Avatar of Supermaxx


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Current is sexualizing Pokemon a variation of bestiality?
3 yrs ago
lol. lmao
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hearing rumors that rebornfan is storming the US capitol, looking for whoever's responsible for everyone ghosting his RPs
4 yrs ago
you got a fat ass and a bright future ahead of you. keep it up champ
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| Character You're Applying For |
Superboy // Kon-El // Conner Kent

| Age |
Appears Roughly 17

| Powers And Abilities |
Super Strength:
Superboy's most prominent and oft-used ability, his strength is only marginally less than that of a developing Kryptonian around his current age. He can lift objects weighing over fifty tons, shred steel with his bare hands and throw punches strong enough to shatter buildings. This same strength allows him to leap great distances and toss objects just as far, though it has the unintended side-effect of being quite difficult to control at times; Conner has to take considerable care to avoid doing too much damage to an opponent, often to his own detriment.

Super Speed:
Though far from an equal to speedsters like Wally West, Superboy is still quite a bit faster than any ordinary human. He has the reaction speed necessary to stop a bullet, and the ground speed to outrun any man-made vehicle. He does, however, grow quite tired after moving at max speed for any significant amount of time, equivalent to how an athletic human would grow exhausted when they sprint.

Flight is one of the most iconic abilities of the Kryptonians on earth, and the one Kon-El happens to be the worst at. He has yet to grasp even the most simple concepts required to keep himself airborne, finding it next to impossible to guide himself through the sky; thus far, the best he can do is point himself in a direction and jump as hard as he can to achieve 'flight.' Attempts to redirect himself tend to end in a crash landing at best and a simple crash every other time.

Heat Vision:
'Heat Vision' is the release of absorbed solar energy through the eyes in the form of a pair of focused beams capable of burning through steel after an extended period of time. Heat vision is one of Conner's most energy inefficient abilities and is best used in short, low-powered bursts.

Invulnerability is a misnomer, better defined as 'incredible durability.' There are few living beings capable of permanently damaging a Kryptonian, and Superboy is no different. Though such things as explosives can cause him pain, it takes a great deal of force to wound him in any meaningful manner, provided no Kryptonite is present. It is said the best way to kill a Kryptonian is with another Kryptonian.

Enhanced Senses:
Kon-El experiences our five senses at a far higher level. Each is tuned to be much more sensitive than any human could imagine, allowing him to see on several different spectrums, hear sounds no human ear could comprehend, and feel on a deeper level than most could put into words. While typically quite useful, he can easily be overwhelmed by sensations, with a particular weakness to bright light and sonic weaponry.

| Origin And Backstory |
Project CADMUS was established in the wake of the Doomsday event by the United States government in order to create a metahuman task force loyal to the American people that could protect them from any threat. Project Legacy was one of CADMUS's first and best-received endeavors, created with the intention to breed successors to current, living heroes in case they ever fell in battle. Superboy was the first of these creations, cloned from the Kryptonian DNA presumably collected during the Doomsday event and spliced together with compatible human DNA from the research staff. The current iteration of Kon-El is the third clone in the series, created with roughly 70% Kryptonian DNA and 30% various human DNA strands taken from several different subjects. He is predicted to be nearly on par with Superman when he reaches full maturity thanks to the genetic enhancement CADMUS used in his creation.

CADMUS never intended for Superboy to break free. The mental suggestion techniques they were planning to use to keep him under control until he was fully developed and indoctrinated failed for unknown reasons and Superboy proceeded to go on a rampage that destroyed the CADMUS facility prior to him escaping into the wilderness. He wandered through the mountains for several days before he was rescued by Kara Zor-El and Kal-El and taken to the Fortress of Solitude, where the truth of the world and his origin were given to him.

Superboy struggled to accept it all at first. He was angry and confused and lashed out at the Kryptonians on many occasions. But over the course of two weeks, he came to understand his existence, and transitioned into assimilating into earth culture, under the tutelage of his adopted sister and 'father.' Conner's exposure to the outside world has been...limited, thus far, as it presents a danger to both him and others. But he's slowly grown more comfortable around humans, learning how to communicate with them and 'blend in' like a normal person. Conner is impatient, however; he despises being 'locked up' in the Fortress of Solitude, and finds every opportunity to leave Clark or Kara's side and sneak away to indulge in humanity without their guiding hand.

| Summary of Version Differences |
While quite similar to his current canon origin, I've streamlined a good deal of it to erase many of the contrivances that come with comic book origin stories. Nearly everything one expects from Superboy's backstory remains the same, though I do have a few changes in mind that should make for a more interesting departure from the norm. You'll just have to wait to find out what those are ;)
Smol boi post for now.

Witwicky Ranch, Colorado

The scent of expended energon rose up from the smoking barrels of Bumblebee's stingers, and the surviving townspeople had been driven away. He stood sentinel before the Witwicky house, towering above the old wooden structure; his frame rose and fell in a slow, methodical fashion as heat dispersed from his form. The Cybertronian scout watched for several moments as the tiny humans scattered into the fields, their panicked cries dying out as they gained considerable distance from the ranch in record time.

All about the yard lay piles of ash and molten organic matter with nothing that could be readily identified as human remains surviving the encounter. Energon-based weaponry was disturbingly effective against organics, Bee quietly noted. It wasn't until silence reigned over the farm that he stored his blasters in his sides, the guns disappearing up into his body so that they might recharge. The machine knelt to the ground, his shoulders sinking and his arms collapsing into themselves, continually folding and changing until the fifteen foot tall giant had compacted into a tiny, old-fashioned car. That ancient little bug drove itself up toward the ranch house's window, peaking inside to get some look at his human companions.

Daniel Witwicky had his son, Steven, laying atop the dining room table, the previous contents spilled haphazardly onto the floor. His old, gnarled hands were hidden underneath rubber gloves stained in his son's blood. The boy was howling like a banshee, but his father was yelling at him to stay still, and poking at his interior with some kind of tool. Bumblebee had seen something like it before, back on Cybertron. He'd seen the faces of old, grizzled surgeons as they tried to convince some poor wounded soldier to stay online just a little longer.

Bee grimaced at the memories, and at the ache in his spark as Rachet's face flashed before his mind. Bee remembered what it was like to be where Steven was. He didn't envy it.

Nearly half an hour passed before anything changed. Steven had stopped his screaming, and Daniel's shoulders had sunken with exhaustion. The old man slunk out the front door and cast his heavy eyes toward Bumblebee. He was quiet for a time. Not but an hour earlier, life had been...normal. He could never have expected everything to sour so suddenly. Witwicky sighed and shook his head, tossing the pair of ruined gloves down onto the porch. "Alright, Bee. You remember the drill?" The former marine asked.

Bumblebee responded with a serious of high-pitched beeps and whistles before turning about and heading toward the barn. Daniel, meanwhile, started back inside, glancing down at the watch on his forearm. They had around fifteen minutes before Steven would be aware enough for travel. Fifteen minutes to prepare all of the bug-out equipment, get the mini-cons in the air and ensure every scrap of information on Daniel, his son, and his wife was destroyed. He wasn't particularly fond of the idea of leaving his life behind, but...

'It wouldn't be the first time.' He thought glumly.

Witwicky Ranch, Colorado

The scent of expended energon rose up from the smoking barrels of Bumblebee's stingers, and the surviving townspeople had been driven away. He stood sentinel before the Witwicky house, towering above the old wooden structure; his frame rose and fell in a slow, methodical fashion as heat dispersed from his form. The Cybertronian scout watched for several moments as the tiny humans scattered into the fields, their panicked cries dying out as they gained considerable distance from the ranch in record time.

All about the yard lay piles of ash and molten organic matter with nothing that could be readily identified as human remains surviving the encounter. Energon-based weaponry was disturbingly effective against organics, Bee quietly noted. It wasn't until silence reigned over the farm that he stored his blasters in his sides, the guns disappearing up into his body so that they might recharge. The machine knelt to the ground, his shoulders sinking and his arms collapsing into themselves, continually folding and changing until the fifteen foot tall giant had compacted into a tiny, old-fashioned car. That ancient little bug drove itself up toward the ranch house's window, peaking inside to get some look at his human companions.

Daniel Witwicky had his son, Steven, laying atop the dining room table, the previous contents spilled haphazardly onto the floor. His old, gnarled hands were hidden underneath rubber gloves stained in his son's blood. The boy was howling like a banshee, but his father was yelling at him to stay still, and poking at his interior with some kind of tool. Bumblebee had seen something like it before, back on Cybertron. He'd seen the faces of old, grizzled surgeons as they tried to convince some poor wounded soldier to stay online just a little longer.

Bee grimaced at the memories, and at the ache in his spark as Rachet's face flashed before his mind. Bee remembered what it was like to be where Steven was. He didn't envy it.

Nearly half an hour passed before anything changed. Steven had stopped his screaming, and Daniel's shoulders had sunken with exhaustion. The old man slunk out the front door and cast his heavy eyes toward Bumblebee. He was quiet for a time. Not but an hour earlier, life had been...normal. He could never have expected everything to sour so suddenly. Witwicky sighed and shook his head, tossing the pair of ruined gloves down onto the porch. "Alright, Bee. You remember the drill?" The former marine asked.

Bumblebee responded with a serious of high-pitched beeps and whistles before turning about and heading toward the barn. Daniel, meanwhile, started back inside, glancing down at the watch on his forearm. They had around fifteen minutes before Steven would be aware enough for travel. Fifteen minutes to prepare all of the bug-out equipment, get the mini-cons in the air and ensure every scrap of information on Daniel, his son, and his wife was destroyed. He wasn't particularly fond of the idea of leaving his life behind, but...

'It wouldn't be the first time.' He thought glumly.
Alrighty, now that Christmas is dying down, I think I'm good to start working on a post. Hope to have that up in a few days!
I'll be posting in a couple of days, should work not murder me violently in a bloody mess.

get dabbed on
<Snipped quote by Superboy>

All good. I’m trying to get some posts up before the weekend, because otherwise I don’t see many posts getting done on my end during the holidays

Wunderbar. Loving what you're putting out with the Turtles so far.
Been dragging my feet on this post, unfortunately. Can't really come up with anything I'm satisfied posting and work's taken up some of my free time. Will try to keep working at it, but yeah.
Just gonna repost my Sample because I'm a lazy SOB. Will attempt to get out another post sometime this week, though I just started at a new job so things are a little crazy for me at the moment.
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