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@Zool I use https://fontmeme.com/ for my headers.

me too
@Teyao: There's not enough here, and you're way too vague on pretty much everything.

Kay kay dude, will try to expand
if you are still accempting aplications I would like to submit one

I might do a 3rd post for the round tomorrow, before the update. Depends on what's going on. I think I'm about done with the town of Hommas, unless someone else presents an opportunity for content.

@TeyaoIf James needs an extra hand for non-magical medical assistance, feel free to have him drag MacKensie along. She has zero experience but she can follow intsructions.

Or if anyone else wants a quick interaction, I'll respond before the update.

I will happily take you up for that, @Dark Cloud and @Goblinguy could James ask your characters for help too?
I just realized that I posted a part of text that wasnt supposed to go into the post, now I feel dumb
Alright, so far on my end I’m going to give a few more days for the folks who haven’t posted yet to do so before I respond with the NPCs; if I do so before they post it’ll be just a continuation of chatter (Odaya and Weasel, Freyja will remain slumbering, then Alycia) for a short time, before Creepy Vampire Guy approaches.

Could you give me like two more days? got extra hours at work lately so I have been busy and tired when I get home
Also posted

He ignored the chatter going around him with the practiced experience of living in a Mexican household until he finished his examination of the newest arrival's physical and mental state, then once he was sure there was nothing terribly wrong with her let his softer expression change back into his usual irritated one.

"Alright you seem to be rattled but not hurt, so here is the situation in more or fewer words, we found ourselves here suddenly after falling from the skies in stone coffins, we found we had some amazing abilities none of us had before, helped defend the town from that army of skeletons and ogres (Don't worry about it), and are now planning to go to another town for answers, you in?"

He then directed a look back to the group where the intense-looking Asian man was standing slightly away from the others.

"That goes for you two Sicko Sword, saw what you did back there against the ogre and don't want to be in its place"

Talking to the man was a risk in that he arrived after (almost) everyone else and seemed to have followed a rougher path in life but they were all together in this so there was no reason not to extend an olive branch, waiting for a few moments for both newcomers to say their pieces he once more started talking.

"Okay then, now if you excuse me I want to get a backpack or satchel of some kind, if we are traveling I want to be ready, oh also, for the ones who don't know me my name is James and I too know how to do some magic after being transported here, a pleasure to meet you"

Having said his piece he moved back towards where the commander was still laying on the ground surrounded by his guards.

"Hey I got enough power to cast the same spell I cast on your bandages before so if you really need someone to pull through this is your chance to tell me" A pause "Also, I would like to request a satchel or something to carry my things if you can"

The staff was damn heavy and his arms were getting tired.
Zell: "To have such strength and skill. To be in such a dangerous situation where one wrong move would be the end of you. To fight to the death in the defence of innocent people. It was intoxicating. No winning any football cup final could even compare to this. Nothing in his world could."

Also Zell: no fair everyone else has cool stuff, I just have a sword

I joke of course @Saiyan I enjoy reading your posts

To be fair I think this was before he saw what everyone else could do
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