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What is today but yesterday's tomorrow?

11:00 PM | 'The Chapel' - Uknown, somewhere in the Santa Marta Metro Area
Issue #1.00: Have a Little Faith

A young woman entered the chapel, her cheeks freshly stained with tears. She stumbled into the dark sanctuary, nearly tripping over her own feet with every step. It felt like concrete blocks were tied around her ankles. Exhaustion seeped into every inch of her body, threatening to drag her to the ground at any moment. It'd been the same the whole walk here. Jordanna Spence couldn't remember the last time she slept, or ate, or did anything much at all except wallow in the pain.

Unspeakable, unrivaled pain.

There were other people in the room, yet she was only dimly aware of them. Like silent shadows dancing at the edges of her vision. All were pilgrims like herself, seeking answers in the dark. And it was quite dark here. A handful of tall windows lined the sanctuary but the shutters were locked down tight enough that the light of a full moon could scantly pass through them. The only light source, dim as it was, was a single candle placed atop an 'altar.' In reality, it was little more than an upturned milk crate draped in an old bed sheet. The chapel's original altar, along with the rest of its furniture, had either been smashed to bits by intrepid explorers or withered away by time.

The pilgrims did not mind sitting on the floor, dust and bugs and broken boards be damned. Nothing about the physical space they occupied appeared to bother them. New people shuffling in would bump against them and those seated wouldn't even flinch. Someone would give a sudden scream or babble incoherently in a loud voice and no one would so much as shush them. It was as if their minds were all somewhere else entirely.

Only after reaching their destination did Jordanna's legs buckle. Her knees slammed against the hardwood at a harsh angle; it hurt tremendously, yet she could nary muster the energy to yelp. Tilting her head up let her see that she'd fallen at the step of the altar. She threw her hands back and fell on her rear to escape the candle's light, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. One was not supposed to enter the light while sin still lingered in one's heart.

She wasn't sure how she knew that.

'What am I meant to do now?' She wondered to herself, glancing at the nearest gaggle of people. She couldn't make out many details in the darkness but they looked as ordinary as she did. Their shoes were well-worn and their clothing unremarkable. A few- like her- had a layer of grim stuck to their skin and hair, as if they hadn't showered in days or weeks. She even recognized a few of her neighbors. People she never would've guessed would end up all the way out here in a place like this. Hopelessness could conquer anyone, she supposed.

"You are meant to open yourself up to the possibility, child..." Someone said to her. She snapped back to reality and traced her eyes up their body to a face she couldn't have expected. He was a tall man with a hefty build and a shaggy beard, wrapped up in a decades-old Army jacket. His voice, though, was most striking: he sounded like a woman- like the most beautiful woman Jordanna had never seen.

Jordanna's jaw trembled. Her voice was caught in her throat. All she could do was sit and stare at the man as he answered her thoughts aloud. She had heard the rumors...She wouldn't have come all this way if there wasn't a chance it was true, but...

"Its real." She finally managed to breathe. "God, its all real." She felt a pressure building up in her chest. She was seconds from breaking out in sobs again.

The old man knelt down in front of her, placing a hand on her shoulder. His hand was warm- so much so that his warmth began to spill over her, soothing that terrible, aching pain that filled her down to her very bones. Jordanna couldn't hold back the tears any longer.

"Tell me your pain, child. Tell me what brings you to my church." They said.

Shaking, Jordanna reached out to him and he took her hand in his. She looked up into his eyes and poured out her soul to him. "My dad- my dad was sick. So sick. He fought so hard to stay with us-" her voice trembled, and she sounded distraught, but she didn't feel it at all. Jordanna just felt his warmth rushing over her. Trying to fight against it was like trying to swim in a hurricane. Maybe it'd all be better if she just let it take her.

"And you wanted him to come see me." They whispered in reply.

Jordanna nodded emphatically. "I was willing to try anything. Anything at all; no matter how- how crazy it sounded. But my dad, he just..." Tears fell down her cheeks in long, hot streaks, yet still she felt no pain. "He said God would protect him until the cure came to our part of town. He said the doctors were coming- we just had to be patient. He told me not to give up-"

"-Hope." They finished, and Jordanna nodded again. "Your father was a wise man. Hope is our strongest tool against despair. I am sorry I had not gotten to your father in time, child. You were right to point him to me. My touch heals any who wills it to do so. But that is not why you came."

Blinking the tears from her eyes, Jordanna looked up again. The old man looked different now. His eyes were the most brilliant green she'd ever seen. And his face was softer, somehow. She couldn't explain what had changed yet some part of her knew it had.

"His passing took hope from you, and you have lived in despair ever since." Their mouth twisted in a small frown, as if sharing the pain she could not herself feel. "The misery that consumes you is as dangerous as any sickness, child, and if you had not come to me in time it could have taken you as well."

"I just want it to stop hurting so much." The words tumbled out of her mouth like vomit. There was so much pain in her voice, and yet...Jordanna was numb to it. It frightened her.

"I can take it away from you. What you feel now is but a fraction of the healing I can offer." A hand grabbed at Jordanna's chin and tilted her eyes up. It felt like a cloud was holding onto her, even as its grip tightened. "My help costs you nothing, child. All you must do is be willing. Truly willing."

There was a pause. The room was pitch black and silent as the grave- Jordanna couldn't even hear her own breathing. She closed her eyes and tried to empty her mind, yet it raced at a million miles a minute. She had heard the stories, both awe inspiring and terrible. She knew there were risks. She knew if her mother ever found out she was practicing witchcraft that her life was over. But Jordanna had tried living with it. She had tried moving on.

It wasn't working.

This was the only ending where she saw herself live on to fight another day.

'I'm sorry, mom. Dad.'


Jordanna opened her eyes and the old man was gone.

"Welcome to the Church of Many Faces, little sister." The Enchantress smiled down at her. "We have work to do."
my post goes up today or you can have my gun AND my badge

Garfield Logan ♦ Victor Stone ♦ Stephanie Brown ♦ Tara Markov ♦ Amaya
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

GARFIELD LOGAN is the son of no one, as far as he knows. As the story was told to him, Gar was born green, and his 'condition' led his mother to abandon him on the doorstep of an orphanage for strange and unwanted children. It was owned and operated by the wealthy, eccentric philanthropist Dr. Niles Caulder, it was less of a home and more a house of horrors. Caulder was an abusive, controlling man that thought he could 'heal' people like Gar of their abilities. Garfield spent several years in his clutches before he was pushed to his breaking point and escaped to the streets, where he lives among alley cats and sewer rats...

VICTOR STONE is the son of Silas and Elinore Stone, two STAR Labs scientists dedicated to transcending humanity's biological limitations through cybernetic enhancement. Though their intentions may have been good in the beginning, desperation to see their dream fulfilled brought them to do terrible things to their son in the name of progress. Despite his parents' wishes, Vic ignored academic pursuits in favor of athletic ones. He reached great heights as his team's star quarterback, but it wasn't enough for them. Nothing he did was good enough for them. He'd had enough when his family skipped out on his graduation for one of their 'projects', and decided to confront them. Something went horribly wrong when he got there, and the lab was consumed by an explosion. Many staff members were injured or killed, Elinore among them, and Victor was severely injured. In order to save his son's life, Silas was forced to repair him with the same highly experimental technology that had caused it...

STEPHANIE BROWN is the only daughter of Arthur Brown, better known to the world at large by his pseudonym: Cluemaster. Cluemaster was a brutal serial murderer that was active in Blüdhaven between the late nineties and mid twenty-tens, carving out a path of blood and vengeance through its criminal underworld. Many hailed him as a hero finally bringing justice to a corrupt and broken city, while others saw him for what he really was: a violent and deranged man looking for any excuse to kill. Steph was meant to be Arthur's prodigy. He trained her with the hope that one day she'd take up his righteous cause as well. Yet when the day came for her to kill, Steph found herself unable, and chose to report him and flee. Since then she's moved in with her estranged mother on the other side of the country, promising herself she'd live a normal life...

TARA MARKOV is the bastard child of Viktor Markov, King of Markovia, and one of his many consorts. Though she grew up in the lap of luxury, she was never accepted by her family: the king had no time for her and the queen and her children despised Tara for the circumstances of her birth. They would pick at and torment her at every opportunity, and she responded by lashing out, sometimes violently. Life in the palace was tense for many years, but Viktor refused to police his family's behavior, and was unwilling to throw Tara out. It may have been sustainable if Tara hadn't developed superpowers. She tore half the building apart before the royal guard could restrain her. In an effort to cover up her abilities and keep from causing a panic, the royal family had Tara banished to the Americas and offered her a swell of wealth to keep from causing trouble. Of course, if anyone could be trusted to keep out of trouble, it'd be Tara Markov...

AMAYA is the last member of the House of Amethyst. Her family was slaughtered by a great and terrible sorcerer, Dark Opal, who sought usurp the Council of Twelve and claim sole rulership over their home of Gemworld- a place of magic and wonder separated from Earth by a single, thin plane. Amaya only survived thanks to the intervene of a strange witch known as Citrina, who whisked her away to safety. She would train the princess in the ways of magic and war in the hopes that she might return to topple Opal and bring peace back to Gemworld one day. It wasn't long before Amaya's patience grew thin and she chose to set out on her winged steed to confront the dark sorcerer that took her family from her...

Though they don't know it yet, these five would-be heroes find their paths fated to cross. A sinister, quasi-religious movement is rising in the streets of San Fransisco, threatening the lives of its ignored and unwanted youths. The police don't care if a couple of homeless teenagers go missing. What's being called the 'Church of Many Faces' is written off as little more than superstitious tales from overactive minds. Disaster waits if someone doesn't act, so...

"Somebody's gotta give a shit. Why not, y'know, us?"

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

The Teen Titans TV show was my first introduction to superheroes as a child, outside of seeing Spider-Man on a backpack once or twice, and its still one of my absolute favorite pieces of media, period. And something I've always loved writing is the 'dysfunctional family of flawed weirdos just looking to make a difference in the world' trope. That idea has permeated basically everything I've ever written, for reasons I'm sure are entirely unrelated, so I'm pretty stoked to give a version of the team a go, especially in a 'Year One' scenario where I have near total creative freedom.

I'm drawing a lot of inspiration from the Doom Patrol web series, Umbrella Academy, and obviously the Teen Titans, Young Justice and X-Men comic books. I want to tell a story that- hopefully- resonates with those same core ideas of family and finding your place in the world.

Each of the characters have their own motivations for joining the team and wanting to put Brother Blood down, but all of them reflect those same two desires in some way as well: Gar is hurt and traumatized both by his time at Caulder's fun house and by his initial abandonment, and he's desperate for human connection. Vic barely feels like a person anymore after his transformation. He spent his whole life having someone else's dream forced on him, and in the first moment he felt in control destiny chose to rip it away from him. Steph similarly feels like her life has been wholly defined by her fucked up relationship with her father, but even as she gets the normal life that she wants, something's pulling her back to vigilantism. Meanwhile, Tara is more than happy to drink and party herself to death just to bury the mountains of trauma that came with being the superpowered bastard child of an absolute monarch. And Amaya, whose terrible loss and supposed destiny has driven her to throw herself at an enemy infinitely more powerful than her, convinced fate will protect her- and because she doesn't know what she'll do if, by some chance, she's wrong.

'Kids with daddy issues' also works, i guess

C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:

S A M P L E P O S T:

P O S T C A T A L O G:

Issue #1: Have a Little Faith

My sheet now has a sample post!

Also, in advance:

Saturday gives me more time to finish my sample post, so I vote for that :P

EDIT: wait I can’t vote in this election oh god oh fuck voter fraud-
My Teen Titans sheet. Its a work in progress, though all that's left is a sample post and character notes, and maybe some touching up here and there.

<Snipped quote by Mao Mao>

Not to be the bad guy (duh!),

you are the worst fucking person on this entire website

Smith's Rest | Medical Offices
January 16th, 2677

The waiting room was smaller than Mara would've liked. There were too many pilots crammed in there and barely enough space to accommodate them all. She walked passed the tiny, spartan chairs and instead chose to stand, back resting against the wall. From her vantage point she was able to get a good look as the group as a whole, and she found herself cracking a grin.

They were as motley a bunch as any she'd seen before: wasters, company men and guns for hire, all trapped in uncomfortable proximity. No sane person could gather people like this and think it would work. Graham had thrown together a powder keg just waiting to go off. Without some mastermind to stitch all its parts together, she hadn't a clue how their outfit would sustain itself.

'Here's hoping the commander's the genius he thinks he is,' She thought to herself. 'I didn't come all this way just to watch it all burn.'

Maybe it was her optimism showing, but for reasons only God could know, she had faith in Graham to get it done. And if he couldn't? If it all came crashing down around her ears? It'd be a heckuva show, and she could rest easy knowing none of it was on her shoulders. After all, she was the best pilot here- just factually speaking, really- so if everything went sideways, it couldn't be her fault.

Not everyone shared her self-assuredness, of course. Mara kept glancing out of the side of one eye at one of the other pilots: a woman not much older than her and seated nearby, muttering nervously under her breath in a language Mara didn't know. She recognized the sound of it as similar in structure to Hazaragi, but she couldn't place it exactly- maybe if she'd bothered to learn it when they in Hazaristan, but...

"Never much liked goin' to the doctor myself," She said to no one in particular, her head back against the wall and her gaze turned up to the ceiling. "The lights are too bright, its always freakin' cold, and the needles? You do not want me to get started on the needles." She shot a look over to Taraneh, a twinkle in her eye. "Socked my poor company doctor in the jaw the first time he stuck me with a syringe full'a nanobots. Thankful for him, seein' as he saved my leg, but man, I do not like needles."

Out of the corner of her vision she spotted her brother rolling out of his chair and rising to stretch. Demetrius gave a quick look around the room before marching toward the hallway, earphones pumping synthetic garbage into his skull as he wandered off. Mara had half a mind to go grab him, but she thought better of it. She wasn't going to miss her evaluation because she was busy covering for that little gremlin.
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