"That is..." he faltered in his speech for a moment. "...an interesting trio."
"This room is where we can test the strength of the bonds a Cleric holds with their deities," he explained as he looked pointedly around the chamber. "For new Clerics such as yourself, it can often indicate your potential. Not always, but often."
Okay, he could understand what he was saying but it felt like it came out of nowhere, shit was he getting inducted into something again? It was like that time he opened his door to those crazy missionaries who talked to him for hours about their weird ass religion based around some made-up monster in the shape of spaghetti. Ah fuck that was it, wasn't it? Just his shitty luck that the place he thought he could get some answers from turned out to be a house for nutjobs. Meh, worst case scenario he
tactical retreats from here like his ass was on
fi- very fast.
He walked over to fetch a silver jug, then filled it at the stone pool in the corner of the room. Coming back to the center where the font stood, he poured the water into the basin. Then he gestured to the bundles of branches on the other side of the room. "Take a small branch, my son. Bless it with the prayer closest to your heart, and place the blessed branch into this water here."
... How the fuck was he supposed to do that!?
Was there some hidden Cleric training someone forgot to inform him to attend or something? The only prayers he knew were the blessings ones (He doubted an
Ave Maria would work) and he just got Undaya's back dangit!
"Ahhhh" Fine he was going to pray and hope that the goddamn branch became blessed, what other choice was there really? Grabbing the branch with one hand and hovering his symbol above it with the other he started chanting
"I call to you Lord Undaya, Ruler of the seas and King of the ocean, bestow upon this branch your blessing, to be as cold and unwavering as you are in the deep below"As soon as he finished his chant he could feel the same energy as always (Which he was becoming more and more convinced was either divinity or faith) settling onto and
inside the branch but it was somehow
lesser than what he would normally feet, he could tell that the charge for Undaya's blessing was still there, just not available for the moment.
Well at least it appeared to have worked, following the elf's instructions he deposited the branch on the basin and waited as he recited some spell, what was he trying to accom-
What happened next, Areleth had never seen before in all of his two centuries of service to the temple. The water glowed not just white but blinding bright white, yet swirled with purple and orange, as it began to overflow from the basin. The branch levitated as multiple illusions changed its form from a golden spoon, to a sword and then a chess peice and more. It grew in size and levitated higher and higher until it hit the ceiling and exploded into pieces. The water poured from all sides of the basin - far more water than had been poured into it - and then also exploded, soaking the frightened Areleth and James too. When the reaction was over, the air in the room was dotted with firefly illusions that hung around for a few moments before disappearing.
Shit, shit, shit, shit!
Did he mess up somehow? That didn't appear like it was supposed to happen and the priest had a strange expression on his face, oh fuck was he going to be forced to pay for this or something, shit he should have followed his gut and skedaddled out of there the moment the guy started talking about mysterious rituals, now he was going to be part of this scam.
He could feel one of his newest blessings reacting almost
eagerly as if in response to his desire to escape the situation and without realizing it he started chanting again.
"Lady Sillagy, mistress of deceit and persuasion, hear my plea for your blessing, let-""By the Quinity," he whispered, his brow furrowed. He looked at James. Who was this man? "A miracle."
His words died in his throat as he directed a bemused expression toward the father, at his words there was only one expression he could use to respond.
"Huh?"Very eloquent.
After the father finished explaining what the hell happened with the ritual (And assured him he was not being charged for anything) James could feel himself relax even if the information was baffling, so he was either every god's hooker or none of them. Frankly, he was leaning more towards the multitude seeing how he had already three at his disposition but really, who knew?
It was then that a ridiculous thought flashed through his head, according to the priest this had never happened before, so, didn't that mean that he -the person who seemingly had access to all the gods- was the holiest around? Oh, shit was he technically
No, no, Jesus was an avatar of God and last he checked he was just himself, that took a weight off his back, thank whatever gods were there he was likely at most the closest qualified person for the role of Pope...
"Oh shit I qualify for the role of Pope!"It was amidst such existential ponderings that the Father decided to take heed of the signs only he could see.
"You are an adventurer," he said as he placed a hand on James' shoulder. "Tell me, have you formed a party yet?" he asked. "I would like to offer you the services of my good friend. Barracker?" He called the young man outside, into the room. "Barracker is Paladin of the Church. A skilled veteran warrior who specializes in frontline protection. Newly formed parties are often at their most vulnerable in the beginning, while they learn the ropes of their profession. You are special, James, and I would not like that your survival through these tricky times was left to chance. Please, accept my offer - the offer of the Temple. Take Barracker into your party. At least until you've had time to grow in experience. You will not be disappointed." He turned to Barracker. "Please take good care of them. And yourself, my son."
The last thing he managed to ask the priest before he retired was a book containing information about the Quinity and their surrounding deities, then as he watched the Priest retire to take care of his tasks he decided it was finally time to take a look so he turned to see the prospective(?) new member of Second Chance.
That... that was some very intimidating armor.
The words from the priest resonated with him again as he took on the other man's appearance, he had seen firsthand what happened to their last two frontline fighters, and feeling the weight of the anchor in his back decided that maybe, just maybe, getting some extra help wasn't that bad an idea.
"Sooo Barracker was it? Do you, ah, mind if I talk with my party before we agree to anything? We are staying at the Mended Drum if you want to look for us tomorrow"He had to talk to his party
As soon as he entered the tavern he could see what he was starting to recognize as Zell's handiwork in the form of drunk cheering and singing, thankfully it didn't take too long to find Zell and Mackenzie sitting at the bar.
"So, it's a date then."
Well, now he felt like a dick.
"Hey guys do you have a second, I got a thing that requires the whole party's attention"Saying so he started collecting the other party members until all he could find were gathered in one of the rooms then he proceeded to explain the situation of the prospective new member.
"So what do you guys think? I believe we could use another frontline fighter, but I would understand if some of you weren't happy involving more people"Now he just waited for their veredict.