Elyse excitedly shuffled around her room, gathering data sheets and images and stuffing them into a folder. She was glad to be back on land. It meant that she could visit her supervisor, Atticus; the person supporting her voyage on the Marauder's ship. Her supervisor also was helping her write her research journal. It was kind of a big deal since it was the first journal from a scientist that took the data while in space in years. Soo, it was easy to say that Elyse was thrilled to be on the Marauder's crew.
After all of the space rat attacks and constant need for an extra hand on repairs, Elyse hadn't done as much research as she would have liked to in the few weeks that she had been on the spaceship. Fortunately, though, the little research she did looked very promising! She knew there was a few things in the data sheets and images that were extremely fascinating. Atticus was going to be just as happy as she was with the data she gathered.
With her heart full of enthusiasm, Elyse stuffed her folder into her satchel and grabbed her jacket before heading out of her room. She'd left it in a mess, but it was necessary in order to find all of the important data. Soon, Elyse was stepping out of the ship and into the docking bay. She noticed Reena with a new recruit and waved with a smile. She didn't have time to stop and introduce herself, but she knew she'd be able to meet them later on.
As soon as Elyse's feet touched the platform for the bay, she stopped to look at the wonders of the spire. This place never ceased to amaze her. It was gorgeous, and huge. A perfect example of how the gravitational pull of the supergiant that the spire orbited could keep such a large thing intact. She smiled as she thought over every scientific fact about this place before making her way towards the exit for the bay, knowing she only had a few hours to talk to Atticus and make her way back here.
Elyse walked along, looking around at the other crusaders and travelers in the bay. A figure standing next to a window caught her attention, though. He seemed to be amazed, and relaxed, at the sight of the nearby star's enormous presence. The most curious thing about him was the plant he held in his arms. She gasped softly when she recognized the figure. It's Shaso͞on! He's alive!
The last time that Elyse had heard any news about the brave Ju'yavāl was that he was being treated to a newly made antidote to the space rat's poison. It had worked, but the poor crew mate was in a coma. I guess he woke up in time to relax on the Spire.
With a smile on her face, Elyse headed over to Shaso͞on. She'd never really had a long conversation with him, but he never seemed intimidating or unfriendly to her. At the moment, the way he was holding the plant and leaning against the thick glass made him look as harmless as a flower.
"Shaso͞on! You're okay!" She said, hoping to get his attention before she startled him. "I'm glad to see that." She smiled at the armor-clad man before her, hoping he would accept her friendly nature. "Who gave you the plant? It's very nice."
Elyse continued to smile up at the tall, dark figure. Maybe this was a chance to get to know him better.
Haven watched the other archon hosts, but barely paid attention to them. They either seemed too occupied in their own thing, or way too dramatic. A dark, tall man that reminded her of Darth Vader appeared hostile as he made his shadow flicker. "Ah, Erebos the Shadow. Archon of darkness. He was always one to show off." Haven rolled her eyes, but knew to be wary of this intimidatingly large and creepy man. Her attention turned to the scarred ruffian who seemed to be eyeing all of the ladies in the room with cocky eyes. She was used to that look, so she ignored it as she looked at the other people in the room.
Suddenly, a girl was flung out of a rift, blades ablazing. Haven braced herself to fight, but remained calm. The girl soon put her blades away and calmed, but Haven knew to be wary of her, too. Her sass towards the diva and Ian Marcus amused Haven, but Haven didn't show it. She heard Corvus let out a "hmph." "Andromeda. Don't trust her. At all." Haven simply shrugged. She watched as a strikingly pale girl in a flowing dress appeared and approached a young man. Haven liked her heels.
The exchange was awkward at first, and Haven wished she had popcorn to enjoy, but the boy got a call and swiftly disappeared. Haven furrowed her brows, wondering why he would disappear right after getting here. After a minute, though, the boy reappeared in the same spot, covered in blood. Haven scrunched her nose in disgust, wondering what the hell he'd gotten into during the time he'd disappeared. She shook her head and looked away, releasing her knees as she prepared to stand and get out of this room. These people are weird. How can you trust that I'm capable of fitting in with this crowd? I'm hardly the fighting type. She thought bitterly to Corvus, who merely chuckled. "I do admit that this crowd is odd, but the archons within them will guide and train them. Just like I will do with you. Don't forget that you know a large amount of fighting styles, also." Haven let out a soft sigh, admitting that she knew how to defend herself.
Just as she was about to get up, the first man to speak took the floor once more. She remained sitting, knowing that he at least had some sense to him. He had said a little before Haven was paying attention, but she wanted to hear the rest. "I know this is all very confusing and I'm right there with you, completely in the dark. My first suggestion would be for us all to claim a room in the lower reaches of the temple to get settled in and then we can sit and have a talk about what exactly is going on here"At least someone thought about the rooming situation. I better not have to share with anyone.
"Lupus says that if you imagine your room before you enter one of the empty rooms downstairs, the room will adapt to your vision of how you believe it should be. I'm going to find one now. I guess we can meet back here once everyone has claimed a room. If you guys see the archons that went exploring, let them know about the rooms and the meeting please. I want to learn about all this just as much as you all do. With that said, he turned and walked out of the room. He seemed done with explaining.
Haven took this as her cue to leave. She stood and shouldered her bag. "Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" Corvus asked, feeling that she should at least let them know her name. Haven headed towards the door, avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room. Nope. Corvus simply sighed, helpless as Haven headed down the stairs towards the lower levels. She felt trapped. Like she was in the basement of some monk's home. Surprisingly, though, the air felt great. It was just the tight quarters that bothered her.
Soon, Haven found a hallway with a lot of rooms. She peeked into the closest one, noticing that it was bare. This is it! She thought, headed towards the very last room in the hall. It was tucked away in the right corner, and seemed a good distance from most of the other rooms. Perfect. Corvus frowned lightly. "You're being pretty anti-social, Haven." Haven simply shrugged and opened the door to the bare room. "Here goes nothing," she said aloud, taking a deep breath before she closed her eyes and stepped into the room.
When she opened her eyes, the room looked just as she had imagined it. Haven's once expressionless face looked happy as can be as she felt the hardwood floor beneath her feet. She set her bag down by the door and kicked off her boots before walking towards her bed. The carpet surrounding her bed felt amazingly soft under her feet, and with a little jump, Haven plopped herself down on the king sized bed. She let out a soft groan. It was the perfect mattress. "I think I like this place, Corvus," she said, her voice muffled by the plush, warm blankets her face was buried in. She let out a soft sigh, melting into the cozy bed.
Corvus wasn't very amused. He gave her a few moments to relax and get comfortable with her room before speaking up. "You should go to that other gathering that they're having. You need to introduce yourself and get acquainted with everyone." Haven let out a soft groan of disapproval. "Not in the mood," she grumbled. She could practically feel Corvus giving her that look and she huffed. "Give me ten minutes, and then I'll go to the stupid meet and greet. Okay?" Corvus smiled softly. "Alright, Haven. You may rest." Haven let out a soft sigh and closed her eyes, going back to being relaxed and at ease.
In case you missed it because of the annoyingly same color as Corvus's voice, there is a link attached to the word "room" where you will see a picture of Haven's room.
13 years and going strong.
I'm waiting for the moment someone in my city mentions roleplayerguild as their hobby.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">13 years and going strong.<br><br>I'm waiting for the moment someone in my city mentions roleplayerguild as their hobby.</div>