That fire was to be avoided for now. There were a scant few bluish crystals here and there and Asteria had the impression that there had been more before, but she couldn’t be entirely sure as she hadn’t paid much attention to them when her survival had been her focus. Well, her survival still was her focus. But now, she also wanted to know more about this world.

Asteria intended to head towards the lake, but as it so happened, she passed a certain crystal cluster, in front of which was a male Dire rat. He stared at the crystals intently and Asteria found his behaviour peculiar indeed. He also smelled familiar, but she wasn’t certain whether he was also a sibling of hers or not. She looked from her sister towards the male rat and back again. Asteria observed him with as much intent as he used to stare at the crystals. Was he…a mentally unsound example of their species? Or did his purposeful inspection of a foreign object indicate a higher than average intelligence as far as Dire rats were concerned? Asteria was a bit regretful right now that she had not tried ascertaining what the regular Dire rats were capable of, which she supposed she could have done by observing her siblings while they were all in the nest. However, she could still rely on her sister and this strange male Dire rat to provide her with some basic information. Once she ascertained the male was done with whatever he had been doing, Asteria approached, hoping her sister would recognize her desire to socialize with him and would follow her cue. Carefully and with purpose, she tried sounding out “Sib…Sibling?” She looked from her sister towards the unknown male. Her question was obviously intended for the male Dire rat, but Asteria wondered if either of the rats would understand the verbal communication she had attempted.

I'm interested in the vampire-vampire hunter war. Wanna RP it?

Well. That had been a bit easier than Asteria thought it would be. So, their Mother’s attack must really have been effective, because the lizard had been taken by surprise both by Asteria’s sister, who charged it from the front, and Asteria, who managed to bite into its neck from behind it. The lizard tried shaking Asteria off, but she could feel how weak it was, and held tightly on with determination, until the fight and life seeped out from the enemy via blood loss and partial suffocation. The young dark grey dire rat took the opportunity to guzzle down the fresh and freely flowing blood, sating her thirst and hunger in one go. When she finished, Asteria hopped down from the lizard’s corpse. She saw the way its head pointed to the clutch of its eggs and noticed that part of its snout had been gouged out, most likely by Mother’s initial attack. Speaking of Mother…she was still lying in a corner, her panting breaths indicating that she was still alive.

Asteria redirected her gaze back to the eggs. Maybe it would have been considered cruel in her previous lifetime, but they were too dangerous to leave be. She didn’t know when they would hatch, if they even could without their mother around, but the chance of the multitude of small lizards getting out and attacking them in a swarm wasn’t something she was willing to risk, regardless of whether they could use their paralyzing poison as new-borns or not. With that in mind, Asteria poked through an egg's shell with her teeth and lapped up the predominantly liquid contents. The embryo was a bit more substantial but almost equivalently soft and just as palatable. She didn’t feel regretful or guilty about eating what could essentially be another being, not that she expected to what with just having killed one, but it didn’t even feel strange to consume it. She devoured another, then carefully picked up one between her teeth and tongue and clumsily held another in a paw, then rather awkwardly and slowly walked on her remaining free appendages towards her mother and deposited the food in front of her. She licked at her snout, then stepped back to give her space. Mother would probably be fine soon enough and then she could go feed on the adult lizard’s corpse. Asteria blinked as she considered the act of altruism she had just done. How odd. It was most likely some kind of ingrained need to reciprocate Mother’s efforts to bear her and take care of her.

That done, she returned her gaze back to the lizard’s corpse, considering. Her sister-ally was in her periphery, but now that their act of co-operation was done, they might not do anything further together. If she knew she could and how, Asteria would suggest further collaboration, but she didn’t. Maybe if they simply decided to stick together, they could reap the benefits…? Though, as far as Asteria was concerned, she wanted to explore the cave outside this chamber a bit. Knowing she had a safe room which still had plenty of leftovers as an additional benefit just made the idea of going out and seeing about even more appealing. Once her sibling had finished with her own meal, Asteria approached her, cocked her head enquiringly, lifted a paw and made a vague gesture at the chamber’s exit. She tested her vocal cords in a string of squeaks and chatters, doing her best to convey the idea of “Out? Explore?”

@Jobst Thank you, same. I thought we should do as you said and show them all what rats are capable of doing XD

As Asteria caught up to her sister, she slowed down so she was able to run alongside her sibling in the search of their mother. Most of the cave’s terrain seemed to be hard stone, but in some places, the exposed soft earth underneath had made it possible for someone – probably the Dire rats – to make tunnels and burrows. One such path eventually led them to a spacious chamber, where their Mother feasted on a clutch of eggs. The sight made Asteria salivate and her own teeth ache to bite into something more substantial and she would have obeyed the instinct to devour if it weren’t for the sudden appearance of a lizard.

This new and unexpected opponent attacked their Mother, and although she managed to bite back and shake off the lizard, the large black Dire rat limped backwards, her body convulsing from the lizard’s paralyzing poison, a skill Asteria now remembered them having from the time when she got to choose her own species before her rebirth.

During the short moment her body had frozen in surprise, her sister had already attacked the aggressor, and her sibling seemed furious if a tad uncoordinated in her attacks. Confident that the two of them could take down the lizard as long as they avoided its fangs, Asteria forced herself to move and dashed swiftly to the side, careful to avoid running into her sister-ally and doing her best to stay away from the lizard’s front side. With her running dash, she was lucky enough to position herself by their opponent’s hind leg. From there, Asteria jumped, intending to pin down the lizard by landing on its back and aiming to bite into its soft and vulnerable throat!
@Zeroth @Jobst

The beginning was very fuzzy. The most important thing was the Milk, which was associated with Mother and Warmth. As her perceptions developed alongside the size of her body, she took note of the loud squeaking, the crowded squirming heat and company of siblings, the steadily sharper vision of various coloured coats of fur, the strange and pungent but also familiar smell of Family and Mother, and the somewhat sweeter smell of her milk, which provided them all with nutrition. Though they were all well provided for, instinct drove them to struggle to be the one to feed first, the longest and from the best spot. Mother often had to prevent them from biting and scratching at each other too much, for they were vicious and base in their competition for survival, and perhaps just as importantly, to be the top of the pecking order among the brood of dire rat younglings.

The regaining of her memories and intelligence seemed sudden, though it most likely happened gradually and there simply existed a threshold when she became aware of the process. She knew she used to be Simone. She knew she died, and seemed to have existed in an eternity of confined whiteness. She remembered the self-proclaimed Demon King and his offer. And being here, being alive…well, apparently, he and his offer were the real deal. As she proceeded with her eating, sleeping and a more purposeful observation of her new environment, she pondered what to be called. Even if it ended being for her own sake only, she preferred to be Named. Eventually, she settled Asteria. Something from Earth’s mythology, something to serve as a keepsake alongside her soul if that’s what she could call it.

With her new awareness, she spent a day or so learning to better operate her body. Basic movements and perceptions. Walking, crawling, crouching. She examined her front paws and wondered if they would be sophisticated enough for any sort of tool use. She smelled the near and far away scents. From farther in the cave she sensed Strange, Foreign and something she just knew to be Predator. She did not appreciate the idea of being Prey for anyone, but if she wanted to change that, it would probably have to be on her own power.

All in all, if it weren’t for a rather peculiar sibling, who seemed to have already tried following Mother at least twice, Asteria might not have paid much attention to her fellow rat younglings whom she presumed to be lower life forms. However, she did have a building desire to explore and the idea of following their mother, obviously a competent Dire rat, was probably the better choice for now than striking it out on her own. And so, one day, when her female sibling somehow seemed more purposeful in tracking down their parent, Asteria followed after her. Ria’s seemingly greater innate speed allowed her to catch up to her sibling easily enough, and whether the latter would mind or not, she intended to get in on this expedition. If Mother allowed the pursuit and showed them around her hunting grounds, or whatever it was that she had, this could certainly prove to be a valuable experience.
Ineraz Evrenarth
Husband of: Sera @Pupperr and Zeldria @Saltwater Thief
Interacting with: Zeldria

Ineraz was sitting near the head of the table, though the head seat itself was empty, his brother nowhere in sight. His father still hadn’t arrived. Or he had, and was attending other business. Ineraz had no way of knowing just yet. The other Drakken present made the ambiance quite the rowdy and cheerful one, despite the still early morning. The Evrenarth heir had just begun his meal and was chatting with his nearby companions, when a puzzled looking Drakkan approached with a seemingly disgruntled servant following closely behind. The servant was of a reptilian race and was obviously one of the cooks.

“Heir Ineraz, this servant claims to have found one of your brides in the kitchen,” the male announced to him. He made no attempts to whisper, because even though he was standing right next to Ineraz, they barely heard each other what with the easily flowing conversation in the hall.

“Oh?” Ineraz asked, looking curiously at the reptilian female.

“Yesss, masster,” she hissed, her forked tongue peeking out swiftly between small but sharp teeth. “One of yourss is moving about. But sshe knowss nothin’ bout the sspices!” the female complained with an annoyed flick of her tail.

Apparently, the servants weren’t particularly pleased to have some unknown Gem loitering about. Ineraz sighed and looked at his guard. “Bring her here. And no need to be rough,” he gave him a narrow-eyed glare. Drakken were so quick to act upon a perceived slight, but he wouldn’t have others taking liberties with his property.

The Drakkan guard and the reptilian servant left, and Ineraz enjoyed his meal in peace for several moments. The male Drakkan soon returned with Zeldria in tow. The guard gently pushed the bride into the seat next to Ineraz, while he himself chewed on a sausage contemplatively.

“She made these, boss, wanted to give one to you, I think” he commented. “Not too bad for a foreigner, though I doubt the servants would like hearing that,” he chuckled.

Ineraz raised a brow as he watched the Drakkan continue eating part of a meal that his bride had supposedly made for him. “Oh, and you decided to be my food taster, did you?” he teased the Drakkan, though there was a hint of sharp reproof in his tone as well.

“Uh,” the other swallowed carefully. “Sorry. But there’s more back there,” he nodded towards the kitchen “if you want,” he then shrugged and left. Ineraz snorted as he watched the other walking away swiftly, probably thinking Ineraz wouldn’t act if he disappeared from sight quickly enough. But to Ineraz even a minor transgression such as this was worth a pay cut, at the very least.

Keeping that in mind, Ineraz turned towards Zeldria. He struggled to keep a grimace off his face at seeing her in the poorly fitting Drakkan clothing. As appealing as she was when taken on her own, her current apparel could be described as nothing but horrendous.

“After we eat, we will go shopping. You definitely need better clothes. Sera as well. How come you haven’t brought any with you? I though the Drakken gave you time enough to get some things from home,” he wondered.

He continued with his meal then, and urged Zeldria to eat as well. Sometime during their meal, Ineraz addressed an earlier issue. “I don’t mind if you like cooking,” he said. Truthfully, he thought such things should be left up to the servants, but encouraging his brides to find things they liked doing was not a bad idea. “The servants here just have some pride, you know. Doing well what they do is what keeps them alive and healthy after all,” he explained nonchalantly. “If you want to try again, just say so, and I’ll arrange the servants to leave you to it. They could even tutor you a bit if you wish, though I doubt they’ll be kind about it.”

So, I read through the tabs and would like to give this a try.

"I will," Yssil said as he followed Aerta down into the lab. He marveled at the beauty of the room, even though it was small compared to the rooms the academy he occasionally visited in Hekaga had been. But having a laboratory like this in a personal home was impressive indeed. Curiously, he approached the various magical equipment and materials. Some of them he recognized by sight if not necessarily their function, but a few seemed rare and were probably very valuable and collected over Aerta's life. He wondered how many of the objects had an adventure and a story behind them. But even more, he was interested in learning all he did not yet know. Although he had come here to learn both the physical and magical arts, and still intended to do both, he was beginning to realize that he was a bit more drawn towards magic. He was sure, however, that he could make both work.

"Yes, I am aware that any kind of shape can be used. I don't think I've ever performed one without drawing any shape at all, but I've heard of them. I know the applications of rituals are...extensive, but so far I mostly used the magic which comes most naturally to me - my own, as a manifestation of my specific power, will and intent. I am looking forward to expand my practical knowledge though," he explained. "What kind of shape will we be using then? If any at all?" Yssil asked as Aerta pointed out the circle.
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