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Paging @Lmpkio, since I know he likes a certain Kaiju that may or may not be featured here.

i dunno what all henry has planned for mr. zilla or his verse, but i know you like it and we need more players so hi uwu

Op. No. KY-9914; Pvt. Malik Skaya
121st Battalion, Bravo Company, 1st Platoon, 1st Squad
Lothor Minor | Planetfall - Contact

"Counting wasn't on the course list in Basic. You know how it is." Trooper KY-9914 called back over the comm link, a warmth behind his ears when he realized how off he'd been. "Budget cuts." He silently chided himself for it, knowing how dangerous misinformation was during combat. Malik shrugged it off with a quick off-hand joke, hoping that'd be the end of it.

He shifted his attention fully to the firefight at hand. The volume of fire had diminished somewhat as more shots hit their mark and more of the terrorists were brought down, but the constant, thunderous thumping of the three largest cannons on the battlefield continued to drown out all other noise. The Aquellan warrior pressed on ahead alongside the rest of his unit, advancing slowly through cover with increasing bravado now that the enemy's numbers were thinning. If their momentum continued, they'd be storming the base itself soon enough.

Provided that turret didn't mow them all down first, of course.

Skaya was hunkered down behind a rusted out trash compactor, lasers whizzing right over his helmet when Kavis's next set of orders came through. The sergeant wanted Malik and one other Stormtrooper to make for the left-most flank and use the cover there to take out the enemy emplacement while the rest of the squad held their attention. He couldn't say he was all too pleased with the idea of throwing himself into a line of blaster bolts, even if Imperial doctrine dictated it was the most effective method of rapid advancement.

The gears in his head began to turn as he scanned the uneven, trash-soaked ground around him. He quickly went to clip his E-11 to his belt, bending down to grasp at an old, torn tarp that had been discarded on Lothor Minor quite some time ago. After tearing it even further, he tied it about his plastoid-encased neck, forming a rather crude cloak that matched the rustic browns that permeated the planet. "Camouflage." He explained quickly, already starting to slip over toward the left side of the hill. "Would rather not get blown to hell before I'm even in range."

Malik slid down a pile of trash and debris, his new fashion accessory flapping in the toxic breeze behind him as he made his way toward the target with Kato Okaye at his side. He didn't know the gunner well, but from what little time they'd been together, Skaya had a feeling he could trust the trooper to watch his back; and in return, he would do the same. "Let's not draw their attention this way if we can't help it," Malik suggested, "once we're close, I'm going to try to get around and get a clean shot on the rebel manning the gun; if ya could, I'd appreciate some cover from the rest of his buddies." It was a fairly basic plan, but it could prove to be fatally dangerous if they didn't execute it right.

He didn't give Kato much time to argue, either, as Malik bolted from cover the moment they were within visual range of the Junkers' position at the top of the hill. "Cover me!" He called back, his mud-caked boots splashing in a puddle of something that was decidedly not water as he charged across the hill, his E-11 now firmly in his hands as he made a mad dash for the gunner. All Malik had to do was find the angle. He just needed to find the shot-

a Junker's head swayed into view from behind a chunk of a fallen star freighter. The red light from its cycling cannon lit up the native's face mask. Too bright to be a standard blaster. Had to be the gunner. The sound of a blast whizzing just past him caused his heart to jump into his throat, but he couldn't let it throw him off. He brought the E-11 to bear, his finger squeezing down on the trigger as another shot impacted in the dirt naught by a few inches from his feet. 'Don't miss don't miss don't-'

Op. No. KY-9914; Pvt. Malik Skaya
121st Battalion, Bravo Company, 1st Platoon, 1st Squad
Lothor Minor | Planetfall - Contact

"Counting wasn't on the course list in Basic. You know how it is." Trooper KY-9914 called back over the comm link, a warmth behind his ears when he realized how off he'd been. "Budget cuts." He silently chided himself for it, knowing how dangerous misinformation was during combat. Malik shrugged it off with a quick off-hand joke, hoping that'd be the end of it.

He shifted his attention fully to the firefight at hand. The volume of fire had diminished somewhat as more shots hit their mark and more of the terrorists were brought down, but the constant, thunderous thumping of the three largest cannons on the battlefield continued to drown out all other noise. The Aquellan warrior pressed on ahead alongside the rest of his unit, advancing slowly through cover with increasing bravado now that the enemy's numbers were thinning. If their momentum continued, they'd be storming the base itself soon enough.

Provided that turret didn't mow them all down first, of course.

Skaya was hunkered down behind a rusted out trash compactor, lasers whizzing right over his helmet when Kavis's next set of orders came through. The sergeant wanted Malik and one other Stormtrooper to make for the left-most flank and use the cover there to take out the enemy emplacement while the rest of the squad held their attention. He couldn't say he was all too pleased with the idea of throwing himself into a line of blaster bolts, even if Imperial doctrine dictated it was the most effective method of rapid advancement.

The gears in his head began to turn as he scanned the uneven, trash-soaked ground around him. He quickly went to clip his E-11 to his belt, bending down to grasp at an old, torn tarp that had been discarded on Lothor Minor quite some time ago. After tearing it even further, he tied it about his plastoid-encased neck, forming a rather crude cloak that matched the rustic browns that permeated the planet. "Camouflage." He explained quickly, already starting to slip over toward the left side of the hill. "Would rather not get blown to hell before I'm even in range."

Malik slid down a pile of trash and debris, his new fashion accessory flapping in the toxic breeze behind him as he made his way toward the target with Kato Okaye at his side. He didn't know the gunner well, but from what little time they'd been together, Skaya had a feeling he could trust the trooper to watch his back; and in return, he would do the same. "Let's not draw their attention this way if we can't help it," Malik suggested, "once we're close, I'm going to try to get around and get a clean shot on the rebel manning the gun; if ya could, I'd appreciate some cover from the rest of his buddies." It was a fairly basic plan, but it could prove to be fatally dangerous if they didn't execute it right.

He didn't give Kato much time to argue, either, as Malik bolted from cover the moment they were within visual range of the Junkers' position at the top of the hill. "Cover me!" He called back, his mud-caked boots splashing in a puddle of something that was decidedly not water as he charged across the hill, his E-11 now firmly in his hands as he made a mad dash for the gunner. All Malik had to do was find the angle. He just needed to find the shot-

a Junker's head swayed into view from behind a chunk of a fallen star freighter. The red light from its cycling cannon lit up the native's face mask. Too bright to be a standard blaster. Had to be the gunner. The sound of a blast whizzing just past him caused his heart to jump into his throat, but he couldn't let it throw him off. He brought the E-11 to bear, his finger squeezing down on the trigger as another shot impacted in the dirt naught by a few inches from his feet. 'Don't miss don't miss don't-'
I know we've talked soundtracks before, but until more recently (with maybe the exception of the first Iron Man and Incredible Hulk) does anyone else think, that one thing the DC movies have had over Marvel is their scores? I always find a lot of Marvel movies to have rather forgettable scores behind them.

Marvel definitely has a lotta music that exists more in the background. The only real theme that I recognize when it starts is Cap's, and sorta-kinda the Avengers main theme. But that might just be because I've heard it so many times it's ingrained itself into my skull.

Dunno if you've seen this, but its a pretty interesting video on the subject.


I don'ttt think I'd agree with the idea that the DC movies had better scores, though. The only ones that I thought were particularly stand-out were the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel themes. Batman V Superman was...meehhh. I remember thinking a few of the tracks were alright, but it was nothing stand-out. Justice League was a special kind of garbage. Never saw Suicide Squad.

Banned because gum is a letter off from gun and I'd rather you not share that with the class.
mfw Eddie's been offline for 26 days

Can't good words :(

Powers and Abilities
Bumblebee belongs to one of the smallest of the standard protoform molds, offering him less physical strength and lighter frame in exchange for an increase in speed and agility; this made him an excellent candidate for reconnaissance, courier and espionage duties during his tours on Cybertron. Decades of fighting the Decepticons have sharpened his skills as a scout, spy, and combatant. His standard armament includes his signature 'Stingers', a pair of handheld, rapid-fire blaster pistols that can tear through opponents at close range while still being threatening at medium ranges.

His current transformation is based on a Volkswagen Beetle, both because its similarly sized to his original Cybertronian form and because his human protector, Daniel Witwicky, owed a defunct version of this vehicle around the time Bumblebee came under his guardianship.

Origin And Backstory
Cybertron, once a shining hub of civilization in days long past, now floats through the cosmic sea as little more than a husk of its former glory. Its people, the Cybertronians, fought among one another for the dwindling resources that remained on their world. Two factions rose to prominence during the conflict, eventually dividing the entire population into either of the two sides: the Autobots and the Decepticons. Their civil war leveled what was left of their home, and the dwindling survivors of that centuries-long conflict were forced to flee that barren place. Many habitable worlds were chosen for colonization, though those that showed the capability to seed Energon- the primary power source of all Cybertronians- were given significantly increased priority.

One of these worlds was the tiny ball of water and dirt called Earth. The Autobot colony ship known as the Ark made its way toward Earth, captained by the paragon leader of the Autobots, Optimus Prime. His presence aboard that particular vessel attracted the attention of Lord Megatron, the Decepticon's tyrannical ruler as well as Optimus's nemesis and former friend. Megatron and his crew attacked the Ark en-route, and the ensuing battle cost both sides many lives. Both the Ark and the Decepticon's flagship, the Nemesis, were so irreversibly damaged that each was forced to make a crash landing on their destined world. The Nemesis and its surviving crew were lost at the bottom of the ocean, while the Ark was lodged up somewhere in the Andes mountains.

Both remained inactive and hidden away from the world for an indeterminant amount of time until a pair of hikers happened upon the Ark by pure chance. Word got out about its existence, quickly reaching the ears of a mysterious organization within the U.S government known as the Earth Protection Force. The EPF deployed its agents to secure the extraterrestrial vessel, discovering it to not only be empty but that its crew was missing and presumably hiding out somewhere beyond the Ark itself. A massive campaign was started to locate these missing aliens before any other nations could do the same. Those that were captured were locked away in secret to be studied and exploited for their technological advancements. This exploitation was seen as...ethically questionable by a number of members of the EPF, including Captain Daniel "Sparkplug" Witwicky, a former Combat Engineer in the USMC turned EPF technician and security personnel. Knowing that complaining about such issues was a good way to be 'disappeared,' he conspired with a number of other personnel in the unit to work against the organization from within.

This eventually led to Witwicky and his cohorts commandeering a convoy containing the captured Autobot known as Bumblebee. After escaping the wrath of the Men in Black's pursuing squads, the defectors chose to split up and go into hiding, all but one of them 'pretending' that they'd been the ones tasked with protecting and hiding Bumblebee. In reality, Captain Witwicky was the one that took on this responsibility, retreating away to a ranch in Western Colorado where he's remained under the pseudonym of Amundsen for the last twenty-five years. Bumblebee remains hidden in plain sight, acting as the Amundsen family's Volkswagen buggy and under the assumption he's the last living Cybertronian on the planet.

Supporting Cast
  • Autobots
    • Optimus Prime - Missing
    • Ironhide - Missing
    • Jetfire - Missing
  • Decepticons
    • Megatron - Missing
    • Starscream - Missing
    • Soundwave - Missing
    • Onslaught - Missing
    • Brawl - Missing
  • Human Allies
    • Daniel "Sparkplug" Witwicky
    • Stevie "Spike" Witwicky
    • Bill Fowler
    • Joe Henderson
    • Miko Nadakai

Sample Post

<Snipped quote by Superboy>

Hey...I'm open to seeing it. You're a good writer. You're kicking ass over in the Marvel/DC game. If you want to PM me your idea I can at least take a look at it

Aww, shux, you're gonna make me blush. I'll put together a pitch and send it your way sometime soon. Wanna make sure this is actually a half-decent idea and not me just wanting to play with giant pew-pew robots even if that's part of it
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