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Dudes! I was looking throught the sheets an noticed that all the Illumiaire candidates (and only the Illumiaire candidates) are in the Student Council, guess that is a unspoken requirement or something.

It is, my son. How may I help you?... An adventurer, I see. Newly appointed? Tell me, how does it feel to be blessed by The Source with The Gift? A swell of pride and power perhaps? The power to care and protect, to enlighten? The weight of responsibility? Speak freely, my son. There will be no judgement here, for we are brothers in The Light, Shadow and Glory of The Source.
The Elf Father

He remained silent for a moment, just appreciating the building while rolling the question on his head, the many questions. Truth be told he hadn't quite processed the idea that the powers had come with their respective responsibilities, he had felt them more like an apology for being dragged away from his world, from his life to this place.

But now that he forced himself to think the answer was clear

"Like a heavy duty I can't fail"

The words from the commander came to the forefront of his mind as did the information about the Witch Queen, the threat to this world. Despite what the others had been saying lately he didn't consider himself particularly smart nor did he think that what he did was anything extraordinary, but what he DID consider himself was perceptive, enough to make the connection that people appearing from the sky after being killed in another world might have something to do with saving a world in which actual Gods interfered.

He could see the signs, the fact that they seemed to be stronger than they should be, that they all appeared to be 'good' people, that they had a message they needed to get stronger to even hear, their tendency for self-sacrifice, all of them traits that he would be looking for if he had to select someone to save the world. Just looking around made it clear the devotion that the people had towards their Gods, so maybe their Gods loved them back.

Of course, he could be wrong -he would prefer it so even- but if his theory was right then that meant they would be here for a long haul and that they couldn't lose if they wanted to return to their lives.

Looking at the Priest's motions he started following him.

Which of the dieties speaks to your heart, my son?
The Elf Father

This answer didn't have any ground-shattering revelation with it thankfully, just focusing for a moment he could perceive the chant that each blessing would take to be invoked, which all had the respective deity name attached to them.

"Undaya, Iris, and Sillagy for now, but who knows? Maybe if I keep getting Blessings with the gift I will catch 'em all"
@Teyao Sure :)

Oh man they are all are great, thanks dude!
So, I couldn't resist subscribing to Midjourney again. And, I put Tessa into it along with some fashion prompts. Words can't describe how ICONIC this lady is already.

Anyway, my point is that I'm open to running anyone's character through Midjourney if you want to!

I am curious if you could run mine too
Here you go, the Shitp post.

I laughed a lot at this!
hello everyone. it is nice to write with you all

Hey dude! nice to have you onboard
Okay, I am nervous but here is mine:

Also, the bonus list of interactions cuz I found the idea fun:
I will post mine tomorrow, ran out of time to write today

"Damn, bro, is this really what you have to do? Glad I'm not a Cleric."
Fucking Zell

A wave of embarrassment ran through him, it wasn't like he enjoyed doing this! Perhaps he should have thought things through before inviting Zell to what was basically watching him sit on a river for an hour wearing only his underwear, welp at least he knew a good comeback.

"Yeah well, at least I can use it on demand, how is the teleport going?" He was not jealous that nobody else seemed to have to go through bullshit conditions to use their abilities danmit!

"What do you expect to find at the temple anyway? Are you part of some special club or something?"
Fucking Zell, again

He snorted, like it or not he was likely to be considered part of it just by sheer association. That didn't mean that he was blind about what he was getting himself into.

"No, no, we call ourselves a cult, wanna join? We got discounts on torches and pitchforks at Walmart" He chuckled a little at his own joke "But seriously, the thing we lack the most right now is information and at least part of my abilities seem to be connected to the gods here, seems like a safe bet to assume I can get at least a sliver of info from here" Plus, churches and temples were often centers of culture so it would also help him get a grasp on the general disposition of the people, so far they seemed really accommodating for people who seemingly were at war but perhaps that was the way their culture developed or some quirk of the city/region itself.

After partying ways with Zell he stood at the entrance of the Temple of the Quinity and he had to admit, it was... more than he had been expecting, for some reason he kept thinking of this place as a "medieval" place despite the obvious signs that it was not the case, evidence in question the structure in front of him. To call it gaudy wouldn't have been wrong but neither right, while it checked all the marks for a place of showmanship there was a feeling of respect and adoration in the way it was created, as if the designer and building crew had erected it because they wanted, not because they were hired.

Immediately after entering the place, he felt a strange tingling on his spine, similar to the way he felt whenever he cast Undaya's blessing but much hazier for a lack of a better word, like it was tied to the very ground but was not doing anything in particular.

Walking forward he eventually came across a man -elf judging by the ears- standing next to a very finely crafted statue of an elderly woman with a smile that could be described as Motherly was it staring at him?, clearing his throat he tried to catch the man's attention, with any luck he would be able to get some answers.

Now what to say?

"Excuse me? Is this the Temple of the Quinity? I was told that newly appointed Clerics could come here for some info"
@Martian Hey dude! Glad you are feeling better, don't have much to say just happy that you are doing better.
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