Standing at 6’5", Tarak has not only height but also an imposing figure.
230 lbs, he was well fed and well trained as his father wanted to make Tarak the absolute unit he could be.
Body Type:
Mesomorph, rectangular with more muscle built with a larger chest and shoulders.
Age: 20 years old.
Birthday: August 21st
Color: Bright Silvery eyes that sparkle with gold in the light.
Quality: He has great vision, with a strong dark vision.
Shape: A little on the larger side, yet look very sharp.
Color: Jet black
Texture: Soft and feels smooth
Length: Semi-short, giving enough to play with.
Style: Straight and slightly spiky as he has it part to the left side of his face.
Shade: A nice tan with a bit of lightness.
Texture: His face feels slightly smooth yet the rest of his body feels slightly coarse.
Birthmarks: He has a large birthmark on the back of his palm, it looks like a heart.
Scars: He has many different scars across his body, yet the most noticeable one is the one on his face, as it is a large scar that spans the left side of his face. This scar he got from when he went to get even with the kid who bullied him when he was 6.
Size: he has larger hands that are thick and muscular.
Condition: A heavy amount of scars spans both his hands, as they have seen quite a bit of use, and his left pinky is slightly bent out of place.
Nails: Always trimmed and kept well enough, but because of the punishment he has put them through, multiple nails are warped and bent slightly.
Manner of dress:
Normal: Tark wears simple clothing, t-shirts, black pants and Jean's, and many other pieces of clothing that give him a simple and slightly rugged look.
Raiding: Tarak has no real changes to his look when he goes out past the walls, the only thing that does change is the placement of clothing, as he does make sure his forearms are more covered and hands because the infected are known to go for those places first.
Accent: American with no heavy accent.
Tone/Pitch: Mid to lower ranges.
Typical Volume: Normal speaking as it is comfortable to hear from a few feet away from being right next to him.
Habits: Tarak can sometimes find himself saying filler words because he will lose his train of thought in conversations.
Profanity: Tarak rarely uses profanity; however, it is out of a genuine reaction he is unable to filter when he does.
Movement and gestures:
When speaking he will normally make small gestures that will go unnoticed by him, yet can sometimes add context to what he is saying.
Overall Liveliness:
Tarak is very energetic, as oftentimes he will be moving and adventuring, he is always on the move and always trying to do something, if not for someone for his own amusement.
Grace of Movement:
Even with his size, Tarak is quite graceful, even able to maneuver with ease in many different ways with little trouble.
Extent of Physical Expressiveness:
Tarak is a very expressive person: when he gets upset it shows through his face and body language, when he is angry his face and body will change and almost feels like looking at a beast, and when he is happy he wears a large smile.
Tarak stands tall, even with this when he is relaxing he almost molds to whatever surface he is laying on, almost like he becomes one with the object he is on.
Tarak is quite agile, especially with his size, and very deft with his hands.
Accuracy of Senses:
Tarak's senses are extremely sharp, to the point where his senses and instincts are something akin to a razor-sharp blade.
His instincts are something considered to be a sixth sense that is constantly on alert. His reliance on his instincts is what has made him so good at fighting.
|Playful| |Vindictive| |Ambitious| |Obstinate| |Compassionate| |Unpredictable|
Tarak is a kind and jovial Soul. He loves to have fun and do as he wishes, yet that doesn't mean he can't be serious and even mean. Yet to most he comes off as jovial and a bit of a prankster. He loves to put smiles on others through just small things to get people to loosen up. He is a very confident man and many can see it, yet he never really flaunts it. Yet he is not without fault, when you cross him, he'll come back twice as hard. His father had taught him something important, do no harm, but take no shit. Often time people found themselves on the wrong side of Tarak because of their wish to screw with him, and oftentimes they found what it meant to mess with the son of the Devil.
Even with his mean streak, Tarak is quite a compassionate and caring man. He has done many questionable things to help others. He had left the walls on multiple occasions to get supplies and other things for the more destitute children that his father taught. He has risked life and limb on countless occasions even to the point where he had nearly been killed on multiple occasions to do what he needed. He has high respect for those who will do what has to be done for their ideals and goals, as his father had spent many years as a Rouge to get supplies and other things for the kids that he teaches, now Tarak does the same as he finds immense joy and purpose in doing such a thing.
Tarak will often go and follow his instincts and his whims, and many times he will very often not stray from his feelings as he believes they are correct. Sometimes they have led to good fortune, other times they can lead to sometimes dangerous situations, but every time he follows his instincts as they are the few things he can trust outside of the walls.
- The School Children: Tarak wishes to make sure the school children that his father teaches get everything they need, after all, if the world won't provide for them, he will.
- Hope for Tomorrow: Tarak wishes to find a tomorrow that isn't so grim, maybe his adventures won't be riddled with the weight of finding things to help others, nor the threat of death, he hopes it'll one day just be looking through the old ruins of the world before.
- Adventure: Tarak has loved adventure since he could run, all he ever wanted to do was find what was not found, to explore that which has not been seen, and see a world few get to witness.
When Tarak was born, he was dealt a bad hand. His mother was a prostitute and his father could have been any countless men. Yet in of it all, his mother seemed to have loved him and wished to raise him. That might have happened if she didn't die during childbirth, leaving Tarak a hand of cards that lost from the start. The thought of letting the child die came across multiple people's minds after his mother's death. She was a prostitute so no one would care if the illegitimate child of any countless fathers would go missing, and it would just be another mouth to feed before he could even be useful. However, it seemed as if Tarak has some good luck after all, as a man decided to take him and raise him as his own, Fredrick Jones.
Fredrick raised Tarak in a certain way: do no harm, but take no shit. At first, it started with: do not hurt others. Tarak thought this meant never hurt people, as it ended up with Tarak getting beat up when he was 6 by another kid who was older than him. Later Fredrick talked to Tarak and was upset with him why he didn't fight back, as it was found Tarak didn't fight back because he was told not to hurt others. That was when he was informed that he was not to hurt others until they hurt him. As then he was given a switchblade and told, "Now get even".
The next day Tarak left a note for the kid who bullied him 'from his crush', it told him to meet at the old church that was right outside the lanes. He showed up to find Tarak as he took out his blade and threatened him to never come near him again, yet the bully wiped out his own blade and threaten he'd gut Tarak. Tarak scoffed as the bully ran over and started throwing wild blade attacks, Tarak dodged them quite easily, yet in his pocket, the bully pulled out what looked like a pipe gun and aimed at Tarak. Tarak's immediate reaction was to dodge to the side, but the bully knew this and slashed out at Tarak and sliced him across the face. Tarak let out a yell of pain as his whole body wanted to freeze, but he knew he needed to run away, so Tarak ran upstairs, knowing the bully would follow. As when he got up there he looked around through the blood in his eyes and found the thing he was looking for, as when the bully made it up he was ready to try and finish the job. But Tarak had other plans, when the bully got close, Tarak jumped and tackled the bully as they both fell through the ceiling and slammed into the ground.
Tarak checked himself and found he had multiple broken bones and it felt like he couldn't move, but he knew he needed to leave. When Tarak got up he saw the bully was out cold, Tarak then just walked away and went back home. Later it was news that the boy was found in the ruins with both his legs and multiple ribs broken. The story was that he was playing on the roof as it fell through and got injured from the fall. There was a story later that the child went and slashed Tarak's face and the kid felt as if he made a mistake, so he fled to hide in the church before it fell in on him. It was found he had used a few pieces of pipe to mimic a Zip gun to threaten and silence other kids from what he does.
During his schooling, Tarak was looked at as the Dean's Son, many times people thought he was being played like a favorite as he seemed to excel in comparison to all others in his year, well that was those on the outside. Those who knew what Fredrick did in his off time, knew Tarak was already being treated like a man by his father. When Tarak hit 8 years old was when he first ventured outside the walls, originally it was to explore the ruins, that was when he noticed his father was outside the wall with other people. They seemed geared with many different weapons and supplies, as his Father's face looks different: confident and commanding like he owned the place and wanted to let everyone know it. Tarak followed out of interest in what his father was doing, but not even after an hour into the expedition Fredrick found Tarak and pulled him off to the side. He was asked why he came out here yet Tarak retorted with his own question and asked why his father was out here. At first, Fredrick was gonna just smack the boy, but he realized this was gonna happen. Tarak was adventurous and clever enough to know when his father is doing something, so he told Tarak that he is out here to get supplies for the Students. Tarak wished to help, after all, even with some of the bullying, Tarak loved the school and all the people who come. It was a place that seemed to always be happy and lively and Tarak wish to protect it, yet everything around it seemed so drab, like a lonely place that seemed to suck the life of others. Tarak wished to protect this place that his father had spent his life building up and teaching at.
This was when he realized Tarak had grown quite a bit, his eyes were very different from most kids, they were stern and hard like they know what they were doing. Fredrick allowed Tarak to tag along, with the condition that if he can't pull his weight, he will lose all the loot he finds. This motivated Tarak, as it meant he had something to work towards, as he worked his hardest, pushing well beyond the limits of a normal 8-year-old, he could carry large amounts of objects with ease and put in as much work as he could. As once he made it back, to Tarak's dismay, all of his loot was taken by his father. yet this was when he found out about what he does with what he gets from the outside. Fredrick goes and sells what he can, barters with what he can to get the stuff he needs for the school students. For some shoes, clothing, and basic supplies for families, for others food and a place to get away from the abuse. Anything left was kept by Fredrick for himself and Tarak. After that expedition, Tarak's and Fredrick's relationship changed, Fredrick started treating Tarak like a man. He taught him many hard-knock lessons to toughen him up, yet Tarak always took it as this is how his father shows his love, even when he got cut by his father in training, he never took it as a pain that strained his love, he saw it as an honest accident.
Tarak wasn't allowed to go on expeditions past the walls for some time, because Fredrick wanted to teach him the many skills he would need while out there. After 2 years of this Tarak hit 10 years old and had already grown quite a bit like a man, standing at about 5'5 now. Tarak was the size of some of the younger folk in the Rouges, so he thought he could join the Rouges now, yet Fredrick wouldn't allow him to join yet, after all, he was still way under their already laxed requirements as he was still way too young. Even with the insistent complaining and begging Fredrick still said no. Tarak was still just a student after all, yet he trained quite a bit and explored when he wanted, and came back with some loot, mostly it was simple things, yet it was still better than nothing. From this day onward, his father treated him like an adult, not like an equal, after all, Fredrick is older than him and Tarak is living under his roof. Yet, like an adult nonetheless.
During Tarak's teenaged years he had gotten more fond of machinery and mechanical equipment, oftentimes he spent many hours using his father's position to read texts on such things from the Old World. Like a machine that can move by burning liquids that are pulled from the ground. Tarak did much research into such things for his amusement, until one day, a few months after his 13th birthday, he felt this urge to create one of these machines. So he set to work with the information he can find and his knowledge he decided to try his hand at creating something from the Old World, an Engine.
With his excitement, it brought Fredrick great joy, yet when Tarak asked his father to help him, it brought out a new side Tarak has never seen of his father. As they worked Tarak saw his father in a whole new light, his face was different, it wasn't stern and cold, nor was it confident and commanding, it looked calm and peaceful. Tarak got to see his father smile such a genuine smile that it made Tarak smile. As they worked they began to come closer, as this felt like the first time Tarak could say his father did something fatherly. Not teach him some lesson, nor showed him what to do, no, Tarak witnessed his father assist him and help him with something to forward his son's achievements. This multi-year project was special to both of them.
With the research that they had done together, they had created the design for an engine that runs on Biodiesel. They left the walls multiple times to slowly procure the parts needed to build and fuel the engine. After a few years of building and design, it came down to making the fuel. To make the fuel for it, Tarak had to have the help of his father learning chemistry while he built the necessary equipment to make and mix the fuel, as it ran on the main ingredient being Vegetable Oil/Corn Oil, which they could make from many different nuts and seeds, but Tarak normally chooses Walnuts as he can often find them outside of his home and growing within the confines of Paradise Falls.
When the first time the engine was running, it roared to life and made quite a bit of energy, yet within the quiet confines of Paradise Falls, such a thing would be easy to hear if you are nearby, as that was when the militia came knocking and took away the engine for 'safety' reasons. It left a sting in Tarak's heart, but the thing that hurt more was when they came back a week later asking for more fuel for 'safety' research. It angered Tarak yet he did as his father told him, he just made some fuel, might have been a little too thin and sugary. When they tried to use the engine again, the fuel made this thick gunk that was nearly impossible to get rid of, so they tried to clean it, but they realized with the amount of time, effort, and knowledge needed made it an unprofitable endeavor. They decided to scrap the engine and left it as a 'dangerous' object, but to Tarak, that is the pride of his family.
At this point Tarak was 15 1/2 years old and looking like a real man, as this was when Fredrick decided to allow him to join the Rogues, helping and 'vouching' for his age. As Tarak finally was able to join the Rouges. Here he showed the skills he learned from his father and put them to work, he was a tall, fast, and lean man who was brought up to be a beast of a man by his father. During his first bit of time with the Rouges, he has fought multiple people over loot, disagreements, and just them harassing Tarak, as he lived by his family motto: Do no harm, but take no shit. He never goes out of his way to harm another, but once they step a line, he pushes them back over it, without fail.
As the next few years, he had learned quite a bit: he learned how to fix weapons, machines, and other things to either sell or keep. But he used these same skills to do work within Paradise Falls, as he fixes multiple machines that are used for different things, such as the milling and reloading machines used by the gunsmith to make new parts and ammo, slowly refurbishing and remaking old machines for the Wakers to use again for farming and other such things. This is Tarak's official job as the work he does is intensive, yet requires lots of knowledge and he often studies to further his knowledge and skills.
Tarak is officially a Keeper like his father, he has learned countless things and has often found himself helping in many different tasks that are asked of him. Sometimes it is understanding and upkeeping texts, other times he is tasked with teaching like his father, yet his true skill comes from the information he learned with the maintenance of equipment, weapons, and even starting up a car from the Old World after much work and effort.
With Tarak's strong knack for is machinery and military hardware, he is oftentimes been found assisting the gunsmith with his duties or working on the machinery of the Old World in hopes of making some of it run again and other things when he is unneeded for assistance from the texts in repairing machinery nor teaching the younger generations.
Yet now and again he will sneak away and switch to his other persona, Wolf, as he will go on raids and expeditions with the Rogues. Here he puts his knowledge and skills to work, as he can often times get broken gear and weapons and fix them up to become functional enough to sell to someone or use for himself.
- Backpack: This will hold his rations, a clipped on flashlight, a survival knife, a flask that holds 4 ounces of rubbing alcohol, some old objects that are easy to store and are light that he keeps clipped on the side of the backpack for easy to grab and use for decoys, all the while he is still able to hold quite a bit extra of stuff he finds out beyond the walls.
- Cateen & Mug: This can hold 1 quart of a liquid, it comes with a mug and pouch to keep it all together. This was grabbed from one of his outings before joining the Rouges. Sometimes this has clean water, but most of the time it has water stored for him to boil and try and make safe later.
- Old Wrench: This old wrench from the old world is about 2 feet long and weighs roughly 8 pounds, a wrench set was given to him by his father when they first worked on the engine together and now he uses it to fix machinery on his new career path. Tarak has used it for the work he does, yet he uses the largest one quite often for fighting and exploring as one good hit will oftentimes put anyone down.
- Pardini GT 45: This Handgun is chambered in .45 ACP, a less common round than 9mm but is quite a powerful round and packs quite a punch, it can put most people down in a single shot or 2. He has a single Mag which holds 13 rounds, but right now he only has 10 rounds for it.
- He also carries a bandana and bits of extra cloth to act as bandages for basic wounds and to cover his face in case they ever might get spotted by Reapers.
Tarak is actually extremely intelligent, he just never flaunts it nor talks about it because his father did a very good job in making sure he is a humble person. He is hesitant on the idea to kill another person, even when it was a life and death situation he has always tried to find a way to incapacitate rather than kill. This does not extend to the infected, but he does hold pity for them and what has happened.
His room looks like a grease monkey's wet dream as he has been collecting and hoarding materials to one day remake his engine and a car for it to be put into.
Tarak has a few miscellaneous skills that are of note:
- He is a pretty good cook, all things considered.
- His first aid skills are quite good, and he is quite good at applying his skills to himself.
- He has enough knowledge to create improvised firearms and weapons outside the wall.
- Tarak trained with mostly calisthenics, so he is not a roided out behemoth who can carry a car, yet he can put his body through all sorts of abuse and can carry well over his own body weight. Which oftentimes makes him very useful when someone gets hurt, or someone needs to pack-mule things back.