Chounan had been overwatching the party from a good vantage point. He went along with Veronica as the time the pale girl seperated the party to took someone who meant for integration. A good distance behind the pale girl, he witnessed her how to fight in shadows. He was impressed. As they regroup to Matilda's party along with a taken hostage, he switched back for overwatching the whole party.
When the time the explosion occurred. Assume that reinforcement will come. Chounan spoke to Veronica. "Lady Veronica. Keep an eye of Lady Yvonne and Dame Matilda. I will welcome our guests.". He jumped down from vantage point and mounted his horse and ready his katana. The incoming unorganized wave of mercenary group were welcome by himself from unexpected flank. Master of jocking gave Chounan and his horse a good maneuvery and dodging on incoming attacks. The kicks of the horse hooves is his offense and his katana is his additional defense as for deflecting both melees and range attacks against him and his horse. He enjoyed high ground advantages and he have Ki and Perfect counter during the initiation.
When the time the explosion occurred. Assume that reinforcement will come. Chounan spoke to Veronica. "Lady Veronica. Keep an eye of Lady Yvonne and Dame Matilda. I will welcome our guests.". He jumped down from vantage point and mounted his horse and ready his katana. The incoming unorganized wave of mercenary group were welcome by himself from unexpected flank. Master of jocking gave Chounan and his horse a good maneuvery and dodging on incoming attacks. The kicks of the horse hooves is his offense and his katana is his additional defense as for deflecting both melees and range attacks against him and his horse. He enjoyed high ground advantages and he have Ki and Perfect counter during the initiation.