Avatar of Squirrel98


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Welcome to my profile :)

I am a 25 years old woman from Belgium, Europe. You can always send me a message to chat or about a roleplay. Even though I can be pretty busy at times, I always inform my partners when I lost interest or when I want to stop a roleplay for a different reason. This means that if I haven't replied to a roleplay yet, I didn't have time yet. I didn't ghost you. Since I regularly check the site on my phone, my replies OOC whould be fairly fast (if you keep my timezone in mind).

I can play as both male and female characters with a preference towards FxM and MxM pairings. Additionally, I can play multiple characters at the same time. I prefer to double (as in both playing a male and a female character), but this is absolutely not a requirement. I absolutely love romance in roleplays, but I tend to not include smut as it easily takes over the plot and that is quite boring to say the least.

I prefer my roleplays to be situated in either modern times or the future, since I am not interested in researching a time period in order to write about it in the roleplay. Also, I mostly use fictional locations. The reason for this is that I haven't been outside of Europe (except for two vacations in Egypt when I was a child that I hardly remember) and I am not willing to do a lot of research those countries in order to write about them in the roleplay.

Romance, drama, horror/thriller and slice of life are the genres that I have the most experience with, since there is a lot of describing the situation and a lot of dialogue. I have the least experience with fighting scenes, so please don't judge my fighting scenes as I am trying and learning. Since I mentioned horror/thriller, let me tell you that I have absolutely no limits with dark themes. If you have any, tell me BEFORE we make our characters. Do not be angry at me if you didn't even tell me about the topics that are sensitive for you and I happen to use them unknowingly. If you tell me about sensitive topics, I will ALWAYS avoid using them, no matter what they are.

I can work with long, short and no character sheets. My preference goes towards sharing a picture, name and age before starting the roleplay. I am most comfortable with using anime pictures, but I can also use pictures of real people if it's my partner's preference.

If you aren't sure that our writing styles are compatible, please ask me for a writing sample beforehand. Don't ghost me or reject me right after I wrote an intro post to our roleplay. That's just a huge waste of time for both of us. Of course if you find out during the roleplay that it's not for you anyways, you can always tell me (please do instead of ghosting).

Topics that I am ALWAYS willing to write about:
- the Fairy Tail universe
- Demons and/or angels coming to Earth
- the Apocalypse concept
- the Big Brother concept
- an adult version of Miraculous or Precure

Most Recent Posts

@Hey Im Jordan thank you for letting us know!
@Hey Im Jordan@Fabricant451 My character sheet (Keira Bell) is ready, I hope that it is long enough (otherwise just say so) :)
@Hey Im Jordan

I put it in a hider ;)
Thank you ! :D
A gentle expression appeared on her face when she heard his words. That is why he liked having him around, in some way he could always make her smile. Of course he wouldn't go without her, it would feel so wrong. She chuckled before looking at him and saying: "Are you sure that you can go on a job with that eye?" while lifting one eyebrow. But she didn't even wait on his answer before standing up and going on a job. She knew what he was about to say, so she didn't have to wait for him to say it out loud. Of course they would go. She tried to take a look at the board, but it was pretty busy. A lot of mages were trying to choose a job. The ones chosen wanted a good training and the ones who didn't get picked wanted to train to get better and be chosen for the next selections.

She had a hard time pushing everyone aside to even be able to reach the board. Eventually she gave up to take a good look and just took one that she could reach. She didn't even dare to look at the one that she chose. She went to take a seat again next to Dexter and handed him the flyer. "Please tell me that it's good enough and I don't have to go back there again!" After she had handed over the paper, she covered her eyes with one hand and crossed her fingers with the other.
I am interested in this!

I just have three questions:

- Are the pictures expected to be real life or anime?
- Are only C-ranked mages accepted or also D-ranked mages?
- What is the expected frequency of posting?
In a small town, far away from the busy cities and the tourists, there has never been any big problems or criminaliteit activities. But recently, many of the people are disappearing and all of them are in the age range of 16-20. Why are they aiming for someone who is almost an adult or just became an adult? Is the kidnapper someone from the some age who is looking for revenge for some reason? Or is it someone else?

The (almost) adults from that age range decided to leave the town out of safety and go live in an abandoned house close to a beautiful river without telling anypne in the town where they are. But how long will the 'sollution' last until they get tired of each other and people start to disappear again?
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