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On early 20s man.

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(Shimatta! It sounds like a flexing, aren't I? This is why I'm not the type of guy who talks much. It was really dishonored for my samurai ancestors. Well, guess just go with the flow and hey! Why I'm getting nervous to talk with the girls.)

"My apologize. Lady Kirsten. I just got overwhelm... Drop with the formality. I'm an ex-prince already. I'm just nothing but an ex-chivalry knight and an adventurer." Replied to Kirsten with an apologetic tone. "I prefer to just accompany on the seat along with you and Lady Yvonne." As Kirsten offered a basket of unfamiliar pastries, he accepted and reached out one piece from the the basket.

Chounan started to bite and savor the flavor of pan and it's filling. The delightful and adventurous tasting makes him overwhelmed and took bite again. With a proper manner of eating a beard. Chounan enjoy the pan, he keeps biting some piece until nothing remains. A warm smile for Kirsten as joyfully enjoyed the new experience of food. "You are great! T-thank for experiencing this new kind of bread. I should try out to make one, too! Also, I would like to make a rice ball for you if we meet again."
(Kirsten, huh. So that's her name. I see, I must remember it... Wait why she had a thorn maid outfit. Oh, she carrying a two-handed weapon, I guess she did a job for removing the vines back then huh. I see, I see. Well then, since she is Yvonne's close one I guess I'll try to talk to her and ask about Kirsten.)

Chounan focus! Don't get distracted! Surely, there is another time after this. Since she is a maid, it might cross path someday commonly on the market or star place, right?

He fixed himself to get to focus. The bear seems trying to escape with the prince from below. That Sila's Bullshetry speech seemed to be going to the escape rope right now, there is no way he is informed by the King about this. Must have a find way to buy the bear some time.

Chounan switched back his glance on Kirsten. Her question was referring on him and Yvonne answered it and introduced him to her.

"Nice to meet you, Lady Kristen. I'm still breathing, my muscles are just on recovery due the intense toe to toe against the huge berseker back then. Chounan was just an alias, my name is long and it's hard to pronounce since it was noble thing back to my home country. Technically I'm a prince of some big clan but that's no longer exist. I'm just the only who are living alive. Clan wars still going there along with a mythical creatures.

I made myself to become an adventurer. It's answer for those of the people who want freedom and venture outside world.
Chounan nodded to Jazdia. He then proceed to others to meet the rest his and the Delvings. He looked for the prince and found that he was along with a bear, it's been a while he met and he expected the prince can't recognize him since he kept on the mask during his time as knight.

He leaned on the wall advanced from the rest of the party. As Silas made a mannerism.
"He is still up there," said Kirsten, trying to keep up the pace. "I wonder who is he..."

Again the Admiral offered no answer. The sentry was likely to be the King's Agent, and it was apparent now that what he feared was real. However, the Admiral refrained from saying anything that would color this enterprise with a more depressing tone.

"Don't look at him. Keep your wits about you and just follow my instruction. Let me do the talking. Trust me, this mission calls for deliberate and appropriate actions, our family's status is at stake here."

And without elaborating further, the eldest of the Delving siblings took the final steps toward the courtyard of the tower. The place no longer had a door fitted, but he did not forget his mannerism; stopping right on the threshold, he called politely.

Chounan detected people entering on his radius. It seems that have a guest quite early and they came from barrier made the bear friend as one of the two which is the maid who had inflicted damaged from the vines.

"You guys take care the rest of observing. We have an important guest coming on us" He said to the shadow as he know their presence.

He then quickly proceed to the opposite side and made a shortcut to Jazdia with his parkour maneuver. "We have a visitors. It is the Delvings. I recognized the Admiral uniform, I can say he is Silas." Said to Jazdia.
Oh, Battle Realm's map. Quite Nostalgic.
(Seems the vampire lady still busy. I guess it's up for me to keep an eye on things while the rest of my party are busy on taking a break and recovery.)

Chounan took his portion the needs for the recovery and wrap it and put on his bag. Since everyone is busy, he is fine to keep an eye outside the port. He decided to go somewhere high enough to view around from the fort. While on stroll, he picked up one of the mobs range weapon and it's ammunition for a missile type to defend from the high ground. He's light-footed enough to surface poorly ground areas and reach the best spot to observe.

He will spend his time there, finishing his food while observing all around the fort from the best spot.
<Snipped quote by Remuri>

"Nobody." said the man. He was sitting at the corner of the room, both legs sprawled forward. Next to him were an empty tankard, a candle, and a small wooden barrel. Some spillings of wine could be seen staining his white shirt, and his eyes were vacant.

"Kindly leave me be, sir."

"I surprised you consumed that barrel of wine. I respect that. No worries, I will not harm you." Chounan replied to man.

Chounan sorted out ingredients. The doctor said he must not overdo it, so he made it simple and delicious. But first, a huge amount of ham hock on a wide plate to handsomely reward his friend bear. He went back to the party and put the whole plate of ham hock in front of Cedar careful and safely stepped away from him, his instinct for a wild life triggered as that he did it carefully done. He went in and out filling the table with various dishes, something an adventurous cook that can be done to satisfy his fellow party by taste and needs for their recovery. He lastly left the poor man a meal that help him undrunk himself and went to the party to eat along with them.
Chounan nodded to the Doctor and replied. ”Thank you and I shall do it."

Chounan made a glanced the rest of the party. Seem that they are already have an medical attention, it's time to find some food for their empty stomach. He checked his equipment and seem that he lost his katana and his bow and arrows, only wakizashi and tanto remained.

"I'm heading to look for food. I bet our bear friend and Lady Yvonne crave for meats after this recent fight." He said to the rest of the party as he getting farther to them.

Chounan proceed with haste in way in the fort. Stroll inside room by room for checking. He also tried look for his weapon but he found it destroyed. As he goes on the cellar, he found a man hiding. He remain his energy calm and neutral and not readying hand to unsheathe his one hard blade.

"Who are you?" Chounan asked the man on the cellar.
Chounan was guarding those who were injured. He can't gave a helping hand due to his injury on his both arms. He say somewhere nearby the rest of the party to comfort himself. He stripped of his arm wear and folded the sleeves his kimono. It was revealed, a severed bruises both of his arms and he feel like having a noodle arms.

Chounan's POV:

(I was keep blanking my mind. Someone is controlling my body and not myself. If I concentrated during the fight against that huge foe I will overcome it and have a better result. I win against the inside of me or maybe I let my party kill when the time he already took my body.)
Chounan seemed to be rose up from unconscious. It was a nightmare made him brought back from reality. He started to puzzle his nightmare and it was him, his inner side dominating both of his foes and his allies during his knighthood back then. He remembered now that it wasn't the first time being not himself during the prisoners chamber. He checked himself and seemed that the two of his arm were not yet fully recovered from the trauma of that intense fight back then with the big one that carried an huge axe.

He caught his glanced on the vampire who were nursing and guarding the other injured party members. He is not yet fully combat ready, he decided to help Veronica to give the other a first aid. He brought some back from the armoury of Black Serpent hide out.
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