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Done with post, it's little cuz he really didn't have much to say

"Ya ya, hang in there" Wow this thing was heavier than he thought it would be, was it the humidity of being next to a stream? that seemed like the most likely suspect but then again, different world(?) meant different ecosystems(?) so it was completely possible that logs were naturally heavier or denser compared to Earth, did that affect the fauna in some way? the bird from earlier seemed pretty normal if a little bigger than he was accustomed so maybe-

"Oh shit he is still talking to me"

The day was really taking a bigger toll on him than he realized if his mind was wandering that much, better focus, what did he say? "Hey-soldiers-good things-owe-Very sweet" then he proceeded to get serious and say things in such a way that he was reminded of his little chat with MacKenzie earlier. Geez was this a James appreciation day or something? What with this many people coming out of nowhere to thank him, truth be told maybe he could get accustomed to this, it certainly didn't feel bad just embarrassing and awkward... better not ake it a habit then.

"Don't worry about that dude, we are fine, you needed help and I was there so it's no big deal" He was also vulnerable as a result of trying to follow his orders but before he could say anything more MacKenzie passed by their side and muttered the same damming statement of before with an amused smile on her lips. Letting out a chuckle at Zell's bemused face and question "Earlier on the way here we were chatting a little and I decided to tease her a little, she took exception to that and whined about how you and I didn't act like 'gentleman' unlike Adam" Ha, just remembering it was enough to make him amused "All in good fun and she wasn't serious I think" .

Looking at the log next to the other 'seats' he decided that it was time to take care of the place of sleep and went to set up the bedrolls.
I will post tomorrow

The first thing that hit him as he entered the arena wasn't the smell of blood, the hot sun on his stony skin, or the feeling of too many eyes focusing on him, it was the sheer annoyance at himself for allowing that rat-faced (Literal in this case as he had a beastman bloodline) charlatan to sweet talk him into fighting a few matches in the arena in exchange for the information he had on his father movements.

He sighed, it was the first lead he had managed to get since starting his journey and it was all thanks to a small stroke of luck, the harbormaster at Helgaskr managed to "remember" his father's destination after he bribed her with enough meed to drawn a housecat, apparently his father was an odd enough figure to capture her attention as he took passage on a ship headed towards the moving city of Al-Marabar, with this information it was only a matter of finding passage for himself and then finding the correct information broker once he arrived. Sadly the only one he could find that wasn't human was the beforementioned rat-based beastman who was quick to strike some manner of deal with the arena organizations who would give him a cut of the attendance earnings for the matches in which he participated, or at least that was what he thought happened as the broker had a really obnoxious and incoherent way of explaining why his matches would be more appealing to the audience.

And now here he was, under the hot and blistering sun and with far, far too many eyes looking at him from all sides. His hand were shaking a little and he had to take a second to compose himself. At least he would get his information after this and he was even assured that anything he earned from his matches would be his alone. Truth be told he was almost out of funds after bribing the harbormaster and the cost of travel to this arid land so getting more money was something that would have become a concern eventually, perhaps this situation was more favorable than he allowed himself to give credit for.

Squaring his shoulders and ignoring the crowd that followed his every movement make it stop! he focused on his opponent and found himself surprised.

Not by the fact that his adversary sported a huge spiky club resting on his shoulder or the determined gaze that stared back, no, what surprised him was finding that his opponent wasn't human

He was a youkai.

What type he couldn't tell, never actually having seen one but it was obvious to all onlookers what he was, just as his own skin marked him as kin to all Jotun, he wondered for a second if it was intentional that he was facing another non-human combatant and if it was then would all his opponents be other races?... then the second was over and he readied his shield and sword combo, whether or not his next challenger would be human was not important right now, he had to give a good showing so the broker didn't have an excuse to without the information citing that he didn't participate enough.

With some luck nothing would go wrong and he would be out of this place soon.
I mostly writte during my lunch hour at work, but because you can't enter with a phone I writte everything with pen and paper
Clive is definitely put all you chucklefucks of timeout @Teyao and @Zapdos

Brain not working, explain please
Posted, now I sleep

"Hell no! I don't want my maiden heart broken thank you very much, just look at the guy, it is obvious he is some kind of manwhore"

His indignant expression barely lasted a second before he couldn't contain a snort any longer and a few chuckles leave his lips. It's good to know that she can respond in kind to any teasing, more fun that way, and no bad feelings on either side. Now what did she say about being a nice young man? In an instant he changed from his usual mannerisms to his 'On the clock' persona, back straightened, scowl turned into a small smile, voice softened significatively and an open gesture with the arms. Then he raised his hand to his chest and inclined his head lightly, gone was the marked accent he spoke on.

"My apologies seƱorita, I was just trying to be friendly and jest but it appears I have failed at being comedic, I know it's shameless of me but could I ask for you to find forgiveness in your heart? I assure you that my intentions were not to offend or upset you."

He inclined his face a little more and widened his smile a little... then turned it sardonic, a moment later he was back to his scowling face and slouching back with his hands in his pockets but the smile was still on his face.

"Also for the record, I could act like a perfect gentleman not unlike tree lover over there but, well, I have helped you kill a motherfucking ogre AND perform surgery so I like to think we are past normal formality by this point."

Words that he never thought he would have never thought of saying left his mouth with such ease that he was left pondering for a second if this weird fucking world was already messing with his head.

"So for your other questions, well for starters I come from Veracruz in Mexico, a nice place to grow up in methinks, lively if a bit boring with a lot of kids running around in nature but eventually moved a bunch of times in the republic before I decided to settle on good ol' Nuevo Leon, as for what I used to do? nothing as exotic as being an international athlete, I was an assistant for the man in charge of logistics for a small company centered on the transportation of industrial goods, think FeDex but with big pieces worth a lot, used to be in HR but they moved me up" A shrug "That little display before was how I was taught to speak to costumers actually, at least mixed with a cousin crash course lesson on professional nose browning"

Now what else could he say? That was basically his whole life story, man thinking like that was depressing as fuck, maybe he should give back a question? What was socially acceptable to ask a French person? Meh let's go with the freebie.

"You said that you went to school in Paris right? Is it as good as it's often depicted cuz if so you are a lucky woman"

"Good call, I can't speak for everyone but with the kind of luck I've had today....well I'm surprised nothing has tried anything yet."

A voice he had just heard a few times caught his attention and reminded him that he needed to talk to Adam about his 'wet necessity'

"Oh shit!, oh shit!, I forgot all about the blessing condition!" Well there was no time like the present.

"Hey Adam! Do you remember the whole buff thing? I got to spend an hour inside a body of water before I can use it again so could we make camp beside a stream or a river? You seem to know a thing or two about camping and I don't want to die to a snake or something"
<Snipped quote by Saiyan>

<Snipped quote by Zapdos>


@TeyaoLAD'S NIGHT IN Let's goo!

@Dark CloudI wrote a poem about Clive and entered it into roleplayerguild's Microfiction & Poetry contest #10 lol

A perfectly normal response to Clive sheer prescence

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