North Ehlm, Val's Safehouse
Everything was happening
really quickly; more Ravagers' seemed to appear from nowhere, people were being killed.
The smell of blood, gunpowder and Wild Magic echoed through Ferz snout as he moved to swipe at a small group of Ravager's near him. He moved to attack once more before Inu suddenly spoke to him; he hesitated, was he to take orders from someone else potentially working
against their own king?
He threw aside his worried judgement and moved to lift the vines surrounding the Umbra Girls.
Twelve more shots were shot towards him, hitting his bark-covered hide, but the deep black blood started to seep from some of the bullet wounds. Ferz felt the pain crackle through his body, but he held back on roaring loudly as he was focused on getting everyone else around him onto the beasts back.
Mimi let out a loud squark when the molotov hit their tail and exploded, the liquid spread down their tail as the fire started to jet up their body. Mimi turned to Dex with a bare of their fangs and went to lunge towards him in anger before the Ravagers suddenly all collapsed.
Ferz looked towards Mimi as he had gotten the Umbra girls onto Inu's back, before he moved a tree arm to reach down and pick up the dinosaur. Mimi let out a loud honk and struggled at the sudden pressure around them before they looked up to see Ferz watching her.
"Mytharil tova, ashara vithrin.("My feathers sting, I need water.") Mimi whined to Ferz, who didn't answer as he placed the dinosaur onto Inu, his grip had killed most of the fire; in expense of burning himself in doing so.
""Thalir wil'nae lo'shar, wen'vayol toren, thalra enna'ven thirak. (He will be unconscious when I go, please make sure the wounds are covered.") Ferz warned Inu as he moved to pull his legs from the ground, the rocks that the vines had tied themselves into cracking as the vines snapped away.
Ferz seemed to be falling apart as he moved away from the Ravagers as they were on the ground.
"Asha'len tova, el'sharn teva.(I will need to rest, I shouldn't be long.)" He spoke to Inu as he seemed to crumble more, dropping an unconscious Wren onto Inu's back.
"Velenor thalir. (Look after him.)" Ferz's voice almost ordered before the rest of the vines crumbled away to the ground.
Mimi was immediately over to Wrens' side, covering him with most of their body. The dinosaur wilds' feathers from the base of their tail to the end, were blackened from the flames.