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Don't worry dude, take your time

ALlso: Halfway through writting the last line I remembered how Zell died

PS. @Crusader Lord MacKensie was talking towards James but I think your character started walking with them but was talking to Adam? sorry I became a little confusied when reding it

"Shit, now I can't tell her that I had her do that because I pussied out (like a bitch) on doing it myself"

Well that was not necessarily the truth, she did have the hand-to-eye coordination and steady hands necessary to pull off the improvised surgery and that was the reason he trusted her in the first place, some of the pieces she extracted were smaller than he had expected and he would have never even noticed them in the panic of the situation. But still, it was oddly flattering to hear her compliment him on doing something right during that whole mess of a situation.

Better make sure it doesn't happen again.

"Nah, one of my cousins graduated from Uni a little while ago with a medical degree, one of them doctors you know? and she wouldn't stop muttering about proper procedures when we watched medical dramas or would just sprout random medical facts to help herself remember them"

She would also show him gruesome pictures of injuries with a smile and make uncomfortable comments about the body that he wished he didn't know but that was neither here nor there, and at least she was less melodramatic than Pedro (The fucking drama queen) and definitely not even a quarter the asshole that Carlos was. He missed them

"Also I think you are giving me too much credit, the whole time I felt like Apprentice looked" As if a stiff breeze could blow him over and he was about to throw up "And you shouldn't bring yourself down, I think you helped more in the battle than I did and you also played the critical part in the surgery, I should be the one thanking you for the trust and doing what I asked" This was gonna suck "So thank you, Mac, you really saved him-us! back there"

He carefully evited eve contact with the Frenchwoman, sure as hell giving a compliment to a semi-stranger felt awkward beyond measure, made even worse when he remembered that she saw him comfort the guy during the surgery. Fuck this was embarrassing! He needed to change the topic quickly, but what could he say to rile her up?... looking around and catching sight of a certain swordsman a plan sprung into his mind. Perfect

" So speaking of who were we before this whole thing started, I know you said you are an Olympic Archer but did you also know Zell beforehand? You two seem to flirt a lot"

Sorry for throwing you under the bus Zell but you were too convenient.
@Eviledd1984Damn bruv, I didn't realise Joji was 6' 10" tall! I misread your profile as 'six feet' lol. Need to edit an old post of mine. I don't think it changes much tho so no biggy. Wow, we have two giants in the party.

@Eviledd1984@GoblinguyOur guys need to find a shady tavern in Valhiem and start some arm wrestling or cage fighting action. Make some extra cash. Arthur and Joji with the muscle. Zell talking in the suckers-ahem-challengers, taking bets. You two in?

James would go with you guys, oficially to help with any injury but really because he likes gambling a lot
Shit I forgot about that particular thing, good save from Arthur
@Teyao I must have missed when you asked. But Clive will definitely help.

That is what I (and James) assumed so that's way he was included, that and he is built like a brick shit house
Okay posted @Zool @Goblinguy @Dark Cloud please tell me if there is a problem or if your character didn't move towards the infirmary, I can change or edit it to make sense so please tell me. Specially you Dark as you didn't say anything when I asked

The moment he stepped inside the little infirmary the Guard (Frederick right?) inside informed the young man that had been attending to the injured who he was and why he was there before departing, the youngster in question appeared to be some kind of apprentice herbalist, thankfully he had decided to remain at the edge of the evacuation and was able to be reached in time to come help with the injured, but sadly the only one they had managed to find was him and from what he was told when Frederick guided him to the infirmary his specialty was common remedies and ways to treat little injuries so he had less expertise than necessary to handle the situation.

The nervous apprentice didn't bother with introductions and went straight to the throat of the situation, 8 injured men, 2 with broken bones, 2 with lacerations, one of which being problematic to treat, and 2 were stab wounds with one being half dead with a fever. And they were letting him have the honor of choosing who to use his magic on, him the person with no medical training whatsoever and weird witchcraft. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then he pushed the fear and nerves that were creeping up down the stairs while flipping them off, panicking would help no one and after that goddamn ogre almost cleaving him in twine he was too emotionally drained to feel any strong emotion right now so he was able to think things logically.

First, the men with broken bones were out, yeah they were suffering and would probably never be quite right again unless they received the proper treatment, but they would survive which was more than he could say about the others, the one with the lesser laceration was out too, he had already been treated and from what the apprentice had said he was expected to make a recovery with a scar to accompany it.

So that left three candidates and two uses of the spell.

Another deep breath and he made his choice, wasting no time he went towards the patients from the stabbing, they were in the most danger as there was no way to properly gauge wheter they could make a recovery or not, the one with the fever was likely to die soon with the way he appeared to be delirious and the one with multiple stabs had lost too much blood, it was a miracle that he wasn't dead already. A tense seconds later his hands spelled the same supernatural light from earlier on both soldiers and a (non-magical) prayer escaped his lips.

Then he rushed to the entrance to the infirmary and identified his targets, just because he didn't have another use of his magical healing didn't mean that he couldn't help in other more mundane ways. Or that he was the only one who could.

"MacKensie! Arthur!" What was his.. "Clive! I need your guy's help in the infirmary quick!"

Saying that he ignored the look the apprentice was giving him and prepared the tools he would need, a pair of tweezers, disinfectant for the hands, a surgical scalpel, and a surgical needle. Once he was sure everything was ready he looked back to see who had entered had entered, then he started giving orders again.

"Apprentice, grab these" He passed him the tweezers "Mac you get these" The scalpel and the needle "Now you all need to disinfect your hands up to the elbows" He proceeded to do just that to his own and passing the desinfectant to the others before moving towards the still groaning man with the encrusted helmet.

"Okay okay" A breath "Arthur, you and Clive need to hold him down, we need to get his helmet off to treat him but we can't administrate anesthesia because of his head injury so he will trash around, we can't have that" Then he turned to MacKenzie "Mac you said that you were an Olympic trained archer and I noticed that you managed to get shots that were really far away and your hands didn't shook once so I will need you to cut and separate the parts of his helmet that are making it impossible to get off, Apprentice here" He signaled to the pale youngster "Will hold the helmet with his tweezers so you can cut away and I will make sure that he doesn't move his head"

He moved into position and waited for everyone else to follow, then when he was sure they were ready he directed his attention to the Frenchwoman once more and gave her a nod.

"When you are ready"

Without bothering to pull his tough persona again he started to whisper to the agonizing man encouraging words, every little thing could help.
Shorter that I would have liked but I finally posted
<Snipped quote by Teyao>

"I..." Toby murmured, still unsure of what had just transpired. "I'm cool with anything you want, to be perfectly honest."

The world seemed to be spinning around her - nothing was making sense anymore, everything was haywire. Above all, a deep sense of dread began to coagulate in a pit in her stomach. Something isn't right.

"We should go."


She still seems tense but perhaps a little small talk will help her relax for a bit.

"Okay dude! so did you know that almost all the old ladies across my neighborhood once challenged my grandpa to a baking contest? Yeah that is the reason he is not allowed to compete anymore..."


He had almost forgotten the traditional gathering at the edge of the Lake, he couldn't see Grandpa anywhere but he would have surely been annoyed if Will had forgotten to attend, maybe enough to punish him by giving him ... extra math problems. Suppressing a shudder at the horrifying thought he looked toward the beginning of the ceremony.

Freyja really got into the role of Miko and he was impressed by how well she danced! He remembers trying some of the moves when he was younger and falling between steps or doing the wrong thing, good memori-

"What is that voice?"

A soft melody in a girl's voice reached his ears and the moment he tried to focus on it was like a spell was cast on him, he didn't notice the column of water or the panicked Hoar the Lake shallowed, ignored the people rushing towards the water and away from it, it didn't even occur to him that the vast majority of people were frozen in time with his dear Abuelo being one of them, even the girl grabbing his side felt out of focus. No, the moment he registered the singing voice all his worries simply were discarded as irrelevant and a distraction, so he didn't even have a single thought hesitated a second on walking towards the lake and entering the water, closing his eyes as the water consumed him.


The moment he opened his eyes again he found himself laying on his back and strangely at peace, of course, that only lasted until he heard the confused and sometimes panicked voices of his fellow abductees. which prompter him to raise to his feet as fast as he could!

Only to trip a moment later as an unexpected weight on his back throwing off his balance and because his feet were no longer feet, instead before there were normal human extremities now stood a par of hooves that transitioned from hairy goat legs to his normal ones between. He stood a moment just contemplating the change, he knew that he should have some kind of reaction to the change but it somehow felt... natural, as if that was something that always had been there and he just didn't notice. Carefully and slowly he raised again, this time getting on his knees before standing up, once he was fully vertical again he finally fell on his back for the weird weight settled there only to receive two sensory feedbacks, one the feeling of feathers and the other of clay upon his wings.

Finally giving on to his curiosity he approached the nearest pond with steps that slowly grew in confidence, looking at himself in the reflection he finally saw what the thing on his back was.

"Oh they are wings"

A moment later the change finally registered in his mind and chased away the strange dissonance he had been experiencing.


Excitedly he tried to flap them and after a few seconds managed to get them to twitch and spasm before he remembered that there were others around and there was a lot to process.

With hurried steps (and silently handing who he though was Ambrose a rubber hair tie), he made his way to Sydney's side (Syd was here! and she looked like a painting!) before looking in the direction she was looking at. That was when he finally noticed the dragon. @psych0pomp @King Cosmos

That said he never noticed that his hair was moving in erratic patterns. almost like of had a mind of its own.
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