if you are still accempting aplications I would like to submit one
Name: James Sirius
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Race: Humans
Appearance: Dirty blond hair and brown eyes, face usually set in a scowl, and wearing priest robes modified to travel with ease
Personality: Some words that come to mind when one is describing James are acrid and irritated but compassionate under all the fire and brimstone. Often, someone who holds an angry expression and an even angrier glare, nonetheless those who reach out to him discover that he is not a hostile person and even pleasant to be around with those he considers friends.
Brief Backstory: The son of a priestess of the Goddesses, James' early life was spent learning things through a heavily religious and biased gaze which then was completely shattered once he was sent as a missionary when he came of age. Life outside the monastery was different and exciting but also full of terrors, it was early in his journey that his group was attacked by bandits and scattered with him only surviving by chance when he was found by a traveling mercenary band that had been hired to deal with those same bandits, after helping them find the bandits he decided to spend some time with them as a way to express his gratitude which was then extended to years once he realized how much he craved life outside the stifling rules of the church even if he never let his devotion waver for a second. But after several years he eventually sought employment with the Hraeslegs after the leader of his band was killed and the rest of the members dispersed to find their fortunes where they could.
Equipment: Weighted staff and a holy symbol, dagger sheated by his hip
Skills: Light magic and an aptitude for staff healing as well as a few years under his belt as a seasoned mercenary.
I might do a 3rd post for the round tomorrow, before the update. Depends on what's going on. I think I'm about done with the town of Hommas, unless someone else presents an opportunity for content.
@TeyaoIf James needs an extra hand for non-magical medical assistance, feel free to have him drag MacKensie along. She has zero experience but she can follow intsructions.
Or if anyone else wants a quick interaction, I'll respond before the update.
I will happily take you up for that, @Dark Cloud and @Goblinguy could James ask your characters for help too?
Alright, so far on my end I’m going to give a few more days for the folks who haven’t posted yet to do so before I respond with the NPCs; if I do so before they post it’ll be just a continuation of chatter (Odaya and Weasel, Freyja will remain slumbering, then Alycia) for a short time, before Creepy Vampire Guy approaches.
Could you give me like two more days? got extra hours at work lately so I have been busy and tired when I get home
Name: Fiske of the Jotun Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Half-Jotun
Appearance: Fiske has small-cropped hair, and his stony skin is somewhat smooth and with a blue-green tinge to it. His usual vestiments consist of a breechcloth over leather pants adorned with furs and the patrons of his tribe, armlets, and a furred pauldron. He possesses three tattoos given by his mother the first to protect him in battle, the second for luck, and the third to wish him strength when defending others.
Personality: Living in a small village full of gentle giants had colored Fiske's view of the world in a somewhat naive manner when he first left even though all the adults told him to be wary of the world of man, to always believe that every stranger could be a new foe or an enemy in disguise. Sadly the world proved them correct for the time he chose to leave was a lean year and his naivety has been exploited already a few times in the past leaving him with a budding paranoia and wariness of strangers he tries his best to control.
Calm and sometimes even morose he tends to be the quiet one in the corner that tries to pass off without notice (a thing that never happens thanks to his height and complexion) and is always silently observing. Especially when it comes to humans he feels himself on the edge near them, no matter if they prove to lack hostile intentions.
Despite the love that he feels for his father he also guards a great deal of resentment towards him for leaving and some anger at himself for letting it affect him so much which in turn feeds his resentment.
Backstory: Once a young scion from the high city of Lascuta sought his prosperity away from the city, for he was just the Fourth son of a small but prominent family and his chances of inheriting anything were smaller than the mercy of the city for those that couldn't afford it, so the young man spent all his money to launch an expedition in a distant land with hopes of finding fortune and success, alas, having never left the city before he was ill-prepared for the trials that the frozen land would bring upon his head, beast assailed him at every turn, food was difficult to come by, the locals were distrustful of an outsider and the cold was an ever-present menace.
It was only by luck that he managed to stumble upon a guardian capable and willing to keep him safe.
Eventually, they fell into a partnership where she would be the one to break the enemy and he would snipe them from afar, it was through this and many trials more that the young noble and the lady of stone fell in love with each other and eventually settled near her tribe for they adored her but some couldn't help but see him for what he was and not who.
Fiske's first memories are of running through the snow to chase rabbits, fishing on the lake's shore and weaving at the other full-blooded giants, of learning how to sew the patterns of his tribe and the stories that the elders told on the main hall. However, he also remembers the grief of caring for his bedridden mother, of seeing the sickness strip her flesh of strength and the weeping of his father at her passing. It was after this that things changed for Fiske, his people ever so warm and welcoming seemed to change, looking to him more as his father's son than his mother's child, it got to such a point that his father decided to take the matter on his own two hands.
Sadly for the once young noble, planning was never his strong forte so his actions had the desired reaction but they also had unintended consequences.
With his father gone the tribe once more welcomed Fiske into its ranks and he was raised beside a few other youths of his age in a communal effort, he was taught to hunt and to gather, to weave and to guard the cattle, to love and to care, the only difference between him and the others was his height and his weaker flesh, his strength a match for even adults. But despite being happy and loved a part of his heart couldn't forget his father and the love he felt towards the man, so it was with a heavy but determined mind that he made his intentions clear to his tribe, to reach the city of Helgaskr and seek to bring his father back to the tribe with only the word 'Lascuta' as a clue. His tribe would have tried to change his mind, the elders to teach their wisdom, and his peers to soothe his aching heart, and they would have succeeded too had a Vision crystal not chosen that moment to descend from the heavens in front of him. So Fiske gathered what few belongings were his, prepared the supplies he would need, and said his goodbyes, then it was the wilds for him until he could reach the city and then his father.
Even if his mind was still undecided about his feelings for the man.
Sadly for him, the particular year he chose to leave was a lean year with a harsh winter, his people were okay with it as their stony skin protected them and kept them insulated while their metabolism made them able to get by with less food in general. The small villages he passed on his way to Helgaskr were not so lucky, many were destitute and hopeless places, usually in shambles after other groups raided them for resources which only reinforced his belief in the cruelty of mankind.
And so he set on his journey more scared of what he would find once he reached his father than ever before.
Independents: - Heart of a Giant: Giants are known for having incredible resilience and strength. Naturally they will have a layer of stony skin that guards them from physical damage, and in exchanges, they will gain one point in strength or endurance. Their bodies can also emit an element if they are a vision wielder, making them dangerous foes, especially if they are a pyro wielder. - Crowd Anxiety: Around a lot of people, Fiske might perform a little less than he might normally, but with fewer people present he performs better. If there are people he is comfortable with, he will perform even better. - Gentle Giant: Despite the kind of person he is, his presence can be a comfort for some, able to intimidate low level thugs just on his appearance, and protect those that might need it. It may not work against more seasoned travelers and fighters however.
Element: Hydro Main Weapon Type: War axe and shield combo [Melee] Secondary Weapon Type: Bow [Ranged] and fists [Melee]
WEAPON Name: Dónalegur and Kurteis Description: An iron war axe crafted by his people with a leather grip and a spike at the back and a shield that once belonged to his mother decorated with faded blue and red hues. Weapon Enhancements
Heim - An enchantment that makes it so the axe and shield combo will always return to each other but gets weaker the further apart they are, however no matter how far away they are they will always pull towards each other.
Fighting Style: Fiske's style consists of getting in the middle of the enemy and trusting that his stone skin and shield will protect him from damage while he causes as much damage as possible with his axe.
Superior might: More often than not Fiske's prodigal strength will give him an edge in any clash between melee weapons
Behind enemy lines: Is not often you see someone leaping straight to the middle of your team and starting attacking everything that moves, Fiske is quite good at taking advantage of this momentarily distraction.
Elemental Style: -Heilandi reiði - When Fiske activates his Vision any wound in his body will be filled with water which will then proceed to replicate any of the functions that are missing or disrupted, eventually such wounds will be healed if the water is not displaced.
Water barrage - Once his Vision is activated a small explosion of water can be generated but can not be used in succesion as it takes some time before enough water accumulates.
Ice armor - Usable only in extremely cold climates or near a cryo user, Fiske can command the water his skin produces to allow itself to be frozen which creates a natural protection to his Vision ability, the cold doesn't bother him on account of his having lived his whole life on the frozen wilds.
Water splash - Concentring for a moment he can launch compressed water with a swing of his axe which carries more kinetic strength than he normally uses on a swing.
He ignored the chatter going around him with the practiced experience of living in a Mexican household until he finished his examination of the newest arrival's physical and mental state, then once he was sure there was nothing terribly wrong with her let his softer expression change back into his usual irritated one.
"Alright you seem to be rattled but not hurt, so here is the situation in more or fewer words, we found ourselves here suddenly after falling from the skies in stone coffins, we found we had some amazing abilities none of us had before, helped defend the town from that army of skeletons and ogres (Don't worry about it), and are now planning to go to another town for answers, you in?"
He then directed a look back to the group where the intense-looking Asian man was standing slightly away from the others.
"That goes for you two Sicko Sword, saw what you did back there against the ogre and don't want to be in its place"
Talking to the man was a risk in that he arrived after (almost) everyone else and seemed to have followed a rougher path in life but they were all together in this so there was no reason not to extend an olive branch, waiting for a few moments for both newcomers to say their pieces he once more started talking.
"Okay then, now if you excuse me I want to get a backpack or satchel of some kind, if we are traveling I want to be ready, oh also, for the ones who don't know me my name is James and I too know how to do some magic after being transported here, a pleasure to meet you"
Having said his piece he moved back towards where the commander was still laying on the ground surrounded by his guards.
"Hey I got enough power to cast the same spell I cast on your bandages before so if you really need someone to pull through this is your chance to tell me" A pause "Also, I would like to request a satchel or something to carry my things if you can"
The staff was damn heavy and his arms were getting tired.
Zell: "To have such strength and skill. To be in such a dangerous situation where one wrong move would be the end of you. To fight to the death in the defence of innocent people. It was intoxicating. No winning any football cup final could even compare to this. Nothing in his world could."
Also Zell: no fair everyone else has cool stuff, I just have a sword
I joke of course @Saiyan I enjoy reading your posts
To be fair I think this was before he saw what everyone else could do