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Current is sexualizing Pokemon a variation of bestiality?
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hearing rumors that rebornfan is storming the US capitol, looking for whoever's responsible for everyone ghosting his RPs
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you got a fat ass and a bright future ahead of you. keep it up champ
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'New York, 1932. I was tiny back then: shorter and skinnier than just about everybody I knew. Timid, too. Kids liked to pick on me so I didn't have a whole lotta friends. Had Buck, though, and he was trouble enough for the both of us. Parents were taking me to Coney Island that weekend and I convinced 'em to let Bucky come along. We were s'posed to spend the whole day there, but the weather took a turn just after lunch. Mom and pop wanted to head back, but we weren't ready yet. Hadn't been to the beach yet, and Bucky loved the beach. Wasn't much of a swimmer, myself, but I would'a done anything for Buck...so the two of us slipped away first chance we got.

Weather was bad enough that they'd closed the beach off for the day. Said the water was dangerous. We didn't think it was worth gettin' in trouble for nothing, so we worked our way 'round to the pier where they usually offered boat rides to tourists and old folks. They were closin' that down, too, but not as tight: nothin' the two of us couldn't slip by. I still remember starin' down into those choppy depths and thinkin' it could'a been twenty feet down or the deepest part of the ocean and I wouldn't known the difference; it'd swallow me up either way.

Buck offered me fifty cents if I jumped in first. I said he was nuts. He said he'd be in right after me. So I took a running leap off the pier and fell for what felt like a year before I hit the water. It was scary, but I was proud of myself for doin' it- then a wave hit me like a truck, and I went under. My heels were over my head before I knew what was happening. Didn't even have time to hold my breath.

I remember my chest burning. S'strange thing, burning underwater, but that's the best word for it. Try as I might to hold what little air I had in my lungs, I only lasted a few seconds before I inhaled. Every moment of it crawled by, refusing to just get it over with. I've been beaten, stabbed and shot more times than I can count, but that day always stands out as the worst of it. I've never felt so helpless. S'not like I can stem the blood loss or punch out the sea. You're helpless for every slow, agonizing moment of it.

Buck didn't lie, though. He went right in after me.'

New York, now. Whenever now is. Steve stood at the edge of of the Empire State Building's spire, looking out after the vast ocean stretching to the horizon in every direction. He kept one hand wrapped 'round a thick, metal cable so he didn't go blowing away in the wind. It was hard to wrap his head around where he was, even after the fast guy explained it. This was surely New York, but not his New York? And it wasn't the future, either, or maybe it was- but not really? His head hurt just thinking about it.

It wasn't fake seemed to be the point to take from all this. Everything that happened in that twisted psycho-circus full'a spacemen was the real deal, not Steve losing his marbles. And this was a real New York full of real people, who'd met as grizzly an end as he could possibly imagine. The scale of it was incomprehensible. The tallest building in the world was up to its antenna in water. That could only mean that everywhere looked like this. The entire damn planet was flooded. This was ripped right out of the pages of Genesis, just...without any ark this time 'round, if the martian and the freaky child were to be believed.

"...And the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh." He muttered to himself, nary above a whisper. Then he gave a small prayer for the dead and looked to the rest of that strange group of people.

The boy had taken a dive to confirm their suspicions and scrounge up what supplies he could find. It was no duty for a child yet he seemed weirdly nonplussed about the whole thing. Steve thanked him and ate what no one else did- his body was far and away more efficient than a peak human's. He could live off that last meal he'd eaten for a few more weeks before things got dicey. Still, even super soldiers had to eat and drink eventually.

Try as he did to stay focused on the task at hand, his mind wandered. All five of them were from different worlds...realities. Each seemed wildly different from the rest according to what conversation they'd shared in the few hours they'd been stuck together up here. He wondered if there was anything they all had in common. For as different as they were, there was plenty he recognized from their stories, too...seemed like no matter what world they were from there was always a New York, for example.

Steve cleared his throat and spoke up against his better judgement, looking to the fast man from the future that seemed to know so much. He asked that little, terrifying question that'd been chewing at the back of his mind: "Do we always lose the war?"

Location: City Sewers -- The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

A dull ring sounded in his ears. Muscles tensed. Pens and needles ran along every inch of skin as his perception warped, acutely aware of even the smallest movement. He could hear a bead of sweat run down a forehead, or the distant sound of something small falling into a pool. Could feel every individual beat of his quickening heart. Could smell far too acutely all the muck swirling in the air all around them. Inhale, exhale. Strange, confusing, alarming for this to happen here and now.

It wasn't a pleasant story. He didn't like following little Kelly back to that room. Didn't want to climb into that closest and see what she'd seen. But a poor facsimile of the real thing that it was- how must it have felt for her then? How could one comprehend even a fraction of what she felt then? He couldn't understand. No one could, he understood now. He was but a passenger, waiting to get off at the next stop and never look back. She was stuck on this train. Stuck in this closet.

"Jesus, Kells," he murmured, stupefied.

It struck him how unprepared he was for this. He hadn't a clue how to comfort someone in so much pain. All he was doing was staring like a dumbstruck idiot, arguing with himself whether it was okay to reach out or say anything. He had to think back to every time he'd seen someone else in his position, hoping to mimic what they'd done, but none of it seemed right.

Death wasn't something Grays talked about. They talked in circles around it. If it got too serious somebody made a crass joke about the deceased and they all pretended it was funny before shuffling off to be alone. That just wouldn't do here, chiefly because he had nowhere to retreat to.

This time he didn't flinch away when her head landed on his shoulder. Took all the courage he had, but he did it. Her cries were guttural, drummed up from the depths of her soul. It hurt to hear her like that. Hurt to know what she'd hid away for so long so well. Why was he the one here and not someone better equipped? Seele'd know what to do. She'd tell Alja it was alright, that it wasn't her fault. Say something profound, probably, about how Gavin would be proud of who she was now. She'd hug her for as long as Alja needed. Hell, just about anyone but Rael would do better here than he.

But it wasn't anyone else. He was all she said. An uncomfortably familiar situation, that.

"Hey," he quietly said, reaching an unsure hand 'round to her other shoulder. Chin rested against her head- Anna did that once and he remembered feeling safe. The fuck should he do with his other hand? It was just sitting there, dumb as a rock. Wipe a tear? No, too awkward. Maybe just hug her. It felt wrong, but it was probably the right call.

Gotta say something, too. Clear your throat. Keep it simple, don't overthink it. "You were just'a kid. S'not your fault."

That was the best he could manage. Now all he could do was just...be there, for as long as he was needed.

Location: City Sewers -- The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

To his shame Graves recoiled from her touch. Physical affection was an estranged friend showing up at his front door- not wholly unwelcome, but...

"Sorry," he muttered, brought low. "Its just a lot."

It was too sudden, all of it. Too soon? You buried that. Its dealt with. Or maybe shoving it to the back of the closest and trying to forget its there wasn't the same as dealing with it. New and old problems alike came slamming to the forefront of his mind, fighting and screaming for his attention- a confusing cacophony that kept him from the moment. Pressure built, ready to blow.

She knew how he felt? Had she misinterpreted the words he'd left unsaid for something else? It was impossible for him to look at that woman and imagine someone so full of life- so outgoing and self-assured- feeling that way.

"No, you don't- you don't get it." He looked at her again, intensity gleaming in his eyes. "That is special. Every single one of 'em, even the shitty, obnoxious ones. Sure don't feel like it, I know, but it really is." This time he was the one that reached out, squeezing her forearm a little too tight. "You won't understand how important they are until they're gone."

His hand left her. A breath, a pause. Let the heat die from his cheeks and chest. Shift to topic to something easier. "Same thing with Leaves. Its scary as all hell admittin' somethin' like that to a friend. You're terrified they'll turn you away n' never look at you the same way again, but ya can't let that stop you. Its better than spendin' the rest of your life never knowin', askin' what if. You'll regret it."

Regret, regret, regret.

"Leaves is wonderful, Kells. It won't be like other people. She ain't gonna throw her drink in her face and call you a-" Graves caught himself before he turned advice into projecting. "She'll get it either way, y'know? What do ya have to lose when you've got everythin' to gain?"

Location: City Sewers -- The City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria

As Alja sat down beside him Graves began to squirm, as if a swarm of spiders had crawled inside his clothes. The two of them were stuck down here for the time being, utterly alone, and she was feeling talkative. He'd rather be fighting dire rats waist deep in sewage.

"Dunno 'bout all that," he muttered, avoiding eye contact.

They were kind words meant in earnest. He knew that. He knew she wore her heart on her sleeve, never bothering to lie to anyone about anything- except maybe herself. That mouth of hers had caused her to butt heads with near every single one of their friends. Her ability to speak her mind so freely was one of the many things he envied about her. It was funny to think back to when they'd first met way back in the Laughing Worg- he'd thought she was just a loud, braggadocious bag of air. Obnoxious, maybe, but harmless. Strange how quickly things had changed. Stranger still how they stayed the same.

If Alja had said that to him back then he would've shrugged her off with a sharp word and a sneer. It was easy to make an ass of himself to strangers. Kept them from getting too familiar when they'd only be together for a short time. The Glitch had forced them to stay together. Forced him to give a shit about her and everybody else. Some days he wished it hadn't- if it had, he wouldn't feel obligated to have fun little chats like this one.

After a too long silence he finally turned to look at her. He smiled, though it was a small, bittersweet thing. "'Ppreciate it, Alja...Kelly, I really do. Couldn't ask for a better, uh, friend." He paused, wondering if it'd be better to just leave it there. Let her go on thinking that was all he had on his mind. But she deserved better than half-truths. "But you oughta look out for yourself first n' foremost, okay? Can't go throwing yourself off a cliff for me like that. Got too much to lose. You got a whole lotta life ahead of you: a degree to get, a girl you're head over heels for, and a family to go back to. A...a lotta people would give everything for that, so don't you throw it away, alright?"
Yo, does anyone have any ideas for MMORPGs? Trying to branch out and maybe find something new to play.

inb4 someone says final fantasy

final fantasy
roses are red
violets are blue
somebody fuckin post already

| Character Identity |

Steve Rogers, AKA Nomad

| Age |


| Character Differences |
The primary difference between this version of Steve Rogers and most others is what he's experienced. His life has been characterized by a constant, unwinnable battle against fascism, and that has shaped his worldview considerably. Steve still holds true to all his beliefs about liberty, equality and justice- but he finds his faith in man waning. Can his country ever truly get better? Can they really overcome this dark period of their history, or are they forever damned to ignorance and hate? In his lowest moments Rogers oft thinks the answer no, and wonders if he might put the shield down and live out the rest of his days in peace with the woman he loves. The heavy guilt and sense of responsibility keeps him from pulling the trigger, but its always there, gnawing at the back of his mind.

In terms of power levels Nomad is a few steps above peak human. He's able to perform incredible feats of speed and strength, and seems remarkably able to shrug off punishment, but he's not going toe to toe with the big boys anytime soon. Much of his strength lies less in physical might and more in quick, tactical thinking and decades of leadership experience under his belt. He's led both a military unit and partisans to great success back on earth, and he'll bring it to bear out here as well.

| Brief World Background |
Steve comes from a world trapped under the jackboot of the Großgermanisches Reich. His timeline diverged at the Battle of Dunkirk, where the evacuation attempts were halted by HYDRA built super weapons, and the British Expeditionary Force was completely and utterly destroyed. This defeat laid the groundwork for Operation Sea Lion: the German army landed along the southern beaches of Great Britain and began their push toward London, only for FDR to unilaterally declare war on the Axis Powers- without the approval of congress and against the Neutrality Acts he had signed himself just a few years earlier.

The American intervention in the United Kingdom saw the first deployment of Captain America, the one and only successful subject of Project: Rebirth and the singular superhuman in that timeline. His presence was celebrated by the men on the ground, as well as by the civilian population of the United Kingdom, yet he was oddly controversial back home. Many powerful people opposed the war, and they saw Captain America as an easy target for their propaganda: soon half the rags in the U.S were claiming the man behind the shield was a secret communist, or that his unnatural abilities were the creation of 'Jewish science.' Of particular controversy were the men he chose for the Howling Commandos, including a number of black and Japanese soldiers in a time where segregation was still army policy.

Instead of opening up the western front in the Mediterranean and North Africa as advised by the British, the less experienced American command staff opted to go with Operation Sledgehammer: an ill-advised invasion of the Cotentin Peninsula in Northern France, where the Germans would have numerical superiority. Major General Walker Price, a young and inexperienced leader, lost nearly half his entire division after pressing ahead into German lines and getting himself surrounded; the only reason his unit survived at all was due to the timely arrival of Captain America and a commandeered armored column, who held open the line long enough for a full rout back to the coast. Price was stripped of his command and shipped back to the States. Angry, humiliated, and heart beating with a desire for revenge, Price was the perfect candidate for what came next...

A coalition of businessmen, politicians and other officials formed a plot to unseat Franklin Roosevelt as president and end hostilities with the Axis powers. Their reasons were their own: ranging from those who wanted to reverse Roosevelt's economic policies to full-blown Nazi sympathizers. This plot had all the money and manpower it needed, but they wanted someone with the charisma, reputation and pull to ensure their plans would succeed, and Walker Price was that man. Since coming home he'd waged his own war in the press against Captain America and the U.S government, blaming them for the failure at Cotentin- and making allusions to unknown persons who were sabotaging the war effort to ensure the fighting went on longer for the sake of their own profits and power. He was all too happy to join in on this coup.

Walker arrived in Washington, D.C with a veritable army of demonstrators, many of them armed former veterans or soldiers who had abandoned their posts to join in the march; also among their number were anti-war protesters, fascists and Nazi sympathizers, and a slew of other folk who took issue with the current administration. Undercover HYDRA agents assured that the gathering was large, the presence of American fascists was undersold by the papers, and agitated against capitol police and the national guard wherever possible. What followed was several weeks of protesting and rioting, running street battles between all manner of factions and the government, and the eventual arrest of the president- ending with Major General Price instituting martial law across the nation.

An armistice was signed with the Axis powers, and America was drowned in civil unrest. The country was divided sharply on the events of that year. There was widespread violence along all sorts of lines: political, racial religious. Insurrections against the new government popped up across the nation but were quickly stomped out. These acts were used as justification for an extension of military rule, and the violence was blamed on communist agitators.

Its been twenty years since the war ended in an Axis victory: the Greater German Reich is a bloated slave empire suffering under the weight of constant civil strife and international pressure, Spain and Italy have formed a political bloc in opposition to the Reich and its puppet states, and the Co-Prosperity Sphere seeks to oust its former allies and their colonies from the eastern hemisphere.

The United States has developed its own strand of fascism, characterized by a faux democracy, intense racial segregation, and the merging of business, church and state into one, cumbersome behemoth. They collaborate openly with the Reich, and ‘National Socialist’ is as common a political identity as Democrat or Republican.

| Brief Character Background |
Much of Steve Rogers' history remains unaltered: he was just a kid from Brooklyn who wanted to make a difference. After a dozen failed attempts at enlisting in the U.S Army he was picked as a candidate for Project: Rebirth, America's super soldier program. Doctor Erskine's serum was successful in transforming Rogers into Captain America, the first superhuman in mankind's history. Erskine's death at the hands of HYDRA assassins would ensure Steve was the only superhuman as well. Handed a shield made of rare, vibration-absorbing metal and an appropriately patriotic costume, Rogers would begin his training: both as America's greatest soldier and its poster boy.

Then he was off to Europe to fight the Nazis with his own handpicked team, starting with the liberation of the United Kingdom where he met the love of his life. His role as Captain America proved far more complicated than he'd expected it to be, receiving just as much hate as he did admiration. A frightening number of Americans didn't see him as the symbol of justice and liberty that Rogers had been told he'd be- they saw him as a radical, a tool of warmongers, and even a race traitor. But Steve always believed in people. Always had hope that his country's flaws could be overcome. Most people were, in his mind, fundamentally decent.

When he finally came home from the front, however, Rogers was met with a starkly different nation from the one he'd left. He and his fellow veterans were spat on, assaulted. Called all sorts of nasty things. Segregation had intensified, there was widespread sectarian violence, and hatred and bigotry was everywhere he looked. It disheartened him, but he wasn't a man to give up when things got difficult. He resolved to do his part to fix his country: interviews, rallies, and peaceful demonstrations; get connected with other influential folks who believed in the dream.

Things only got worse.

It wasn't long before he was denounced as a dissident, stripped of his rank, and declared a 'person of interest' in unspecific criminal activity. HYDRA agents helped federal agents track Rogers, his friends, and even those he loved. Anyone who wasn't willing to give him up got prison time or worse. Again and again his faith was tested as he was forced to go underground, to continue his activities under a different name. It'd become obvious that this was a war he couldn't win with ballots and speeches, but bullets. He would lead a prominent resistance organization for the next fifteen years as Nomad, the man without a country. Every single day would see his hope for change tested, would show him evidence that all he did was for naught; it was as if the universe conspired to tell him mankind was fundamentally anything but good.
The time nears.

Location: Westwood, Indiana, USA

Alja was talking but Graves wasn't present. His eyes were glazed over and he was looking out over the cistern, into the pool of swirling water where he'd nearly drowned. That nearly avoided fate wasn't what was on his mind, however; it was where his mind had taken him when he lost consciousness. This wasn't the first time it had happened. Wasn't the first memory he was dropped into.

'Why do I keep goin' back home?'

Home wasn't something he thought of much. That place was better left dead and buried. A mire. It was a mire that trapped him in the muck and kept him from going anywhere. Andrew thought he'd crawled out of it when he got his own place, even if he was still stuck in the same dead end job he'd gotten after high school in the same dead end town that'd taken so much from all of them. He thought he'd buried it and moved on, but ever since the Glitch it'd come back. It had visited him twice, now. Was it back to try and drag him back into the mire once more?

Something metal clattered against the wet stone beside him and Graves jumped out of his skin. "Shit." He breathed, looking down at the knife and then up to Alja. Color rushed to his cheeks. He'd totally forgotten she was standing right there. And she'd just saved his skin, too. Was he really brought so low by a couple'a bad dreams? Shake it off, big man. You've got work to do.

"Sorry, yeah. Thanks." It wasn't much, but any old blade would do for now. He doubted there'd be much more need anyway; that rat must've been the mother. Too big not to be. That did leave the question of where her nest had been, though, as they hadn't seen head nor tail of it in all their time down here. Wasn't looking forward to keeping up the search- he'd had just about enough of this place.

"You, uh...didn't have to do that." He sniffled. "Thanks for stickin' your neck out for me. Lotta people wouldn't do that."
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