Theme◈ A p p e a r a n c e ◈Myrion has messy but short auburn hair, thick eyebrows, and wide-rimmed glasses. He usually can be found with either a thermos filled with coffee or some store bough cup on his person and his most iconic characteristic are the noticeable bags under his eyes. It is perhaps due to his low-income upbringing but he tends to default to wearing simple clothes rather than the more elaborate robes that some of his peers seem to prefer. ◈ "Coffee is love, coffee is lif- My apologies, pulled an all-nighter again, what were you saying?" ◈
◈ N a m eMyrion Stevar◈ S p e l l c a s t e r N a m eKheiron◈ A g e, H e i g h t, a n d W e i g h t20, 1.74m, 73kg◈ R a c eMystic◈ G e n d e rMale◈ S e x u a l O r i e n t a t i o nHeterosexual◈ Y e a r4th◈ P e tA Gupoo called Albondiga◈ H o u s eHouse of Eusebia◈ I l l u m i n a i r eYes◈ C l a s s e s ◈ Gifts
◈ General Combat Training
◈ Teamwork
◈ Student Council
◈ Royal Studies
◈ Professions
◈ A r e Y o u O n Y o u r H o u s e ' s W a a g a T e a m?No, has no time to learn to ride one.
◈ "Once I feared my destiny, now I look forwards to it" ◈
◈ P e r s o n a l i t y
Tired ◈ Emphatic ◈ Paranoid ◈ Careful ◈ Responsible
Myrion is a hard worker who often tries to take on more work than he should, not necessarily because he wants to impress someone or to lighten their work but because he believes he needs to excel in order to be able to choose his own destiny. This sometimes backfires however, which leaves him feeling constantly tired and with a crippling caffeine addiction. He is also very empathetic as he has a deep understanding of others' emotions and is often able to provide comfort and support to those who are going through difficult times.
When not high-strung on some assignment or self-imposed task he tends to revert to a pretty calm individual who likes to think things thoroughly and who enjoys mental challenges such as improvisation games or memory games. While he is certainly not the most temporal person around there are some things that irk him to not end such as people who overindulge themselves in frivolities and those in positions of power who lack the necessary qualifications or aspirations for their roles, he believes that true leaders should demonstrate competence and genuine passion for their responsibilities.
Finally, Myrion's sense of responsibility is one of his defining traits. He has started to take his duties seriously and strives to fulfill them to the best of his abilities. Whether it's completing assignments, meeting deadlines, or supporting his friends, he can always be relied upon to follow through on his commitments. He takes pride in being dependable and trustworthy.
◈ F l a w s
Perfectionist ◈ Overthinker ◈ Paranoid ◈ Workaholic ◈ Arrogant
Myrion's recent need to excel has taken an odd turn, transforming him into quite the perfectionist. He becomes fixated on achieving flawlessness in his work, obsessing over even the smallest details. Which coupled with his tendency to overthink things and his natural paranoia amplifies his self-doubt and indecisiveness, he finds himself analyzing every possible outcome and potential pitfalls, often getting caught in a cycle of overanalysis that hinders his ability to make timely decisions.
Furthermore, Myrion's natural paranoia exacerbates his perfectionism and overthinking, he tends to imagine worst-case scenarios and is overly cautious in his approach, his mind often plays out elaborate scenarios where things go wrong, which fuels his anxiety and amplifies his need for control.
But he won't ask for help, perhaps originating from a point of pride or a belief that he needs to resolve his own emergencies by his own hands but rarely will he seek others as a response to a personal struggle.
◈ H i s t o r y
Born to a tailor and a blacksmith, Myrion Stevar grew up in a modest household where the expectations for his future were never grand. His parents, Viriam and Tarkus, had always hoped for a comfortable life for their son, never imagining that he would possess an Aeonheart, let alone awaken his Gift. One could even argue that his awakening was nothing less than pure luck as he was in the correct place at the right time.
It was during a PR event organized by the Parliament on his island, a pair of Mystics arrived and started showcasing their abilities to the public, aiming to inspire awe and garner support for some work at the Parliament, the Mystics sought a volunteer to participate in their demonstration and despite there being many others it was Myrion who was chosen. Nervously stepping forward, Myrion approached the Mystics, not fully comprehending the magnitude of what was about to unfold. The moment his fingertips brushed against the hand of one of the Mystics, an unexpected surge of power surged from his Aeonheart and through his veins, causing the Mystic's own Elemental Gift to double in strength. Confusion and panic washed over Myrion as he unwittingly activated his own Gift for the first time, an event triggered by the direct touch of another Mystic.
The effect became evident immediately, the Mystic own Elementalist Gift gaining twice the volume that he had before, and after a few questions and experimentation, they deduced that he had just used his Gift for the first time setting in motion a series of events that would change his life forever.
After what felt like a blink of an eye he bid goodbye to his proud parents and his hometown and with a mix of anticipation and trepidation, he boarded a ship bound for the prestigious Academy, the realm where mystics honed their skills and shaped their destinies. When Myrion entered the Academy he was afraid of every shadow, his Gift was useful and he thought some might take advantage of him, however, his fears were soon quelled when he crossed paths with his Mentor, Serana, another student in her 5th year who would become a guiding light in his life.
Under Serana's tutelage, Myrion learned not only to harness his Gift but also to cultivate bravery and confront his fears head-on. His Mentor's unwavering support and belief in his potential helped Myrion find the strength to navigate the challenges of the Academy, transforming him into a dedicated student determined to prove that he was more than the sum of his abilities.
Since then, Myrion has poured his heart and soul into his studies and endeavors, striving to demonstrate to others that he possesses not only raw talent but also strength of character and intellect, to show the world that they would do better as his allies than as his enemies.
◈ R e p u t a t i o n
Myrion has gained a reputation for being diligent and hardworking. His commitment to his own work has not gone unnoticed among his peers and teachers. He is known for taking on additional tasks and responsibilities, often going above and beyond what is expected of him. Despite his tired demeanor, he is respected for his work ethic and sense of responsibility.
He is also known for being a bit paranoid and cautious as evidenced by the time some underclassmen (to whom he had previously given detention) tried to prank his dormitory only to be caught in rudimentary traps until he found them several hours later. He gave them detention again.
◈ G o a l s
To work for the Royal Family, preferably in a position inside the Royal Guard. He has come to the conclusion that landing a job in the Royal Guard would be both, the best use for his Gift and the place where he would gain some measure of comfort in knowing his decisions are respected.
◈ R e l a t i o n s
-Viriam: Mother who works as a tailor, a gentle lady with a hidden temper, was responsible for keeping in line during his rebellious years.
-Tarkus: Father who works as a blacksmith, primarily doing custom jobs for those who could afford them, is a big softie on the inside.
-Serana: Graduated senior and 'Mentor', was the one who got him out of his shell and inspired him to face his future with his head raised high, currently working at the Parliament.
-Taegan “Tae” Granlock: The one person that never fails to irritate him, always reminding him of their difference in 'importance' inside the Academy, spite to them was half the reason he decided to go for the Illuminaire position of his house.
Anastasia Harold: Senior whom he respects, supports her candidature to Illuminaire partly because he feels she deserves it, partly to spite on Tae's claim.
Leah Eusebia Clearwater: Dear friend and someone he looks up to, wonders why she has gotten distant ever since he took the mantle as their house Illuminaire.

◈ "We are a team, I will trust you on what you do as I hope you trust me on what I do" ◈
◈ M y s t i c C l a s s i f i c a t i o n
◈ G i f t
Second Trigger
◈ M y s t i c C o d e
Second Trigger possesses two interconnected functions, the first allows Myrion to select up to two different Mystics and once touching them he can 'evolve' their pre-existing Gifts in some way, some recorded effects that Mystics have experienced are: weakening or removing limiters temporally, increasing the amount of control they can exert, enhancing their characteristic effect, expanding their aplicable reach, or adding a synergizable minor ability.
The second function of the Gift goes towards Myrion himself, as long as his Gift remains active on another Mystic he will receive a very diminished version of their Gift, usually affected in a direct inverse way as the original owner was enhanced.
◈ L i m i t a t i o n s a n d W e a k n e s s e s
The biggest drawback is the fact that he can't use it on himself, meaning that he can't create a self-buffing circuit. There also exist other five weaknesses that affect his Gift:
1.-The time limit the Gift possesses as it can only remain active for 10 mins.
2.-Even after extensive training he can only buff up to two people at the same time (two slots).
3.-The condition that there needs to be direct contact to activate.
4.-The cooldown period the Gift needs to be usable again (1 hour).
5.-The fact that Seraph' kiss Mystics take the two 'slots'.