Avatar of Supermaxx


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Current is sexualizing Pokemon a variation of bestiality?
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lol. lmao
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hearing rumors that rebornfan is storming the US capitol, looking for whoever's responsible for everyone ghosting his RPs
4 yrs ago
you got a fat ass and a bright future ahead of you. keep it up champ
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Set me up with a person falling from the building or something? I can swoop in.

Diddly done. Give 'em hell skipper
SEASON ONE Sensation & Wonder

Brooklyn New York City

A raging inferno consumed an apartment complex in Flashbush, Brooklyn. Its redbrick exterior was pockmarked with plasma blasts from the initial Chitauri landing- though the aliens had advanced farther down the borough, they'd left a path of suffering and destruction in their wake. Many of the building's residents that had managed to escape the blaze had gathered outside on the sidewalk. Some paced, cellphones to their ears as they tried to contact help. Others performed first aid on those wounded among their number. A few had gathered buckets and were taking hammers to a nearby fire hydrant.

Superboy hovered a hundred feet above it all, taking in the situation. Shutting out the world he focused his hearing on the burning structure, trying to locate those still trapped inside. They were scattered across every floor, blocked from any easy exit. The fire escape had partially collapsed, its metal frame twisted and melted from a now all-too familiar super-heated energy. The main halllways's floor had fallen in on itself; seemed he'd have to make his own entrance.

He busted through the ceiling feet first, landing with a heavy thud in the middle of a living room. An aging, balding man stood from his crouch in the corner, a young boy in his arms. The kid had a soot-stained Spider-Man shirt wrapped around his face to keep out the smoke. "You trying to bring this place down?" The old man yelled.

"I'm tryin' to save your ass, ya geezer." Superboy approached, wrapping his arms around each of them.

The elder insisted, however, pushing against the Kryptonian. "Fire's already compromised it as is. Break the wrong wall and everybody in here's dead, get it?"

Superboy quieted. After a moment's pause, he nodded.

"Windows are your best bet. Interior walls are non-load bearing, so if ya gotta get from a bed room to a bathroom you oughta be fine." He explained, finally allowing Superboy to pick him and his nephew up. They returned to the center of the room where he'd made his original entrance before taking off into the sky. "This your first building fire?"

"Search and rescue ain't exactly my brand." Superboy muttered, making a careful landing on the sidewalk so he could set his two charges down. "But I 'ppreciate the advice."

"And I appreciate you saving my boy. Now get back in there." The man stepped away to pull his nephew into a tight embrace.

A strange feeling fluttered in Superboy's gut even as he turned to take flight again. It was the first time he'd felt anything like it in the short time he'd been in the public eye. Best not to dwell on whatever it is now- he needed to focus on the mission at hand. There were still sixteen people inside and there was no telling how long they had. Superboy breached the building again, this time tucking and rolling through a glass pane instead of brick and mortar.

He was forced to move painfully slowly as he lifted people out of their home. The human body wasn't designed to take the G-force that Superboy could dish out on a casual flyby. If he took off too quick or turned too suddenly there was a real chance he'd tear someone up. It was frustrating, anxiety-inducing even, to listen to the structure's integrity fluctuate while he moved at the speed of molasses.

'Come on, come on. I don't have time for this.'

Something metal began to screech as Superboy ferried a couple through the air. He twisted around just in time to watch a tear spread across the brick siding of the building. It spread like a spiderweb across a huge portion of the complex. "Shit! No!" Panicked, he shot toward the ground and landed fast enough to break the boyfriend's rib.

Leaving him behind with his fiance, Superboy raced to the side of the building and dug his fingers into the brick. With the tiniest grunt of exertion he tugged, keeping the two halves of the wall from fully tearing away from each other. Other parts of the building were still mid-collapse. He could hear flooring give out from somewhere inside, and the crack was spreading rapidly.

Someone was yelling for help. He looked up to see a woman halfway hanging out of a window and waving down at him. She was right in the path of the coming collapse. If he let go of the wall he could grab, sure, but at this point Superboy was the only thing keeping half the building together. What happened to everyone inside if he let go?

His mind raced as he tried to think of a solution. There had to be a way to save her. There had to be-

A sound played in his ear, distant yet approaching rapidly. Oddly familiar. Was that...

"Jump!" He yelled up at her. "Trust me, someone'll catch you!"
i think you mean in danger
Yay, new player character!

Not to be too presumptious, but I've already completed my introductory Wasp post. I have her handily defeat the T-Rex by shrinking it down to a harmless size and then casually re-introduce herself to She-Hulk with a quip, pretty clearly exposing that she's clueless to the fact that she's been declared dead for ten years.

you can if you want too but I would be very appreciative if nobody squished the T-Rex like Superboy squished the Chitauri space worm...Janet has already named him Reptar 🥺

So I suppose I am just waiting on feedback now :3
the only rush is my excitement to get this posted and get involved with the RP in earnest again

s q u i s h
SEASON ONE Sensation & Wonder

Brooklyn New York City

Fear descended on Brooklyn in a flash: Bursts of plasma screamed through the air, finding their mark in the sides of buildings, cars and people. A cabbie dragged his wounded passenger from the backseat, yelling for medical help. On the sidewalk, a crowd stumbled over a fallen old woman in their mad dash to escape. Alien foot soldiers advanced down the street, massacring everything that moved for reasons no one cared to ask. Two police officers pulled themselves from their overturned squad car, one of them unholstering her sidearm to return fire while the other crawled behind cover, pleading for help into his radio. Far above it all, a gargantuan creature rammed through the top floor of an apartment building. Debris and bodies rained down on the streets below.

A streak of red and blue appeared in the sky. It looped through the clouds once, twice, and a third time to build up speed before rocketing down into the leviathan's back. A thunderclap followed that shattered every window in the neighborhood. The beast's armor buckled. Its flesh tore, blood spouting out in thick gushes. It gave a deafening roar as it careened into the ground, tearing a trench through the concrete and asphalt for a hundred feet until it came to a slow stop.

Superboy stood atop the alien behemoth's head, a triumphant fist in the air. A trio of camera drones circled him. "Booyah, baby! That's what happens when ya mess with the S!"

Chitauri spun on their heels and answered his boasting with a unified warcry. They opened fire. A barrage of plasma scorched the spot Superboy had just been standing.

"You bozos picked the wrong planet-"

The Boy of Steel appeared again with his hands thrust through the chests of two aliens. He ripped them apart in one, fluid motion, tossing their remains aside like used trash. A burst of speed carried him into another squad. They fired wildly into their own ranks in an effort to stop their superhuman attacker, but all their plasma seared was each other. Superboy was a blur of barely contained violence. He showed none of his usual 'restraint'- he had no qualms killing these things.

"-And the wrong day to piss me off."

Behind him, the beast stirred. It'd taken a hell of a hit yet breath still pumped through its augmented lungs. With a beat of its many mechanical appendages the leviathan tore itself from the crater, depositing another contingent of invaders from its womb as it took back to the air on unsteady wings.

Another salvo tore into Superboy. Flesh-bubbling heat slammed into him, slagging the last of the Chitauri he'd been in melee with. A pained snarl slipped between gritted teeth as he jumped backwards, putting a few hundred feet between himself and the enemy. He looked down to check himself for injuries. Nothing permanent, save for the holes in his tights and jacket. "Bastards. I loved that jacket," he muttered, tossing its charred remains aside. There'd be hell to pay for that-

A scream averted his attention away from the Chitauri and toward a nearby burning building. He could hear eighteen people still alive inside. No obvious exit. Nearest firefighters were twelve minutes away under the best of circumstances. Superboy looked back over his shoulder at the aliens, balling his fist.

"Damn it all." He groaned, taking flight toward the fire.
Sep makes his entrances like a Bendis character
Hey all, just wanted to do a role call for some of the folks I haven't heard from. Would like to ideally have a bit of a headcount to better plan the event and update the roster.

Fuck it lets give it a go

hey is there a waiting list for this it looks so cool.

<Snipped quote by Cybermaxx>

This is what you do now until you die.

oh god
Whatever Happened to the Superboy of Tomorrow..?

<Snipped quote by Hound55>

He made the mistake of joining the workforce.

free me from this pain
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