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Current is sexualizing Pokemon a variation of bestiality?
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hearing rumors that rebornfan is storming the US capitol, looking for whoever's responsible for everyone ghosting his RPs
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you got a fat ass and a bright future ahead of you. keep it up champ
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I appreciate all the interest, everybody! There’s...a fuckin ton of you, wow. So I’ve been thinking on how many players I’m shooting for these past couple’a days and while I’m still not putting down a hard cap, I think anywhere from five to seven is the sweet spot. This isn’t first come first serve, I’ll be weighing everybody’s sheets as well as how well ya mesh with the group and how reliable ya are to post.

It’ll feel bad to turn folks away, but a twenty-one person roleplay’s a little out of my wheelhouse.
Is a woodcutter a viable peasant profession?

Absolutely, there's a logger's camp not too far into the Mumbling Wood
Added a bit more information to the setting section. Some of its redundant, as I'm transferring it over the OOC, but there oughtta be something helpful buried in there.
I've updated the character sheet template to be less finicky.
<Snipped quote by Cybermaxx>

Is there a certain age range for the characters?

If you could shoot for teens to early twenties that'd be ideal, but I won't be capping it in either direction. Provided their capable of going through the story, we'll be good.
Hey! I really like the concept of your RP so far, and I’d love to voice my interest!

I do have a couple of questions though!

First off, is that I’ve never been in an Advanced Section RP before, I usually write like high-level casual, so I just wanted to know if you had length requirements as well or not? (I average 3+ paragraph posts and I’m usually pretty good about spelling and grammar. Sometimes it slips, but I’m only human).

Second question, are there any sentient non-humans in the world/village? Such as elves, orcs, or the likes? If I’m going to be honest it’s because my knee jerk reaction is that I’d like to play a Catgirl/Neko or something like Au Ra from Final Fantasy, but I totally get it if that’s not an option.

Apologies for questions if they seem dumb at all!

Generally I look less to a post's length and more to strength of characterization, high school-ish grammar expectations, rapport with other characters- that sorta deal. A well-crafted post with two paragraphs can provide more for myself and other players to work with than a novella that spends all its time chewing the scenery. Provided you're putting effort into it, you're unlikely to hear any complaints from me.

As for non-humans, there are a number of mythical and folklore creatures in and around the valley- most prominent are the Yokai, an umbrella term for a number of spirits and supernatural creatures from Japanese folklore. They'll feature in the game often enough, but I'd like for all the player characters to be human. Their journey starts with them as ordinary individuals entering into a strange, utterly alien world.

What are you expecting out of the Character Conceptualization section? And how many people were you thinking of accepting for the RP?

Character Conceptualization is meant to cut down on a number of other sections: essentially its for your character's backstory, motivations, and what you're intending to do with the character as the Roleplay moves forward. Give me an idea of who they in a couple'a paragraphs and you'll be good.

I haven't set a limit on that just yet; I'm more looking for character concepts that I like and think would fit well in the setting, as well as people who'd post reliably and whose style meshes well with the group. If too many people end up applying, I won't let the cast get too cumbersome.
Violence isn't allowed, but is friendliness enforced, or does bullying and ostracization still pop up in the village?

The latter, absolutely. There’s a good deal of internal strife buried underneath that picturesque image of paradise. Those from hamlets around the greater valley might be treated as outsiders by the villagers of Heiseina, for example. And issues like petty theft, interpersonal disputes and abuse still crop up from time to time- provided there is no physical, direct violence, bad things still happen regularly.
Welcome one and all! If you've got any questions feel free to hit me up, I'm just workin' away at the OOC right now. Glad to have ya'lls interest.
I'll paypal you tonight dw

In ancient days mankind dominated the earth. They built towers of glass that pierced the heavens, crossed the clouds on wings of iron, and mastered the use of magic; some day even the stars themselves may have been brought to heel. Unbridled ambition sent humanity marching ever onward into the future, never mind who or what they crushed under foot. Their arrogance burned that world to sunder, and this world is built on its ashes.

You are the residents of Heiseina, a small, lakeside village in the middle of a large valley. There are perhaps a hundred people in the valley in total, and these are the only other human beings you've likely ever met- for the world outside the valley is shrouded in mystery, and all you know of it are the transmissions that come in through the radio tower. Life in Heiseina is simple, idyllic. There's only a single, proper weapon in the whole village, and the Master has never removed it from its case in all the time you've lived here.

But on this day unlike any other, a man in black rides into the valley, a hunk of iron strapped to his hip...

Welcome to Heiseina: Memories Long Forgotten, a 'post-post-apocalypse' where nearly all remnants of the old world's destruction have been washed away. Replacing it is a world retaken by nature, where creatures from fairy tales live alongside what's left of the human race. Magic is as much a part of life in Heiseina as breathing. Near everyone uses it, in some fashion, to make up for advancements in technology lost in the apocalypse. Violence is a foreign concept, only found in stories told 'round campfires in the dead of night, or in the natural cycle of life and death. Heiseina is a place without warriors or weapons, and even the laws of magic prevent it from being misused to harm other people. It is as if the very concept of murder died with the old world.

That's what your elders have told you, anyway.

This is the story of those ancient laws being broken, of worldviews being shattered by a stranger's arrival. Themes of power and violence will be re-occurring throughout this roleplay, and the beliefs your characters have grown up on will be challenged at every turn. There is an overarching plot that will govern much of our game's pacing, but it isn't linear; your choices will radically shape what direction the story goes in, and you'll be making those choices very frequently. I'm drawing on a lot of different sources as inspiration, but I'll be leaning into the archetypes of samurai films, certain anime, and post-apocalypse stories. Our tale may get dark at points, but our heroes will have plenty of opportunities to make things right.

I'll keep the rules section light as I expect you to know the Guild's guidelines already:

-> No one from Heiseina village has traveled beyond the valley. Your character's knowledge of broader history and worldview will be shaped by the very narrow perspective of their home and its elders. Included in this is the belief that both the laws of nature- in regards to magic- and the village's most sacred customs prevent violence between people. Animals are also protected by similar laws, outside the specific context of hunting.

-> I'll do my absolute best to accommodate your character's arc and development. Your enjoyment of the game is my chief concern, and your characters will be the primary engine by which the RP functions. If there's a specific arc you want to follow and you need my help to make it happen, I'll do it.

-> Character death is always on the table. I won't be gunning to kill you or anything of the sort, but the world's a dangerous place and you aren't at all prepared for what it'll throw at you. Write your characters as if this possibility exists, and you'll more than likely make it through to the end.

-> As for posting requirements, I'll be pretty lenient, but I expect at least one post every two weeks. If you won't be able to meet that deadline make sure to let me know so I can work accordingly, but be assured: I'll be keeping the game moving. If I have to move past your character to make sure the RP doesn't die, I'll do it.

The first leg of the game will take place in Heiseina, an idyllic village in the center of an unnamed valley. The valley's total population hovers 'round a hundred people, with the largest percentage of them living in Heiseina proper. Its society is agrarian, focused on being self-sustaining and little else. Sign magic is the backbone of the local economy and culture, with salvaged technology as more of a curiosity than anything else. The singular radio tower in the center of the village mostly functions to play music during holidays and other celebrations, though its rumored that Ayano, the valley's only mechanic and tinkerer, uses it to speak with other, distant villages as well.

All that truly remains of the old world are scattered, broken ruins, picked clean by salvagers over the course of generations. The surviving technology of the old world is early twentieth century, pre-television. Ayano is responsible for repairing and maintaining salvaged tech, as well as manning and maintaining the radio tower. She keeps a number of half-baked and failed inventions scattered across her workshop. The biggest of these projects is the cobbled together pile of junk on wheels that sits under a tarp out front.

The world is a place of magic and wonder. Many creatures out of old world fairy tales now wander the landscape alongside more mundane animals: giant eagles whose wingspan eclipses the sun, dragons hug the peaks of mountains, and Yōkai of all shapes, sizes and kinds inhabit the valley. Most of the largest creatures have only been glimpsed on the horizon or seen as a shadow passing above the clouds, but interactions with mischievous and helpful spirits are common enough. There's little nearby that would ever threaten a human's life, however.

Magic, called Signs, is woven through all parts of human society as well: the blacksmith lights his forge with the Heat Sign, the hunter cleans her kill with the Purify Sign, and the farmer ensures a bountiful crop through daily castings of Growth. These spells are helpful and utility-based; none of them are meant to cause direct harm to another human being. Indeed, many Signs simply will not function if the caster intends to hurt someone with them.

Learning Signs is a time-consuming skill that anyone can attempt, usually in the form of a year or two of intensive study per Sign, though some take to it quicker than others. Heiseina's magic is taught by Seimei Tomo, the Signkeeper, who keeps a meticulous archive of every Sign in recorded memory, and who experiments with Sign combinations that might benefit the village. Sign combinations are essentially casting two or more Signs in succession to produce different effects, such as a Heat Sign + a Water Sign creating a burst of steam.

I'll put together a list of Signs as the Roleplay progress, but I want to leave a lot of that development up to the group(s) Signkeeper(s).

The Master of the Village is an old man named Takamori Kenji, whose family has ruled over Heiseina since its inception. It is his job to settle quarrels between villagers, uphold the law, and protect the valley from any sort of danger. Kenji is also rumored to be a master swordsman, though such claims are never made to his face-- he is forbidden by ancient customs to ever draw his ancestral weapon except under extraordinary circumstances.

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