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3 yrs ago
Wishing a relaxing weekend for everyone. Take some time to be kind to yourself, to unwind, and to have some rest. <3
6 yrs ago
I ate a brownie once at a party in college. It was intense. I felt like I was floating. Turns out there wasn't any pot in the brownie. It was just an insanely good brownie.
6 yrs ago
There was an explosion at a cheese factory in France. De-Brie everywhere.


that elder scrolls / mass effect roleplayer

I put a spell on you

“I am nothing in my soul if not obsessive.”

Most Recent Posts

<Snipped quote by Sep>

@Stormflyx, I thought about our previous discussion, and I'd be happy to come back as a Mod...

So I can teach this punk some manners.


It will be done.
I swear I am learning a new language everytime Sep and Storm post...

You think that's bad? Get me on voice chat after a few tequilas.
Alright there you go @Sep and @Dead Cruiser
"What's the craic Eilidh?"

“Hmm, let me see here,” Eilidh answered, quick off the bat with a response for the Irishman while she poured into his mug. He smelled like books, and the black tea steam that came from his mug conjured an image in her mind’s eye of Conor as a studious figure in a candlelit library, nose to paper, brows furrowed deep in concentration. It was a comforting aroma, inducing a relaxed mood within her.

“Well I dinnae if ye ken,” she began, holding a deliberately theatrical pause, “but the lecky wen’ oot!” She didn’t have to talk so slowly around Conor, she liked that. There was an extra freedom in their conversations where she had to think a lot less. Still, she sold her words as if it was the first he would have heard of it - eyebrows raised and all - even if her irises sat steady and unmoving - staring right through him.

Whatever time for response he had, was swiftly taken by Dandelion who had arrived also, hoping for a cup too. Eilidh had felt them enter the kitchen before she heard them. Their full and heavy presence pushed back against the energy that she could already see. Dandelion was a large shadow in the room, but despite the ominous appearance, it was an unmistakable feeling of friendliness and good will that floated around. Strangely in a colour she wouldn’t have been able to give a name to, but knew the feeling of none-the-less. “Dandy, Dandy!” she sang out with a smile. “Tea ye can indeed have,” Eilidh grinned, her hands finding their way to a second mug that she’d already prepared. With a shake of the pot holding hand, she could estimate there were still a few cups worth of hot water in there. “Try dunkin’ ye biccie this time, promise ye’ll like it.”
<Snipped quote by Stormflyx>

From what I've gathered Hillan would rather us do shorter posts than collab.

On a sidenote first day back at gym yesterday + nightshift and I'm sooooooo ready to go home.

3hrs to go.

No wozza, I'll just make a tiddly post then


Bruh :( I have 2 weeks worth of work to do on a 4-day week, plus work from home so extra workload to manage team ;-; I might be working extra today.
@Stormflyx Hey you wanna sit and drink tea Conor would happily stay I'm sure, I can't see him going to join the movie gang.

Yes, we could do that! Maybe the gang can split a bit - whoever would like to sit for snacks and a chat we could open up a doc for it, as opposed to doing short replies in thread?

I can picture Eilidh making sure there is a steady stream of popcorn happening for the movie rabble.
<Snipped quote by Dead Cruiser>

Yep, waiting for everyone to post would certainly become a headache... I am waiting for people to get posts in before Wednesday as I'm planning on posting then. Might be tomorrow, though. Depends on schedule.

I suppose I can throw in a post today at some point to keep that conversation moving. I'm not used to the fast pace and style of these roleplays. I'm a filthy novel length collab writer haha.

Everyone opting to watch a movie and Eilidh is like "Yep... I'll participate in this."
I've been reading intro posts, part II, Jurassic Boogaloo

@Lord Wraith
So you really woke up and decided to write a novel, huh? Glad you did, really enjoyed every word of it. Cece feels very fleshed out already, and the way you've written her feels to me like you tick the box of having a good handle on your character - which can honestly be quite hard for at least a post or two, in my opinion. You've shown her heart really well, and in a way that sort of plays on our expectations - both of influencers and of "popular type" girls as well. Both big ticks from me. I can really see her already as how you intend her to be.

Shout out to this line as well -
Yet, in her heart, Cece knew the difference. She felt unnatural; everything was so quick and responsive. At times it was as though her mind was receiving an information overload like her body was processing everything in a heightened state.

Then there was the lack of pain.

For a post with a whole lot of words, those simple sentences say so much. Really keen to see more Cece, she's an interesting character for sure in a cast that seems to already have the entire rainbow of personalities. Wonderful stuff my dude, thank you for this flex.

@Dead Cruiser

Similarly, you've really said so much about our Dandy in this first post. What I liked about this post was how you really made feel how difficult it must be to be Dandelion in this whole new world, you took us from darkened confusion, and contemplation in the darkness about this new situation - to this feeling of joy when the lights came on and I loved that touch. I loved their thoughts about stairs; so simple, so effective and it leaves this wonderful lingering image of the character. Just, truly a good example of quality characterisation.

I'll be honest, I wasn't sure I was getting the concept of Dandelion from the sheet alone and I was patiently waiting to read from inside their head. This post really gave me that extra context, and yeah, fully sold on them. Excited for more. Please write some more. Now.


Every post so far has such a different energy and Kev's is no different; he might have the fastest shift in pace actually from what I'd read until that point. He's active in the mansion, he's contemplating things that have happened, or things that he wants to happen and that sells his motivation to me super quick. I totally get his vibe as a Gotham boy. I love his routinely meditation, it's such a simple act but makes him feel so human amongst his abilities to be, well, a fireboi.

He feels mature as well, like he's seen a bit more of that life shit that you only do as you creep out of your teens and into your twenties. I like the snappy way you write him, not sure if that's deliberate but it's a super clever move imo. Great work, more Kev please.


My dude this post killed me. I was getting Jurassic Park and it ended up at McDonalds, seriously. I love the sudden reveal at the end and that's something that I find so joyful not only as a writer to do it to my readers, but as a reader too. When I'm like "hold on, let me just go back did I read that right?" and then make it to the end to get the punchline. Stellar stuff. Talk about thinking outside of the box, both with the character and with the post as well. At this point, I know anything can happen in this penthouse and I'm here for it.

Being the maaaahooooooosive Wonder Woman lover that I am, I would absolutely love to see her (hell, I’d love to even play her!)

As far as villains go, honestly I’m not anywhere near the biggest DC buff to know many beyond the really obvious ones. DC Wiki is a friend though and I’ve been finding a lot of joy in reading some stuff around John Constantine and some of his villains.
<Snipped quote by Stormflyx>

I mean understandable. Just impatient is all.

You’ve got to hold your wee horses there scamp :P
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