Sir Landon, the tiny shivering penis was halted with his trantruming complaint. It was an ill conditioned and irritated Nanashi who knocked him out from behind by a quick hand stroking on the pressure point at the nape part. Nanashi caught the sleeping Duke.
"Don't worry. He is just asleep." Nanashi told to the worried young servant boy Luca as the Duke began to produce a funny sleeping noises afterward.
He helped the boy put him on the cabin and bow to the young lad as he off the room. He made a huge sigh as the door closed, he was worried on the passengers who are needed to rest during the voyage. He then proceed back to his sleeping spot to take a rest again.
"Don't worry. He is just asleep." Nanashi told to the worried young servant boy Luca as the Duke began to produce a funny sleeping noises afterward.
He helped the boy put him on the cabin and bow to the young lad as he off the room. He made a huge sigh as the door closed, he was worried on the passengers who are needed to rest during the voyage. He then proceed back to his sleeping spot to take a rest again.