Avatar of spicykvnt


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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

Most Recent Posts

Aren't elcor great combatants mounting heavy armour and weapons on their shoulders?

Yes, they are! Don’t know how good they are at hiding from spoopy things. Then again, Krogan are also beefy.

Just making a point, really :p

There are no race restrictions, just be sure you’re aware of any of the limitations of the selected race as well.
No race restrictions.

What you play with, you’re stuck with. You’ll have a hard time as an Elcor...

Expressions of Interest Only.

A Mass Effect Roleplay with a Horror Twist.

Location: Milky Way / Exodus Cluster / Asgard System / Loki

- You have enlisted to join a freelance Asari captain on her ship, the Caelestis, to investigate a distress signal.

- You and a small group are travelling towards the strange planet, when things begin to run afoul...

- You may suspect that something is wrong, and you may try to convince the Captain to turn the ship around...

- Maybe you are the kind of person who will run toward the danger...

- Whoever you are, you must fight to keep your wits about you and survive.

Welcome to Caelestis! To a project I hope will become fruitful!

I'm looking at gauging interest for this. It will be a small-group horror based roleplay ('tis the season, afterall.)

I have a plot in mind that is simple, and leaves so much space for character development, nuanced moments, and massive scares. If I go ahead with this, I'll most likely be taking on a group of 5-6 max, and it will be by no means a first-come, first-served selection.

I'm not in any particular hurry to roll this out, I just had the concept in mind and really wanted to see what level of interest I would get.

Please note: This is advanced, so I would be expecting advanced quality posts and applications.

Feel free to ask you questions, express your interest, or make any suggestions!

@Stormflyx is doing awesome. I've seen her progress over the last year so much and I think it's great how dedicated she has been to the craft.

Keep it up, chica

Thank you, gorgeous 🥰🥰
Day 5. Blade


Far from the chaos on Omega, Odette was still bound to her bed. The woman hadn't seen the biotic since the first time, and little by little, the other patients in the wing had been moved out until it was just her. How dull it had been to be staring at the sterility, with nothing but her own mind to occupy her. Every chance she could get, she would sneak to the Terminal to communicate with her mole.

A young woman by the name of Deena, working at Afterlife - one of the few human exotic dancers. She was a perfect plant, paid well by Odette to gather information from rowdy patrons. The two weren't close. They had a professional respect for one another, and the true love was in the transaction. Money for information, tale as old as time. Odette had no doubt the woman was trustworthy. She was loathe to admit it, but the two of them were birds of a feather - more similar than either of them wished to admit.

It had been days now, and Deena had been unable to locate a certain... arms dealer, and that was beginning to weigh heavy on Odette. He was either going to be her ticket out of here, or she was shit out of luck and would be on her way back to her station. Not that it would be the worst thing in the galaxy either.

"Anything?" she sent, through an encrypted route. A word or two was all that was ever needed between the two women. They knew the stakes.

the screen bleeped back.

Down the hall, she could hear footsteps approaching, with a raised brow she sucked in a breath through pursed lips.

"Find him. Tell him I believe him." Odette entered, sending the message without need to wait for a response. As the footsteps drew nearer, she took several well-timed, deliberate steps towards a bench and proceeded to stumble over it, groaning. "Urgh," she sounded out through gritted teeth, clutching the side of the bench with splayed fingers. The nurse approached faster, a look of concern etched across her overtly feminine features as she took hold of her patient with care.

"Place your weight on me," she said assertively, while Odette did as was asked.

"Sorry, I was trying too much again," she lied convincingly, playing the part of an injured soldier perfectly.

"Just get back into bed," the Nurse replied with a roll of her green eyes.

"Believe him?" scoffed a scantily clad woman, umber and violet lights strobing behind her in time to deep and thrumming music. The scene of alcohol was in the air. Her face was powdered with glitter. Her ashen blonde hair was tousled and tossed over one shoulder, skimming her elbow. She shut down the terminal, removing the chip to slip it discretely into her bra, tucking it between the underwire and her skin. With a shimmy, she made her way from behind the bar - a coy expression was worn on her heart shape face, and she made her green eyes bigger and more alluring as she swayed past the patrons.

"Yo, Deena!" she heard from behind her - a Drell, a regular.

"Hey Tayu," she replied in a husky tone - her voice a purr that was just loud enough to be heard over the music, and only by the ears of he who called for her attention. She watched as his eyes began to glow with feelings of lust.

"Dance for me?" he asked, taking a slow sip from his glass as he brazenly looked her up and down.

She approached him with an almost seductive spring in her step, leaning close to him - an arm either side of him as he felt himself pressed against the bar. Deena was more than happy to maintain the eye contact, watching him closely, fluttering her eyelashes just so that he would notice, be enchanted. "Can't tonight, honey," she whispered quietly into his neck before reaching behind the bar - pressing up to him to grab her jacket. "Shift is over, got other work to do."

As she pulled away, before she completely broke the spell, she planted a tender kiss on his cheek. "Next time, promise ya," she said with a smile before turning and walking away.

It was time to find the "Arms Dealer."
In uh hi 4 yrs ago Forum: Introduce Yourself
Welcome to the Guild!

What are you interested in writing?
Day 3. Bulky

That's moved! Best of luck with the Roleplay :)
I was once here, years and years ago. Life got in the way, I disappeared... but I am back now and more ready then ever to dive deep into the world of fantasy and horror.

I love long, detail oriented posts. And I am also older, so I really prefer no one under the age of 25, though I can make exceptions. Absolutely no one under the age of 21 though.

I love horror, I love fantasy, I enjoy smut (occasionally...) and I loooove gore.

If you wanna play, then let's go! I will eventually be setting up character sheets for my 2 main characters. More may be added if I decide I want to make them.

Of course, I am also here to make friends! I will be linking my discord account a little later on.

Peace, for now!

Welcome back to the Guild!

We actually also have a Discord as well if you ever wanted to pop in there.

Your interests are very much also mine :> so we have a lot in common!

Looking forward to seeing you around!
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