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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

Most Recent Posts

On Board the Caelestis,

Naryxa moved barefoot through the cabin of her ship with a silence as if she were trying not to wake the dead. It had been a long day, docked on Omega. The Caelestis at rest while the Asari worked in loose clothing to push and pull at every sliver of dirt, in every crevice, across every surface.

The comfortably lived in smell had soon enough become replaced with the piercingly sterile scent of chemicals.

The last engineer’s coffee stains erased from her workbench, the chef’s lucky cloth squeezed of it’s dirt and folded away, removed from the bench. Even the medic’s bottle of whisky had been taken from the modest med-bay. One by one, Naryxa had removed the last pieces of their memory and tucked them away. A clean slate remained.

Naryxa had done it all herself, her skeleton crew had been relieved of their contracts -- and she assumed they’d all be carefree in dancing through Afterlife by now. They’d earned it, even if part of her hoped that the mechanic would come back through early for a familiar nightcap with the Captain… No, she expected that the Mechanic wouldn’t return at all.

Tearfully, she had brushed away some dried flowers from the mechanic’s desk. Too close. Too close, again.

In the corner, a waste bin full with more things. A sweater, a notebook, and litter and tiny trinkets that needed clearing out. A dried up plant that was beyond saving. It had pained her to throw it away.

It was the last, and only night she would be alone on the ship. She savoured it, watching out from the pilot’s deck, her feet up on the console as she babysat the drink in her hand. All of the fresh cold it had once been had left, warmed through by her palms now - a syrupy, strong mixture even after the oversized cube of ice had melted entirely within the little steel mug.

She turned her eyes from the dirty, overflowing pathways of Omega - and up to the sky, what little she could see of it from between the walls and rigging of the station. She looked at the nebula as it bled out all of it’s phosphorescent colour against the shrouding endless black. Not for too long, lest it stare back at her with all of it’s ominous wisdom.

Back at the streets then; at a Krogan stampeding across the walkway, belly laughing and cheered on by his friends. At a young Asari maiden clothed in a transparent jacket, revealing her shape through the cutaways of her outfit -- off to start a shift at Afterlife. Humans were lounging over the railings, looking down into the belly of Omega from the edge of the strip.

Every visit to the station played out the same raunchy scene. It’s why it was the perfect place to find new hires, and to drop off the old ones. Six years with that crew. Six. Two-thousand, one-hundred and ninety breakfasts. So many good mornings -- all circling back to one hard goodbye.

Naryxa tilted her head back and sipped. Only the pilot would be back, and thankfully he was the most difficult of them all to like. Abrasive, caustic, ill-mannered. She smirked. He was at least a keen judge of character; he’d gone through the applicants too.

”This one’s shite, ye dinnae want this cunt on the ship. AH dinnae want this cunt on the ship!”

She reckoned he’d be somewhere in Afterlife, in a puddle of his own piss by now. For a human, he drank as though he had the size and constitution of a Krogan and always acted surprised, the next day, when that wasn’t the case. Damn it, she loved him too, she thought to herself with a wry smile.

It was the last and only night she would be alone on the ship, Naryxa thought to herself again, closing her eyes from the flashing lights at last.

Her thoughts remained uninterrupted until she heard a familiar creak from above, followed by a thud in the air-ducts. She raised a brow and sighed through her teeth. Her hand turned to tip out the liquor into the waste bin - the soil soaked it up greedily and for a split second the stem of the plant twitched.

It was the last night she would be alone on the ship.

I was planning to make my own RP but you seem to have beat me to the punch, room for one more?

You will need to have finished your sheet in the next few hours for consideration.
I've been tied up at my computer all day, and I'm probably not going to finish these reviews just now -- I kind of want to do something weekend-y with the last hours of my weekend; so everything will be finalised, my sheet will be done, and IC will be done tomorrow evening.

That gives a few of you some time to finish sheets as well :)

Hi @Heat


I love this Drell.

I like that there's a lot of melancholy in this story, I like this character a lot, and it feels almost like a little bit different from what I've seen you do before. Everything in Satka's story makes sense, everything adds up and you've put a lot of time and effort into exploring his story. It's a different take on a Drell than what I usually see.

Is it Satka or Satko? There are a few discrepancies in the sheet so I'm not sure - before you post it, just make sure those are fixed ;)

My only other ntipick is choosing pacifism as a weakness. I'm not sure, I think you can find something else because that's almost something that can be both a strength and a weakness, actually. I might move his pacifism into his personality, and find a physical weakness to replace it since his 2nd weakness looks like depressive bouts.


This is a fantastic sheet, imo.

I like how you've written in some of the political information on the Vorcha through your history - you've given a good, reasonable foundation to Iryk that makes him really easy to understand, and also to feel sympathy for - to the point I'm actually overlooking his violent nature a little, ha! Super clever, and nicely succinct as well.

I think he's a risky character, he's potentially volatile, in a situation which will absolutely get volatile for... Most of it. But he's not without his redeeming features, you didn't go overboard in one direction or the other.

I'm really happy for Iryk to get a place in the RP.

Hi @The Ghost Note

I'll preface this by saying there's a lot to like about Maya.

She has some really interesting aspects to her personality. You haven't been afraid to really push those more negative traits that serve to make a character feel real and dimensional.

I like her history, I like that her skills only really stretch to humans. It's realistic and interesting for our setting.

A few things I've noticed, however. You mention in the appearance section that she is a cook - but it's not brought up again, and you switch to medic. Was this intentional?

Her goal is also very vague - I'd like to see something more specific to her. I think you can find that by just going over your sheet again, and thinking about the character some more.

I love the concept, and Maya is accepted - however, I'd like to see you just give the sheet another once over, to see if you can find an element that will elevate the character a little bit more - cross all of the t's and dot all of the i's.

I'm going to be making a Discord, so feel free to hop in there and we can brainstorm there as well :)

Hi @Dervish

Really happy to see Sabinus on another outing again, and I appreciate how you've made some tweaks, changes, and updates. I think that's just indicative of how your writing has changed and improved since I last saw him.

I like how grounded he is. That he's stable, and also his empathy which I think will come along handy on this trip - it's a character quality that is always needed.

I like the history, and the attention to detail that you pay - flexing hard on your general ME knowledge. He's a very well fleshed out character, and I can see that you're excited to revisit him as well. I am interested to know what makes Sabinus tick - he's a very easy-going, down-to-earth character with an easy, level personality. I would like to see you push him past those limits of comfort, and hopefully we can get to a point in the RP where that can happen.

I'm excited to see how he grows this time around, the choices he'll make, the things he'll do, and the relationships he'll form.

Congrats, please move him to the character tab - Sabinus is accepted!
I’ll start reviews tonight in time for posting tomorrow.

I also need to do my sheet; and the first IC.... Busy meeeeee!
A Gift in the Ground

Even the gentle weight of her footfall crunched leaves in her path, drove them down into the soil, vine by vine as she sprinted through - bag in hand, clutched in between bloody fingers. She was a shriek of silver amidst the deep, dense green. She ran.

In the silence she left behind, the sound of blood drops making their way from stem, to leaf, to root became a deafening trail to supernatural ears.

For the woman running, she at least had in her tense grip exactly what she came for. Her two companions were nowhere to be found. She worried about the Nord, and less about the wiry Imperial thief. But she had it.

Feeling as if there was enough distance between herself and the danger, she forced herself to stop. Any further was dangerous too. The gash in her side and the blood at her neck wouldn’t take care of themselves.

Under the gleaming, milky light of the moon she squatted down to her haunches and let her palms erupt into shining gold, pressing here and there, stitching her own flesh back together by sheer force of will and masterful magic technique.

“Y’alright there ma’am?”

Immediately on edge, she drew a knife from her belt and pointed it at the absurdly tall Nord who had arrived silently behind her. She was surprised to see him hardly flinch. Instead, he tilted his head with a warm, yet curious expression and simply uttered “I wouldn’t ma’am.”

“Get back then, at least,” she barked.

With a carefree smile, Fjolte let his eyes trace over the woman’s slender figure. He made note of the widespread redness around her ribs, pulling the otherwise loose cloth taut to her actual skin. “You’re very hurt,” he observed.

“I’ve survived worse,” she said, taking small steps back now, the bag firmly in her hand. “What are you doing here?” she asked aggressively with a raised brow, twirling the knife in her hand - still pointed at him. Fjolte raised his hands carefully.

“Took myself for a walk, wanted to sit in peace for a while,” he smiled slowly.

“Lies,” the Breton woman shot back, narrowing her glacial gaze at him. “What did you see here?”

“Just a woman who might have been in trouble, but I know she’s well -- I see she’s well,” Fjolte answered with a reassuring nod. It seemed to disarm her just enough to lower the blade, and release at least half of the tension in her knife hand.

She continued to glare, pacing around him as if she was a predator deciding whether or not he was about to be her next meal. “You saw nothing, that’s right,” she spoke out as her lips toyed with curling out of the intense frown into at least a smirk.

“But if the woman does need for some care, I’d like her to at least know I can,” Fjolte added, remaining steady in his spot.

“Some kind of hero are you then?” the Breton asked - showing her smirk at last. “Think you’re saving a damsel in distress?”

“Only if she should ask me too,” he answered back quickly.

The woman scoffed at that. “As much as I wish to continue on, I have to keep going. Don’t follow me. If you follow me, I’ll kill you,” she warned - she meant it.

Fjolte nodded again, lowering his hands non-threateningly. “Oh this I know for sure.”

Soon after, she turned on her heel and bolted again. Only a gentle thud took Fjolte’s attention away from watching her blur and fade away. A heavy thunk of something landing upon a cushion of soil.

As he approached it, his own eyebrow saw fit to quirk in amusement. A diamond, the size of his palm, half splattered in blood, sat in the ground.

“Well colour me fucked…” he muttered before he reached down to pick it up.
So I kinda like this idea of playing a chef, to take you all to flavour town. Could be fun. @Stormflyx am I cool to drop in a CS for review?

Applications haven’t closed yet so you absolutely are!
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