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Current Hello Monday, I see gatekeeping is on the agenda today! Remember everyone, at the end of the day it's a hobby and these are all opinions! Do what you have fun doing and don't stink on others fun! :D
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Dead Head

”Spit Fire”

In the end no one decided to fill Asher in with the details of their meeting. That was okay though, someone else was happy to fill him in with bullets, although Asher himself didn’t quite find that okay. The moment bullets and fire started flying through the air Asher dove low for a row of pews, crashing to the ground shoulder first as he slid between the row. Taking a moment to breathe, Asher was sure he’d achieved some sort of safety momentarily, but certainly didn’t plan on hiding out for long. Fishing in his pocket for his phone Asher quickly started swiping through the interface.

A storm of fire and bullets required the ultimate soundtrack, and Asher had just the one in mind. Conveniently Asher had never removed his earbuds and as he tapped play the music quickly began drowning out the sounds of the chaos around him, at least partially. For the most part Asher could still hear what was going on, he just had a sick ass soundtrack to go along with it all. With a grin Asher took a moment to focus, hardening the carbon shell that made up his outer body, perks of being a metallic mega badass. Hopefully no one had noticed him ducking down behind the pews, if not this next part would be sick.

Lunging to his feet and hopping atop the pew Asher quickly brandished Hatred in his hands. Taking a moment to survey his surroundings Asher quickly decided on a plan of action. The girl from outside as well as the Sovereign girl were both near their package, as well as a newcomer. Entrusting the three to handle themselves in a three versus one situation Asher quickly decided that bunny girl and her band of tube eyed goons were the biggest threat. Letting loose a battle cry that would make the denizens of Valhalla pause, Asher began leaping from pew to pew before lunging into the air and blasting Hatred’s Dragon’s Breath directly behind him towards the pews he’d just left behind.

With luck the blast would send him clear into the closest clump of tubular goons, let carnage ensue.

Dead Head

Doing it wrong

As the door flew open, sending burnt timber flying, Asher let out a slight whoop as he pumped his arm in excitement. "See that!" he exclaimed loudly to no one in particular. Judging by the reactions of the two girls on the other side, they had. The first one had momentarily pointed her gun at him, assuming him to potentially be a threat. The second gave him a disinterested and almost bored look before asking what the door had done to earn his ire. Judging by positioning and their reactions Asher assumed the smaller one in the back was who they were contracted to protect. Good thing no miscellaneous door parts had flown her way.

"As a matter of fact it did look at me funny, I don't take kindly to funny looks or the things it said about my mother either." he said, throwing who he assumed to be Cerberus a sarcastic smirk. "Can't help it, I've got a need for fiery entrances that just needs fillin, now who's gonna fill me in on why we're meeting in the creepy run down church?" Asher asked, casually strolling on deeper past Cerberus and the other girl as he began taking in the church in all it's aged grandeur.

Before Asher could circle back with more questions Sovereign strolled up to Cerberus and at first Asher thought that perhaps she was upset judging by her tone. This was quickly debunked when she suddenly embraced the other girl. Asher made a mental note to keep an eye on Sovereign, hopefully he wouldn't have to explain his aversion to being touched but wouldn't be a bad idea to keep on his toes. With nothing else to do but wait Asher crossed his arms and looked towards the first two occupants of the room expectantly.
Dead Head

Doing it wrong

Asher was initially confused, a quizzical look crossing his face. This was only amplified by the arrival of another boisterous fellow who loudly proclaimed his confusion at the idea of a convention before making a reference towards Asher as a potential foe, guessing that his name might be 'Deadeye'. Asher couldn't help but be amused, throwing his head back as he started cackling, which sounded mostly robotic in his Esper form and likely didn't help with the image he was giving off.

Abruptly Asher hawked and spat a small globule of fire almost like one would a loogie. Flashing a grin at the two newcomers he pointed at himself with his thumb, "Name's Dead Head. Bit new 'round these parts. Now I don't know nothing bout no convention, reckon I might be in the wrong place if that's the case. But I also reckon that's just not the case, unless there's two St. Biance's churches. As for named opponent, well I could always appreciate a warm-up round but I don't think I'm the reason you're here so I'd imagine there's actual business to be getting to right behind that there door."

With that Asher redirected his attention back to the door, deciding quickly on his plan of approach.

"Now unless there's an objections, I'm fixin to go 'knock'." Asher said, nodding in the direction of the large rusted shut difficult to open door that just seemed to be asking for the business end of Asher's size 12.

Dead Head

Doing it wrong

A light evening breeze rolled down the street past Asher carrying scents of the city, exhaust fumes, a slight hint of garbage on the breeze even. Asher frowned slightly, surprised by that since he’d not gotten the impression that Pax Septimus was a dirty city. A light screech filled the air momentarily cutting through the clashing chords and screaming vocals from Asher’s earpods. Asher turned to survey the dump truck that had just backed out of an alley he’d passed just as the engine started to rumble and the stinky truck trundled down the lane.

A smirk crossed Asher’s lips as the slightly garbagy smell departed with the truck and he took a deep breath of the cool evening air, just him and the exhaust fumes now. Fishing through his pocket for his cell phone Asher quickly hit pause on his music and scrolled to shimmr to double check the address of the job. All the details matched up, and a large church loomed ahead.

St Bianchi Church stood before Asher in all its run down glory. Better days had certainly been long since gone as far as this establishment was concerned. Asher merely grumbled, he’d never cared much for churches, or religion for that matter. Usually he joked that entering such a premise might result in him catching alight. Suppose today would be the day to test that. Asher surveyed the outside a few moments longer, taking in potential entry points and judging them against the amount of effort they’d require.

“Windows, back way maybe…,” Asher mumbled aloud before his eyes finally settled on the front door. “On the other hand…”

Asher was a simple man and in most cases he preferred the direct route.
"Now I’m Pissed!"

Dead Head

”Name’s Asher, Asher Blake. Who’s askin?”

”32 years young, baby. But I don’t look a day over 21.”

”Do what? Oh, I’m a dude, clearly.”

“Yeah? Sure I don’t mind posing for a few photos, make sure you get my good side.”

The grimiore itself comes in the form of a metal pouch with 4 different colored marbles inside,

Nothing quite says “knock knock” like Asher’s iconic SPAS-12, dubbed Hatred. Hatred is a solid black SPAS-12 with an angry red dragon painted on it in a manner that makes it wrap around the gun and positions its head so that it appears the dragon is roaring when the gun is fired. The upper rail features a set of hardened spikes running along the edges that give it a punky aesthetic to match Asher. It also features a strap that stretches from barrel to stock for convenience. Rather than standard buckshot Hatred fires slugs of solid metal that pack one hell of a wallop. When at a nice close distance Asher can also use Hatred’s special ability to fire off a short range burst of magical fire that’s nearly guaranteed to catch anything on fire on a direct hit.

SPECIAL: Dragons Breath allows Hatred to fire off a short burst of magical fire in a close proximity. This acts as an ignite cast but only at short range, around 6 feet.

Carbon Fiber

Grade: Silver
SPECIAL: Upon taking esper form Asher’s body becomes mostly made from carbon fiber where possible, shedding weight and allowing him an extra degree of reaction time when attempting to dodge attacks.


Asher’s melodies manifest as fiery constructs of his anger and rage, a deep hot fire reminiscent of smoldering coal. Asher’s fire feels much hotter than it actually burns to those without a strong resolve.

GRADE: Silver
NOTES: [Ignite, Heat] Damage X, Damage, AoE, Puddle, Sky Call, Powerful, Scatter, Shield, Blink
SPECIAL: Ignition -- Asher’s ignite attacks are 1 rank higher.

Eye of Malice

Bronze grade
Asher’s left eye stands out from the other when transformed, slightly larger and more intimidating with a deeper red emanating from it.

As far as accessories go Asher only carries a pistol and a baseball bat, for more delicate situations.


”I only work for myself, ain’t nobody the boss of me!”

”What? Do you want my life story or something? Piss off!”

For the last 15 years the average day in the life of Asher Blake has been filled with debauchery, high octane metal, dangerous stunts, and a live fast die young attitude. Lead Vocalist of the band always did come with its perks, and Asher was never one to not take advantage of the situation. He and a group of friends formed Dead Head in their junior year, choosing to drop out and pursue a musical career over traditional forms of education. It only took a couple of years before the group found a groove in their local scene and although it was modest it was a start. Through dedication and commitment over the next few years Dead Head managed to grow more and more renown as they slowly grew into an ever more prominent force.

By his mid 20s Asher Blake was well and truly a rock star. Dead Head toured the nation and consistently sold out venues time and time again. But with all things, as time goes things change and people want different things. Dead Head, once a rising star, was now coming to a natural point in its life where its members sought change, different experiences, and a chance to grow. Much to the dismay of its fanbase, Dead Head split up when Asher was 28.

Without any plans and an obscene amount of money Asher wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself. For the first couple of years the partying was enough but it didn’t really bring Asher any fulfillment. It wasn’t until a rather raucous block party that Asher found his calling.

Disaster struck. An uninvited guest, a gruesome monster from the chaos realm. Debris and destruction rain around Asher. The crowd screams and runs to and fro unsure of who or what has caused the chaos. As he watched everyone around him running, terrified for their lives, something within him stirred. A strong connection reached out to him.

The crowd almost seemed to part around him as he neared it. A shotgun, a standard pump action at first appearance but the longer Asher stared at it the more he could feel that just below the surface it’s true self lay waiting for him alone to take. As Asher gripped the weapon the dam burst, the emotions roiling in him grew astronomically as the anger within him almost took physical form. Bursting forth from him and the weapon it swirled around him in a storm of lights and magical energy. Spreading forth from his hand at the point of contact his skin slowly transformed into carbon fiber. Energy coursed through Asher’s body as his anger roared to life like a high powered engine.

Just as quickly as the energy burst forth from him it also returned, swirling about him until it finally coalesced into a burning heat that seemed to radiate from his body. Asher gripped the shotgun, racked a shell, and set his eyes upon the source of the chaos. It was time to whoop some ass.

Should I joke that he's Elroy Jr or a confused Maverick?

@TaintedMushroom Like Ponn pointed out, long guns are locked to physical, and I'd like to see what glamors are which grades. You should have 1 gold, 2 silver, and 1 bronze. Make those edits and I'll talk it over with May Jay.

Oh 2 silver? I was assuming 2 bronze. Well coolio!
Cool character!

Two small problems, though. One, none of his Glamours have grades, and two, Long Guns are limited to doing Physical damage, unless modified by their Special to allow for a different damage type.

Wow I goofed, okay fixed! Not sure how I overlooked the grades not actually being there. And thanks!
"Now I’m Pissed!"

Dead Head

”Name’s Asher, Asher Blake. Who’s askin?”

”32 years young, baby. But I don’t look a day over 21.”

”Do what? Oh, I’m a dude, clearly.”

“Yeah? Sure I don’t mind posing for a few photos, make sure you get my good side.”

The grimiore itself comes in the form of a metal pouch with 4 different colored marbles inside,

Nothing quite says “knock knock” like Asher’s iconic SPAS-12, dubbed Hatred. Hatred is a solid black SPAS-12 with an angry red dragon painted on it in a manner that makes it wrap around the gun and positions its head so that it appears the dragon is roaring when the gun is fired. The upper rail features a set of hardened spikes running along the edges that give it a punky aesthetic to match Asher. It also features a strap that stretches from barrel to stock for convenience. Rather than standard buckshot Hatred fires slugs of solid metal that pack one hell of a wallop. When at a nice close distance Asher can also use Hatred’s special ability to fire off a short range burst of magical fire that’s nearly guaranteed to catch anything on fire on a direct hit.

SPECIAL: Dragons Breath allows Hatred to fire off a short burst of magical fire in a close proximity. This acts as an ignite cast but only at short range, around 6 feet.

Carbon Fiber

Grade: Silver
SPECIAL: Upon taking esper form Asher’s body becomes mostly made from carbon fiber where possible, shedding weight and allowing him an extra degree of reaction time when attempting to dodge attacks.


Asher’s melodies manifest as fiery constructs of his anger and rage, a deep hot fire reminiscent of smoldering coal. Asher’s fire feels much hotter than it actually burns to those without a strong resolve.

GRADE: Silver
NOTES: [Ignite, Heat] Damage X, Damage, AoE, Puddle, Sky Call, Powerful, Scatter, Shield, Blink
SPECIAL: Asher’s ignite attacks are 1 rank higher.

Eye of Malice

Bronze grade
Asher’s left eye stands out from the other when transformed, slightly larger and more intimidating with a deeper red emanating from it.

As far as accessories go Asher only carries a pistol and a baseball bat, for more delicate situations.


”I only work for myself, ain’t nobody the boss of me!”

”What? Do you want my life story or something? Piss off!”

For the last 15 years the average day in the life of Asher Blake has been filled with debauchery, high octane metal, dangerous stunts, and a live fast die young attitude. Lead Vocalist of the band always did come with its perks, and Asher was never one to not take advantage of the situation. He and a group of friends formed Dead Head in their junior year, choosing to drop out and pursue a musical career over traditional forms of education. It only took a couple of years before the group found a groove in their local scene and although it was modest it was a start. Through dedication and commitment over the next few years Dead Head managed to grow more and more renown as they slowly grew into an ever more prominent force.

By his mid 20s Asher Blake was well and truly a rock star. Dead Head toured the nation and consistently sold out venues time and time again. But with all things, as time goes things change and people want different things. Dead Head, once a rising star, was now coming to a natural point in its life where its members sought change, different experiences, and a chance to grow. Much to the dismay of its fanbase, Dead Head split up when Asher was 28.

Without any plans and an obscene amount of money Asher wasn’t quite sure what to do with himself. For the first couple of years the partying was enough but it didn’t really bring Asher any fulfillment. It wasn’t until a rather raucous block party that Asher found his calling.

Disaster struck. An uninvited guest, a gruesome monster from the chaos realm. Debris and destruction rain around Asher. The crowd screams and runs to and fro unsure of who or what has caused the chaos. As he watched everyone around him running, terrified for their lives, something within him stirred. A strong connection reached out to him.

The crowd almost seemed to part around him as he neared it. A shotgun, a standard pump action at first appearance but the longer Asher stared at it the more he could feel that just below the surface it’s true self lay waiting for him alone to take. As Asher gripped the weapon the dam burst, the emotions roiling in him grew astronomically as the anger within him almost took physical form. Bursting forth from him and the weapon it swirled around him in a storm of lights and magical energy. Spreading forth from his hand at the point of contact his skin slowly transformed into carbon fiber. Energy coursed through Asher’s body as his anger roared to life like a high powered engine.

Just as quickly as the energy burst forth from him it also returned, swirling about him until it finally coalesced into a burning heat that seemed to radiate from his body. Asher gripped the shotgun, racked a shell, and set his eyes upon the source of the chaos. It was time to whoop some ass.

I was lurking in the wings to see if there was gonna be a pulse, I am also intrigued.
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