Basic Information
Name: Reyna Baker
Nickname/Alias/Etc: “Big Buff Cheeto Puff”, “Rain”, “Rey (or Ray)”, “Sweaty”
Gender: Female
Height: 5'6”
Weight: 135 lbs.
Home District: From outta town
Hair Color: Natural red head
Eye Color: Gray-green.
Ethnicity: Irish, French, Norwegian
Physical Appearance: The worst mistake you could ever make about Miss Baker is that she would fit the modern expectation of the “ladylike” stereotype. While she still appears to fit the part of a young lady, there's an underlying layer of tomboyishness. Reyna is athletic, and it shows in her body. Her arms and legs are toned well, and she's even got a trace of abs outlined on her torso. She isn't super tall, standing at the modest height of 5'6”, 28F, and she weighs in at just over 130 lbs. While she might be heavier than some girls her age, which clearly attributed to her fit condition, she still is no heavyweight. Her body has as just pinches of fat which adds minimal padding over her body. She has a sturdy frame, just a few curves around her waist and back, but by no means should anybody see her feminine features and exclude the possibility of her punching you out. She packs a lot of strength in her figure, and you can see her confidence and pride in her poised posture.
If a person made the mistake in misjudging her, it was likely due in large part to her face. Button nose, thin eyebrows, and very faint hard-to-tell-they're-there freckles on top of her pale skin (a result of genetics as opposed to being sickly or house-locked). Her soft facial features are sometimes tarnished by a scowl – which is not her standard go-to disposition like her enthusiastic and full of life demeanor, but is often the product of circumstances which urban environments typically put her in. When you do get to see her when she is excited, you witness the emboldening her green eyes and the stretching of her lips to form a toothy grin that shows well taken care of teeth. Her natural bright red hair (or ginger, if you insist) is fashioned into a curly faux hawk, and is well groomed. There is little oil that naturally accumulates in her hair, so it often remains lightweight.
She has scars over her knuckles from the various fights she has gotten herself in, on her fingertips from climbing on rock, bricks, and concrete, but overall, doesn't have too many. She tends to recover well.
Attire: Most of her clothes look like they come from the boys' section. Her favorite set of apparel goes as such: she wears a slim-fit, red unisex tank top made from the same material used by thermal shirts, which goes down to her hips, where it meets her baggy camouflage pants (providing immense comfort and rustic charm), which is fastened by a black fabric belt to her hips. These pants seem rather faded from use, but is still strong and can withstand many more months of use. The ends of the pant legs are either lazily tucked in or lazily sleeved over, or caught into her black combat boots that crawl up over her ankles. They are, of course, steel toed Naturally, not feeling the impact of such a kick is pretty neat. The shoe laces on her boots are always tied tight so that the boots are firm and comfy on her feet. Over her tank top is a black leather jacket. The bottom half of the torso appears to have been torn and goes down to just her waist, although the sleeves and rest of the jacket are fine. The apparent damage seems to be more for the style of it than some horrific scissor accident.
She has a couple of accessories, which compose mostly of piercings.. She has two piercings on her left outer brow, one tongue piercing, and half-ring nipple piercings (but nobody knows about them and nobody is ever going to have the opportunity to see them while she still draws breath). On her right shoulder blade is a simple tattoo of a compass, which she got without her mother's knowledge when she was 14 (she still does not know to this day). It's somewhat special for her. It has part to do with her love of adventure and part to do with, despite its simplicity, loving the design. She has a military-style backpack; good for hiking and carrying necessities and whatnot. She has stored quite a bit of dried fruit in it, and a number of other camping equipment in it, lugging stuff around with her that you would normally think is a bad idea (a gas lantern, utility hand ax, skinning knives, live .22 rounds and shotgun shells [curiously without owning any guns, likely for collection purposes] – the works). She has three hemp necklaces which are hopelessly tangled together, and on each one, is a thin silver-colored steel heart. On one, it says Merry, on another, it says Mia, and the third depicts a raised fist symbolizing empowerment.
Innate & Outward Personality: She is as sharp and unwieldy as as you'd expect from a double-sided meat cleaver, and much like using one, will have as much of a detriment to herself as it can be to others. She's the real firebrand among firebrands, and doesn't really have a winning personality when it comes to handling other people; she doesn't really make friends easy with ordinary people. She's loud and boisterous to the extent it can simply repel others from wanting to be near her. She's snarky, sarcastic, abrasive, and at times, insensitive. On the contrary, she is nothing if not known for her virtues: naturally a determined, valiant woman, she has set her nose to the grindstone through all of her labors and has built herself a sturdy foundation on which she has built her character, and so her heart has been thusly hardened by various trials. Her standoffish disposition earns her enemies, and while carrying the appearance of being unapproachable, she also carries a curious energy: she naturally gives the impression of synchronous intimidation and reverence. She earns her trait of intimidation through tongue and scowl, and her trait of reverence through action and expression.
This is not to imply Reyna isn't a happy individual, but rather she finds her peace outside the contact of the common folk. This is also not to say she dislikes people as a whole. She is very confident in social situations, and her attitude stems mostly from her expectations of people and how their words or actions can easily rub her the wrong way or be taken as a slight, and at the same time, her boisterous disposition, bluntness, and view on others being too sensitive can similarly end conversations before they begin. Much of this stems from growing up in inner cities where being tough meant survival. When appealed to her interests however, she reacts in what many would consider almost an exaggeration of her excitement. For example, she is an explorer at heart. She loves discovery and – surprisingly enough for a city girl – enjoys nature, especially at sites of caves or cliff faces or rivers and streams, or a remote location untouched by mankind.
There also exists a fascination for bugs, fossils, artifacts, and bones. When these interests are appealed to, she shows a complete change in character: her eyes light up, a toothy grin from ear to ear, and her stern voice is replaced with what turns out to really be a talkative, excitable girl who still looks to be a child. This child-like giddiness often offsets anyone who is not wholly familiar with her and has only met with her abrasive side. This side of her is not often displayed in front of strangers.
Further, as one would expect from not just a young woman, but from also her personality, Reyna is very proud and competitive. She is proud of herself and of her accomplishments, and minimizing that, disregarding that, or invalidating that can wound that pride, and it also happens to be a one-way ticket to making her your enemy. Her pursuit in remedying that damage is unrelenting and unquenchable until she has reached an achievement or milestone that can satisfy that gap which often involves the conquering of her roadblock. This is not to say this is the end of her aggression, as a lasting disdain would lead her to brag over that victory in order to validate herself and her accomplishment. This often puts her at odds with her extended cousin, Mia.
Her decision-making leaves much to be desired, and habitually fails to think ahead of time. Her apparently inability to plan ahead is exemplified by her decision to purchase a motorcycle as her first vehicle in contrast to a car, which makes groceries, passengers, and so on more difficult to travel with. She might pack some interesting wilderness books in her backpack in lieu of a toothbrush out of forgetfulness. The only thing that might keep her from getting trapped in the woods with nothing to survive with might be the years of reading the damn booklets over and over again.
As it may have already been suggested, it takes a stubborn, tenacious, and headstrong personality in order to meet her goals. Repeated failure to meet them warrants breakdown and the destruction of her spirit... but instead of relenting or hesitating, she meets her fear of failure with determination as her method of avoidance, as opposed to passive idling. Unsurprisingly, the only celebrity of any kind whom she idealizes is the MMA fighter, Ronda Rousey, because of her fierce determination, take-no-prisoners attitude, and her ability to arm bar into submission every bitch who ever walked into the same octagon as her. So for another person to earn her respect, they would have to display similar traits such as a strong sense of individuality, determination, strength of character, pride, optimism, and so forth. Behaving like a victim to garner her sympathy is not how you'd attract such a person.
Taking all this into consideration, know still that Reyna does possess a soft spot for her family and for the vulnerable. While by no means a vigilante, seeing crime and strife as of no concern to her for the most part, she is very close to her relatives and and threatening them can bring out the nastiest possible side of her. In conjunction with this, while it may be hard to garner her sympathy, it is easier for her to freely lend it out to the weak and vulnerable on their last legs and without the means to defend themselves. This includes children, the sick elderly, the malnourished homeless – she might not actively search them out to help them, but if she does come across any of these folks during her travels, she finds it difficult to say no.
Hobbies/Interests: Adventures, exploring, nature, and competition are all things that Reyna finds interest in. Like mentioned previously, letting her loose in the wilds is the best way to see her in her best condition. A wide-eyed, child-like curiosity overtakes the reigns and shows you an entirely different girl than when you met her. It is also a reckless curiosity. Take that curiosity and combine it with her natural determination and athleticism, and you get a girl who would try to scale up a sheer twenty-five foot cliff face without rock-climbing gear or cables, or even a helmet (although that alone probably won't save her life if she were to fall). Most of the time though, she miraculously conquers such daunting tasks and relishes in the thrill of it.
Competition is another of Reyna's weaknesses. Everything is a race or contest, and it all gets her blood flowing when winning is on the line. In many circumstances, she can take a defeat in stride as long as she recognizes it was something she wasn't particular strong or talented in. However, in the subjects and areas she does excel in, she competes rigorously, and it is in those events that if she were to lose, she does not take the defeat well. A lot of it comes from pride in her talents.
Skills/Talents: Okay, so there are a couple of things that she is obviously good at, so let's get out of the way so I don't act like it is a big surprise later: Reyna brings on the pugilism. She has a thing for boxing and kickboxing. As long as it has an octagon and she can wear big gloves and is allowed to punch people, she gets excited. This should not come as such a huge surprise; for an active and competitive girl like her, this comes naturally. Fighting is essentially the epitome of competition, and whoever comes out on top is the true victor, standing over the defeated – the experience of such a defeat being inescapable – and proclaiming dominance. Western martial arts is obviously a much more aggressive style than defensive eastern martial arts, which suits Reyna perfectly. Over time, her style has come to more closely resemble MMA.
Now, more alarmingly, her other skills are a lot gentler. Her knowledge of reading survival books as a kid, and fascination with nature and exploration, she could get lost in the woods for a month and come back alright - she knows her shit. She is also an artist. At least, to some degree. She has talent in it, and she is confident, but not so confident that she'd consider herself as a professional or would be ready to make a career out of it. But her work is good, there's no doubt about it. She wants to be good enough so that she can give tattoos to people, and to be a reliable artist to do so. Though there is some hesitation in using her own body as a practice canvas, obviously. Otherwise, she can draw, paint, sketch, both traditionally and on a digital format.
While not terribly gifted in the music and whimsy department, she does have a terrific singing voice from the years of practice of singing her sister to sleep – if only she could seriously partake in that activity in public and not shut down if put on the spotlight. This is the only area where she isn't confident and suffers from stage-fright, and she'll fake or pretend terrible singing otherwise as though it were a joke. If it is only her, her sister, and her cousin, then she feels comfortable to sing her heart out.
In order to purchase her motorcycle, she got a job back in Maine at a fireworks store. Long story short, she knows how to make a couple of different kinds of fireworks, knows some trivia about fireworks, she loves it, and she can easily tell what kind of explosion one is when she hears it. Reyna also had the bad habit of forgetting her keys, so she was forced into the position of learning how to pick her own front door's lock way late at night.
Goals/Motivation: Reyna would never admit this to anyone, but she is something of a lost soul who doesn't know what she wants out of life. She travels around looking for thrills, but doesn't think ahead to her later years in life and think "what do I want when I'm older". Part of her just wants to get what she can out of life and spend it having fun and not being bored, but acknowledges she can't get far in current society with a life of only that. The other part of her languishes for some drive to be something more accomplished, despite not understanding what it might be. Despite her acknowledgement of this issue, she rarely does anything to address it, and would be happier sooner ignoring it in lieu of going bungee jumping. In addition to her thrill and experience seeking, she is fiercely protective of her little sister, but since she won't be in Baybridge, that aspect of her will not likely come into play.
History/Bio:Reyna was born to an unmarried family in Maine, a product of an accident to be honest, but they agree to birth her in the end. It was a typical babyhood at first, but with the dynamics in the family being rather conflicted, the relationship wasn't able to work and her mother left the house when she was young. Despite the disagreement between her parents, they never tried to separate her from either of them or alienate her. They mutually encouraged respect for both parents. Though being a single parent was a little rough on her father, they managed to truck right through the hardships, even though the father was never really certain on how to raise a girl the traditional way. So he rose her as he would any child, or what would be typically considered befitting of a boy. Being raised this way, she was never told to shy away from what was considered to be boys' toys or clothes or whatnot, and through all that, still maintained her “femininity” as typical people would call it.
During that time, her mother found another man, married, and had another child two years after her own birth. Her new half-sister was named Merry, and her surname, Bennet, took after her father's. Naturally, having already visited her mother every weekend, Reyna got to meet Merry at a very young age and got to spend much of her time growing up with her. Her young life went this pattern for a very long time. Every night she got to spend with her sister, she'd spend it singing lullabies until Merry fell asleep. It was a typical pattern. The next biggest change in her life was the year Reyna turned 13 years old and her powers developed. It was noticed when she was able to perform physical activities for a long period of time without wearing out, and that she'd easily dehydrate but perform greater feats of strength. She decided to take up boxing as a way to help cope with the energy she had and to better control herself and her power – though another large part of it was that Reyna thought it would be fun, which explains why she didn't choose any eastern martial arts which were less aggressive and would have made more sense.
That same year, Reyna's father introduced her to her extended cousin – their closest related family member being their great grand-mother – Mia, after convincing them to come into town. Her father knowing that Mia came from a town that was highly populated with meta-humans thought it would be good for his daughter to make friends with her. A crucial difference was that Mia came from Mendel, Louisiana, which meant a much dirtier and more crime-ridden city, which had an influence on Mia and her disposition, despite her kind demeanor. The relationship was a little tense at first due to their conflicting personalities, but they managed to befriend each other in due time. Mia made it a point to visit Maine often, for about a week or two every two or so months, even as cold as it was compared to the southern heat. She fortunately had the money to do so since both of her parents owned their respective tourist traps. They eventually grew to be inseparable. When all three could get together, they sung and played music together, fought together (or with each other), ate, slept, the works. When Mia missed one of her visits, and came by the next round blind in one eye, Reyna shared her rage – though it didn't seem to do much to hold Mia back when Reyna tries to instigate sparring matches with her.
With the coming season, all three decided to go on vacation via a cross-country road trip in Mia's pickup truck. The plan was to start taking I-95 down to New Jersey then riding on I-80 all the way to California. You know, a crazy long trip with several mishaps, a couple break downs, dozens of near accidents, and many stories to tell. Unfortunately, the plan has since shattered due to Merry's family not agreeing to the trip and Mia thinking that it wouldn't be the same without her. Reyna, in a fit of disappointment, wanted to get away from her hometown and spend a little while on an escape. One of her first stops in California was the condemned city of Verthaven. She did a little bit of exploring, but it eventually started feeling a little too creepy and she high tailed it out of there. Word is, there was another meta-city up north, where many of the Verthaven refugees had gone after the Devil incident. Wanting to check it out, she made adjustments to the original plan, and rode her bike north to the city of Baybridge in Washington.
Dynamics:| Arianna |
Conflicted |
Technically, Ari is her kidnapper |
"I'm not sure if I want to kill her or pin her down and rip off her clothes." |
Reyna's first day in Baybridge has not been welcoming to Reyna, and all the stress has really been getting to her. A lot of this rage is directed at Arianna as a result for her being the easiest person to blame - and being the person ultimately responsible for her troubles - but between the stress and a night of drinking, her emotions are a whirl of confusion, and Arianna being the most prominent figure in this time in Reyna's life, ends up being the recipient of all of them. Reyna's physical attraction to Ari puts her at odds with her anger, and isn't sure how to address the situation objectively and decide what it is that she wants to do.
| Archie Davis |
What the fuck |
Friend of her hate-crush |
"I'm going to punch this asshole in the face after I figure out what the fuck is wrong with it." |
Not much to say. As an associate of the person who ruined Reyna's life on her first day in town, she doesn't have any good comments in reserve for him. However, having not interacted with him much aside from his fruitless endeavors to aid her, Archie is not at the top of her hit list. It suffices to say she doesn't understand him more than anything else.
Family: Father: Connor Baker / Alive
Mother: Vivian Bennet / Alive
Half-sister: Merry Bennet / Alive
Extended cousin: Mia Jones / Alive
Power Class:Super System (Biological)
Power: Reyna possesses minor enhancements to her physical performance, such as strength, endurance, speed and so forth – as expected from someone with a power under the super system power class. They are only minor, however, and these factors do not appear to affect her appearance as they exist in a supernatural medium as her metahuman energy. These are just simple modifications as a result of her energy and does not constitute as her power. They serve to supplement Reyna's actual strength.
Reversed Effects of Lactic Acid (Passive): Build up of lactic acid in normal people produces fatigue, but in Reyna, it is like a caffeinated steroid. Essentially, the mutated lactic acid in her body is a corticosteroid that energizes her muscles, dampen immune responses, and reduces swelling. The longer you're active, the more lactic acid build up there is, and Reyna has the potential to have her strength and stamina snowball.
Augmented Adrenal System (Passive): Reyna's adrenal glands are swollen to greater sizes than regular people. This means the glands are able to produce more adrenaline in a shorter amount of time. But the power is not so simplistic as this – the adrenaline itself is more potent than usual – by about five times. Regularly, adrenaline can increase an adult's strength by about 30%. This means that at Reyna's peak, she is 150% stronger than usual. Which means if she can bench 220 pounds under regular circumstances, she can bench 550 pounds at her peak. This doesn't necessarily put her on the same playing field as dedicated strength-based powers, but adrenaline serves to do more than simply make her stronger.
Adrenaline also allows Reyna to run faster, have sharper reaction times, ignore pain, and the ability to make split-second decisions in intense, high-pressure situations. This means she can race with a greyhound, shrug off an assailant stabbing her arm with a pocket knife, and keep her ground, dancing toe-to-toe with three different guys at a time provided that her glands keep pumping her with those delicious hormones. Adrenaline also helps to stave off other ailments that may effect your body, such as hunger or exhaustion. Summed up: her adrenal glands are turbo-charged and all bodily inhibitors are turned off. When in conjunction with her lactic acid, it would serve her enemies well to avoid any long-duration encounters with her.
Body Furnace (Passive): Adrenaline affects her body in many different ways, but there is one part of her system that seems particularly affected by it. When in an adrenaline rush, her body temperature spikes. The temperature doesn't seem to stop, though, and will keep on rising and rising until it begins to plateau at a certain point – 525 F, where her skin is as hot as a cast iron skillet kept on a gas stove set on high. At this point, she can deliver burns on touch, whether or not it was intentional. As one can discern, reaching this temperature requires Reyna to possess a good deal of heat resistance for her to even function properly. To her, it feels as though she's just working out on a hot summer's day. In addition to her immense heat resistance, she can go out for a jog comfortably on a snowy day, since all of that internal heat keeps her toasty.
This high body heat does mean that her body is going to try to cool itself down however it can. When her adrenaline rushes persist, she begins sweating like crazy. Drips of sweats beads all over her skin, and as hot as her skin gets, it is going to evaporate pretty quickly. So when she begins to peak, she is also surrounded by steam as a result of her own sweat being instantly vaporized. This sweat also soaks her clothes, which honestly is the only thing keeping them from going up in flames. Speaking of flames... it is best that you don't try to fight her in the forest or any dry area with foliage or combustible material. Her heat radiates off her body, and if around dry grass or dead leaves, she can actually begin to burn the ground around her, as well as anything flammable that might be nearby.
Her high body heat also does wonders for killing off bacterial infections and viruses and whatnot. Her whole body is resistant to heat, but any bacterium or virus that decides to trespass is in for a big surprise. What this does mean, however, is that her immune system is a little weaker than average given its lack of exercise, and any virus that can infiltrate her cells can cause damage.
Limits: Adrenaline can only do so much for the body. She won't be dead lifting any cars, she won't bend a steel construction beam – her power is not devoted to super strength. She cannot summon her extra strength on-demand and is limited to situations that excites her, warrants a flight or fight response, or anything else that allows for adrenaline responses or increased heart-rate. Likewise, lactic acid is not immediately available. Her true power comes out the longer she's in action. Her body heat also caps off at a certain point, like stated, and it takes a last stand-esque amount of pressure and exertion for her to push past that limit. As well, her heat resistance is not an immunity. She can stand the heat of hot metal, but she is not going to survive being through into a volcano or an incinerator. She might last a couple seconds in front of a flamethrower without harm, but nothing short of an immunity can keep a human from being burned at the stake forever.
Weaknesses/Drawbacks: Take a gander back up the sheet for a moment, right around the power section. Look for the part where it says she has super durability. Did you see it? Right, you didn't. And that's the big thing about adrenaline. You can go absolutely ape-shit crazy, tip over a car and not feel a thing, but you are going to feel it later. Adrenaline can numb you to pain, but does absolutely nothing to keep your body from getting damaged. The ever-present endurance from her meta-human energy does little more than mitigate what damage she can cause herself, but if she does something as foolish as punch a brick wall, the bones in her hand will shatter. The stab wound is still bleeding all over her good clothes. She still ripped a ligament pushing herself too hard.
And as for her body heat, there is only so much water she can sweat. Pushing herself too hard for too long will lead to dehydration which causes dizziness and shortness of breath. She will be drinking a lot of water fairly regularly.
Intimacy can also be fairly awkward.