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@Silver Fox And this is what i get for checking on Ashton -_-

I'm fully expecting Amaya to just walk by now and be like, dafuq? @Knight of Doom
@Silver Fox I agree, sleep is important
@Silver Fox Do it, i date dare you.
Prepare for a long, but good read, and also @Stern Algorithm I forgot to mention you in my post.
Kyle yawned as he walked through the streets of Shine City. Despite his somewhat tired appearance, last night had been the most sleep he has gotten in a very long time. Maybe he wanted to contribute it to the blonde vixen he met last evening, though made even stranger by the new friend they'd made as well. Rifling through his pocket he pulled a small business card, recounting the events that happened earlier in the morning.

Despite all the craziness, last night had been a really good night, and maybe it was a bit impulsive, but he was determined to make something work out of it.

As much as he was tempted to text the young woman after receiving her number last night he'd held himself at bay for not (not without texting his number in return first). Kyle did however want to text that Patience girl though, make sure she was alright, reaching for the business card and typing in the number he could only hope that the message would reach her (most people didn't have landlines nowadays anyway).

To: Lil Ms. Patience @Viciousmarrow

"Hey, it's Kyle you and I met last night along with Amaya. You may not remember us (you were really drunk), but I just wanted to check to make sure you were alright. Call or text me if you need anything.

He wasn't sure if the young woman would respond, but his morals wouldn't allow him to simply just not check in. Worst case scenario was that he'd get a 'wtf', but that was yet to be determined. Fortunately he had the day to himself and took up Shou's offer to meet him at the campus. As Kyle approached the academy he found a rather unusual sight in the throng of new students filing in for their orientation. A person, laying on a bench, in dirty, soot covered clothes, sleeping on a bench. Did Shine City have hobos running around? He supposed it was a good thing he and Amaya came along when they did, but Kyle felt somewhat out of sorts knowing someone homeless was sleeping in the park, and worst case scenario was either they were dead or starving.

Approaching the dirty hobo, Kyle gave them a light nudge, "Hey, mister, are you alright? Do you need some help? It wasn't exactly easy to tell what gender they were, they were after all, facedown and practically the size of a giant. Regardless, Kyle felt sympathy for the person.

@Silver Fox

Featuring [@Beast of Destiny] & @Knight of Doom

Even though the young woman said she was fine, and looked like everything was normal, Kyle couldn't help but worry. As she began to rise he offered his hand to help her, but she powered through without it. Twice he made moves to catch her when she stumbled, but again she righted herself. Perhaps giving up on continuing her late night run or just needing a break she sat down on a bench and spoke with him.

"To club LUSH, I was planning on getting a drink there and maybe tire myself out, that is until I quite literally ran into you." That much was certainly true, he did want to be at LUSH, but he didn't want to leave without making sure the young woman was alright. Considering she was conversing with him he decided to take a seat next to and reciprocate it, "I can't seem to sleep tonight, haven't been able to for," (months) "A while. What about you though? Seems late for a midnight jog." It wasn't strange for someone to run at this hour, he'd certainly seen people exercise at all times of the day, but it was a conversation starter.

“Oh, I had a late night shift at work.” She started off as if it actually contributed to her explanation. It took a moment for her to realize that she didn’t really have an explanation other than her annoying phobia, which was information she didn’t really care to share. “Um, I suppose I simply felt like it.” She shrugged. “Though if you’re going to Club LUSH, you’d better go. I don’t want to keep you from having your fun. Plus the line is really long, so it might take awhile to get in.”

She actually had a really good point, the club's line was super long and unless he had someone on his arm, there was no way he was getting in tonight. ”You're probably right, I wasn't really thinking of that. I think I could let it go for tonight though, the club isn't that much fun without a friend to go with anyway and I'd feel bad just leaving you after smashing into you.” It wasn't like he was expecting her to just keel over at any given second, but considering the way she held herself, Kyle couldn't help but worry.

”If you don't mind the company, perhaps I could join you um…” He paused briefly, ”I just realized, I don't even know your name, I'm Kyle, Kyle Parker, it's nice to meet you Ms.?”

“Amaya Tsukino,” She didn't realize that she forgot to introduce herself. “It's nice to meet you too.” The blonde wasn't sure if she should shake his hand because some people do and others don't. Deciding to do what she thought polite, she held out her slightly calloused hand.

He returned the offer, extending his own hand to give a firm, yet gentle shake; respectable, without treating her like a delicate flower. Kyle took the moment to really observe his companion, pale skin, dainty features, gorgeous blonde locks and stunning blue eyes; she was the epitome of beauty, almost like a Japanese Snow White. He retracted his hand, hoping that his observations didn't cause him to linger too long, though he was curious, Kyle felt like he'd seen her once before.

”I don't know if you needed another moment, but would you like to take a walk? I've been told people need a resting lap after a hard jog.” After actually saying it, he felt like that might've come off a bit stupid. That being said he did want to converse and he didn't want to completely interrupt her run.

“I should probably do that,” Amaya laughed a bit dryly. She usually did her best to do warm ups and cool down when exercising, but tonight she had been in a rush. Her anxiety had taken over her rational thought. Now that someone was next to her bringing her back to reality, the blonde realized she was lucky she didn't do any serious damage to her body. She leaned back to stretch before standing up. Her legs still weren't fully recovered, but it was probably best to walk around a bit.

“I usually do a cool down, but I kinda ran into you, so I didn't get the chance.” Amaya smiled and actually looked carefully at the bespectacled male. He had a practical look to him. Intelligent blue eyes and dark hair. He seemed reliable. However, Amaya made sure not to get too carried away in analyzing him. He was a person, not a puzzle.

”Haha sorry about that,” he scratched his head nervously, ”I hate to admit it but that happens way more often than it should, not that i meant to interrupt you.” His eyes lingered a moment on her stretching form before he stood up with her. Aside from how lithe she looked, the girl did have a pretty smile, a bit atypical from how she originally presented herself, though he’d only known her for a few moments.

”Well after you,” he extended his arm ahead, following along beside her when she moved. As they walked, his eyes continued to wander towards her face, she really did remind him of someone he’d seen before, but he just couldn’t place her. He wasn’t sure if it was showing or not, but the gears were certainly grinding hard as he tried to pinpoint who she was in his mind.

Amaya lead the way, not really thinking about where she was going. Her legs simply followed a path. There was an awkward silence between the two. She wasn’t really sure what to say to a complete stranger. There was quite a bit they could talk about if they chose to do so, but nothing really came to mind. Kyle seemed to be in thought, so she let him be for the moment.

After awhile of walking, Amaya noticed a seemingly drunken girl. She had passed by them before, but this time she was wailing to herself about who knows what. Deciding to help the poor girl, the blonde got Kyle's attention by tapping his arm. “We should probably help her. Shine City's normally a pretty safe place, but you can never be too careful.”

It was taking a while, but Kyle was almost sure at this point. Is she the girl who works at- hmm?” He noticed her tapping him, flushing he was wondering if she noticed his staring. He was relieved to find she was only referencing a young woman nearby who needed assistance, huh he hadn't noticed her before now…

”You're right, we can't be too careful…” images of Nori’s old apartment flashed in his mind, shaking them away he approached the wailing woman and crouched down to her level. ”Miss? Are you alright” once again concern flashed in his features as he tried to help calm the stranger down.

(This post is going into a collab, please forget it...for now)
Well, my character isn't attractive at all. He looks like an avocado had sex with an older, more wrinkly avocado.

Don't worry I'm sure there's someone out there who understands your bacon heritage.

@Wintergrey Elijah is free
@Bozo Realized clients didn't want to work someone who looked like beef jerky, says fuck it and goes rogue. I love it XD
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