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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

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Up to 18k now, but I'm fast running out of notes.

I might break from this to catch up and create a few more mind maps and maybe deep dive some of the characters some more. I have finally picked a possible title too, "Road of Echoes". I'll see if it sticks.

I'm so thrilled at this, just... Sickeningly happy with myself.

I hope everyone else is feeling as accomplished - and if not yet, you will soon enough. There will come a moment you pass a point and you just feel it.

(inb4 I stop now completely and just don't finish at all. :)))))) )
I went hard tonight and cracked 10,000.

I've got my brief notes done!

My story follows several different narrators as they navigate through their fantasy world through a time of war and of apocalyptic events, centered around a missing Sorceress.

I'm hoping to include action, romance, and a lot of drama to my novel! If I can get a first draft done by the end of the month... Oh my goodness, I would be thrilled.

416 words in :)

EDIT: Calling it a day on 1847 words. Super pleased with myself.
Mission Split for the First Round

Group 1 - Front Assault with Lauren/Naryxa
Group 2 - Sneak Assault with Mikael

Group 3 - Anyone who’d like to stay aboard and pass on the mission
The Heart of Evil

On-board the Caelestis.

Everyone had finally made it to the ship. Naryxa supposed that they were all seeing themselves to their rooms. She’d spoken briefly to each of them, a greeting and a brief tour since MacLearie was still out of it. Him being out of it gave them several more hours to kill docked in Omega too.

Finally, with her new crew in, she went to allow herself a reprieve from the confines of her faithful ship. Omega was dark and grim as always - a low thrum in the atmosphere and the scent of trouble at every corner. It didn’t seem to worry the Asari; she’d seen most of it before. Behind every terse glance on Omega was just a soul on their way, afterall. Bark was worse than bite for the most part, and Naryxa also knew she had a strong bite when required.

As she moved over the crosswalk, she looked up at the ugly, but familiar structures, flashing in arousing colour from the strobe lights. If she was drunk, it might just entice her to cross the threshold into Afterlife again.

She placed her hands against the railing and took as deep a breath in as she could. It wasn’t pleasant air, but it was air - and it was nice to take it in. It reminded her of her youth and the corners of her mouth turned into a smile.

The Asari was peaceful until she heard snivelling at her side. Heavy sniffing and then panicked mutters under feminine breath. She opened one eye and glanced sidelong - observing to her right a human woman, and her male companion pacing back and forth. He may have been silent, but Naryxa sensed that he carried the most fear. The woman, for all of her muttering, was formulating a plan at least.

“...Get back in, break her out, and then we leave this place for good.” She said before shaking her head.

He said nothing.

“Or we hire someone to do it for’us. We can’t… We can’t leave her here. We never should have left in t’first place. What were we thinking?” She turned her face to the gentleman beside her, who was shakily nodding, wringing his hands with the worry.

“I dunno, I dunno…” he muttered back before he noticed that the was being watched and found some kind of courage. “What?” he snapped, biting back his tongue as soon as he did so and looking down at the ground.

“What happened?” Naryxa asked softly, her mature voice bringing a calm air to the conversation.

The human woman spoke up.

Back on the Caelestis, Naryxa could see that the crew had certainly made themselves at home. Bags in the walkways, cups and plates scattered in the kitchen - although she knew that to have been MacLearie’s mess. Her omnitool flashed, and she called each of them to attention.

It took but a minute or two for them to all find their way back to the open kitchen, and at Naryxa’s side was a nervous looking civilian which probably wasn’t who they were expecting to see.

“I understand you’ve all been settling in, that you’ve just got here,” she began, looking each of them in the eye one-by-one. There was so much she wanted to say to them, individually. To spend time with them alone and work out their intentions… Later.

“This is Lauren,” Naryxa explained, and Lauren waved out. “She found herself in some trouble with Mercenaries over… Illicit substances,” she sighed with a shrug. They would know what she meant.

“Her colleague is trapped now between two small factions battling it out with each other in the slums. I suspect she is not the only civilian in danger,” Naryxa looked directly at her nwly employed Drell doctor. “We could certainly use you out there, Satka,” she said - addressing him seriously. “And any of you who can hold a gun, or can help us. Seems like it will be more than a skirmish before long.”

With a hand on her hip, her eyes narrowed almost dangerously. “I know this isn’t what you thought you had signed up for today. I don’t expect you all to come and you will not be judged by me for staying behind with the ship.”

From the corner, a hoarse voice sounded; “off to play hero again, are ye?” It was MacLearie, looking pale and incredibly unkempt, hunched against the wall with a steaming mug of coffee in his bony fist.

“You know me,” Naryxa quipped back, almost nervously.

“Aye, ah do,” he answered with a nod. “Not a bad thing to put this bunch through their paces,” he continued in a deadpan tone, his own muddy brown eyes scanning each face. His distrust and displeasure was clear and purposefully spelled out in his words.

Casting a stern look his way, Naryxa shook her head and shooed him away with a wave of her hand.

“People are in danger and we can help. Lauren here will show us the way. Who’s coming?”
Okay so we're done.

@Dervish @Andreyich @Heat @Hank @Spoopy Scary - Please call in for duty!

@The Ghost Note @Nightbringer @Scrivener - Also call in for duty, but take a little more time to complete your sheets :)

You're all invited to the Discord Server now, to discuss what happens next, and for those of you who are pending, let's work together to help you get the sheets finished :)

(We'll bang, okay?!)


Hi @Scrivener!

I like what I see of Von, I like that you've taken a very military background - and I can see Von and Sabinus having some interesting conversations for sure. Xenophobia is not something I want to miss out on in the roleplay-- okay that sounds really wrong! What I mean to say is, I think there's a lot of potential for conflict with a character like Von, specifically in the cast that we do have, where everyone is vastly different and fills out a different role. There is opportunity for conflict, but also growth and that's what we're here for, right? :>

Also I know it's mean, but I'm tickled by his bad knee. (Sorry!)

There is absolutely a place for Von in this roleplay. That said, it's still lacking in details. You can't give him a dodgy knee and not write an appearance section where we get to visualise how he holds himself, whether he has a disgruntled expression, how he looks when he does a rare smile - this is flavour that's currently missing from the sheet that I think just gives us a bigger, brighter picture of the character, and also helps you in understanding him and translating that to us as well.

Tentative acceptance, pending some more work on the sheet :)
Alright, here we go. Hope it's alright.

Hi @Nightbringer

First of all, finally - a Quarian!

I love Quarians and they're usually way more popular, how did we get to the last day of submissions without one?

Anyway, I love this character - but he still feels a little rough around the edges in areas. There's a lot to like about him. Something that I keep going back to that I really like is this little personality quirk; "He enjoys the company and conversation of his crewmates, but the lack of laughter might be what makes others think that Vaan doesn’t think so highly of them, when often the opposite is true."

I find it so endearingly odd, I think, that he doesn't laugh? I don't know why - I just really like that tidbit. That's the kind of information I always remember most from a sheet :>

I want to accept Vaan, but I think he just needs a little bit more working on the sheet. In particular, the history - I'd like to see a little bit about how he ended up on Omega to join the Caelestis mission and why - I feel like I know why from reading the history, but I would like that added in just to bring his story to the present.

I think there's further to go with him as well, there's more that can be done with his personality in particular. I'd love to see more of the quirks, I'd like to know what does make him tick.

So, it's a tentative yes for now Night, but maybe just polish up the sheet a little more first :)

They call me Zoomfingers "Smoketrail" McBlisters, and this is my craft.

I am very sorry that my previous comment was harsh. I was trying to be funny and the joke didn't land, it flew so far off the mark. I'm very sorry.

I like Shy; what I had intended to portray was a narrowing eye at this ball of personality and almost abrasive quirks that will rub people the wrong the way. I think that's how you intended her to be, I am sorry if I have misjudged that and then acted like a b-i-t-c-h.

She is annoying though.

"And yes, she comes across as remarkably entitled and lazy." <--- annoying 👺

That's not a bad thing, like I said - we always need conflict and Shy will be sure to add a level of it that is a little different than just outright aggression/passive aggression towards others/hatred. Emotions that are very strong. I think that making a character that doesn't really understand people, on the same hand makes her hard to understand with others too - and that's an interesting conflict to play with, that is different and nuanced.

She is accepted and I'm happy to have you here.

At last, I have done the thing.

Hi @Hank

Delilah is a very interesting character that I can see you've put a lot of time and effort into. She feels very fleshed out, and I like this almost duality of her character - how she's living as she is, with who she was. I think that's too interesting of a concept to pass up on in a role play that will be dealing with a lot of horror themes, in scary situations.

I like that much of her story is grounded in just her, which adds a nice human element in a massively rich sci-fi world.

I'm.... concerned for her wellbeing throughout this roleplay.

She is accepted and can be moved to the character tab.
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