Para Category:
Alpha 1
Empathy - Samantha can not only sense and decipher the emotions and intentions of others, but also impact their moods with her own. She can calm someone down, work them up, or just get them to trust her completely; given enough time.
Trained: A member of Marlon's police force, Samantha has had extensive training and experience in combat, artillery, and general physical activity, even if she isn't an expert.
Botany: Samantha has always maintained a hobby of growing plants. Whether living in a one-windowed studio or a townhouse, she has always managed to maintain a variable greenhouse in her own home. It is the one subject in which she would consider herself an expert.
Botany: Samantha has always maintained a hobby of growing plants. Whether living in a one-windowed studio or a townhouse, she has always managed to maintain a variable greenhouse in her own home. It is the one subject in which she would consider herself an expert.
Postpartum: Despite being above the average woman in terms of fitness, Samantha gave birth only a little over six months ago, and as such finds is both physically and mentally exhausted.
Empathy:Hers is a power that can go both ways if she isn't careful enough. As much as she can impact another person's emotions, she can feed of other's in turn if she lacks the focus to control herself.
Empathy:Hers is a power that can go both ways if she isn't careful enough. As much as she can impact another person's emotions, she can feed of other's in turn if she lacks the focus to control herself.
Brief History:
Samantha has lived the life of a suburban princess. While her family wasn't incredibly wealthy, she was rarely wanting for anything while growing up in the outskirts of Marlon. She was her high-school's golden girl, captain of sports teams, homecoming queen, and friend to everyone. It wasn't until after graduation she was hit with reality.
Joseph Wiles, her high-school sweetheart moved with her into the city, where they both hoped to peruse degrees at Marlon's university. By the time their applications went out, they had realized even with part-time work there was no way they could afford both school and city rent. In the end it was Samantha that put her education on hold and went with the advice of her uncle, a retired Marlon officer that still had some pull, and joined the police force. She finished the academy training in under six months and was married to Joseph in the same year.
Despite her reservation and previous goals, Samantha fell in love with her job. She found friends in her co-workers and a talent for investigative work. After years of hard work, she was finally up for a promotion to detective, only to discover she was pregnant in the same week. The job was instead given to her former partner, and Samantha took almost a year off to have and care for her new son Brady. After the fall of the Lorne tower, she was eager to end her maternity leave return to work, much to the dismay of her husband who had objected to her return to the force at all. They compromised on waiting a further to months. Not that he had much to worry about in the end; her superiors gave her a green partner, task her with only the most menial busywork - even for a beat cop, and generally do their best to keep her at arms length from the real police work needed in the city.
She is as-of yet completely away of her abilities, though she has found some people oddly agreeable in the past few months she has attributed it more to the niceness given to a new mother rather tan anything supernatural. Meanwhile she blames the same thing for being stonewalled at work, rather than her own frustration bleeding out to her superiors.
Joseph Wiles, her high-school sweetheart moved with her into the city, where they both hoped to peruse degrees at Marlon's university. By the time their applications went out, they had realized even with part-time work there was no way they could afford both school and city rent. In the end it was Samantha that put her education on hold and went with the advice of her uncle, a retired Marlon officer that still had some pull, and joined the police force. She finished the academy training in under six months and was married to Joseph in the same year.
Despite her reservation and previous goals, Samantha fell in love with her job. She found friends in her co-workers and a talent for investigative work. After years of hard work, she was finally up for a promotion to detective, only to discover she was pregnant in the same week. The job was instead given to her former partner, and Samantha took almost a year off to have and care for her new son Brady. After the fall of the Lorne tower, she was eager to end her maternity leave return to work, much to the dismay of her husband who had objected to her return to the force at all. They compromised on waiting a further to months. Not that he had much to worry about in the end; her superiors gave her a green partner, task her with only the most menial busywork - even for a beat cop, and generally do their best to keep her at arms length from the real police work needed in the city.
She is as-of yet completely away of her abilities, though she has found some people oddly agreeable in the past few months she has attributed it more to the niceness given to a new mother rather tan anything supernatural. Meanwhile she blames the same thing for being stonewalled at work, rather than her own frustration bleeding out to her superiors.
“I know when I'm not being taken seriously.”
It was getting hard to tell who was getting exasperated faster; the shop-owner or Amanda Briars – Samantha’s new young partner. The latter took a deep breath before trying to reason again with the man.
“Unless you give a more detailed description – or have some kind of surveillance, there really isn’t anything we can do.”
Really Samantha should have been helping defuse the situation, her chat with the captain earlier that morning had put her in too sour of a mood to be of much use. Instead, she looked at the dry, breakfasting customers seated indoors with envy. God she wanted to start drinking coffee again.
“Well if you two had shown up sooner she’d still have been here.”
Sensing her partner was reaching her breaking point, Samantha put on her best public-relations-smile, and stepped in.
“Unfortunately sir, there are a great deal of dog-owners in this neighbor-hood and ‘tall woman with a dark dog’ isn’t enough for us to be going around knocking on doors.”
She had not helped. The man’s face was almost purple with indignation. He was prepared to argue all day, sheltered from the rain as he was in the doorway of the donut shop.
“I am business owner in this neighborhood, a law has been broken and my property has been vandalized. Is it too much to ask that you do your job?”
“Sir, if you know who the woman is, we can fine her, but until then, if you have a plastic bag, we would be happy to clean this up for you.”
“This affects my business! Customers won’t come to a shop that has litter shit at it’s doorstep!”
He gestured to the ground where the three of them watched as a swirl of rain water washed the evidence of the crime into a storm drain.
Briars was already in the car, doing her best to dry her hair, when Samantha hurried inside shielding a box of pasties with her coat. Her partner wrinkled her nose at the sight of them.
“There’s no way those haven’t been spat on.”
Samantha shrugged and smiled broadly, “They’re a gift for the captain.”
Briars laughed, “Meeting didn’t go well then?”
“Same offer as before.”
There was a moment of silence as both women took off their dripping wind-breakers and individually contemplated the drumming of the rain on the car. The city was in complete turmoil, and the biggest incident had taken place in Samantha’s own district, and she had the choice of being the smiling face of the department on TV or picking up after litterers and dog owners.
“We should probably get moving.”
“You’re right,” Samantha agreed as she buckled in, “Who knows? Maybe they’ll have a loitering complaint for us.”
It was getting hard to tell who was getting exasperated faster; the shop-owner or Amanda Briars – Samantha’s new young partner. The latter took a deep breath before trying to reason again with the man.
“Unless you give a more detailed description – or have some kind of surveillance, there really isn’t anything we can do.”
Really Samantha should have been helping defuse the situation, her chat with the captain earlier that morning had put her in too sour of a mood to be of much use. Instead, she looked at the dry, breakfasting customers seated indoors with envy. God she wanted to start drinking coffee again.
“Well if you two had shown up sooner she’d still have been here.”
Sensing her partner was reaching her breaking point, Samantha put on her best public-relations-smile, and stepped in.
“Unfortunately sir, there are a great deal of dog-owners in this neighbor-hood and ‘tall woman with a dark dog’ isn’t enough for us to be going around knocking on doors.”
She had not helped. The man’s face was almost purple with indignation. He was prepared to argue all day, sheltered from the rain as he was in the doorway of the donut shop.
“I am business owner in this neighborhood, a law has been broken and my property has been vandalized. Is it too much to ask that you do your job?”
“Sir, if you know who the woman is, we can fine her, but until then, if you have a plastic bag, we would be happy to clean this up for you.”
“This affects my business! Customers won’t come to a shop that has litter shit at it’s doorstep!”
He gestured to the ground where the three of them watched as a swirl of rain water washed the evidence of the crime into a storm drain.
Briars was already in the car, doing her best to dry her hair, when Samantha hurried inside shielding a box of pasties with her coat. Her partner wrinkled her nose at the sight of them.
“There’s no way those haven’t been spat on.”
Samantha shrugged and smiled broadly, “They’re a gift for the captain.”
Briars laughed, “Meeting didn’t go well then?”
“Same offer as before.”
There was a moment of silence as both women took off their dripping wind-breakers and individually contemplated the drumming of the rain on the car. The city was in complete turmoil, and the biggest incident had taken place in Samantha’s own district, and she had the choice of being the smiling face of the department on TV or picking up after litterers and dog owners.
“We should probably get moving.”
“You’re right,” Samantha agreed as she buckled in, “Who knows? Maybe they’ll have a loitering complaint for us.”