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Shin waited for an opening, were he alone he would have already extended his ribbons and gotten into melee but with so many allies around setting explosions seemed like a bad idea. That didn't mean that he couldn't help in other ways. As quickly as he could he prepared his new weapon -He was thinking about naming it Farah- and took aim towards the god but held his shot, he had never practiced with this weapon and the War Queen was locked in melee against the War God, to shoot now would risk hitting her too and a distraction would prove fatal.

As he awaited the opportune moment he watched as another new arrival appeared and Evolution Zero revealed themselves before the War God decided to take matters seriously and utilize all their power. For a moment he felt indignant, who would approach a fight without giving it their all? to do so was nothing more than disrespectful to the other participants, and worse even, for a God of War to show that he wasn't willing to commit right from the get-go was a fault to his own domain in his eyes.

Taking a breath he relaxed, knowing through some of his Lord's tales and his own experiences that all Gods tended to be different, that not all of them shared the same 'seriousness' for their portfolio that his Lord did.

But even as he contemplated he waited, he knew he didn't have the best melee firepower without his ribbons and there were already three other close-range combatants distracting the enemy with weapons that could actually hurt him, so he took a decision, silently he relocated to a higher visage point and waited, a single moment, that is all it would take to create a fatal opening for the others to exploit.

All he would have to do was wait.

Truly, his Lord was not joking when he said this would be his most difficult test.
I will post tonight

Day 1 Time: Dusk/Evening Weather: Light Rain Location: Harold's Academy, Main Ballroom Participants: Myrion Stevar @Teyao, Walter Ozwyrd@A Lowly Wretch

Planning a big event was an art and a science, you had to account for several things such as the number of people that would assist, the location, the 'theme' of the event, and a myriad of other factors that would influence it, everything had to be accounted for so there were no errors at execution, thankfully the full might of Harold Academy Student Council was more than match enough to make sure that such endeavor was met with a resounding success.

At least in theory.

In reality certain someone decided that they had helped enough and left some of the work unfinished forcing the rest to pick up the slack, earlier he had seen poor Anastasia hanging from the ceiling trying to decorate the room at the best of her capacities. Still, he much preferred his own duties over decorating, no matter how stressful they could be.

"...the Cheeses go to Table 5 and the crab puffs to Table 7 please!"

The catering service was slightly delayed but thankfully they had finally arrived, he had been worried that he would have needed to ask what Kitchen staff there was currently at the school to prepare some snacks but with this, the last of his duties was officially over, the band designed to play had arrived a few hours earlier and were prepared to start playing once the signal was given, the fireworks team had left everything prepared the day before and the tailoring expert was discreetly hanging on an out-of-the-way corner attending to someone who had a wardrobe malfunction. All in all, he felt confident saying that the event was running without a hitch and that barring a serious emergency nothing too catastrophic was going to happen (His mind tried to suppress the unlikely scenarios that kept popping on his mind).

Which left him with a dilemma.

He... had nothing left to do, he didn't even have a date as he had forgone asking someone to accompany seeing how he had assumed he would have to keep busy for the entire night, looking around he spotted some familiar faces but restrained himself from approaching, he was not shy by any measure but something was holding him back from joining those he recognized (With the exception of Taegan's group as he doubted either of them wanted to enter an argument this night in particular) he felt slightly out of place, it wasn't his clothes, his mother had handcrafted those and he knew they were beautiful, perhaps it was just how plain his mask was in comparision-

"Hello 'erybody! Special occasion so for this evening only drinks are free!"

"I'm happy to take special requests and if you got a sample of a drink you want I can certainly duplicate it for 'ya. Don't forget to tip your friendly serving staff and yours truly."
Mr. Ozwyrd

A commotion brought him out of his reverie, a drink-based stand? He felt his eyebrows narrow, that was not part of the catering service he had contracted, making his way past some gawkers he came across said to stand and the one responsible for making it, by the looks of it a first-year -A Mr. Ozwyrd if he was not mistaken- had decided to profit from the event using his gift. A part of him wanted to ask him politely to pick up his things but he stopped, had the boy tried to claim payment for his service there would have been a problem but the way he was going at it he was essentially giving a free service.

That didn't mean he wouldn't impose some rules.

He pushed past some other students and fixed one with a glare when they tried to complain, a few seconds later he was in front of the busy entrepreneur with his arms crossed and a stern gaze "Mr. Ozwyrd, I was unaware you had asked the Student Council if you could set your own stand" he raised a single eyebrow to empathize "Well? I am listening"

Have you ever thought 'Man, fuck the sun' as it caused you to awaken earlier than you had anticipated? Welp, that was the exact thought that crossed James Sirius's mind as he finished his morning coffee, thank the gods(?) he had the foresight of asking Frederick if he (or someone else) could bring him some in the morning. Without it, he would have been reduced to his 'Zombie' status until midday or until something happened to snap him out of it, that and, well, it was just a nice touch of normalcy being able to enjoy a cup of good coffee in the morning, no threats and no danger involved, just sheer caffeine and sugar greatness.

Finishing his breakfast he started preparing for the day ahead, he had a lot of shit to do for the day, ranging from power testing the new blessings to buying what supplies they might need for the coming quest, checking up on Adam as he was already asleep when he returned yesterday, going back to the temple for the book he asked, checking the Academy and registering Barracker with Second Chance just to name some. A part of him buckled at the thought of having responsibilities to attend even on another world but the more reasonable part of him was just thankful he had something to distract himself with.

Once showered and prepared with his accessories in place and Arth- his anchor safely wrapped around him he made his way downstairs.

As he descended it became apparent only Mac and Zell were on the first floor, the rest of the party likely still asleep or doing their own thing, approaching them he just gave them a quick "Good morning guys" before beelining for the door, he had told Barracker that he would give him an answer today so better search fo-

His though sputtered and died as he exited the Mended Drum and noticed his target laying against the building in front of the Inn

"Well that's convenient"

Waving to the masked man he approached "Hey Barracker! I was just about to search for you" Now how to disclose the news? "I talked with the other guys and they were glad for you to join our party -name's Second Chance by the way- so if you want we can head to the guild to get you registered right away"

Shin kept a hand on his sword as they entered the portal, ready for any kind of violence that might ensue the moment they crossed worlds. However what appeared before them was just a metal and concrete-based facility, not that dissimilar to some of the buildings that existed on his own home planet, probably a place for armed combatants based on the layout that he could perceive. Maybe this was the place where they stored their armor and weapons during their time of peace, it certainly looked like it was based on the equipment he could see laying around.

“Or perhaps, you want to step out of that door and brace for the worst? I wouldn’t recommend it, my deity opened the portal right here for a good reason y’know.”
The Godslayer

Hearing the Godslayer explanation of the purpose of the facility -What was a 'Militar'?- he was ready to start exploring to see what he could find as he was a little low on supplies, but before he could start rummaging around a new Champion joined their rooster.

“I am afraid my addition seems to be last minute,” said Valentin, “Perhaps one of you could inform me of what our goal in this world is to stop the corruption.”
The Necromancer

He regarded the new arrival with calm, he was not expecting there to be any 'late arrivals' but Gods were fickle beings so he could see one withholding their Champion just to reveal them at the last minute, it was something he could see his own Lord doing. Looking closely and watching how they interacted with what appeared to be empty air he decided that either they were insane or a Necromancer, which was certainly a boon, Necromancers were something of a sacred profession back home, as they allowed for the fallen to keep fighting long after they had perished.

"Greetings Hallowed Necromancer, I hope to join in fruitful cooperation with you and your spirits."

Giving him a nod, he returned to inspect the equipment in the room, the first thing that grabbed his attention was the sword but he decided to forgo it as he already had one, next were the wands, staffs, and potions that seemed magical in nature but he also disregarded those, he was not a practicer of the arts having chosen a more martial inclined path. What did catch his interest were the other two devices, Guns he believed were the traduction from his base language, he had seen some like them back during some of the times of Conflict he participated in, not everyone in Carnagoria was fitted for physical conflict and there were a select few that didn't dabble or had no talent for the magical arts so in the image of their Lord they decided to overcome their weakness with a different path, crossbows, and guns were the result of that he believed.

Even so, he had never quite seen one like the big one, hefting it on his shoulder like he had seen those gun users do he was surprised at first by the weight but quickly corrected himself, looking around he did a double take as he spotted the 'ammunition', the projectiles had more in common with the hand explosives he was accustomed to and if the design of this gun was like those he had observed then this singular gun likely spewed a very bad time for whoever found themselves at the end of the barrel.

Nodding to himself he walked in the direction of the person who could help him understand how to use the strange device,

"Greetings Godslayer, I require advice on the functioning of this device please."

"That is..." he faltered in his speech for a moment. "...an interesting trio."

"This room is where we can test the strength of the bonds a Cleric holds with their deities," he explained as he looked pointedly around the chamber. "For new Clerics such as yourself, it can often indicate your potential. Not always, but often."
Ritual MacKree


Okay, he could understand what he was saying but it felt like it came out of nowhere, shit was he getting inducted into something again? It was like that time he opened his door to those crazy missionaries who talked to him for hours about their weird ass religion based around some made-up monster in the shape of spaghetti. Ah fuck that was it, wasn't it? Just his shitty luck that the place he thought he could get some answers from turned out to be a house for nutjobs. Meh, worst case scenario he tactical retreats from here like his ass was on fi- very fast.

He walked over to fetch a silver jug, then filled it at the stone pool in the corner of the room. Coming back to the center where the font stood, he poured the water into the basin. Then he gestured to the bundles of branches on the other side of the room. "Take a small branch, my son. Bless it with the prayer closest to your heart, and place the blessed branch into this water here."
Ritual MacKree

... How the fuck was he supposed to do that!?

Was there some hidden Cleric training someone forgot to inform him to attend or something? The only prayers he knew were the blessings ones (He doubted an Ave Maria would work) and he just got Undaya's back dangit! "Ahhhh" Fine he was going to pray and hope that the goddamn branch became blessed, what other choice was there really? Grabbing the branch with one hand and hovering his symbol above it with the other he started chanting "I call to you Lord Undaya, Ruler of the seas and King of the ocean, bestow upon this branch your blessing, to be as cold and unwavering as you are in the deep below"

As soon as he finished his chant he could feel the same energy as always (Which he was becoming more and more convinced was either divinity or faith) settling onto and inside the branch but it was somehow lesser than what he would normally feet, he could tell that the charge for Undaya's blessing was still there, just not available for the moment.

Well at least it appeared to have worked, following the elf's instructions he deposited the branch on the basin and waited as he recited some spell, what was he trying to accom-

What happened next, Areleth had never seen before in all of his two centuries of service to the temple. The water glowed not just white but blinding bright white, yet swirled with purple and orange, as it began to overflow from the basin. The branch levitated as multiple illusions changed its form from a golden spoon, to a sword and then a chess peice and more. It grew in size and levitated higher and higher until it hit the ceiling and exploded into pieces. The water poured from all sides of the basin - far more water than had been poured into it - and then also exploded, soaking the frightened Areleth and James too. When the reaction was over, the air in the room was dotted with firefly illusions that hung around for a few moments before disappearing.
Ritual MacKree

Shit, shit, shit, shit!

Did he mess up somehow? That didn't appear like it was supposed to happen and the priest had a strange expression on his face, oh fuck was he going to be forced to pay for this or something, shit he should have followed his gut and skedaddled out of there the moment the guy started talking about mysterious rituals, now he was going to be part of this scam.

He could feel one of his newest blessings reacting almost eagerly as if in response to his desire to escape the situation and without realizing it he started chanting again.

"Lady Sillagy, mistress of deceit and persuasion, hear my plea for your blessing, let-"

"By the Quinity," he whispered, his brow furrowed. He looked at James. Who was this man? "A miracle."
Ritual MacKree

His words died in his throat as he directed a bemused expression toward the father, at his words there was only one expression he could use to respond.


Very eloquent.


After the father finished explaining what the hell happened with the ritual (And assured him he was not being charged for anything) James could feel himself relax even if the information was baffling, so he was either every god's hooker or none of them. Frankly, he was leaning more towards the multitude seeing how he had already three at his disposition but really, who knew?

It was then that a ridiculous thought flashed through his head, according to the priest this had never happened before, so, didn't that mean that he -the person who seemingly had access to all the gods- was the holiest around? Oh, shit was he technically Jesus!?

No, no, Jesus was an avatar of God and last he checked he was just himself, that took a weight off his back, thank whatever gods were there he was likely at most the closest qualified person for the role of Pope...

"Oh shit I qualify for the role of Pope!"

It was amidst such existential ponderings that the Father decided to take heed of the signs only he could see.

"You are an adventurer," he said as he placed a hand on James' shoulder. "Tell me, have you formed a party yet?" he asked. "I would like to offer you the services of my good friend. Barracker?" He called the young man outside, into the room. "Barracker is Paladin of the Church. A skilled veteran warrior who specializes in frontline protection. Newly formed parties are often at their most vulnerable in the beginning, while they learn the ropes of their profession. You are special, James, and I would not like that your survival through these tricky times was left to chance. Please, accept my offer - the offer of the Temple. Take Barracker into your party. At least until you've had time to grow in experience. You will not be disappointed." He turned to Barracker. "Please take good care of them. And yourself, my son."
Ritual MacKree

The last thing he managed to ask the priest before he retired was a book containing information about the Quinity and their surrounding deities, then as he watched the Priest retire to take care of his tasks he decided it was finally time to take a look so he turned to see the prospective(?) new member of Second Chance.

That... that was some very intimidating armor.

The words from the priest resonated with him again as he took on the other man's appearance, he had seen firsthand what happened to their last two frontline fighters, and feeling the weight of the anchor in his back decided that maybe, just maybe, getting some extra help wasn't that bad an idea.

"Sooo Barracker was it? Do you, ah, mind if I talk with my party before we agree to anything? We are staying at the Mended Drum if you want to look for us tomorrow"

He had to talk to his party ASAP


As soon as he entered the tavern he could see what he was starting to recognize as Zell's handiwork in the form of drunk cheering and singing, thankfully it didn't take too long to find Zell and Mackenzie sitting at the bar.

"So, it's a date then."
Rizzmaster Zell

Well, now he felt like a dick.

"Hey guys do you have a second, I got a thing that requires the whole party's attention"

Saying so he started collecting the other party members until all he could find were gathered in one of the rooms then he proceeded to explain the situation of the prospective new member.

"So what do you guys think? I believe we could use another frontline fighter, but I would understand if some of you weren't happy involving more people"

Now he just waited for their veredict.
Special Recognition@Teyao

My apologies to Teyao. I forgot to mention in his character blurb that
Myrion Stevar is the official Illuminaire for the House of Eusebia.
Please welcome Myrion as he takes on this hefty responsibility for the new semester.

Don't let his wide-rimmed glasses and understated style deceive you — this workaholic 4th year and new Illuminaire for the House of Eusebia possesses the unique ability to 'evolve' the gifts of others, and better still, take them on as his very own.

Announcements for the remainder of the character sheets are coming soon. There's a slight delay, so expect them early tomorrow morning. Thanks for your patience, everyone.

Don't worry dude!

<Snipped quote by Aeolian>

Tae: “Yes, go ahead and rub salt in my wounds while you’re at it.”

For the record, I’m not mad, but Tae very much is. They’re a sore loser. xD

I love Tae personality so much
I was not going to share it but here, a meme for my post:

Shin listened calmly as the Sun Deity explained the situation and which each sentence he could feel inside himself the drunkness at the prospect of conflict that he had learned to watch out for on his people, at his side his Lord remained in the same pose, with the same genial smile and open posture, but he could feel it through their bond as God and Champion, the hunger that had awakened at the mention of a Struggle worth participating on.


Most people on his planet would freak out by the tone his Lord spoke in, devoid of its usual fanfare and theatrics, even worse was using his full name, which only drove in further that it was unnatural and unwelcome, something foreign to the cheerful deity.

All Shin could feel was his own fervor reaching new heights, it reminded him of the moments before the Time of War was declared, the tension that could be felt among all, the almost sublime way the muscles tensed in preparation for pain. Just thinking about it made the urge to unleash his ribbons and start dancing almost overpowering but he resisted.



"This will be your crucible and your cradle, it will break you or further, you to new heights, whichever the case it will be an impossible task the likes you have never experienced" A pause... and then a maniac smile full of glee and a touch of envy appeared on his Lord's face "Enjoy it for the both of us"

Slowly he could feel the matching grin developing under his cloth.


His conversation finished with his Lord he made his way to the other Champions, trying to calm himself using every technique he had been taught but falling as his head couldn't stop thinking about the conflict that would ensue soon.

"I am ready too"

Ah what a lovely day.
Myrion Stevar

Don't let his wide-rimmed glasses and understated style deceive you — this workaholic 4th year and new Illuminaire for the House of Eusebia possesses the unique ability to 'evolve' the gifts of others, and better still, take them on as his very own.

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