This didn't have to be that long.
Chilling in the cockpit of the Gundam as she was piloting humming to herself boredly. As within the cockpit of the mecha, a Lepizari dressed in a Piloting Uniform, and helmet that obsucred her eyes... well including covering up her ears and feet, as she had her hands on the controls of the Mecha. This was Michazaru, or Mii for short, Your day to day mechanic & pilot of the Gundam Aerial Rebuild. She heard a small noise and pulse from the cockpit as she sighed, They're nearly here and at least the AI could tell her that.
"Thanks, Aerial, How long until then?"
Another Pulse.... followed by a small screen tracking their distance from the Spirit of Adventure, That earned a chuckle from her then on there. "Is everything all green still?" This was followed by a much harsher pulse causing the adult to flinch, followed by her whole HUD being covered with an unholy amount of Dianogstics, earning her to wave her hands in worry frantically and let go of the controls momentarily. "Too much! Too much information! Reel it back a little, Aerial!"
On via command all that went away, as she quickly grabbed the controls and sunk in her seat sighing in relief. "Phew.... I don't want you overloading the processors again..."
Yeah, That wasn't the first time that happened. But, It's been a few years since she piloted anything and the Aerial and since she... uh crashed it from being reckless, Heh still paying off the damages for that time. But at least she managed to upgrade it to the rebuild variant, Since that was more efficient with her trusty AI that runs the OS from the original. Much so as she sighed to herself a bit, A soft ping was heard and Mii ear's twitched followed by her eyes landing on one of the HUD hologram panels with a notification, One of her hands touched It, Turns out the Spirit of Adventure was trying to open a channel with her.
"Designation Aerial Rebuild, Ye Read me over?" a gruff voice answered.
"This is the Aerial, I read you loud and clear, Ya know!"
"I need you to dock in Hangar Bay 4, Hangar 2, Lower your flight speed by 5-3rd's please, You should receive that on your end."
"Aerial, Lock on Coordinates for that Hangar" She commanded as she typed in a couple of commands. She felt a pulse before feeling her groan, She hated the AI sometimes for it questioning her being sure about it. "Right right, thanks for the advice.... Mother." Another pulse... It didn't sound to happy. "You don't have to be like that...! It was Sarcasm!"
A screen popped onto view, Revealing the coordinates with a line of text also reading: "Here." She sighed, sometimes disliking this AI but at the same time, This was what made the Aerial, Aerial. Mii saw the flight coordinates being received as she was coming in sight of the Spirit of Adventure, and man did the sight always manage to catch her breath as she was in awe at it's large design. She lowers the thrust in the Aerial Rebuild, as the mecha lowering it's speed as it heads towards the one of the open entrances of the Hangar. The Aerial lands insides with it skidding for a bit before stopping kinda accidentally scratching the ground. She caught sight of a couple of engineers pointing and directing her towards one of the docks, as the aerial activates it'd walking procedure, since it was clear enough for her to get there without any casualties... Finally it'd arrived with getting locked by on its back and limbs onto the dock.
It was clear enough to start shutting down the Gundam, as one by one each screen shuts down as the hatch towards the Aerial opens up with a bridge connecting towards the hatch to the dock was there. Mii gets up with her stepping out of the cockpit and onto the bridge towards the docks. This time she took off her helmet, with a hiss and albeit carefully revealing the face of this Lepizari and her long ears as she breaths in the artificial oxygen. "Aahhhhhh, Home sweet home." She said making herself at home. Since Mii was also used enough to a docking bay because of her experience as an Engineer. Her eyes caught sight of the other mechs that was coming in and her future colleges.