Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ashton Griffone || The Cornerstone

@Evil Snowman@dabombjk@Lunaeria@LovelyAnastasia@IrishAngelQueen

Ashton glanced back, mentally face-palming as the cute red head, the beautiful woman that was speaking to the scarred stranger whom she has seen a few times, including a little fire accident, and the laptop guy pretty much ignored her instruction to stay and just followed out. And another stranger curiously coming into the scene. The beautiful woman getting involved and ended up punched, making the tall blonde flinch, and she was about to completely charge at them. It seems though, the woman can be quite scary. Managed to chase the rest off before further action was required. In which the tall blonde was thankful over, for a moment, she thought she might have to resort to a little bit more... force. Though she was quite bummed out that the white haired pale boy and the beautiful girl, Addison, Ashton believed was the name got hurt. She didn't do good enough it seems. It was her life long duty to protect people. Seems she still had a long way to go to being a good firefighter.

Walking to Addison, Ashton looked apologetically to the much more beautiful woman. Gemstone eyes slightly shimmering, as if teary eyed, before bowing in order to apologize for her getting hurt. Hearing a crash, the blonde quickly turned to see the black haired boy fall, a cat landing on top of him and the white haired pale skinned boy take interest in it and the owner. Striding quickly over, she bent down and wrapped her strong arms gingerly around the fallen boy's rips and picked him back up. Helping him to his feet and lightly swiped her hands over him to brush any dirt before gingerly patting and petting the top of his head, stroking the black hair.

It was a habit of Ashton that Marine often said not to do to strangers but she couldn't help it. She liked getting pat on the head by Claire before she out grew it, it was a nice warm feeling. It was just her way to give the same feeling of comfort. Turning her gaze to the cat, Ashton gave a smile and gently stroked the top of the head with the tip of her index finger, then scratching under the chin. Her eyes were still threatening to break, but she looked a bit happier as she gaga'd over the feline.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"Hello. I know this is direct put I must pet your cat, will should be okay with that. I love cats. It's looks so nice and soft and fluffy." he said. "Um ... the name is Theodore. Huge cat lover. I have two myself, so I promise I wont hurt her. If she'll let me pat her." he a added, giving Ange a long, slow blink before looking back at Rue.

Rue was about to respond to Theo when he was crashed into by the guy with the laptop. He landed on his right ribs and winced when the guy's laptop hit his knee. He lay there for a moment, then looked around with alarm, worried that Ange had been hurt. When he saw her laying across the other man's dark haired head with a startled expression, he laughed but stopped as his ribs shrieked at him.

"Putain l'enfer," he swore, sitting up. Then he looked at Theo. "Nice to meet you, Monsieur Theodore. You're Welcome to pet Ange, she loves people." Rue stood and retrieved the other man's laptop, handing Ange to Theo. Rue helped the other male up and handed the laptop back to him, his stomach dancing with butterflies as he locked his green eyes onto the other's surprisingly enchanting amberish ones. He's très belle, he thought. Rue flashed both males a grin.

"I'm Rue," he said. "That-" he gestured to the purring feline "-is Ange-Coeur, my Angel-Heart. What's your name, Monsieur?"

@Silver Fox@Evil Snowman@dabombjk
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


The illustriously dressed Patience was meandering the pathways of Shine City’s park, more intoxicated than she was on most occasions. Her eyes were red and puffy from an extensive session of bawling all by herself at the playground. Today had been extensively taxing: there was a wedding in the morning she had to officiate, a body to lay to rest, and a family that came in wanting to prepare a funeral in advance for their dying daughter. Well, not only the family but also Professor Shou Matsuoka @MyCatGinger. The poor guy! His wife died horrifically in a murder not terribly long ago. Patience visibly shuddered at the thought. She had been in charge of moving the… chunks… of the unfortunate Alessandra and laying the remains to rest. Tragedy seemed to follow Shou, for now one of his childhood friends was going to die as well. The girl was a year younger than her too! Tears began to fall down her cheeks once more, and her hand moved into her pocket to redial Shou’s number. Like the rest of her calls, it went straight to voicemail.

“I’m shorry about dat lasht message, please ignore id, Shosho. I just shtill shad from dat girl’s funeral ding… And lonely...” The woman’s voice was slurred and incoherent as she finished the last of her stream of voicemails. The whole scenario had shaken Patience pretty badly although this was hardly an uncommon circumstance. She was an incredibly sensitive woman who was moved to tears at the drop of a dime. In her line of work, it was a rare day that she didn’t go a day without crying. Sighing, she slipped her bulky smart phone back into her dress pant’s pocket, hoping he wouldn’t be mad at her tomorrow for overloading his phone.

“Hey, Professor! Um… I was wondering if you wanted to have a drink with me? I know it’s late, and you’re probably asleep, but… I’m not really in a happy place right now. Call me when you get this please.”

“Shou! I called you an hour ago and you no call me back. Pleash call me! I’d love to see you.”

“Shoshoooo~ You ignore meee. I in the park righ now, so you better come shoon! Or there gonna be no drinkey drinkey for youuuu! I already drank half a bottle of vodka! One more to go! Mkay, I talk to you in a few.”

“I never ever gonna get a boyfriend or a husband or anything! I am the loneliest girl ever. I just gonna… die alone. ‘Here liesh the ugliest woman. Do not dig up.’ That’sh whatsh gonna be on my grave… I bet you think I’m grossh, don’t you, Shosho?”

“Shpiraling forever. I just lay here and shpiral and shpiral. I try and dink about the happy dings, but it no work. Nope, nope. Just shad Pati in the park. There is nothing but doom and gloom. Doom, doom, doom.”

“I can’d believe you made me waid in the park all by myshelf. You’re an assholeeee! The worsht asshole! Forever! No wonda you haven’d been able to get any date! I’m gonna go home and watch Family Man all by my loneshome and cry myshelf to shleep. You’re mean, and I hope you ‘member dat.”

Hm… Even in her inebriated state, she had to admit, maybe she had gone a little overboard. Her thought process had been to invite Shou out on the town so that they could not be sad together! They both had grief they could bond over, after all. Well, and he was one of the few people she knew personally. Being as busy as she was, it left her very little time to actually get to know people. Sure, her phone was packed to the brim with phone numbers, but most of those were clients or her employees. Shifting her left arm, she grabbed onto her right elbow and gulped, trying not to let crippling loneliness get the best of her. Her dad had been her one and only best friend, but he passed away only a month and a half ago. So what was she to do?

Slowly, her emerald orbs drifted upwards to the night sky, taking in the swimming sight of the flickering stars above. Even against the bright lights of the city, those astral anomalies were a wonder to behold. Patience would never be like that though. She was more like the night sky: overshadowed by the illumination. Yes, she was there and people noticed her, but they only cared about how good of a job she did of reflecting their own personal matters. Such was the life of a civil servant.

The woman soon found that she had walked in a giant circle around the park in her attempt to escape. She wanted to go home, but she was so out of her mind that wasn’t exactly sure if she’d make it back before her legs collapsed on her. Spying a cute, bespeckled man with a pretty blonde nearby @BeastofDestiny@Knight of Doom, she drunkenly presumed they would know the way out of this treacherous quagmire, but she was way too stubborn to actually approach them for help. Staring at them for a moment, Patience noticed their adorable aesthetic compatibility and even flashed them a twisted smile before prancing off again.

Unfortunately, the funeral director happened to make the same circle and wound up right where she had been once again. She was way too drunk for this! Pouting, Patience slapped herself in the face. This was bad! ”I am trapped and lonely and everyding is awful… Why can I nod leave dish placeeeeeee?! It confushing...” the redhead murmured to herself. Wait! She had options! She could use the Süper app @Stern Algorithm! That would get her home! Why she hadn't thought of that in the first place was beyond her. Drawing out her phone, she excitedly input the saved address to her home while the GPS did the rest! Soon she would be homeward bound, and there would be marathons of every movie in existence. Well, there was still one predicament: She wasn’t sure she could make it to the main road. It just seemed so far away! ”Oh mannnn. I gonna die oud here…” she helplessly uttered. So close, yet so far.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Shou Matsuoka

((@viciousmarrow And possibly @Stern Algorithm))




The silver haired professor rolled over in bed, away from the nightstand atop which his vibrating phone nagged at him to respond. "Five more minutes..." he murmured into the pillow. It seemed two minutes passed, and then three minutes, and then-

Buzz buzz.

Too late.
He lifted his pillow with a heavy hand and stuck his head under it, trying to drown out the insistent sound. After about five minutes of trying to fight off the need to stay awake, he groaned, reluctantly crawling out from under the pillow and laying flat on his back, his eyes bleary as he stared blankly at the ceiling. What time was it?
He went to check, hand fumbling around in the dark for his phone on his bedside table. Double-tapping the screen, the time blinked back up at him in digital:
Tapping it again, the digital dot-view screen yielded:


The familiar symbol for voice-messages beamed up at him in pale yellow from the dot-view cover. He squinted at the phone for a handful of seconds, as if staring long and hard enough would make them go away, before resigning with a heavy sigh. The first day of the new summer-fall term at the academy began tomorrow, and he was certain he'd have gotten a good night's sleep if he clocked in by half past nine. He had everything prepared, suit freshly ironed and hung up for the next morning, socks and trousers and shirt laid out, Romeo and Jinxie's arrangements made with the neighbours. Everything was going perfectly...well, up until now.

Fumbling a little more in the darkness, he found his glasses and also the button-switch for the handy bedside lamp he kept for nights where he felt in the mood to read. And he was hoping he'd be weaning off his habit of drinking, too, before the new school year began. Most people made New Year's resolutions. Shou Matsuoka made New-School-Year-resolutions. Of course, sticking to them was a different matter entirely.

"Huh..." having put the spectacles on, he flipped the cover of his phone open, and on the notifications tab was informed that there were seven unchecked voice-messages.
Seven! What!
Alarms went off internally. Did he sleep through an emergency, or something? He wasn't awake enough to deal with anything at midnight! His thumb swiped the password on his Vndroid phone to reveal that all, each and every one of the voice messages were from...
Patience Morgan.

He cringed inwardly. Was the girl in trouble? Was something wrong? He would never forgive himself if she was trying to dial him, and he hadn't responded, and-
With trepidation, he clicked to listen to them. All seven.


He couldn't help but drag his palm down his face with a sigh that woke even the sleeping German-Shepherd in his basket by the window of the professor's room. Oh, Patience, what had she gone and done this time...that girl would get herself into way too much trouble if she continued. The profession she had chosen for herself was becoming a problem to her health. She was bubbly as ever at school, without a doubt, but this would wear her out faster than she could even imagine. He left his phone upon the nightstand and lay in bed again, listening to her messages all over again.

“I’m shorry about dat lasht message, please ignore id, Shosho. I just shtill shad from dat girl’s funeral ding… And lonely...”

Of course, how could he forget?

He moved himself so he was sitting up, legs thrown off the side of the bed and the dull moonlight pouring in through translucent bedroom windows illuminating his figure. He was absolutely naked - and why wouldn't he be? Summer was hot enough, as it was. And, somehow, he could never give up the habit after spending so long with Alex. He reached for something on the bedside, holding it in the light of the lamp so he could get a better look at it.
'That girl's funeral thing...'
Of course, that girl was no ordinary girl. He turned the photo frame he held in his hands a little so the light would reflect less off the glass. It was a framed photo of the two of them, Shou Matsuoka and Tsubasa Yukimori, from much earlier days.

It was a summer evening, and Shou couldn't even remember what they were doing. Was it going to be his first day teaching at the academy? There must have been a reason he looked so stiff. Then again, Tsubasa was in what looked like a uniform, too. And then he remembered. The two childhood friends promised they'd start work at around the same time, but of course, since she was that much younger than him (about six years, give or take), she was still in nursing school. Still, she never gave up being by his side, through all of life's challenges, and he was protective over her like a big brother to a little sister - he never did have one, after all, with just him and Yuusha in the house. Even Shou's mother, Chiasa, had happily taken the girl into the family and remembered the three of them engaging in all sorts of adventures as children. They must have met when she was six, and the boys were eleven and fourteen, and as she grew up, they had been inseparable.

Patience's words played in his head again, taking him back to the events of the afternoon. Shou had gone with Tsubasa's parents, Kimiko and Shintaro, to arrange for their daughter's funeral. Thirty days, give or take, but if Shine City's doctors, some of the best in the region, had confirmed it, you'd be right to believe them.

Shou had to shake himself out of his thoughts. It was as if everyone important in his life were slowly being taken away from him, one by one. He thought back to how he almost lost Oliver, too. Shou and Oliver Holland went way back, and he was crushed when he believed that his old friend was dead. New Year's had a rollercoaster of emotions for the man, including being reunited with his old friend, who had turned into a bandaged, mummy-esque mess, but he was still the same man Shou knew and cared about, very deeply. It seemed he had dropped off the face of the earth, or Shou himself had busied himself with the ending term, and they saw less of each other. He hoped he would be able to see more of him now, once he got back into the groove of things.

His thoughts were snapped back to Patience. She was alone, out there, and drunk out of her mind. Who wouldn't be in danger in a situation like that? He was worried about her, too. That girl always had a knack for...making him worry about her. With a new franticness, he dialled her number, to no response. And tried again, and once more. He hoped she would respond.
When those were logged as 'busy' too (perhaps she was making another call), the silver haired man clambered out of bed, stretching out his body like a cat, as well. Ever loyal, his older dog did the same, padding over to his master and sitting obediently at his feet. Shou and Romeo had a connection that ran pretty deep. For a long time, the dog was his only companion to keep him sane, after Alessandra's passing. Jinxie was warming up to him now, too, but he couldn't deny that him and Romeo had been through more. He'd never admit it to the Jack Russel that lay, spoilt, sleeping in Alex's corner of the king-sized bed, at the foot of where his fiancee used to sleep, but some things were just left best between a man and his dog.

Sauntering lazily over to a robe hanging on one of the closet doors (as he left out every night), he pulled it on before going to the bathroom and freshening up. Normally, this would be a routine that he would do in the morning. He had to be awake bright and early at 6:30, after all, but sometimes, things like that could wait.
He dialled his student - and good friend, he had to admit, else he wouldn't have cared about her quite as much - again, hoping to get a response,
"Patience, Patience. Also, do you realise what time it is? Where are you, right now? ...sorry I couldn't answer your calls, I - like you rightly thought - was asleep. God, just...don't get in any more trouble, okay? Just tell me where you are. I'll come to pick you up. You should be asleep, y'know. School starts in-" he looked at the digital clock by his bedside, green numbers blinking back at him as if scolding him for being awake, "-less than eight hours."

He couldn't deny he was worried about her. That being said, he rummaged through his closet for something casual and appropriate for a midnight hunt-for-patience. This would be a long, long evening, it would seem...
The German Shepherd cross at his feet yawned his agreement, resting his nose on his paws as he protectively watched his master pace around his bedroom in contemplation, and choose out a pair of clothes to wear, this late into the night.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie

Kieran took back his laptop and put it back into his laptop bag. Kieran looked at the strange French man while doing so. It was quite clear by his body movements he meant no ill will, possibly even some kind of desire in his eyes. Kieran stood up slowly, brushing off his pants and jacket. Kieran looked back at the fight and realized that he was told to stay back there. He might have just ruined any kind of chance he had of any nice introductions with those involved, but Kieran sighed. Kieran looked back at the French man and smiled, his light brown eyes shining in the pale moon light.

"Mon nom est Kyle mon brave homme. Je vous remercie pour récupérer mon ordinateur portable."

Kieran chuckled slightly.

"And that's all she wrote. That is about the most French that I can recall at the moment. Believe it or not that is not the first time a French man has given me a laptop I dropped."

Kyle looked at the other man, the one fascinated with the cat. Then he was reminded of the cat and stared at it. Kieran had always been a dog person an did not like cats very much. He felt like they were kind of dickish.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SkeankySnack
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SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Featuring [@Beast of Destiny] & @Knight of Doom

Even though the young woman said she was fine, and looked like everything was normal, Kyle couldn't help but worry. As she began to rise he offered his hand to help her, but she powered through without it. Twice he made moves to catch her when she stumbled, but again she righted herself. Perhaps giving up on continuing her late night run or just needing a break she sat down on a bench and spoke with him.

"To club LUSH, I was planning on getting a drink there and maybe tire myself out, that is until I quite literally ran into you." That much was certainly true, he did want to be at LUSH, but he didn't want to leave without making sure the young woman was alright. Considering she was conversing with him he decided to take a seat next to and reciprocate it, "I can't seem to sleep tonight, haven't been able to for," (months) "A while. What about you though? Seems late for a midnight jog." It wasn't strange for someone to run at this hour, he'd certainly seen people exercise at all times of the day, but it was a conversation starter.

“Oh, I had a late night shift at work.” She started off as if it actually contributed to her explanation. It took a moment for her to realize that she didn’t really have an explanation other than her annoying phobia, which was information she didn’t really care to share. “Um, I suppose I simply felt like it.” She shrugged. “Though if you’re going to Club LUSH, you’d better go. I don’t want to keep you from having your fun. Plus the line is really long, so it might take awhile to get in.”

She actually had a really good point, the club's line was super long and unless he had someone on his arm, there was no way he was getting in tonight. ”You're probably right, I wasn't really thinking of that. I think I could let it go for tonight though, the club isn't that much fun without a friend to go with anyway and I'd feel bad just leaving you after smashing into you.” It wasn't like he was expecting her to just keel over at any given second, but considering the way she held herself, Kyle couldn't help but worry.

”If you don't mind the company, perhaps I could join you um…” He paused briefly, ”I just realized, I don't even know your name, I'm Kyle, Kyle Parker, it's nice to meet you Ms.?”

“Amaya Tsukino,” She didn't realize that she forgot to introduce herself. “It's nice to meet you too.” The blonde wasn't sure if she should shake his hand because some people do and others don't. Deciding to do what she thought polite, she held out her slightly calloused hand.

He returned the offer, extending his own hand to give a firm, yet gentle shake; respectable, without treating her like a delicate flower. Kyle took the moment to really observe his companion, pale skin, dainty features, gorgeous blonde locks and stunning blue eyes; she was the epitome of beauty, almost like a Japanese Snow White. He retracted his hand, hoping that his observations didn't cause him to linger too long, though he was curious, Kyle felt like he'd seen her once before.

”I don't know if you needed another moment, but would you like to take a walk? I've been told people need a resting lap after a hard jog.” After actually saying it, he felt like that might've come off a bit stupid. That being said he did want to converse and he didn't want to completely interrupt her run.

“I should probably do that,” Amaya laughed a bit dryly. She usually did her best to do warm ups and cool down when exercising, but tonight she had been in a rush. Her anxiety had taken over her rational thought. Now that someone was next to her bringing her back to reality, the blonde realized she was lucky she didn't do any serious damage to her body. She leaned back to stretch before standing up. Her legs still weren't fully recovered, but it was probably best to walk around a bit.

“I usually do a cool down, but I kinda ran into you, so I didn't get the chance.” Amaya smiled and actually looked carefully at the bespectacled male. He had a practical look to him. Intelligent blue eyes and dark hair. He seemed reliable. However, Amaya made sure not to get too carried away in analyzing him. He was a person, not a puzzle.

”Haha sorry about that,” he scratched his head nervously, ”I hate to admit it but that happens way more often than it should, not that i meant to interrupt you.” His eyes lingered a moment on her stretching form before he stood up with her. Aside from how lithe she looked, the girl did have a pretty smile, a bit atypical from how she originally presented herself, though he’d only known her for a few moments.

”Well after you,” he extended his arm ahead, following along beside her when she moved. As they walked, his eyes continued to wander towards her face, she really did remind him of someone he’d seen before, but he just couldn’t place her. He wasn’t sure if it was showing or not, but the gears were certainly grinding hard as he tried to pinpoint who she was in his mind.

Amaya lead the way, not really thinking about where she was going. Her legs simply followed a path. There was an awkward silence between the two. She wasn’t really sure what to say to a complete stranger. There was quite a bit they could talk about if they chose to do so, but nothing really came to mind. Kyle seemed to be in thought, so she let him be for the moment.

After awhile of walking, Amaya noticed a seemingly drunken girl. She had passed by them before, but this time she was wailing to herself about who knows what. Deciding to help the poor girl, the blonde got Kyle's attention by tapping his arm. “We should probably help her. Shine City's normally a pretty safe place, but you can never be too careful.”

It was taking a while, but Kyle was almost sure at this point. Is she the girl who works at- hmm?” He noticed her tapping him, flushing he was wondering if she noticed his staring. He was relieved to find she was only referencing a young woman nearby who needed assistance, huh he hadn't noticed her before now…

”You're right, we can't be too careful…” images of Nori’s old apartment flashed in his mind, shaking them away he approached the wailing woman and crouched down to her level. ”Miss? Are you alright” once again concern flashed in his features as he tried to help calm the stranger down.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 23 hrs ago



It was an unusual night. For one, Shizuka was still awake, ready for bed, but sitting in the living room of her dorm, finishing the latest book from the popular 'A Song of Cold and Hot' series. For two, Shizuka's roommate Shakti wasn't out with friends, and was instead just watching TV. Because of their drastically different schedules and lifestyles, they hardly ever interacted or got to spend time together, though when they did, it wasn't that awkward. For the most part they just silently enjoyed each other's company.

Then Shakti's phone buzzed. Checking what it was, Shakti shot up off the couch. "The citizen's of Shine City need me!" She called out. Shizuka nodded gently, used to her roommate's shenanigans. Shakti ran towards the kitchen and cracked open the window.

"Shak-" Shizuka began to protest this newest habit Shakti had developed.

"No time!" Shakti said as she awkwardly scrambled over the kitchen sink and clambered her way through the window. Once outside, Shakti bolted towards where her car was parked. Even though she was allowed to stay in graduate housing due to a technicality, she was not authorized to park on campus, so her vehicle was a ways away. Shizuka shook her head in patient exasperation and closed the window.

Shakti reached her car, which was parked in a questionably legal spot, but fortunately it was out of sight. Her car used to belong to the orphanage, but with a recent wave of new funding, the orphanage had upgraded most of their equipment and technology, retiring this old, beat-up white van, which Shakti 'inherited'. Looking at the black-tinted windows, she noticed the letters she had put up earlier were fading, so she pulled open the side door and grabbed the bar of soap she always kept there. Sliding the door shut, she used the soap and rewrote 'SÜPER DRIVER' on the window. Pleased with her handiwork, she got in and took off towards the park.

Around the outskirts of Shine Park, a shady-looking white van circled around and around in a predatory manner. Shakti stopped in a place that she probably shouldn't stop in and pulled out her phone, using the Süper app to message her potential client.

"Hey! I'm here. Where you at?"
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ashton Griffone || A School... maybe... Honestly she has no Clue

I think of how it all was made
Each detail of this world portrayed
In bursts of color, every sight and sound~

The wide blue sky and the immobile ground~

It's all too great to understand
The moon, with one stroke of his hand,
Started to glow and all the stars appeared
How did it all end up here?

A soft mumble came from the tall blonde, shifting at the distant voice within her mind. Soothing her at the same time as waking her up. Amethyst eyes gingerly fluttering open, she unconsciously thought that she was cuddled up against someone like a clingy child. Much to her disappointment, she was still completely alone. Well, in a sense, considering there were several people mulling about. What time was it? Sometime during the day..... Where was she and why was she sore? Shifting in her awkward position as she found herself resting on her belly, left arm hanging over the edge of her resting place. She felt smooth wood, and as she unwound herself from a curled position of a cat, her legs soon joined the arm in hanging over the edge. Raising her face groggily upward from its resting pillow that was her right arm, she slowly glanced around. She was out in the open, somewhere, with quite a bit of traffic of people. Covered head to toe in soot and ash in her regular uniform.

What happened? Oh right.

That's right, Ashton had to go and put out another fire. It wasn't so bad, but it did take up most of the night. Then Ashton went to walk back home and got lost like usual. She was so tired though and just needed a little rest. Just a few quick winks and it's fine. She couldn't get any bearings with how tired she was anyway. So she must have plopped on this bench and made it her bed for the last few hours. The blonde was still tired.... so maybe... just a few more winks of sleep before another call came in. With a yawn, the firefighter's head face planted back into her arm like a rock.

She hoped Amaya was alright. She didn't want the sweet girl to worry or anything. Ashton should definitely make it up by getting some groceries for her. Just to keep the house nice and stocked. Maybe some flowers and chocolates. She also hoped the owners of wherever she was didn't mind. Ashton was fairly sure she was at some kind of school, but she didn't particularly know which one. Could be the Academy or the Primary school for all she knew. Hope the teachers don't mind. Just a couple more hours.. then she'll continue her search for home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Rue smiled as he pulled out a herbal cigarette and lit it, the smell of mint and basil drifting in the night air. Feeling needy, he gently took Ange-Coeur from Theo's arms and settled her across his shoulders once more, reassured that she wasn't hurt.

"Non," he said to Kieran. "Your accent and pronunciation is quite good. Pronunciation is always key, mon ami. He studied Kyle for a moment, taking a drag of the herbs, breathing it out through his nose. Kieran was quite handsome in his opinion. His black hair set off his amber eyes, and his long neck was perfect for kissing.

"Would you like a drink?" he asked. "I have an excellent bottle of Dreaming Tree red Crush at my place," he added. "I don't know about you, but this night suddenly seems tired, already. Or we could go for a walk instead. Ange and I were just wandering around to familiarize ourselves. We just moved from Monifiquet, France." Ange's tail brushed his high cheekbones, her soft tail whispering against his skin, and Rue turned an adoring gaze onto the sweet hearted feline.

He scratched her chin and she purred in contentment.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie

Kieran sighed when he realized what this man intended. Kieran used to be a slightly different man, more outgoing and more flirty, and Kieran could clearly see the end game for this man.

"Thank you for the offer but it is late, and I should probably be getting home. You seem interesting enough so here,"Kyle said handing him a scrap of paper he had his number on"This isn't me flirting or anything, but I need more matierals for my book and it seems staying indoors friendless is not the way to go. So shoot me a text if to hang out later.......like just in a friendly way though."

Kieran patted the man with the cat on my back.

"By the way my name is Kieran nice to meet you."

Kieran walked off on that note.

The next day came over him like a hurricane. He was a mess when he woke up, and he sludged his way though everything. He just couldn't seem to stay motivated or stay focused. Kieran tried to make something to eat but realized he had no food. Kieran dreaded going to the store, having to talk to people, but he did not want to spend more money at the moment than he had too. Kieran got dressed into a white v neck, black jeans, and red jacket, and walked out.

Kieran walked to the nearest grocery and went through a mental list of what to get. Chicken was a must have that was for sure. Maybe he could get some salami as well.

@silver fox@irishangelqueen
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SrslyAnArtist
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SrslyAnArtist Badass Bitch / Struggling to live

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Rue woke up to Black Veil Brides's Saviour and a certain feline purring sleepily, a warm weight on his chest. He smiled and picked her off him, earning a sleepy protest as he sat up and cuddled her. He sang along as he thought of who it had been written for and why. The band had written it for their fans because of all the letters they got that told them of the tough times their fans go through, and they had wanted to be there for them in some way. Rue truly loved that band.

When the song was over, he got out of bed to feed Ange some of the homemade cat food that he had learned from his grand-mère back in France a couple years ago. She had showed him how after he came home with a kitten named Ange, complaining about how most store bought cat foods were absolutely shit. It had rabbit meat that had been boned and cut into small pieces, a few springs of parsley, rosemary, marjoram and thyme, unsalted vegetable stock, sweet potato, carrot, celery, leek, turnip, peas all sauteed in olive oil.

Ange mewed and rubbed against his ankles in appreciation after he had set her down in front of a small bowl of it. He smiled and kissed her brown and white head before making himself an omelet with tomatoes, chicken bits, parley, basil and cheddar cheese. When they both finished, Rue went to gather clothes for when he took a shower. When he emptied the pockets of the pair of jeans that he had worn yesterday, he found the slip of paper that had numbers on it. Kieran's number, he remembered. The handsome, amber eyed man. Humming, he decided to send him a text.

Bonjour, Kieran. This is Rue. From the other night. I was wondering if you want to meet up if you're not too busy doing something else? I have to drop off a few herbs and to make a few contacts today with restaurants and such, but maybe someplace around noon, oui?

He gathered clean clothes and hopped into the shower after sending it, hoping to get a positive response.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
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Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Theodore Maxwell

Theo's Apartment: 7:04 am

The sound of a man snoring loudly the only sound that could be heard in the dark apartment. The source of this sound sleeping in a frazzled heap on his couch. The source of the snoring not even able to make it to his bed. Sitting down to take his shoes off when he eventually got home. However never got them off, falling asleep mere seconds after he sat down. Still dressed in yesterday clothes a pair of cats curled up by his feet. Having already tried to wake their servant up to fed them. However no matter what his cats did Theo was out like a light. Much to the annoyance of his furry overlords, as much they hated it they'd have to wait for the breakfast. Luckily for them Theo alarm began to blare it accused noise quickly filling the apartment with a loud horrid noise. That could wake the dead form there slumber. With a groan and several muttered curse words. Theo sitting up rubbing his eyes glaring at the offending device on his bedside table.
"Stupid clock your nearly as bad as the cats. Why does thou torture me so?" he spoke still sounding like he was half asleep ... which wasn't far from the case. If it hadn't been for that overly loud alarm he'd of simply laid back down and slept till the afternoon. Not something he really could afford to do on a weekday. Given he had to get up for work or on Wednesdays school. His boss not afraid to chew him out over being late. Especially since it was Theo's duty to open the shop, so if he was late the Enchanted Florist wasn't going to open on time. Then he'd be in real trouble.

Still it didn't mean breaking the sweet embrace of sleep was an easy task. Even with the horrid buzzing of an over zealots alarm clock, that was determined to keep the young man awake. Groaning again, Theo sat up in a half sleep state. Looking like he needed at least several hours more of sleep. However it was sleep he wasn't going to be getting, much to Theo's annoyance. Getting to his feet. Theo walked over to his bedside table, nearly triping over a pair of cats in the process and turned off the alarm. With a exasperated sigh, he began to get ready for work. Starting with making himself a cup of coffee ... only to find he had run out of coffee and hadn't gotten around to buying more.
"Mondays ..." he thought as he set the empty coffee tin back into the cupboard. Although he knew it was unhealthy Theo ended up downing an energy drink he had stashed in his fridge. Get washed, dressed, fed and feeding his overlords. Theo left him apartment at 7:30 on the dot.

The drive to work was what Theo would call normal. Being early there where few people on the road. Letting his mind partly wonder to what happened last night. Theo frowning as all he did was fawn over a cat for serval minutes before realizing he head home After the tall blonde was dragged away. Collecting his belongings form inside the Cornerstone. He, he said bye to the red head then left. Getting home without any issue. The only reminded her had from the night was bruise on right side of his face along his jaw line where been punched and his jaw hurt a little. The only thing Theo wished he had done last night was thank the large blonde for the drink and help in the fight.

The Enchanted Florist: Present time

Once Theo had gotten to work he had gone about his normal routine to get the shop ready. Which mostly was sweeping the floors and getting various flowers ready for sale. Opening the store a few minutes after 9 am when an impatient customer banged on the door demanding to let in. The only thought in Theo's head it was going to be one of those days. Letting the customer in he attended to their needs his work persona kicking in, once they where gone. He began setting up the display out the front shop. His least favorite job in the morning as he had to do it while dealing with customers luckily the mornings where pretty quite most days. Theo hoping that today would be an easy one for him. he had feeling it wouldn't be though. As it never was when he felt like crap, but who knew? Maybe the universe would toss him a bone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SkeankySnack
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SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Kyle yawned as he walked through the streets of Shine City. Despite his somewhat tired appearance, last night had been the most sleep he has gotten in a very long time. Maybe he wanted to contribute it to the blonde vixen he met last evening, though made even stranger by the new friend they'd made as well. Rifling through his pocket he pulled a small business card, recounting the events that happened earlier in the morning.

Despite all the craziness, last night had been a really good night, and maybe it was a bit impulsive, but he was determined to make something work out of it.

As much as he was tempted to text the young woman after receiving her number last night he'd held himself at bay for not (not without texting his number in return first). Kyle did however want to text that Patience girl though, make sure she was alright, reaching for the business card and typing in the number he could only hope that the message would reach her (most people didn't have landlines nowadays anyway).

To: Lil Ms. Patience @Viciousmarrow

"Hey, it's Kyle you and I met last night along with Amaya. You may not remember us (you were really drunk), but I just wanted to check to make sure you were alright. Call or text me if you need anything.

He wasn't sure if the young woman would respond, but his morals wouldn't allow him to simply just not check in. Worst case scenario was that he'd get a 'wtf', but that was yet to be determined. Fortunately he had the day to himself and took up Shou's offer to meet him at the campus. As Kyle approached the academy he found a rather unusual sight in the throng of new students filing in for their orientation. A person, laying on a bench, in dirty, soot covered clothes, sleeping on a bench. Did Shine City have hobos running around? He supposed it was a good thing he and Amaya came along when they did, but Kyle felt somewhat out of sorts knowing someone homeless was sleeping in the park, and worst case scenario was either they were dead or starving.

Approaching the dirty hobo, Kyle gave them a light nudge, "Hey, mister, are you alright? Do you need some help? It wasn't exactly easy to tell what gender they were, they were after all, facedown and practically the size of a giant. Regardless, Kyle felt sympathy for the person.

@Silver Fox
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ashton Griffone || The Academy


Ashton could feel herself in a light sleep, having a soft mild dream to compensate with the noise around. It was just one of those states people had some difficulty realizing if it was reality or not when they woke up from it. Still, it was a peaceful dream, and she couldn't help but smile. A child once more, still large for her age but small for a adult, playing in a park. Listening to the footsteps of people as she played in a tree, climbing and feeling the rough bark against her skin. A soft voice echoing, calling out to her, forcing her to glance down in the direction to see a foggy image of a woman. With a chipper smile, the dream Ashton climbed down and bounded over to the woman. Smiling brighter then a chipmunk with a mouth full of nuts. Ashton couldn't quite make out the woman's image, but she felt the soft hand against her ruffled blonde hair, roughling it up like petting a dog. With a little squeal of happiness, the child tackled the woman in a hug, craving for the warmth and affection.

Course, in reality, she was still on that bench and half listening to the sounds around her. As someone tapped her, she groggily shifted, slowly raising her head in response. Amethyst eyes glazed over with sleep and squinting thanks to the sandman. Reactively, the touch made her lean toward whoever the owner was, thinking it was that woman again for just a moment. Sleepily reaching her lengthy left arm to wrap around her poor victim and pull them into a embrace. Soon wrapping the other once closer to make a firm and cuddly hug. Rolling so she lied on her back so she can just cuddle the object on top of her. This bed for some reason didn't have any room. This was much warmer......... so maybe just a couple more winks of sleep. So she closed her eyes again and drifted back in the realm of sleep. If this was a anime, surely there would be 'Zzzzzz' flying out of her comically.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MyCatGinger
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MyCatGinger Miss Chievous

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The night before...
A collab between @MyCatGinger and @Viciousmarrow (It's part 1, again!)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

A blaring alarm jolted Patience awake, and she found herself snuggled up against the warmth of a grown man. As the bigger spoon, her left arm was draped over him and nestled lovingly on his lower abdomen. Her ample chest grazed the flesh of his back, her feet interlaced with his own, and her nose was tucked up against his neck. Anyone who looked upon this scene would have guessed they were lovers who had enjoyed a long night of passionate lovemaking. She was closer to this male than she had ever been with anyone else, and it should have been a pleasant feeling. However, Patience didn’t innately register the fact due to quaking headache pounding in her skull, the sheer fatigue that wracked her body, and the excruciating pox on her stomach. Tack on the additional side effect of her tiny frame trembling from not eating for a day or more, and Patience truly appeared to be the embodiment of death. Hysterically, the pale woman clambered over the waking man, accidentally sinking her well taken care of nails into his skin. She didn’t pay any heed to who the man was, nor did she want to do know. There would be plenty of time to rue her actions after she was done purging the copious amounts of bile from her system. Sprinting to the first bathroom visible, she fell to her knees before the toilet, gripped the sides, and expected to puke her brains out. Unfortunately, try as she might, nothing wished to come out. Patience whimpered as she dry heaved and silently vowed never to repeat last night, though internally she knew it was only a matter of time before she succumbed to her whims again. ”Oh god, I need medicine…” she spoke aloud, her timbre shaky and weak.

Realizing her efforts were futile, the nude lady hazily got back to her feet and began searching the medicine cabinet, hoping to god she would find some alka seltzer or something for her ailments. She was tossing bottles and tubes left and right in her frenzy, and by the time she had found a roll of antacid and a bottle of aspirin, quite a mess had been made at her feet. Quickly, Patience popped more of the pills than she probably should have. Only then did she begin to calm down, though it was only ever so slightly. Her unsteady hands ran through her hair, and weakly, she gripped the rim of the sink, fighting off the demons that sliced at her innards. Today was going to be a bad day, that much was certain. And she had so much to do! How was she going to explain her absence to Shou though?! How was she going to deal with losing her innocence to a stranger, who she hadn’t even gotten a good look at yet? Oh god, oh god, oh god. Her breathing was escalating to the point of hyperventilation, and painful tears spewed out from the corner of her eyes. Frantic sobs pulsated from those inviting lips of hers, sincerely regretting the things she couldn’t remember last night. What had she done?!

The young professor was amidst a land of dreams, and for the first time in a long time (despite how little sleep he had gotten that night), he felt at peace. He felt Alessandra’s presence somehow around him, and in his dreams, he saw her face. She was saying something to him but he couldn’t make out the words; he was just so happy to see her. She was so warm. She was so real. She was also…beeping.

Beep beep beep.

The faint beeping of the alarm clock slowly brought the tired professor back to the waking world. He was about to stretch out in bed before realising it was somehow warmer than usual. In an...odd, creepy sort of way. There was something pressed up against his back. In the blurry haze of his thoughts coming to him slowly, he tried to place what it might be. The blankets bunched up, possibly? But it felt more...human. And then the events of last night finally, finally came to him, and he immediately registered just what - just who - the body pressed up against his lovingly was. He felt his face go warm and was about to move away carefully befo-

“F-fuck!” he hissed, biting his tongue as the figure climbed right over him and frantically to the bathroom. She had dug her nails into his flesh (and he had to admit, they were pretty damn pointy) and red marks remained where she had grabbed onto him and let go of him. Jolting upright, he just sat there in bed, squinting at the bathroom door the naked redhead had just passed through, with a look of absolute dumbfoundedness. He heard her retching and it sent a shudder down his spine. Fumbling for his glasses on the bedside table, he breathed warm air onto the lenses before wiping them with the fabric of the bedsheet (in a pinch, it would do). He then settled them onto his nose and, fighting the urge to look inside the bathroom, made a dash for the robe he had thrown onto his desk chair too. Grabbing it and putting it on, he finally got a better sense of the time.


The alarm hadn’t stopped beeping. He quietly clicked the damned machine shut, looking over at the freshly laundered suit he had set out the day before. Orientation day at the academy was today, after all, but he had to take care of his little houseguest first.
“Err...Miss Morgan?” he called out hesitantly, taking slow, silent steps and leaning against the doorframe of the bathroom with widening eyes. It was a large affair, and the otherwise pristine floor now was littered with bottles upon bottles of medicine, and leaflets and whatever else possible, including some gels, and-

“...are you alright?” he sighed, keeping his cool and looking over at the naked girl with a much different expression from the night before. This time, it was understanding, as if he had come to terms with the situation, but he was also smirking, just the tiniest bit. Something about her being so...helpless brought out the best in Shou. “Hey, tigress. Why don’t you let me help you find...what you need, hmm? This is my house, after all.”

That voice. It was too recognizable. Nonononono… she was pleading in her head as her friend, her professor was talking from the other side of the door frame. Her heart was strung up by a noose, and the pressure of on her stomach escalated tenfold. Did she really sleep with Shou last night? Or was this just a fucking nightmare? Patience wanted to die right now, knowing fully well that the silver haired gentleman wouldn’t have taken advantage of her in the state she was in last night. So that must have meant she initiated their rendezvous. Guilt intermixed with the already atrocious sensations she felt. There was no way the redhead could be involved with Shou like this, not romantically or any other way than platonically. After their supposed tryst, Patience could only believe that his affection for her had grown, that he probably wanted to be more than just friends-with-benefits. Even if he had taken her innocence, she couldn’t do it. Not after everything he had already been through. Them being together would just add so much unneeded stress to him, and yeah, he was a great guy but… Shou needed someone that was better than her.

Patience didn’t want to let him down though, and, in an act of desperation, she shut the bathroom door and locked it, just in case he tried to enter. Perking up and steadying her voice, she called out in the most cheerful manner she could muster, ”I’m fine, Professor! I promise! I just need a shower…” To emphasize the point, her feet carried her over to the pristine shower, stepped in, and turned the knob. A gentle, steamy stream greeted her skin, and some of her woes felt alleviated by the therapeutic feeling. At the very least, this ploy gave her some time to think about how she wanted to deal with the scenario she was handed. Running her hands through the length of her hair, she began to bathe with closed eyes. Maybe she’d wake up from this nightmare if she concentrated enough...

The silver haired professor stumbled back in shock, having the bathroom door literally slammed in his face. He almost fell back onto his rump but held his ground, just slowly blinking at the door as if it would open through telekinesis alone. Sure enough, it didn’t, but a voice did respond from inside. “A-a shower…? O-okay, Patience! ...see, it’s orientation day today, so I’m going to have to...err.”

He regretted wanting to ask her if he could use the shower, just sighing and responder in a meeker tone that he hoped she had heard through the door, “...fresh towels are folded and on top of the medicine cabinet. There’s a footstool if you can’t reach. A-Alex...always needed one.” he added sombrely. “...listen, I’m going to make us some breakfast, alright? I hope toast is okay, because that’s all you’re going to be having if I’m responsible. I have to dash for the academy, so please, Patience...please, be done soon!”

And with that, stretching his back out like a cat, the professor’s day begun, both his dogs responding to the morning like hardly anything was out of place, trotting by their master’s side (Jinxie mostly shot down the stairs) to be given breakfast.

“And Goggle, please play Mr. Brightside, by the Vitamin String Quartet
His phone responding with a chirpy beep and (as he always was), connecting to the small bluetooth speaker kept on one of his kitchen counters, the kitchen/living room came to life in song.

After securing his two canine companions’ morning meals (Shou envied them and how easy it was for them to procure food sometimes), he made another search through his cabinets for anything that his guest might take a liking to. Fortunately, his eyes fell upon a pack of Ships Ahoy cookies! Success!

Feeling rather proud of himself, and still in his dressing gown, Shou popped two slices of white bread into an immaculate-kept toaster, and fetched a jug of milk from the fridge, tapping his slippers soundlessly to the sound of the violins as he moved from place to place, setting up the small table that seated four in the dining area just by the open kitchen. He set aside two small plates, the jug of milk, a platter of cookies and some butter, and after a little more searching, a small jar of strawberry jelly. He had just put his morning cuppa’ on for a brewing when the toast was ready, which he replaced with two more slices before carrying the crisp bread to the table. He was determined to make this as gentle an awakening for his guest as possible, whistling along to the song that played as he flitted from here to there, as if he was used to having guests over all the time. The truth was far from the matter, though. Shou didn’t have many, but those he did have, he served well.

“Patience! I...I hope you find something decent to wear! I have to shower soon, too, and I have to get ready and go!” he called out, hands cupped over his mouth to make the sound reach her, but he doubted she’d hear him through the sound of the jets of water. Instead he shook his head and put the finishing touch on the breakfast table laid for two: A pitcher of glittering orange mixed-cocktail juice.

The walking disaster of a woman finished her shower sooner than expected, and admittedly, she did feel slightly better. Being an incredibly busy woman, she was used to short shower sessions such as this. Her head and her stomach were still screaming at her, but at least she didn’t feel so disgusting any more. As Shou had said, the towels were indeed on top of the medicine cabinet, but even with the footstool, Patience couldn’t reach them! His wife must have been a bit taller than her… Sighing, she was forced to step onto the actual sink, a balancing act that required more effort than it was worth. By the time she had pulled a towel down, the floor and the sink were soaked by the drops of water that fell from her, culminating in a massive puddle in the center of the bathroom. To add to the mess, the cloth she pulled down caused all of the others to tumble down to the earth as well. One, somehow, actually ended up in the toilet. Hopefully the Professor didn’t have crippling OCD, or he might flip after seeing this.

She felt terrible at the carnage she had wreaked, but neither her or Shou had time to clean it up! Quickly drying herself off and tying the towel around her body, her legs sauntered back into the bathroom. Where were the clothes she had worn the night before? Emerald orbs scanned the bedroom, but there was no sign of them. Damn, had they started elsewhere? They must have been very into it. Oh god, she didn’t want to think about that though! Shou’s clothes were no doubt going to be too big for her, but… what about…? An uneasy expression sat on her face as she considered borrowing some of his late wife’s clothes. Unfortunately, as much as she hated it, Patience didn’t have much of a choice, so she reluctantly strode toward the closet that was presumably Alessandra’s.

Investigating the deceased lady’s clothes proved to be a fruitless endeavor. Everything was a size or two too large for the petite redhead. Where Patience was probably way too skinny, Alex seemed to have had a proper body type for her height. The only thing that was actually too small for her were the bras; apparently Shou’s wife had not been the bustiest of women. Stress was starting to eat up at her as she considered the options before her. Finally, she decided she was going to be a bit creative. Her hand grabbed a thick, black t-shirt, tossed it on, and over that, she adorned one of the finer dark dresses that Alessandra had acquired during her life. Yes, this makeshift outfit absolutely draped over her like a curtain, but it was something that would conceal her lady parts until she could get home. Well, that assuming today wasn’t a breezy day… If that were the case, she might be in some trouble.

Downstairs, the redhead found her host had laid out quite the buffet for breakfast. The music along with the arrangement of food resulted in what was probably the most romantic thing anyone had ever done for her. A crimson hue flashed onto the woman’s pale cheeks, embarrassed by the fact that a man would actually go this far for her. ”This is… really sweet.” Patience told Shou in a sheepish tone. It was pretty obvious she wasn’t used to this. As she sat at the table, her gaze went to the cookies and the pieces of toast nearby. That was entirely too much for her! ”It’s… It’s a lot.” Did he eat this much on a regular basis?! She could scarcely finish one piece of toast on a good day! Nervously, her hand grabbed one of the cookies and took a miniscule bite of it, barely denting a fifth of it. This was how she remained so skinny: she hardly ate anything.

“Well, I’m glad you’re down-” Shou chirped, in a much better mood after just folding the last of the two napkins he laid across their plates, turning around to face Patience, and at doing which, his entire body went cold, and his expression turned to one of ice. It wasn’t sinister, no, it was more...hurt? There was definitely pain in there somewhere, and it lingered longer than the professor would have liked, forcing himself to smile and push the memories aside. Alex wore those clothes, so long ago. Alex...why did she haunt him even today? Alessandra Goretti, oh, how he missed her, to date…

“...you look wonderful, Patience. I’m glad...the clothes fit.” he forced out, hardly able to put two and two together as to this guest wearing his dead fiancee’s clothes. He remained speechless otherwise as the ginger-haired girl made her way over and he tucked her chair in, as if out of habit. Somehow, his eyes avoided her, as if looking at her was painful, but he didn’t have the heart to tell her his true emotions about the situation. “...don’t worry. Just eat what you can, mm? I know...you didn’t eat a lot last night, and I was a horrible host, I’m sorry. I wanted to make it up to you with...a nice breakfast today.” A hint of nervousness picked up in the professor’s voice, too, the two dogs having finished their breakfast eagerly inspecting their new visitor, “Do you...like it? You’ve hardly touched...anything. Is something wrong, Patience? ...you can tell me.”

Oh boy, Shou was really turning on the charm now. Complimenting her, pushing in her chair… It was cute, really, and she really appreciated the sentiments. Patience hadn’t ever thought that her professor would actually have romantic inclinations towards her until now. ”Thanks, Shosho. They don’t really fit though. I actually couldn’t find any panties, so um… Let’s hope no one gets some good upskirt shots of me, right?” she joked in an attempt to break any tension. Unfortunately, he seemed to be worried about her lack of appetite, which didn’t surprise her. Any sane person would seriously question the amount she ate. Was she anorexic? Patience didn’t believe she was, merely being a person who simply did not like eating. It was such a time consuming experience and it was boring… Not many foods appealed to her, honestly. Cocking her head in curiousity, she quivered an eyebrow up at him. ”It’s great, Shou. I just, you know, don’t eat a lot normally.” She was being as normal as she could be, but her friend was right: there was something wrong. However, Patience wasn’t going to address that elephant in the room. Not now, at least. With her feeling as terrible as she did, the redhead had no intention to break his heart right now.

“Aw. I’m sure if you’re careful, we won’t be having any of those upskirt shots after all.” his facial features softened, him stealing a quick cookie from the tray and popping it into his mouth, crunching it hungrily before wolfing it down, hardly taking the opportunity to sit down. “I need to go take a shower, but I understand, Patience. I...make yourself at home, while I get ready. I think I’m already running a little late! Maybe I can drive you home on the way there? It wouldn’t be too far, that is, and I can tell you about what happened last night. Sound good? I hope so...that’s the only option I have right now, yikes!”

Immediately being made aware of the time by a large analogue clock in the dining room, he ruffled the redhead’s hair without much thought before jogging back to the staircase and darting up them to go and get changed. Thankfully, not much was ruined, and after a quick shower (and him resisting the urge to flip a table at seeing the state his bathroom was in, but he had no time to fix it right now so the most he did was pick the towels off the floor and send them all through a conveniently placed laundry-chute that led to the laundry room in the basement. He would deal with those later, hopefully. For now though…

Donning his trousers, shirt, shoes and tie after hastily towelling off (though his hair remained wet for the most part), he jogged back down, suit jacket neatly folded in the crook of his arm to put on whenever he needed to, to notice Patience still sitting at the table. “...ah! Don’t worry about that. Just...um, could you drop the dishes in the sink, Patience? And leave the backdoor open, for Romeo and Jinxie, my dogs you’ve probably met by now, to get out, and meet me by my car outside?”

Patience was about to tell Shou that she was still going to work with him, even if she did feel like she was clinging to life’s last breath. Her work ethic demanded that she always do her job, no matter the circumstances. Before she could give him the heads up, he was already hightailing it up to the shower, leaving the pale woman by her lonesome. That man really was precious, wasn’t he? Jeez, and he had it so bad for her! There he was, letting her dress up in his deceased wife’s clothing, calling her a tigress, and basically giving her free reign over his house. If those weren’t this signs of a boy in love, then what were? Honestly, it made her feel kinda bad, considering she didn’t feel the same way, and that really curb stomped the hell out of her appetite. All in all, she managed to eat a couple cookies and half a piece of toast before her stomach said enough. The rest she split between the dogs, who were more than eager to finish off her scraps. With the remainder of her time, Patience laid her aching head down on the table. At least the aspirin and the antacid were kicking in.

When the silver headed Professor came storming into the kitchen, in some kind of hurry, his ginger haired companion noticed that her theory was indeed correct: he was treating her like a girlfriend, as evidenced by his plea for assistance. Silently, she decided to tickle his fancy and complied with his demands with a nod and a smile. The dishes were toted over to the sink, the dogs were rallied and sent into the backyard, and her weary feet marched into the living room, where she found the clothes she had been looking for earlier. They positively reeked of sweat and alcohol, but the shed garments gave her more insight as to how everything went down. Most likely, they had ended up back here, started a movie, and then the drunken Pati attacked him! Webflix and chill, the kids on the street called it. Sighing, the woman was still in complete disbelief over her actions, but there was nothing to be done. The past was the past. Collecting her things, she moved on outside and saddled up into Shou’s vehicle, flashing him a polite smile all the while. ”Well, let’s get to work, Professor! I know you probably think I’m crazy, but duty calls for both of us! Those kids are going to need to know who their T.A. is anyway.” her chipper tune was a far cry from the distraught one from earlier, so as to not draw any suspicion from him. She just had to keep acting natural, and everything would just be ay-okay!

“Thank you, Patience!” Shou found himself calling as he grabbed his car-keys and unlocked the vehicle, hanging up his suit-jacket in the back-seat and assuming his position in the driver’s. He rolled his sleeves up to his elbows and ran a hand through his hair, internally trying to figure out how to tell Patience about the night before. Safe to say, she probably already knew, and-

Ah! She was exiting the house now. That was good. The lock clicked in place behind her and he gave her an equally polite smile as she sat up front in the passenger’s seat. He was thinking of how to break the news to her, that she had been so drunk and was wandering around the park, but she probably already knew. He wondered just how much she remembered before she spoke, and he gave her a look with a raised eyebrow, carefully bringing the car onto the road leading into the bustling city, even at this hour, “Are you sure you don’t want to be dropped home first, Patience? It’s just orientation day, so I know it’s okay if you need to...um, freshen up at home, and then join us. Truly…”

A cute giggle answered Shou, and the fledgling Teacher’s Assistant rolled her eyes, as if to say that he didn’t understand her at all. ”I refuse to go home! It doesn’t matter if I feel like shit. I’ve gotta do my job. It’s just… what I do.” her bouncy voice retorted. From her demeanor and the casual cheeriness, it didn’t seem that Patience had any questions about last night nor did she seem remotely worried about it. And that’s exactly how she wanted to seem. Just don’t say anything about it… she pleaded to her friend internally. Now was not the time to address the clusterfuck of a mistake she’d made, and she wasn’t prepared to let him down…

“I realise, Patience, but...last night was pretty bad.” he shook his head, shuddering at the memory, “You called me up, and I’m sorry I couldn’t be there, and-”

”Don’t worry, Shou. I already know. I have a good memory, you know? I know I was… in a bad state.” the redhead lied, hoping he wouldn’t go any deeper into the subject. ”I… Just thank you. I’m glad I was with you, otherwise… Well, who knows what would have happened? I mean, you were really great last night.” Patience didn’t really know what else to say, but she was hoping that she was stroking his sexual ego by referencing their rendezvous and the “great” time she had. Her words were pretty vague though, and probably didn’t come off to mean what she thought it did.

“It’s just that I worried about you, Patience.” he sighed, the silhouette of the city approaching, “So I brought you home, and got you cleaned up. Then, as I was going to bed, I felt...really bad for leaving you to sleep on the couch, so-”

”No, no! Really. Don’t worry about anything. It was all great! Best time I’ve ever had. But I mean, let’s just concentrate on today, alright? Yesterday was yesterday, and today is today. I’m just happy… I’m happy that I was with you. That’s all I can say.” She diverted the subject back to the present with incredible pep, trying to obscurely emphasize how grateful that her first time had been with a friend rather than a stranger. ”I hope we don’t have a bunch of snobs in these upcoming classes…” Again, she deflected the conversation back to the upcoming orientation, extremely adamant about leaving this ghost of the past behind.

“...the best time you’ve ever had, huh? I mean, you...I realised later, you did wake me up, but were curled up next to me when I clearly left you on the other side of the bed…” Shou’s tired eyes were focused straight ahead, the professor trying to indulge in the girl’s cheery attitude. “...I’m glad I was there for you, too. Heavens know what would have happened to you if someone else stumbled upon you last night.”

The conversation switched fast, that much was sure. Something seemed off about Patience’s tone, but the silver haired professor was too tired, and instead chose to take it in his stride. Maybe she was just so grateful he had rescued her that she couldn’t put it into words? Maybe it made her shy, embarrassed, that she was loitering around so late, drunk out of her mind? He wondered.
“I hope so too, Patience. I hope so too…”

In hardly any time, and an otherwise eerily quiet car-ride, the couple finally reached the academy grounds (despite Shou having asked Patience at least three more times whether she’d prefer to go home instead). Pulling over and parking into one of the designated staff’s parking spots, the man shut the car down and leaned back in his chair, eyes falling upon the bustling academy and the many, many faces, new and old. First days were always exhilarating, for students and staff alike. He hoped that this year would be another brilliant one, for all involved.

“Let’s both do our best out there today, Patience. I’m counting on you…!”

”Same here! Just don’t get any bright ideas about me not wearing any panties!” The redhead flashed a playful wink at Shou before they began their strides to the Academy! Another semester, another load of stress.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by SkeankySnack
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SkeankySnack Uncle Dr. Beast

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The person seemed to be waking up, and Kyle watched as they lifted their head ever so slightly, opening their eyes just enough so he could get a glimpse at them. His face immediately flushed in embarrassment realizing that this was actually a woman, not a man. He began to stammer, but rather than apologize he became enraptured with what he could see of her amethyst orbs; they were really quite beautiful. Staring into those sleep filled eyes he corrected his earlier statement, "Uh..e-excuse me miss, but are you-" Kyle unfortunately was unable to finish the sentence as a very sleuthy arm made its way to his side, pulling him in for an embrace. Faster than he could protest the other arm shot over pulling him up on top of her and locked him into a very warm prison; half body warmth, half surprised embarrassment.

"L-Lady! What the hell are you doing?!" His body struggled against her grip, more like flailed in a desperate and vain attempt to escape his confines; his glasses even fell off. For someone who's body looked so tall, yet so lithe, she was surprisingly strong and Kyle couldn't flex his way out it. Reducing his flailing, his cheeks not getting any less red he took stock of the situation and the woman he was lying on top of. It seemed that she had fallen asleep again, a warm smile planted on her face, clearly someone was enjoying this situation far more than the other. Its not to say he didn't want to be pressed up against a woman, just not out in the public's eyes, in a non-consensual, non-mutual way. Speaking of which his eyes turned towards the crowd of academy students walking by, many stared and snickered, whispering things that Kyle could only imagine and yet all decided to pass them by, because clearly this was such a normal situation for someone to be in.

Sighing he stared down at the woman's face, she did look pretty, despite the scars, her smile was childlike and endearing and he could feel her breathing as her chest lifted lightly up into him, despite having someone who was probably much heavier on top. She smelled of ash and soot, almost like she was around something that was burning recently, that's when he noted the clothing, was she a firefighter? Why would a firefighter be sleeping out on a bench near the academy? Had something happened here recently? He felt bad, its not like he didn't want to wake her up because she seemed so calm, and yet Kyle's uncomfortable meter was rising fairly high...he needed to get out of this. One thing at a time, that was his decision, and so with great effort and determination he began to pull his arm from the vice grip it was in. It took a great deal of effort and he could feel himself sweating from it, but he managed to pry his arm free like a cork from a bottle. Shaking it out a little he debated how he could wake her up, as much as a pinched cheek would probably work, he wanted to go a route that wouldn't cause her too much pain. Reaching his hand up, he brought it close to her face and pinched her nostrils shut, without an ample supply of automatic oxygen entering her lungs, the act alone should jostle her awake.

@Silver Fox
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ashton Griffone & Kyle || The Academy

@BeastofDestiny & @Silver Fox

Continuing to snooze softly, the tall blonde held her current 'teddy bear' closer to herself. She heard some words uttered, but she couldn't quite tell what they were saying. All she knew was that she was warm and comfy at the moment, giving a happy relaxed smile. For some reason, this teddy bear was quite squirmy. Oh well, maybe it was just a squirmy cuddly bear. Nose twitching at all the shifting, her grip tightened as the shuffling continued. Though it didn’t do much to disturb her sleep. However, she felt something press against her nose, and for a time it didn’t bother her. Until she felt uncomfortable, her chest slightly heaving at the sudden lack of flow of oxygen. It reminded her of when she was in sort of a deep smoky fire. Unable to breathe at all. Was she passed out in a house fire?! Amethyst eyes snapping open, the giant woman suddenly shot up into a sitting position. Before losing balance and flailing off of the bench, landing flat on her back.

Face scrunching up in obvious discomfort, she sat up again, and blinked her eyes into focus. Rubbing them with the back of her right hand before glancing downward to see a…. Boy? How’d he get here? Why was he on top of her? Was he tired too? Gee.. hope she didn’t hurt him. Eyes softening in concern, she lightly took his shoulders to help him up, and to check him over to make sure he’s okay.

Her face suddenly was turning to that of discomfort and she was starting to breathe a bit more heavily. It seemed to be working, ”Come on, wake up plea-”. Before he could say anymore she suddenly shot up, promptly lost her balance and fell, with him on top of her. He groaned, his face firmly planted into her chest, ”Ow…” his breath was muffled into her jacket, the smell of soot very strong now, though he was lucky he had someone soft to fall on...okay maybe that wasn’t a chivalrous thought. Lifting his head up, he stared into a pair of amethyst eyes, his sapphire blue ones reflecting back at her. His face flushed again in embarrassment and he was sure that she’d be pretty pissed at having some random guy just fall right on top of her.

Instead her face actually turned to concern and she helped lift him up a little, checking him over, dusting him off and whatnot. ”Are you..um...okay?” He asked concern in his own voice, he barely even noticed they were on the ground together, him still on top of her, perhaps he was in shock? He really couldn't stop staring at those eyes though.

At the question, Ashton tilted her head a bit thoughtfully. Honestly she was mostly concerned over this stranger. Well she should probably should be concerned why he was on top of her, but her being her, she was concerned over his safety. Raising her hands a little, she cupped his face between her strong gloved hands. Gingerly turning it side to side to make sure there wasn’t any damage. Then ran them along the down the shoulders and ribs to make sure she didn’t crush him in any way. Giving a soft silent sigh in relief, she gave a bright cheerful smile, gemstone eyes sparkling with glee as she gave a happy nod to answer his question. Gingerly reaching her right hand up to lightly pat the top of his head happily, mildly ruffling his hair. It took her a few heartbeats until she realized something…..

Wait. She remembered she was still in her work clothes. Still as filthy as she was when she left the station. This guy… was he a student? Oh dear… Quickly, she stood up, taking his hands up along with her in order to help him up. Her expression changing into one of complete concern, perhaps slightly panicking that she possibly messed up his clothing. She of course, didn’t have anything to clean up the poor kid so she pressed her hands together in front of her face and bowed apologetically.

His face turned tomato red as her hands reached up for his face, ”Uh...um…”, the boy was practically speechless as she turned his head side to side, checking him over. Then his shoulders, and his sides. As she went lower and lower, his face got redder and redder. Having done her inspection she seemed to be pleased, a bright smile on her face coupled with those gleaming eyes as she nodded affirmatively. Kyle sighed relief, closing his eyes, he wasn’t completely sure if she was answering his question, but she hadn’t given any disapproval so that was at least a good sign. His eyes shot open again as he felt a hand fall on his head, ruffling his hair a little, he didn’t mind the gesture, just was surprising and he laughed a little at it, finding it kind of cute.

Without warning though her face turned to shock and she quickly pulled him up into a standing position. Shock was written on his face as well, ”W-w-what?! What’s wrong?” she placed her hands together and bowed apologetically, she was apologizing? To him? ”I don’t understand why are you apologizing? Is it because of the bear hug you gave me earlier? I mean that’s fine it happens, and I’m not really that bothered by it.” Clearly he wasn’t following why she was so upset.

Amethyst gaze blinking, slightly dumbfounded as this new information processed in her mind, her left hand slammed into her face in a harsh facepalm. Oh. So that’s what happened, well that’s great. Thank God he didn’t seem offended about it. Geez, why was she so touchy in her sleep? Marine already got mad the one time she clung to the red head in her sleep. It was apparently a bad habit of hers. Still, it wasn’t what had made her slightly panicked over the situation, and the boy didn’t seem to particularly realize. Gingerly tapping her own chin with her right index finger thoughtfully, she nodded as she determined how to explain. Looking at the stranger, she raised her hands and slowly drew them over her dirty form. Then outstretched them and did the same motion toward him. Before drawing her hands back to grab the front of her clothes and lightly pull at them, shaking it gingerly. Causing some soot to flake off in a light puff of smoke, trying to emphasize her dirty form.

Kyle was...confused...why wasn’t she saying anything? Could she not say anything? That was possible, but he wasn’t sure how to properly...function in conversation with this game of charades. Still she seemed to emphasize his form so he looked down and...oh… His rather bright orange shirt and blue jeans were suddenly covered in ash. Looking at her, then back at himself, then back to her he couldn’t help but start laughing. He couldn’t believe that he first thought of her as some dirty hobo, but now he was starting to piece things together, the uniform was obvious, but the fact that she slept on a park bench must have meant she was out pretty late last night. He felt like such an idiot, but he couldn’t help but laugh and grip at his sides at how much of an idiot he was.

”I, haha, I, I’m so sorry,” he said in between fits of giggles. As he began to calm down he explained himself, ”Sorry, I just realized how funny this whole situation is and...well never mind that, don’t worry about the clothes, it’ll wash out I’m sure.” He smiled brightly and affirmatively at the tall blonde, she really was tall, was probably almost a good foot above him. She probably would look intimidating to most anybody, but Kyle had seen the kindness in her eyes, she didn’t look like she could harm a fly...well first impressions at least. ”I’m Kyle, it’s nice to meet you,” he smiled brightly, but suddenly remembered something, ”Hey uh… I don’t mean to pry, but why were you sleeping on that bench? That’s kind of dangerous y’know? I know it’s a college campus, but you never know what kind of weirdos might try to come around and take advantage of a person in that kind of position.” He really didn’t mean to scold her decision, not after meeting her, but he was a worrying kind of individual and his face clearly showed it. ”Do you live far from here? Do you have a place to go to?”

Ashton blinked in utter confusion as the boy seemed confused, then just started laughing and giggling. Why was he laughing? Well, at least he didn’t seem mad and his laughter brought a smile back to her face. Giving another silent sigh of relief.. She would hate to ruin his day or something. The boy revealed his name to be ‘Kyle’ and politely greeted her. In which case she gave a chipper smile, dug her hand into her pocket and dragged out her wallet. Flipping it open to reveal him her ID card. Introducing herself as Ashton Griffone. She found just showing her ID was the simplest way of revealing her name to people. As she put it pack into her pocket, her amethyst gaze looked at him in confusion, tilting her head to the side curiously as he seemed to gently scold her for sleeping outside.

Dangerous? Why was it dangerous? She was pretty sure Marine explained this already but couldn’t quite make it out. Perhaps cold? Mhmm it was still kind of warm even at the end of summer. So she didn’t freeze to death at least. Oh but Kyle mentioned weirdos. Mhmm what kind of weirdos? Maybe they’d take her wallet? Mhmm well she could always get another one. Still it was nice of Kyle to worry about her. Very sweet and cute.

However when he asked if she lived close by or if she even had a place. She nodded and gave a determined thumbs up before looking around. Her smile twitching as she realized… well she didn’t particularly know which way was home. Um… Was it North of the Academy? Maybe South? Feeling slightly nervous beads of sweat roll down her temple, she gave a nervous embarrassed smile as she raised her left hand to scratch behind her blonde head. Giving a slow shrug in response, as she didn’t particularly know the exact direction of home. She really should… but she had the worst sense of direction.
Oh well. She found home eventually so she should just probably start wandering the city again until she found it. Pick up things for Amaya along the way if she happened to run into a grocery store. Smiling brightly at Kyle, the tall blonde patted his head again before lightly pushing him towards where she assumed he was going. Which was the large building nearby that was probably the Academy. Or she hoped. Before cheerfully waving farewell before starting to walk off. Though occasionally she did come to a halt to look around in confusion. Trying to decide the correct direction. Still, she didn’t need to bother innocent people in her exciting journey home when they had better things to do. She’d made a game out of it at least.

Kyle looked at her in confusion as she seemed to look around nervously when he asked her about home. She seemed to wave it off and start pushing him towards the main building, though he was even more confused now...did she think he was a student? Bahaha, fuck that noise. He turned around and watched as she walked, and of course she looked confused again...she didn’t know where she lived did she? He sighed, smiling to himself, he was used to things like this by now, being an escort service. He should probably consider a job with Super at this point, actually make money on all these outings. Ah well, at least he had cute girls to interact with, even if she was kind of quiet. He jogged over to her, ”Hey, wait up.” He held his hand out, ”Let me have a look at your ID again.”

Pausing from her confusion, Ashton turned her amethyst gaze towards Kyle who had decided to catch up to her. Tilting her head at the request, she gave a silent sigh though her easygoing cheerful smile still remained. Shoving her hand into her pocket once more to pull out her wallet and let it fall in the outstretched hand. Eyes blinking curiously but gave a slight nervous smile, a little worried she was bothering him. He was so nice! Though he really shouldn’t need to bother himself in helping her out. It was her job to help people out. Except apparently when it came directions because she really was bad at them.

Whipping out his phone, he examined her license...perfect an address was listed. He opened up Doogle Maps, typed the address into his phone and the female voice addressed the two of which directions to follow. ”There, now we know where your house is,” he smiled, handing the wallet back off to her, ”Can’t have you wandering the city by yourself now, especially if you don’t know where you’re going, wouldn’t sit right with me.” He put the phone in a small pocket on his shirt, making sure the volume was high enough for them to hear, ”Plus I should probably change anyway, and my apartment isn’t too far from yours. If you don’t mind my company, may we walk together?”

Blinking some more as she leaned over him to check out what he was doing, curiously resting her hands on top of his head as she watched use his phone to apparently input her address. Technology sure has come a long ways, she realized. Perhaps she should get these more fancy phones. She only had the standard flip phone that could have phone calls and could text. But it was sturdy, so it didn’t break as easily. Marine insisted she’d probably smash a smartphone as soon as she got one. Which, Ashton couldn’t really deny.

When he finished, she tilted her head thoughtfully before nodding cheerfully. Well, if they were heading in the same direction, she supposed it was alright. So, she happily grabbed his hand, intertwining her long slender fingers with his before cheerfully dragging them both in a direction. Changing course whenever the phone called out that they were going the wrong way. However, the tall blonde did pause when she spotted a flower shop that perked up her interest. Awe perfect! Now she can give her roomie a little present for leaving her alone for so long! So she released Kyle’s hand to look at him with a enlightened, determined gaze. Holding up a index finger to indicate to give her but a moment before bounding over in a skipping fashion to purchase a bouquet.

Kyle’s hand was suddenly was suddenly wrapped in her’s, her fingers intertwining with his own. His face was shot with another dose of red, and they went along their merry way. Eventually he calmed down and just tried to play off the situation by going on about random idle talk. He wasn’t too great at small talk, but he did his best at it, and that was when she stopped, confused she pointed at the store and skipped in. He scratched his head and looked at the sign, his face visibly paling, ‘The Enchanted Florist’. Kyle, so focused on the walk didn’t realize where they were, and looking out to the street, he briefly recalled the fight he had with Nick Weston, only to see that...anger on… he shook his head. He was really tempted to walk away from this place...but it had been months, they never officially went steady, so why was he hesitant? She probably already had a boyfriend by now, and he was going on a date tonight...as a matter of fact, he should maybe bring something for the date...maybe flowers would be nice.

His hand reached out for the door, only for him to now notice the amount of black ash covering it. He chuckled, he forgot, she was wearing gloves, and so he entered the store. Looking around the place hadn’t quite changed, Ashton seemed to be looking at some of the bouquets so he decided to join her in looking. He heard footsteps coming around the corner and was seriously afraid that it was Nori...reluctantly turning his head, he was relieved to find that it wasn’t Nori but...wait…

”Hey, I remember you, you were that drunk guy from the Cornerstone.” Probably not the best way to greet someone, but his nerves were already on edge from even entering the store front.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Evil Snowman
Avatar of Evil Snowman

Evil Snowman Proptery of Demonic Raven

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kyle, Ashton, & Theo || The Enchanted Florist

@BeastofDestiny, @Silver Fox, & @Evil Snowman

The store so far had been quiet this morning minus one or two customers. Theo feeling rather pleased about this. As he continued to do various little jobs to keep him moving and awake. The energy drink in his system really doing very little to improve his energy level. So resorted to doing anything and everything to keep him moving. The movement helped keep on him on task focused, Theo stopping for a few seconds to yawn or check the entrance. Mostly to make sure people were not trying to pinch the flowers outside. It was rare but it happened ... some people were just cheapskates. Theo was out the back sorting out a bouquet of rainbow roses, when he heard movement out the front.
“Goodie …” Theo muttered to himself, the young man giving a tired sigh. Heading out into the store, bouquet still in hand forgetting to put it down. Walking towards the sounds of movement. Theo stopping dead in his tracks when he heard someone mention they remembered him as a drunk guy from the Cornerstone. Turning to the face this person, Theo was unsure what to say. Unable to remember which time in the Cornerstone he was drunk or seeing them in general.

“Sorry sir, but have we met? I’m afraid I don’t recall seeing you before.” Theo stated tapping his foot twice.

”I’m sure as hell not surprised dude,” Kyle shrugged, taking a couple steps forward, he extended his hand to shake the others, completely forgetting about the soot on it, ”You had some weird...concoction, I think that bartender put tobasco sauce in it or something and literally you dropped to floor like thirty seconds later. You had a friend there...think his name was...Jack? Anyway I ended up hauling you home cause your friend was...frankly too much of a pussy to do so himself.” Kyle didn’t mince his words, he was forward and straight to the point, and after all if this guy didn’t know it already, he deserved to. ”Name’s Kyle, nice to finally meet you, you know, when you’re not slung over my shoulder.”

Ashton continued to look over the bouquets of flowers, trying to decide which was the best for Amaya. Mhmm what flowers would girls like? Did Amaya even like flowers? Mhmm whichever Ashton just hoped she liked them. Perhaps she could go for roses? Mhmm but then Amaya might think Ashton wanted to date her. Not that Ashton wouldn’t or anything just that a pretty girl like Amaya probably had someone already. No one really wanted a big oaf like this buffoon of a firefighter who can’t even find her way home half the time. So there was little to none of getting into any sort of relationship. Well Marine said otherwise… like there was someone she friendzoned back at Firefighter boot camp or something. The tall blonde didn’t understand what she meant.

Shaking her head to rid the thoughts and focus on this very important task in being the best roommate ever, her amethyst gaze continued their thorough evaluation over the flowers. Finding one, she smiled brightly, clapping her hands together in utter glee. Before she finally realized she was still wearing her dirty gloves. Apparently it took having a puff of ash and soot slam into her face for her to realize this. Face scrunching up at the impact, she gave a silent chuckle before removing her gloves and stuffing them in her pockets. Revealing her calloused yet slender hands. Larger than most, just like the rest of her but they still looked like gentle ones. Reaching out, she gingerly took a bouquet and held it in her grasp.

However she did finally realize what Kyle was doing, listening to him greet someone. Turning her gaze to see what was going on, she spotted a familiar face. It was that cute little albino from last night who had joined into that little spat.

What luck!

With a chipper smile as she gave a little skip toward them. Her greeting to the white haired boy was another patting of his head. Running her fingers along the silky texture of white hair. Smile bright and eyes glimmering with joy as to meet again. It was always nice to make new friends. The more friends, the better.

Hearing what had happened the night this Kyle and met him. Theo gave an embarrassed laugh. Rubbing the back of his head, he had little choice to admit to himself that sounded a little … okay maybe a lot like him on a bender.
“Yeah … chances are that was me and Jack. I think I recall something about my landlady giving me your number to thank you. I lost it though … sorry. Still it good to be able to thank you now. So you have my thanks Kyle. I owe you one for that night. So if you need any help at all I’m at your disposal,” Theo said taking the handshake, noticing when it was over his hand was now quite dirty. Mentally sighing as he now had to wash his hand before handling anything.

Theo was about to turn to go wash his hand when he saw someone he did recognize. That person being the tall blonde from last night. Theo about to speak up and say hello when she patted him on the head. Theo trying to not frown as he his head was petted. Stepping back the moment she stopped.
“Hello again. Pleased to see your well. he stated noticing that giant blonde was holding a bouquet of flowers.
“Oh, buying these for your boyfriend here?” Theo questioned pointing at Kyle with rainbow roses he was holding.

Kyle flushed a little, though he supposed it wasn’t as bad as the marriage proposal last night. ”No uh...we just met actually, I was just walking her home,” he looked to Ashton, giving her a small smile. Turning back to shopkeeper he noticed the flowers in his hand and his eyes widened, ”Hey...about that favor, I don’t suppose that’s an order for someone now is it? I uh..actually have a date with someone and I was thinking that getting them something would be nice, you suppose I could purchase those?” He was scratching the back of his head nervously, partly from the boyfriend comment, partly because of the gift for his date with Amaya.
Ashton tilted her head to the side, her hand returning to the bouquet in her hands as she questionably stared at the white haired man. Blinking a little before giving a silent laugh and shook her head. Agreeing with Kyle, though being a bit less embarrassed about it. Still she looked at Kyle as he said he was going on a date with someone and would also like a bouquet. Awe how sweet! She wondered what kind of girl Kyle was going out with? She couldn’t help but wonder what a date was like? Was it like something in a manga? Or a drama tv show? Mhmmm
couldn’t be but she really didn’t know other than like from romance manga or something. Giving a date flowers at the beginning of the event sounds about right. Mhmm she couldn’t help but imagine this ‘date’ Kyle would have. It made her gleefully joyful for him and brought a bright smile to her face.

Digging into her pocket once more, she pulled out her wallet and shuffled about as she dragged out her credit card. Holding it out to Theo before pointing at herself, the bouquet and then Kyle. Trying to say she would pay for both of the bundles of flowers.

Hearing the two were not a couple. Theo looked at the two for a moment as if deciding to believe them or not. Before shrugging deciding he didn’t care enough to question it. When Kyle asked about the flowers he was holding. Theo shook his head.
“Sorry my friend these are spoken for. I merely forgot to put them down coming out. Bbbbbuuuutttt since I owe you. I could see about looking to see if I have more rainbow roses. Though are you sure want roses? That’s a big statement … giving someone a rose on a date. You're pretty much saying I love you. If it's a first date maybe that might come off a little strong. Although it’s up to you, if you like I could offer a suggestion.” Theo said looking down at the bouquet he was holding. He really wish he’d put it down now … he didn’t like saying no to customers

When the large blond reached into her pocket Theo couldn’t help but look over. Watching her movement carefully recalling she didn’t speak. Something he found to most intersting, his mind began to wonder why she was mute. As the blonde pulled out a credit card and pointed at herself then flowers and her companion.
“ You're paying right? That’s what you're trying to say?

Kyle waved his hands at Ashton’s kind gesture, ”Really Ashton, you don’t to do that, I really appreciate the thought, but...well maybe you can help me decide something at least?” Kyle did seriously think over what Theo was saying, giving roses on a first date was a pretty strong statement, but wasn’t that red roses? He figured he’d ask Ashton her thoughts, ”Maybe I could have your opinion? Should I get the roses or...do you think she might take it the wrong way? It's the first date I’ve been on in...almost a year now, I don’t want to screw it up, but...well...I trust your opinion? Should I look for something else? Or should I get something like those roses?” He looked to his travelling companion, his eyes searching for answers in hers, that’s when he noticed the amount of soot on her face and he couldn’t help but contain his laughter once more, ”We should probably get you cleaned up when you’re back home.”
Ashton’s gleeful expression slowly deflated as Kyle refused to let her pay for his bouquet, visibly pouting like a dog that got smacked on the nose. If she did make sound, one could just imagine a puppy whimper. But despite this, her glistening amethyst gaze brightened as he requested her assistance in choosing. Placing a index finger on her chin, she tapped it thoughtfully as she tried to think. Roses usually got the message and girls seemed to like them, but there was something she learned from Claire a long time ago. It was easy to go to the default rose, but it sometimes held more meaning if one picked the right set of flowers. Sure, Ashton thought roses would be fine, most don’t pay much attention to the language of flowers. Still, she wanted things to go perfectly for Kyle, so she would do her best.

Snapping her fingers, as a idea seemed to pop within her mind, she bounded back over to the bouquets of flowers. Glancing through them with interest. Humming softly as she looked through them, seeming to be looking for certain flowers. She glanced at her own, which were mostly a bundle of white lilies before nodding as she picked out a bouquet. Returning to Kyle with a cheerful expression and another bouquet. This one consisted of a few different flowers. It also had a few lilies, a stargazer, a azalea, couple of bells of ireland, a few white carnations, and several white violets. The messages these flowers spoke were still very sweet, not too strong like a declaration of love like a red rose, but they were pretty and spoke of giving happiness a chance. She wasn’t sure Kyle would understand, but she hoped he liked them all the same. Her amethyst eyes couldn’t help but sparkle in utter determination and joy as she waited in anticipation.

Theo merely watched the two, Kyle asked for the large blondes help in picking something out. To give to his date. Theo contemplating the matter as Ashton seemed to agree to the request and pick something out. Theo eyes lighting up as she came something for Kyle.
“Oh, you have a good eye sunflower. Have you studied the language of flowers yourself? Theo said nodding in approval.
“I’ll let you two work this out. Need to wash my hands and put these down. If you’ll excuse me, Theo quickly said. Walking into the back of the store, doing as he said. Before coming back out, his hands now free and clean he was ready to deal with the pair.

Kyle felt kind of bad, it's not that he wanted Ashton to pay for his bouquet, but those damn eyes puppy dogged him, making him feel like he got shot. This being said, her mood cheered up rather considerably as she made her way over to the flowers, seeming to grab a rather mixed assortment of them. His eyes gleamed as he looked over the selection, smiling at Ashton with renewed vigor, ”Yea, you know what, I think these will be perfect, she’ll love them.”

He turned back to the shopkeep, his eyebrow raising as he happened to notice what potentially could have been read as ‘flirtation’ with his friend. As the young man stepped out back, Kyle couldn’t help but give Ashton a kind and knowing smirk, she seemed rather...oblivious since their interaction less than an hour ago, maybe she wouldn’t pick up on it. Perhaps she already had a boyfriend and while he didn’t know this white haired guy too well, well...maybe something would spark between the two of them? Regardless, as the man came back, Kyle held up his bouquet, ”I think you’re right that she knows her stuff, I’ll take these.”

Beaming brightly like the sun, Ashton smiled and nodded vigorously at the statement of knowing the language of flowers. Well, it wasn’t so much she studied, it was just something her and Claire did as a hobby occasionally. Claire seemed to know a lot and Ashton picked up on it. She wanted to make people happy, and flowers was one of the ways that did the trick to bring a smile to someone’s face. Turning to Kyle as he visibly beamed as well, Ashton hopped up and down a bit happily as she managed to successfully to put a smile on her new friend’s face. Plus it helped make up for the little incident earlier between them. And that they were now both filthy. Though when Kyle gave what looked like a smirk, her head slowly tilted to the side in a cute questioning manner. Oblivious to any possible flirtation or interest. Mhmm perhaps he had thought of something amusing? Oh maybe the reaction to his date? Mhmm she could only imagine the happy look. Turning her gaze to the white haired man, she gleefully shuffled in place. Obviously excited and happy about all of this.

Seeing the tall blonde nod vigorously to his question Theo could help but let out a small chuckle finding the reaction to slightly amusing. It was nice to meet someone that liked flowers, it was those customers Theo liked dealing with. So the tall blonde would be welcome anytime he was working even if she didn’t want to buy anything.

When Theo came back out he was happy to see Kyle seemed to of picked what he wanted. Again nodding in approval of his choice, not that he’d say it but he’d put that bouquet together himself. So to see it sold gave him a nice sense of pride. Given he didn’t do them very often.
“Nice pick. I’m sure your date will love these,” Theo said ringing them up.
“That’ll be $50 … wait I think these are on “sale”. Let's say ... $30, Theo said quoting the word sale.
“Consider it my way of saying thanks. Since I did owe you.” continued waiting for Kyle to hand him money or produce some sort of card.

Ashton danced in place like she was humming before gingerly placing her hand on top of Kyle’s head, lightly pushing him aside before setting her card in the white haired man’s hand. All with a bright smile on her face. She wasn’t particularly going to take ‘no’ as an answer either. The edges of her lips twitched, eyes shimmering but very firm as she looked at the shopkeeper. Almost saying ‘Please. Take. It. Now.’ in the most possibly nice forceful way possible.

As Kyle reached into his pocket to produce his own wallet he felt a slender hand lightly, yet forcefully push him out of the way. Ashton had produced her own card, putting it in front of the register. As much as Kyle wanted to protest, he figured the girl wasn’t one to take no for an answer. Smiling softly he placed a hand on her arm, smiling softly with kind eyes, ”Thanks friend,” Here this girl was, paying for a gift for someone she barely knew, all for a date she didn’t even know about. This girl was truly a kind soul and it actually made sense a little bit, for all her obliviousness, why she slept on that park bench last night; she had a great sense of trust and compassion.

Watching the tall blond push Kyle out of the way, Theo was a little unsure on what to do for a moment. Merely watching until Kyle said thanks, taking that a the sign to take the blondes card. Before he did that he wordlessly requested the bouquet she was holding. Waiting for the blonde to hand them over ringing them up.
“Alright, that’s $72 all up.” Theo stated almost automatically as he offered credit card reader to the blode.
“Whenever you are ready Sunflower.”

Ashton nodded gleefully, beaming as Kyle accepted the help. Handing the white haired shopkeeper her bouquet then petting the top of Kyle’s head. Happy he was letting her do this for him. It was the least she could do to make up what happened earlier. With the whole… crushing him into a hug in her sleep, causing him to look like a walking chimney sweep, and helping her find her way home in this city. Yup. Marine would've constantly scolded her by now but Kyle was nice enough not to even put up a complaint. Eagerly, she looked at the albino expectantly, hands soon outstretching to take the bouquets and her credit card.

Handing the blonde the bouquets and card. Theo gave bow, once again amused by the blondes quite yet expressive nature. Theo hoped he’d meet the blonde outside of work again.
“Thank you for your patronage. Please shop with us again. I hope to see both of you again. Pleasant day to both of you, Theo stated almost sounding like it was programmed into him as he stood behind the counter waiting for the pair to leave.

”Thanks again,” he smiled at the albino before turning and gesturing for Ashton to follow. They hadn’t much further to go until they reached her apartment. With bouquet in hand, he opened the door, allowing the tall blonde to walk ahead of him first and exited, the door closing behind him. It’s rather familiar bell chimed out, a thing of the past to him as he looked forward towards the future.

Smiling gleefully as she took the bouquet and card before waving her left arm over head enthusiastically in farewell to the albino man before following after Kyle with a cheery skip in her step. Excited to see Amaya again and see if she liked her present when the firefighter finally returned home.
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