Avatar of spicykvnt


Recent Statuses

3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

Most Recent Posts

A late twofer,

I bought a much finer pointed paintbrush recently which makes things much nicer.

“How did we get here?”

The question was a splutter. A breath concealed behind the visor of a helmet. Warm breath that had there been a light source, might have been seen too.

The voice lay in the inky blackness, back arched against something sharp and jagged. A hot and wet bursting feeling clawed in her spine and stopped her from moving anymore. Ahead of her, nothing. To the right of her, nothing. To the left? With all of her strength, she reached out a hand; expecting a response. She reached and reached as far as she could, knowing that she was unnaturally wrapped around the surface of the deep, black hole.

“Just the signal now, my love. Just the signal,” came a calm voice from the left. From the dark, endless left.

“I don’t understand,” the woman spoke quietly, in clear disbelief. She could feel her fingers growing colder. “Hold my hand,” she said after a pause, wriggling her fingers as much as she could, feeling the violent pinch in her lower back even more - but the want for comfort outweighed the need to slow the pain.

“I can’t find it,” the man answered.

He swallowed down, turning his head fretfully. “I can’t find you.”

“I’m here,” she responded, voice choking. “I’m right here,” she continued with panic in her tone.

“I can’t find you,” he repeated desperately. “I can’t find you. I can’t find you.... I can't find you."
Loose date for closure of applications will be Sunday.

To emphasise on this, I'll be selecting the characters on Sunday, but will review and critique all sheets as always!

I'll also be aiming to get a nice 0th IC post up before then as well as a "Teaser" of sorts :)
Welcome to the Guild Hazel!

I approve of this Arena!
Loose date for closure of applications will be Sunday.

Wow lots of sheets.

So I sliced my hand at work today which might slow down my CS making. But it will come! I just need to figure out my character.

People really want to go spooky space pewpew
So I’m not as new as my account would suggest, but I haven’t been active outside of PMs on my old account for at least 4 years so it’s likely no one knows me anyway. That wasn’t even my oldest account here, my very first one got wiped in the great flood of...whenever it was it happened. When all the accounts had to be remade anyway.
So, a fresh start!

Hello! We’ve probably never met, I’m Talvi, took a fancy to the name when I found out ‘winter’ in Finnish is ‘Talvi’ and in Norwegian it is ‘vinter’ hence the merge.
I’m a native English speaker, so if autocorrect doesn’t go against me I can correctly use ‘there, they’re and their’, all good stuff. Apologies if my grammar is less than brilliant, I’m still brushing off the cobwebs!

I stick to 1v1 stories these days, have done for over a decade, don’t know what I’d do with a group roleplay now honestly.

Anyway, Tldr, hi!

Welcome back friend!

Hoping to see you around soon :)
Hello all,

I'm Daemon, and I've been playing various roleplaying games for a little more than 12 years now. I played plenty of video games when I was younger and rolled my first D&D character in 2009, but have been doing much more roleplaying in recent years. I've run the gambit of experiences, from in-person and online D&D groups to roleplay MMORPG servers. I've even had the pleasure of a short bit of LARPing last year; something I hope to get to do more of in the future. Now, I'm hoping to find some fun in some new settings!

I'm looking to possibly join a few different things here. I'll certainly be looking for an adventure to go on, but also to flex some of my pure roleplaying muscles. I may even post an int check for something in the future. I enjoy science and reality, certainly, but I also have an affinity for fantasy.

Aside from this, I do have a full-time job, which I am thankful to have in current times. I also cut and polish precious and semi-precious gemstones as a hobby. I am in my element outdoors and in, and spend just as much free time on my computer as I do in the woods.

Thank you all for stopping by to read, I hope to meet you in character soon


Welcome Daemon!

It's great to have you here :) I've never done LARPing myself, but it definitely feels like a "should probably do it once" kind of thing.

Looking forward to seeing you around - would love to see some of the gemstones you do. Check out our Discord where you could post pictures of them and come in for a natter sometime :)

Thanks for the sheets so far! Looking good!
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