Can your Father still claim you if the Mail Man delivered you?
3 yrs ago
I challenge you to a game of Paradox Billiards Vostroyan Roulette Forth Dimentional Hypercube Chess Strip Poker!!!
3 yrs ago
So I realized that the highest honor anyone can get is not to get a Nobel Peace prize, nor getting your name taught throughout history. It's being made into an Anime Character with giant boobs.
3 yrs ago
So where do I go after Elysium? I just made it through after beating a Chad-dude and his giant burly friend with horns at a break dancing contest.
About me: I am an amateur writer at best as I have had a bit of experience writing short novels and stories as a side gig (Don't ask me for help unless you are desperate. I barely know what I'm doing half the time!)
I mostly Rp on medieval fantasy, modern fantasy, and modern slice of life. However, I am always willing to do anything. And I have been roleplaying for about 8 years now.
I have a pretty open schedule right now, other than planning DnDs, and looking for a job. (Still praying that one day I can get payed to play DnD or by playing videogames, but I haven't made a dollar yet).
PLEASE IF YOU THINK I FORGOT AN RP MESSAGE ME!!!! I CAN GUARANTEE THAT I FORGOT AS I WAS PROBABLY PRAYING TO THE GODS OF CHAOS THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO WIN THE NEXT GAME OF MAGIC I'M GOING TO PLAY!!! (In all seriousness I'm very forgetful and scatter brained, just send me a message and I should be able to pump out that post in no time)
The partners I am looking for right now is people who are chill and relax as well as just some genuinely nice people to chat to and play with. Any style is fine, just be ready as there are time where it will take some time for advanced posts will take me a few days.
Other than that I like to listen to music and anytime someone asks me to do a thing, 90% of the time I will just do it as I just don't care enough. But I will not sing, my voice is garbage and I am not confident enough to even try to learn now.
Arsène stands taller than a good few men at 5 foot 10 inches, he has a solid build with a very lean and well worked frame. Arsène weighs in at around 170 pounds his body consists of well worked and very defined muscles that describes his very rigorous life. The hundreds of scars across his body tells hundreds of stories, some look large like they were from a dangerous fight, others looked to come from more mundane things, yet all tell the story of this rugged roguish man. He wears his shoulder length brown hair down, from a glance someone could say he's very unkempt from his looks, yet that is far from the truth, Arsène bathes quite often, keeps his facial hair exactly where it is, and often combs his hair and makes sure it never grows too long. He prefers his looks to be that of a rouges, something dangerous and exciting, like he is.
Arsène is a man who lives his life in the moment, may it be in the moment of a battle, the clash of blades in a duel, or in a party, Arsène lives it the best he can. He's often described by those in the bar as jovial, on travel as lax, and in battle as in his element. He'll often be described as unscrupulous from his carefree and brash nature, his dirty and underhanded tactics in and out of cattle, and his irreverence to the very notions of honor and social manners and class. He often shows contempt and hatred to those who try to build themselves and make declarations of their superiority, as they are often the ones to feel his wrath. While seeming morally bankrupt, Arsène is softer than what he lets on, as he demonstrates a soft spot and a protective attitude toward those who have been wronged as he has. Often this will come to him starting fights with people to punish the wrong doers, stealing what was stolen, or even righting the wrongs he can himself. Arsène does as he does out of a sense of fun, work, and a sense of need, he leaves no due unpaid, no tab is left unbalanced, and no 'good' deed goes unpunished.
The motivations Arsène has to participate in this war is quite simple duty. The Eskandr are pushing once more, as they march forward they will subjugate all the area they touch. Unlike what would be expected of Arsène he prepares to fight against the Eskandr, which seems strange to most who know of him. Yet, Arsène is where he is as he had always maintained his attributes of being a protector at heart and his heroic desires, just slightly buried in his pained life.
B A C K G R O U N D__ _ _ _ _
Arsène was born to peasant parents in a place he had no remembrance of, Arsène was to live a quiet life in a village tucked away from anywhere important. With a family he would love dearly, knowing everyone you live with, surviving the cold together, famine, and all hell this world would have. Arsène was to find a cute girl he would settle down with and bear children, all in this village far away from anywhere important. Yet life was not so kind, as this was a place that has been forgotten, with the faces of people long lost and of a home Arsène only remembers as blurs and smells. His village had went up in flames, everything was covered in flames and was burned to nothing. In this village tucked away from anything important, men were burned to ash, women boiled in their homes, and those who were able to run ran as fast as they could. Arsène was among them, but from him ancestral home Arsène was left with the smells of sweet apples from the time before flames occurred, then the sickeningly sweet aromas of burning wood and flesh, with the putrefaction of slaughter grasping at the lungs. This village was gone, as anything important here was left with the fires, to be tucked and buried beneath the land and time. All those memories that would have and should have been, burned away, with the smoke of death and apple trees.
As Arsène and his mother travelled they landed in a township within the Enthal territories, yet soon they needed to move again, Arsène spent a good portion of his years moving as him and his mother could never find a place to settle. They would stay in an area for maybe a few months if not a year, before moving again, as they pushed all the way to the center of Enthal. Yet Arsène aged in his travels, he went from a small boy to that of a young man during this time. He learned the skills he needed to survive, hunting, foraging, and stealing. Many have looked to Arsène as a miscreant, nothing better than a begger and a refugee, Arsène decided to lean into such things, he decided to hunt as he pleased, steal when he wanted, and mess with guards and people for fun. He took everything he had and gave it to feed and cloth the person he cares for the most, his mother. His mother had slowly grown sick over the years, as at the point they finally started settling down his mother had became all but bed ridden. So he did what he could to secure himself and his mother the things they needed, he learned many skills, many of a bastard child, hunting, stealing, robbing, he did what he needed until he learned something, he manifested something that he would consider a boon of the rich, the Gift.
Arsène began using his powers for what ever he felt, in hunting, he began becoming better using magic to shroud himself, his traps, or empower his bow to hunt larger prey. When stealing he uses his skills to aim for higher targets, aiming for the Tax collectors as they moved around was one of the first he aimed for. As he gained more experience he aimed higher and higher to secure himself a life better. As once he hit 16, he had gained a real name for himself in his area, he gained enough money, notoriety, and knowledge that he decided to go somewhere better for his mother, who has at this point become wholly dependent on Arsène. He decided to travel to Parrence with his mother, using his wealth he garnered and skills, he began to make his way to a much more wealthy place, and somewhere his mother can rest easy. Yet all she ever spoke of was their home, a place filled with wonderful memories his mother held. Arsène never knew this home, for him it was nothing but distant smells of memories of long past, all he remembered was the smell of sweet apples. So Arsène decided to travel Parrence, a land he knew apples were.
Once they made it, Arsène worked his skills, hunting and stealing were his main forms of income. Yet the next time he decided to rob the tax collector, their guards looked different, armored much more so than he was ever aware of, and seemed to be perfect targets. Yet when he tried they seemed almost ready for him as they pushed him back quite quickly and nearly surrounded him. This was when one stepped forward and challenged him to single combat, Arsène was almost stunned, yet saw it as a chance. IN this duel Arsène nearly lost his life in multiple moments, as their blades clashed the man used his magic to enhance himself in strange ways, using thunder to throw around his large metal with ease, and even controlling Arsène's own weapons. This challenge had made it where Arsène had to adapt, changing his style as he began to close in and began using tricks and shifting his fighting to close combat hand-to-hand. Using his improvised skills he's seen from others, he finally dropped the man to his ass and was prepared to put a knife through his throat, yet the others nearby put his neck to the blade before he could even have a chance. The knight rose and looked down onto Arsène and gave him an offer, become one of fighters, or die. Arsène didn't think for much more than a moment.
For the next few years Arsène was under the watch of Sir Armand Beumont, he was a knight who took in youths who had the Gift to train. Arsène was not one to despise this, yet it did make him feel as if he was being chained down. Yet it did at least give him an easier way to care for his mother, all he needed to do was dedicate his blade to protecting those of Sir Armand's province. Arsène had spent the better half of a decade under Sir Armand's service, until something of horror occurred, Sir Armand was murdered. Sir Armand was murdered in cold blood, and the first person who was blamed was Arsène. At this point Arsène was 24 years of age, he's dedicated himself to Sir Armand and now he was turned on by those above him, and it was something that left him scarred to this day. He was charged with the Murder of Sir Armand and was sentenced to death, yet was freed by other knights who knew he was not the killer. As at that point was when he needed to go on the run, and leave his mother under the care of some of his trusted allies.
Arsène began going on the run, being hunted down by knights, sellswords, and much other things, as during this time he became a very well known outlaw. As he began to travel and make a name for himself in a way he knew. Hunting down creatures people need taken care of, stealing what he needs, yet something new came to him. He learned the fun of fighting. As he began to get pulled into single combat he often found himself in a situation he remembers very well, sparring days. As he began creating a name to be feared across the land, as he was chased down, he began dueling those who had challeneged, fighting those came for him, and even hunting down the people after him and challenging them to duels when he catches wind of them. He was forming a persona of a near unstoppable man, a man who loves the thrills, and a true scoundrel. Yet this was not what he just was, he was a man who wanted to live, he wanted to survive, something was always spurring him on, he never knew what it was but his life became something much different to what he expected. After half a decade, he became much different to what he ever thought himself as, he looked himself in the mirror and realized he was a scoundrel, he looked like he was handsome yet rugged, he had scars across his body, he looked like he hadn't seen a sober day in months. With all of these thoughts, he then finally thought of his mother, the woman who he had sworn to protect, the woman who wore a smile when he made it home wearing his armor, the mother…he left.
Arsène made it his life's goal to make his way back to Parrence, find his mother, and live in peace. Yet that was not an easy feat, he needed to enter a territory who wanted his head, and find someone who they could have at this point taken prisoner, yet he was determined. He put to practice his skills, sneaking, hiding, surviving, and other such things that allowed him to finally reach the province that he left his mother, to find the people there almost…calm to see him. He learned that the people who orchestrated the murder of Sir Armand were found and taken into custody. And for the past few years Arsène's name was cleared, the reason why he was being hunted at this point wasn't for any reason other than the possible bounty that people put on his head and the fact the amount of blood that was spilt by his hands has created Vendettas that would follow him. Yet that does not matter anymore, Arsène was here for his mother. As when he finally found his mother, she was under her favorite thing, and apple tree, the tree was planted above her grave with a tombstone that read, 'May you find your Island of Apples'. Arsène was left speechless, years had passed, and could not ever say goodbye to her. She left this world and he could never even tell her his last 'I love you'.
Arsène was devastated, he had spent one night in a tavern and got so hammered, he woke up the next night with a note under his door. It told him to visit his mother's grave one more time. There he found a small group of people, it was the knights who had freed him and kept his mother safe in his absence. They spoke and gave their welcomes, condolences, and letters. Ones that his mother had written for years, in hopes he would see any of them. After which Arsène was left to himself, as he shoved them into his bag and began to leave, he could not stay there, he was not the same person, and he was not going to sully his mother's grave with his presence. He spent the next year wandering, he had found himself living day by day, in a drunk stuper, he hunted creatures people would pay him for, fight people who challenge him, yet all he wanted to do was eat, drink, piss, and sleep.
Until one day he was caught in a town that was attacked by Eskandr raiders, and was brought into the thick of the fighting. As the town burned, people died, and women cried, Arsène felt his body move. He fought like a mad man, protecting people, calling people to battle, as they formed a militia to repel the raiders. Arsène was herald a hero, as when he looked off into the fire, he smelt something sickeningly sweet. Which reminded him of his youth, and his mother. As he looked to the people, their homes, and then why he is where he is, he took in a breath and escorted these refugees to somewhere safe. And began making his way home, wishing to keep people safe from the raiders who seem to destroy without concern, who will burn the world into nothing but a sickening sweet smell of death.
I N V E N T O R Y__ _ _ _ _
4 Daggers- Arsène keeps these on him at all time for many reasons, for survival, for fighting, for tricks, for throwing, a knife is a very useful tool, so to have 4 is very helpful to keep yourself alive. Bastard sword- A simple 1 1/2 handed sword Arsène uses to keep himself armed in a proper way. Chian Whip-A whip made of metal chains and ending with a bladed mace like top, it is much more like a flail than a whip, yet using the gift Arsène is able to enact a control over it much more reminiscent of a whip, having it be able to reach out to its extended 20 feet, being able to attack with a high speed, and it being made of metal and using magic upon it, the whip is able to hit it's target with enough power to destroy stone and metal, or Arsène can enact his magic upon the tip to change the composition of the tip, making it like a stake to penetrate armor, a blade to cut, or make the head to smash things (or some combination). Cloak w/large plumage- A large gorgeous cloak Arsène keeps on him, it is one of his most remarkable piece of clothing as he quite often is recognized by it. He wears this black and red cloak it almost everywhere he goes, and he even has one he wears over his armor to not only break up his silhouette and make him look bigger, but also to make sure they know who he is. Bow- A bow made of a dark red wood with metal fixings on the bow arms and hand area. Upon close inspection you can see the meticulous care taken to keep the bow maintained. The nicks and scratches that seem to be fading away, the almost fresh layer of lacquer over the bow. It is very even and well maintained. Quiver- A dark brown quiver that is able to hold 15 arrows. Each of these arrows have simple metal broad heads that he can modify and shape before firing using magic. Blackthorn- Arsène's trusty steed, Blackthorn is not so much a name but a title to any horse he rides, he prefers black horses for this reason. Armor- A set of half plate designed to cover his arms and his legs in articulated metal, his head with a helmet, and the his upper chest with metal plate. Everywhere else is covered in a layer of boiled and hardened leather and chain armor. Everything is tightened together, dampened the noise with leather lining under the metal joints and articulating plated. Arsène has a cloak specifically designed to go over his armor, acting like a insignia or a banner to know who he is.
T H E G I F T__ _ _ _ _
Rangers are particularly blessed of Dami-Sept. They can be found in Drudgunze, Eskand, and Parrence.
While many people live sedentary lives as farmers, fighters, or crafters, dependent upon others and never taking the time to master the skills of their distant ancestors, there are some who chart a different course. Rangers are dedicated hunters, trappers, survivalists, and people of the frontiers and forests. Stealthy, quick, and capable, they use the Gift to augment their traps with illusion and empower their use of the bow and arrow.
Knights are particularly blessed of Oraphe-Sept. They can be found in Drudgunze and Parrence.
Recent advances in metalworking technology and the introduction of the stirrup to Constantia by Virangish peoples during the fall of the Avincians have resulted in the invention of an exciting new type of fighter: the knight. Heavily armed and armoured melee warriors skilled in mounted combat, many knights employ Essence and Kinetic magic to augment their massive physical strikes and enhance the performance and endurance of their mounts. Thunder Knights also use their metallic armour to create massive charges and strike down their foes with powerful Thunder magic.
Arsène ues his magic in very interesting ways, as he grew his fighting changed based upon what he could get his hands on, form rocks and sticks, to bows and arrows, to swords and whips. He uses his magic to enhance himself using the kinetic energy to strengthen himself, his blows or causing tricks, illusions, or forming strange effects through Blood and Essence.
With Force and Thunder Arsène uses his magics to enhance himself, his weapons, or used to attack or defend with. Using Force energy to enhance his blows, his leaps, or input more power into his weapons to make them more effective. While he uses Thunder energy to set up counter attacks, setting up strange angles of attacks his weapons can take while being attracted to each other, or repelling attacks away from himself. He uses metallic weapons for this reason so he can enact control over his weapons so he is able to control his weapons to either become unpredictable, gain more power, or aim for weak points and moving targets.
When using Arcane, Blood, and Essence magic Arsène is very tricky, using his years as a survivalist, he uses illusions to hide his traps he sets up with blood magic, hide his attacks, or even empower his attacks with fire. While he uses Blood magic to change materials such as earth and wood into quick traps on the battlefield, changing the shape of his weapons to best suit him in the moment, or even to keep himself alive by closing up wounds so he doesn't bleed out. While he uses Essence to assist in the creation and nullification of poisons, enhancing himself, or making reactions volatile and explode.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S__ _ _ _ _
❖ Exceptional Combat Prowess- Arsène is an exceptional warrior in peak physical condition and possesses "reflexes like a cat". He is said to be able to win in a bar brawl against four opponents while being near black out drunk, some say they've seen it, others pass it off as some boasting. Yet when sober, he is considered nigh unbeatable to all but the mightiest of monsters and warriors. Being hailed as a master duelist comes with many things, fame, renown, and a target over your head, and many more duels under your belt. He has learned many weapons, making most of anything a powerful tool in his hands, from the bow to the dagger, from the sword to the whip, and from the stick to a stone, Arsène is a master of anything you put in his hands.
❖ Combat Strategist and Adaptive Fighter- As a hunter of great monsters and a duelist of great renown, Arsène has seen many strategies used to take on many beasts and monsters, watching fights and battles with hawk like eyes that are able to see the flow of the combat and an understanding to best capitalize on it. Yet these skills don't include just against full on battles, as Arsène dueled hundreds of people, watching the skills they used, adopting and modifying their skills for his use or adapting his own skill to best take out his opponents either in a quick and efficent manner or in a show boating way to display himself.
❖ Well Travelled- Arsène has travelled the lands, either through request of others to do jobs, his own leisure, or to run from angered people, Arsène has learned many things about the 'world'. The dialects, customs, how to blend in and act like the natives, and to have a wide array of knowledge to use when either hunting, hiding, or even just to entertain people with.
❖ Brave- By nature, he is an exceedingly brave warrior who will jump headfirst into incredibly dangerous and enigmatic situations that most others would hesitate to even embark on. Amid these great trials and scenarios, he tends to keep a calm, calculated and collected nature about him that allows him to think rationally and instinctively. As often he can even be said to wear a smile from how calm he actually is.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S__ _ _ _ _
❖ Low Born- Arsène was not born of any stature, so often his blood comes into question in reliance of his skills, his loyalty, and even for some his name. Such a figure Arsène cut out for himself would be thought to stand far higher than he does.
❖ Fear of Failure- Arsène can not handle failure, as often when failure is near he starts to become desperate and sometimes losses himself and forgoes calm thoughts and planning, as the moment failure occurs it can result in terrible things, and to him, the fear of failure is worst than death itself.
❖ Cynical- Arsène is cynical to the idea of the future, the world has been only so kind to him, however at any moment it can take away from him again. So often he holds little value in what people say, thinking they might have only self intrest in mind and willing to screw him over.
❖ Low Magical power- Arsène was a man born with a mediocre magical power, making it where often the powers he uses are to enhance himself, cause tricks, or to enhance things he uses to fight with. As if he was to be put into a contest of power he would lose out.
M I S C E L L A N E O U S__ _ _ _ _
❖ Hexcode: Gold ❖ Arsène means Virile, which virile means having strength, energy, and a strong sex drive (typically used of a man). ❖ Avalona means Island of Apples, a last name to denote the place he was born, a place that was always filled with apples. It was one he took in honor of his late mother who always wanted to return home, to her Island of Apples.
Standing at 6'10 Kol is heads and shoulders taller than most men, and being well over 300 pounds he weighs enough to make many men think of themselves as being lithe. His build is that of a strong and powerful man as his body is covered in muscles and scars. Kol keeps his black hair short and well kept as his style of fighting would lead for it to be an easy thing to grab, well if they could reach. His eyes are black and seem to have a sharp and solid look to them, but when emotion come to him his eyes almost seem to be a gateway that shows how he feels. They soften, harden, curl when he smiles, like his eyes react with his emotions. He has many scars across his body, the most numerous being on his back, his torso, and on his legs, many of which look quite nasty as many might not have been properly treated.
Kol's more basic gear is a thick set of hides, overlapping metal pieces to make armor, and thick covers to keep himself protected from attacks and the elements, his normal clothing is a bit different from this however. As his position as King, he has made sure to dress himself well, keep himself groomed, and make sure he is well adorned, yet the strange thing he does is he keeps his face clean of hair. Many comment of his behavior, yet he stays his way, often quoting that often when fighting, a proper opponent would use anything they could, hair pulling, eye gouging, anything that gives them an advantage.
Yet when Kol is meant to fight as Kol, Death's Hand King of Strumreef, he dons his armor he gained from his time when he joined the party of Hrothgar when they were both young Princes. There they dared to do the impossible and slay a Tyrannus Monsignus. Kol gained an armor that was designed soley for him, a pure black armor that covered him from head to toe in dragon scales, that break normal blades on the sheer toughness of the armor, and gives this man an additional layer of protection on top of his unbreakable Berserker rage. The Armor was designed to best compliment his aggressive style of Hand-to-Hand combat, giving him increased armored protection on his arms and shoulders to deflect blows, using scales to cover the chest in a certain way to deflect stabs away from him to allow him to charge forward more easily, and multiple leather and hide layers made from the interconnecting hide dragons have between scales to cover Kol's joints and neck to protect the softest parts of his body from glancing hit and attacks. This was a very expensive set of armor for Kol to have made, yet it was the only thing he could have ever thought of bring able to handle his immense power when the moons are all aligned.
General feel, not actual look-
Kol is not this hulking man for no reason, he hungers to fight and yearns to challenge himself. He loves the thrill of fighting, may it be man or beast, he loves to test himself, his mettle, his strength, and his power. Every inch of him wishes to be tested, to be the best he can be. He wishes to be the best fighter, the best king for his people, and the best brother he can be for his Blood Brothers.
His main reason to join in this war being waged by Hrothgar is to join a friend on the battlefield once more, give his men the honorable death they seek, and to make sure his people live in prosperity as they are. As always in the south, the cold is hell on them, their main sources of food come from roving beasts, the sea, and animals they herd and the cheese they can make. But because of this, any small thing could leave his people starving, so often Kol would lead raids, hunting parties, and anything he could do to keep his people okay. His life has been dedicated to those who are close to him and his people.
Kol wishes above all to keep his people safe and prosperous, challenge himself, challenge and harden his people who fight beside him, and to die on the field of battle with his people and Brothers with him.
Kol is a jovial man, who values friendship highly, and regards the bond with all of his followers and his Brothers to be his greatest treasure. His people being inspired by his actions gives him their undivided loyalty and adoration, in turn inspires him to do the most he can for them. He is very generous man who gives gift quite often and rarely hold much back for himself. He admires people who treat friendship with sincerity, while being compassionate to those with whom he bonds, even if he bonds with them from the other side of a blade.
He is not overly cruel as would be expected from the man known as Death's Hand, but tries instead to keep bloodshed and cruelty to a minimum despite his love for battle and destruction. He is fine with not actually winning a battle outright, often leaving with little casualties and the supplies or what they came for from the raid, and is known to even attempt to recruit enemies as his followers after witnessing their prowess for himself. Yet when put in a battle he fights with glee, fighting to his hearts content, breaking sheild lines with his body, and facing off with knights often challenging them to duels.
He insists that a king should be setting vivid examples to be followed, bond with his subjects at personal level, and his way of living should be something inspiring to and envied by all under his rule, not a distant ideal or martyr whose deeds would be praised yet whose path is so full of sorrow and pain that it would only inspire a sense of dread. To him, a selfless king who isolates himself from his people to die for ideals is nothing but a fool, which is worse than a tyrant. He is also in opinion that a king should be vibrant, a figure who is inspiring and leading his people, instead of being a distant loner who concerns himself only with protecting and saving his people. Ultimately, he would grieve and weep over his losses and mistakes, but he would stay true to himself and never regret decisions made as a king. For if he was to, those who died following him and believing in him as a king would have died for nothing in misplaced belief.
B A C K G R O U N D__ _ _ _ _
Kol is the King of Strumreef, an Island kingdom near the mainland Eskand that is known for being bountiful in fish, trading posts, and hearty men. Kol is a very proud King, he has the loyalty of his people not only from his exploits with the King of Kings Hrothgar Agnarsson in felling the legendary Dragon Mørkt Fjell, Tyrannus Monsignus, his many legendary hunts, raids, and exploits. He has faced many foes in battle, wrestled beasts far above his own size to the ground, brought men far beyond his years to their knees, and faced the most dangerous things with his bare fists and laughs.
Kol has faced countless hardships and realizations in his ascension to the throne, he learned of his naïve view of the world, his lacking as a commander, and the tough choices expected to be made as a king. Yet through his times even with his rocky start as a King, the direct action he took of his ascension had earned the trust and respect of his people. Kol had risen to Kingship from the display of his compassion to his people in slaying his own father. Kol slew his father, Ulfrik the Black Handed, with his Blood Sister Hildr after Ulfrik had nearly collapsed the entire Kingdom of Strumreef. His father had gone mad and slaughtered countless people, and family members, and had hoarded himself and his loyal followers away in their ancestral home. With the help of Hildr, they were able to defeat all those who were loyal to the Mad King, and once he confronted his father, Kol was the one to deal the death blow, marking him as Kin Slayer.
From that point onward Kol dedicated his time to his people and those closest to him, he made sure he took care of them the best he could. He was a generous man, he gave many gifts to those who followed him, and he made sure to take care of his people as he often lead raids, hunts, and fishing parties when areas were doing poorly. Yet when things were good, families were fed, and people were prepared for winter, Kol spent his time with his sworn Sister, Hildr, and eventually his Brother, Vali. The three became synonymous with each other, is known to hunt beasts and monsters, lead raids against the Greenlanders, and always be seen in battle together. With teamwork that has been forged in the heat of battle and the fire of Life and Death
Kol was born to King Ulfrik and Uriel of Strumreef, a kingdom founded on one of the islands connected to Eskand. It is best known for its bountiful fishing routes, strong trade routes, and the hearty people. This kingdom had been standing for multiple generations, with Ulfrik the Black Handed being the 4th ruler of Strumreef it has known quite a bit of prosperity at this point and has been loyal to Eskand and follows the Old Gods. The Union of Ulfrik and Uriel was a planned one, Ulfrik wished to have an heir that was as strong as could be, so with his Blood that of a Mooncaster and Uriel's of a Leadvein, he supposed he could have a child who would be something wholly different.
Kol was the child of this possible union of power, and he lived up to every bit of it. Kol grew very quickly, to the point where his father began even being able to play with, train, and teach Kol from the age of 5 to be a man. As Kol grew, his father noticed Kol's nature, he liked to fight, he liked to prove himself, and he liked to be the center of attention. Given a stick Kol turns it into a sword to slay a monster, a banner to rally troops behind, or a flag to stand and salute to, as he marches it seems he gets people to follow, or when someone tries to challenge him, he will fight them, not with sticks or rocks, but his fists. Once he beat them, they were forced to join him, he went to their homes, asked their parents to play with them, wrestled with them, invited them to fish with him, and do all sorts of things. Kol's very nature seemed overbearing on a person, to defeat them and then befriend them.
As he grew he began to train more, doing physical labor his father or uncles set for him, pushing barrels around, haul the fish they caught, carry and cut all the fire wood for the evening, they did this in possibility to see how far he would go. They trained him and he seemed to always rise to the occasion, as he grew, he started from carrying one of the large fish up at a time, to 2 to 3, then to a whole barrel filled, then even multiple barrels. He began from cutting for hours and making little progress, to being able to cut a full log in a day, to being able to find a tree felled and hauling back pieces to cut up, to being able to fell a tree for wood, and then to fell multiple and haul them back.
Yet the thing that changed most quickly wasn't his strength, but his combat prowess. As he trained, he rapidly grew in strength, skill, and instincts, his skills over shadowed those of his peers. As within a few short years, he had already needed to start to spar against older kids and then young adults just to find a challenge. Yet this rapid growth did not go uncontested, many often tried to bully him while on his lonesome. Many found him being so 'exceptional' and giving them bad looks as warriors would make it where they would be made a mockery of. Often they challenged him to a 'real' spar, using metal weapons as they tried either putting him in his place, or maybe give him a nice comfortable seat far away from the head of the Visitor's table. Yet Kol's instincts were something completely different, against metal weapons he did not falter, let alone feel any form of fear, as he fought them, he used the same methodical attacks he uses in spars to take them out. He had read them, understood what kind of fighters they were, as he beat them quickly without breaking a sweat.
Yet the time came when Kol was met with a hard lesson, not every situation would be so simple. Kol was around 10 at this time when he had beaten a younger man in a sparring session, this was after they had came back from a raid to the North. This man had lost his cool as he had just lost to the equivalent to a child, so he decided to take his revenge in an interesting way. He offered to take Kol out for a hunting trip that him and some other people are going on. Little did Kol know this was going to be the possible last time he would ever see the light of day. As they travelled out to hunt down a Mammoth, the others quietly planned where to dump Kol. As they travelled, they knew they couldn't lay a hand on him, none of them would ever reach the Visitor's table, but that shouldn't include if he was to die because of a monster out of their control. As once they camped for the night, the rest of them quietly packed up and left Kol in the deep cold.
Kol awoke and realized he was alone, in the freezing cold, with no fire, no food, nothing to keep himself anymore warm. Kol was stunned, he was completely alone, he spend multiple hours huddled there in his tent in the freezing cold, hoping that this is just another crazy test he was being given. His family will sometimes do crazy things to test him, have him sit in ice water for an hour without leaving, hanging from the rafters for hours on end without passing out, and all sorts of other things. This might be just a test…Kol was there until night fall, where he had felt something well inside him. His thoughts trying to rationalize what is happening faded as something told him, this was on purpose. They left him, he felt a sense of fear swell in him, he thought he might die out here, in the cold, alone, away from his mother and father. As a loud howl was let out that send his tent flying, revealing to Kol a large wolf standing well over 10 feet tall, it looked to Kol as if he was just easy prey.
Yet something seemed to be different with Kol, his eyes almost shook with rage, his body was heating up, as he felt a roar build up inside him as he screamed to the heavens. The immediate area seemed to shake violently as Kol launched himself forward at the great beast like a spear. He leaped into the air far above any man, as he aimed for the Great Wolf's eye, as he smashed his arm through the eye socket of the wolf and began to let out roars and attacks to this creature till it fell. As Kol ripped his hand out of the skull of the Great Wolf, he saw the position of the moons, all five were high above and seemed to almost soothe him as he looked to them. As he howled to the moon, as it had such energy that it shook the very trees near him from their roots, as he eventually passed out.
Kol woke up the next morning being held in his father's arms, as they travelled through the forest, his father spoke simple things to his only son. Whispers that could be heard by no one but Kol, the whispers of a man who thinks he's alone, as it is constant affirmations of his love for his son. His pride in his strength, his worry of his difference from those around him, and his sorrow that such a thing came to ever pass while he was under his care. Once Kol had been reunited with his people, those who had done such a thing to Kol were sentenced to be executed for leaving the prince to die. Kol wished for something different, he wished for them to be his first hunting partners, as he wanted to hunt some dangerous beasts.
The next few years Kol had showed his true interests, combat, fighting, hunting, he was the embodiment of a warrior. Those who challenged him felt the full force of his might, and then often invited to participate in some of his hunts. He hunted all types of beasts and monster, Great Wolf packs, Great Ursas, Serpents, and any beast or monster he could find. As he fought and killed these beasts he began to receive visions of these beasts, their power almost coursing through Kol as he gained new aspects of power. Kol had became the very thing his father envisioned, a true monster.
Once Kol was 16, his father wanted him to experience their culture to the fullest, he had shown skills in running hunting parties, fishing parties, and taking control of people in dispute, but now came time to see him as a leader in war. So when this is when Ulfrik and his Jarls called for a raid, and the people answered, now with Kol among their ranks. As Kol left his little Island for the north, he had a strange sense of excitement within him, he could test himself on the field of battle, against people who would come at him with everything.
Kol's first kill occurred when he was faced with guards of a city, he was faced with a spear line as he remembered how the Unstoppable Razor Back Boar would rush head long into anything, ripping through trees, boulders, and men with spears pointed in its direction. As he filled himself with images of it, his legs began to swell as he sprinted to the line as the moment a spear tip was to hit his skin, the spear bowed and broke against his body, as he slammed into their shields the metal and wood bowed and broke, as the sounds of bones crunching and men screaming filled the air.
Once the battle was done, blood has been spilt, and prisoners taken, Kol…disliked the feeling. To break a man, to draw their blood, to snuff their fire, it felt strange. It felt wrong, Kol couldn't put it as why, but from the look everyone around him had, he was the one who was strange. To them it seemed fun, invigorating, like this was something that was the peak. Kol held his tounge back, he couldn't speak of his feelings, he needed to be strong, he was strong, the strong fight, the strong *killed*. Kol let out a sigh as he left for his tent, but his father was there to speak with his son. King Ulfrik was to ask his son and heir, "How was your first battle"? Kol broke down and told his father, he didn't like the idea of killing, Kol couldn't understand why, but the mere concept seemed fine, but when blood is on his hands and bodies lay at his feet, Kol's stomach churns, and he feels uneasy.
His father listened to his son and spoke to him, and reassured him that to feel that is fine, that means that you can feel from the heart. Death is a part of life, to fight is to show courage, when you fight a worthy opponent death is always there. Either of you will die, the only decision you can have in that is simple, kill or be killed. Either you die and find your place at the Visitor's Table, or they die and they find themselves judged by the Visitor. As they spoke, Kol found some calmness that his father didn't seem enraged at him, his worry wasn't towards Kol's dislike of killing, but to what could occur if he was to falter if his dislike for killing made him hesitate.
The next day, Kol marched forward with the raiders, as they began to regale stories, Kol began to learn himself through this time. He understood why he disliked to kill, why their death did not seem to sit well with him, he wished for them to join his band. He had always got his way: get into a fight with people, beat them up, be declared the winner, and inviting them to join in his adventures. He tried his same actions, he beat them up, they obviously felt like they lost, and he then invited him to join his hunting party…but it seemed a few things were in the way of his enemies becoming his allies, the first being one he can't get over easily, he didn't speak their language.
This was a dilemma that Kol couldn't really solve easily, yet he did not give up on his ideals. He always did his best, put on a friendly face, weild no weapons, and having a happy voice, yet for some reason people were afraid of the now 6 foot 6 man covered in mud, blood, and torn up clothing. To them Kol was the very thing his father envisioned, a true monster.
Father was the one to guard the realm of work, for he was strong and sure. Yet now he has forsaken his job and fattened with hate, so now I must take his place.
Mother used to guard the hearth and home, and there we were to pray to her. Yet now the home runs cold and none is to be fed since you crossed that line.
Sister walked to market and hurries about town, Yet she now hides from your wrath and scurries around.
Brother fights the Greenlanders and strikes his rival down. Yet you slayed him and stained your own crown.
To act with grace and purpose, I shall always do my best, For the Visitor has arrived to take you off to rest.
TLDR Time Line;
Age | What happened 00 | Koli, Son of Ulfrik is born 05 | Kol begins his 'training' how to be a man, he also begins to become the center of attention and king of the kids. 06 | Kol begins his training in fighting, sparring, doing labors to get stronger as he begins to rapidly grow. 10 | Kol has made many people angry because of his strength that many challenge him to real duels, and often leaves them in the dust. 10 | Kol fought the wrong person, at which point when they lost, they pulled a simple trick to get Kol alone on a hunting trip with him and some friends to leave him to die. 10 | Kol Awoken the Gift and awoken his calling, filling himself with power to kill a Great Wolf, a 10 foot tall wolf, and changing him as person. Learning his love of hunting and fighting. 15 | By this point, Kol proved himself to be an exceptional warrior and a competent leader his skills are matched by few and his hunger by none. He yearns to battle more intense beasts and monsters, as he 16 | Kol goes on his first Raid, becomes enthralled in battle, as he quickly becomes a true force of nature, he learns and adapts becoming stronger. Yet after he realized what he did and feels strange. He spoke to his father, who calmed his son and made sure Kol understood what it means to fight. 17 | Kol goes on his first Raid, becomes enthralled in battle, as he quickly becomes a true force of nature, he learns and adapts becoming stronger. 24 | Kol joined Hrothgar's party to hunt down a Tyrannus Monsignus that has appeared. Kol is excited at the thought to kill such a legendary creature. 25 | The party of Hrothgar, Kol, & Hildr had felled the beast, each of them now being covered in glory, armor made of dragon, and riches from the material, yet it was short lived for Kol as he received news of what is happening in his home, his father has gone mad in this year he was away and had nearly collapsed the entire kingdom. 25.3 | Asked his companions if they could assist him in this trying time Hildr agreed, yet Hrothgar declined, because of his position it would more likely cause too much of a commotion to assist. 26 | Kol & Kildr had finally stopped the madness that Ulfrik has caused in Strumreef, ending with Kol and Hildr killing over 100 people loyal to his father, multiple family members who seemed to have gone mad with him, including Kol's father Ulfrik.
33.5 | Invited Vali to hunt the Super Camo Saber Tooth Tiger 36 | Became Blood brothers with Vali now. 43 | Kol calls for his people to prepare for war, as the King of Kings had called for a Great raid to begin.
I N V E N T O R Y__ _ _ _ _
❖ Basic Armor- Kol's armor he wears on any normal day is that of thick hides, overlapping metal pieces to make armor, and thick covers to keep himself protected from attacks and the elements. Most of this is pieces he doesn't care to lose, as often when he is in battle he can lose his coverings because of enemies catching it and ripping it off of his body, spells destroying it, or Kol's own magic destroying it in his frenzy.
❖ Dark Armor- Kol's custom armor is made of the pure black dragon scales of the Tyrannus Monsignus. The Armor was designed to best compliment his aggressive style of Hand-to-Hand combat, giving him increased armored protection on his arms and shoulders to deflect blows, using scales to cover the chest in a certain way to deflect stabs away from him to allow him to charge forward more easily, and multiple leather and hide layers made from the interconnecting hide dragons have between scales to cover Kol's joints and neck to protect the softest parts of his body from glancing hit and attacks. This was a very expensive set of armor for Kol to have made, yet it was the only thing he could have ever thought of bring able to handle his immense power when the moons are all aligned. As when he uses his arcane powers he could possibly warp his armor, incinerate the leather of other animals, and melt his armor.
❖ Mørke Greb (Dark Grasps)- A pair of gauntlets made from the scales and some of the spines and horns of the Tyrannus Monsignus, they were made as a special gift for Kol to signify the achievement they accomplished. These black gauntlets have always been used by Kol in every fight, as they are some of the greatest pride he has and that which has defined his being as a warrior.
❖ Knife- It's a dagger, he uses it to cut things. Not people, like food and rope.
❖ Drinking Horn- It's a drinking horn made from the horn of a goat who Kol raised. It has sentimental value as it was close to him and he cared for the goat.
❖ King's Banner- Unlike what the name entails, this is his cloak that he wears on himself. This is normally a very bright color, his favorite is red, which he wears on his back as it is the symbol of who his people are to follow. He always jests that if you are unable to see his 'banner' then you need to work that belly off before you grow rounder than Father.
T H E G I F T__ _ _ _ _
Berserkers are particularly blessed of Echeran-Sept. They can be found in Eskand.
A rare calling, and found only among the Eskandr, the path of the Berserker is one of controlled madness. These hulking, feral warriors enter a trancelike state, empowering their minds with visions and thoughts of ferocious beasts such as wolves, dragons, and bears and their bodies with essence, force, and arcane magics. Charging into battle, they attack with unmatched ferocity and great speed, greatly resistant to damage and nearly impervious to pain.
Mooncasters are extremely rare, and often possess heightened senses and reflexes. Their base power levels are often quite low, rarely exceeding Second-and-a-Half Wheel. However, they grow exponentially more powerful depending on the position and brightness of the five moons. Given the right position, a mediocre Second wheel magic-user can multiply his power, becoming a monstrous fifth-plus wheel with a capacity ten times that of before. For reasons unknown, it is possible for a mooncaster to also possess a second mana type.
Leadveins are generally solid and balanced. They can safely draw and contain half again the amount of kinetic energy that their capacity would usually allow. They can impart this into physical blows and tend to be highly self-damage resistant. However, they tend to tire easily and can struggle to control their own force.
Blood type: Mooncaster Leadvein
Preferred schools: Force, Essence, & Arcane
Wheel Rating: 2 1/2+, based upon the position of the moons his power can increase wildly.
Kol is not just a physical monster, but also a monster with the use of the Gift. With the blood of his mother and his father had created a Monsterous berserker, being a leadvein enhanced his already naturally powerful physical nature, but then being a Mooncaster enhanced his own reflexes and senses making him a dangerous opponent dueling opponent. With his mother's blood giving him Leadvein, he had a very natural development into the force branch of mana, using it to enhance his blows, create roars and claps that can deflect projectiles or throw fully grown men off their feet, to throw himself hundreds of feet into the air, or to protect himself with a layer of kinetic energy around him to dampen blows if not fully negate them.
Kol did not hear the Gods calling for him as a Berserker and just used force. He had heard the calls and has seen visions of beasts. As he fights, gaining new visions of beasts, enemies, and allies, inspiring him with new powers. As either when he is in the heat of combat or through 'meditation' he is able to harness these visions to something that can increase his own power. By using Essence Kol is able to fill himself or others with visions of ferocious monsters and beasts to enhance himself and/or his allies, cleansing himself of his 'visions' and forced ailments, filling opponents with these visions of beasts to fill them with fear, or to fill his or others Arcane spells with visions of Wyverns and Dragons to enhance the power and ferocity of the fire.
This is not where Kol's powers end, through his fight with the Mørkt Fjell, he was filled with visions of heats, flames, and ferocity he had never seen until then. As he fills himself with visions and remembrances of the great dragon and lesser ones he is able to channel the Gift into that of intense flames. Using arcane mana Kol is able to surround himself with such intense heat that it can ignite wood instantly, breath fire out like a dragon, form fire on his arms and legs to attack with or dissuade grapples, draw from the heat a target produces to fuel his own magics, or even put out a very intense blast of heat or fire to deflect certain magical attacks or just incinerate a target instantly.
Spell Examples:
I'm just using this to give a bit of a flavor to what kind of things Kol would use The Gift for. If you were also expecting me to put his fighting style(s), like I have been known recently to be doing, don't worry baby, I'll get to that soon enough, I wanted to get this up within the year.
Force__ _ _ _ _
Tyrant's Roar- A ferocious roar that explodes with such power that the land shakes, stone crumbles, sends men and projectiles flying, and men die from the shockwaves of the roar. Based upon where the moons are, this roar can cause metal to crack and crumble, stone to pulverize, or can even be heard from miles away.
Wyvern's Glide- Kol will use force to launch himself into the air, as the more he does this, the more energy he can take in, to the point where when he has enough, he is able to use it to propel himself in the air to simulate gliding before he begins to fall and he begins to siphon kinetic energy again. Based upon the position of the moons, it will increase the distance he can jump, the time he is able to hold himself in the air, and even being able to simulate actual flight for some time.
Death's Hammer- Kol uses his Force energy to do a great leap, as once he begins to fall, he starts inputting more of his energy into the fall until impact, where he absorbs the Force he would take from the destructive landing, at this point he causes a crushing blow on whatever he lands. Based upon where the moons are will change the power from a crushing blow that can destroy most stone, metal, and reinforcements, to the point where him landing the wrong way on the ground might send him into the earth too far for people to even think he might have broken into the Visitor's Table.
Dragon Skin- Kol uses force energy to defend himself from all kinds of external attacks, making his body able to take bolts and ballista to the chest and keep running, explosions at point-blank and laugh it off, or even intense heats for an extended period of time without as much as a burn.
Essence__ _ _ _ _
Owl's Wisdom- Anytime Kol wishes to end his rage or any other substances or changes within him, Kol cleanses himself of any foreign substances, calms his mind, and steadies his body. This takes less time based upon the position of the moons, with the base being 30 seconds before his body is put back into a normal equilibrium and counteracting any internal changes forced upon him.
Wolf's Cry- Kol can fill a willing target with energy, vigor, and power allowing them to have visions of beasts empowering them. Giving these people short-lived boosts of power and energy makes them more ferocious than any man. The duration of this, the power, and the number of people he can target increase based on where the moons are.
Wyvern's Rage- When he sees a fire he can 'fill it' with the rage of Wyverns. This increases the intensity, and the heat, but makes the fire die out faster if not around enough burnable items. Often these are completely uncontrolled, as the fires will run rampant out of his control, yet this is often fine as the chaos is normally in the middle of the enemy. Based upon where the moons are and the amount of fuel, the fire and explosion can range from a small blue flame to that of an inferno and explosive wave able to wipe out a small village.
Dragon's Domination- Kol fills a target with visions of roaring beasts, instilling varying levels of hesitation, anxiety, fear, or even incapacitating people. Based upon the positions of the moons, will increase the power as he can fill the target with more of his visions, to the point where he can possibly even kill someone from a pure overload of chemicals.
Arcane__ _ _ _ _
Dragon's Breath- Kol focuses arcane energy at his mouth as he simulates a scream, this is when he starts to pour out the arcane energy into a stream of hot fire that reaches out about 50 or so feet at the base. Based upon the position of the moons, he will be able to make the fire hotter, larger, and stretch out farther, to the point where he is breathing out white-hot fires that incinerate swaths of trees in a moment.
Draconic Touch- Kol covers his hands in a layer of fire as it gives him the ability to burn anything he touches, leaving fire on that he hits, and able to burn close wounds in an instant. Based upon where the moons are, it will increase the power he can put into the fires, the heat, and the intensity, yet can become uncontrollable and start to burn him if he is not careful.
Dragon's Presence- Kol radiates an intense heat in the direction of an attack to either melt the object or overpower the attack. This gets stronger and stronger based upon where the moons are, to the point where he can have an intense aura around him that can incinerate nearly anything.
Death's Touch- Kol learned to draw from the heat of a target, using their energy to fight with, if they produce a lot of heat, they are just fueling your fire, like when he faced against the Mørkt Fjell. However, if they are a normal person, Kol is able to pull enough energy from someone to knock them out if not outright kill them. And based on the position of the moons, this can be done as easily as a simple glance.
Original__ _ _ _ _
Mørk Tilstedeværelse (Dark Presence)- An intense heat begins to emanating and surround Kol as his face begins to twist and contort into a visage of a maddened demon. His veins begin to protrude, his muscles swell, and an emanating aura of heat begins to surround him. His attacks become more ferocious, every hit after the other seems more powerful, his speed increases dramatically, the heat grows more intense, and his body begins to look like it is darkening into a deep crimson. The heat creates mirages and images within it, many say they see a beast, a demon, a devil, but some swear by the idea that it is the soul of the Mørkt Fjell he wears on his back.
Kol is using multiple spells in tandem to enact this demonic frenzy-like state. As he hits, moves, or leaps, he draws and takes in the kinetic energy he would take from the reverse reaction or recoil, channeling in the energy either to keep his controlled rage and physical enhancments up, put into his next hit, or channel the energy he can not contain out into the heat surrounding him.
This was made in mimicry when Kol faced the Tyrannus Monsignus, the power it displayed, the near frenzy it went into, the heat and near-indestructible nature inspired Kol, more enlightened him, and heightened his power, as this tandem of spells and power came about in the midst of the fighting with the Monsignus, allowing him to fight the beast with ferocity and power that was able to hurt it, break it's scales, and through the teamwork of Hildr, Hrothgar, and himself eventually felled the once invincible beast.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S__ _ _ _ _
❖ Combat Savant- Being born his size, with instincts of a honed warrior, and a love of fighting made Kol a monster who has yet to see an equal in single combat. His skills with unarmed combat is matched by few if any and his reaction speeds are of an otherworldly nature. His powers with the Gift is otherworldly as when met under the moons few if any can match the sheer power he can generate. ❖ Strategy, Tactics, and Leadership- Kol is a fighter at heart but to be a good king you must know how to best lead your people, if it is through famine, war, or hunts, a King must lead his people, to inspire them. Kol is very skilled at this, being trained from a young age to become king after his father, and then needing to employ those skills to stabilize a near collapsing kingdom had proved his skills as a leader. While in war Kol is will often be in the vanguard, giving orders from there as he can see the battlefield change and enact his own strategies most directly. ❖ Tireless- From his many hunts, participation in war parties, and travels, Kol has become preternaturally able to stay awake, operate, and fight for days on end. ❖ Hard Worker- Not only to better himself for fighting but also to make sure he is constantly updated on his realm and the happenings to best take care of his people. He often makes sure he is ahead of the curve on many things, when he knows a dip in food will happen, he will often already have prepared for such an occasion. The same thing applies to combat, as often he trains and spars with others, often trying to figure out everything that could come at him and his people in battle, and eventually teaching counters and other such things to raise the skill of his people.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S__ _ _ _ _
❖ Obstinate- When he believes in a course of action, almost nothing can dissuade him, even to the point where reason falls upon deaf ears. ❖ Honorable/Gullible- Unlike what is expected of his people, Kol has honor in a fight, tricks, subterfuge, and other such things are not within his being. Leaving where if someone is to surrender, he often leaves them alone, he just asks them to leave the battlefield. This has often led him to be taken advantage of, but it has not dissuaded his nature. ❖ Overconfident- Kol is very confident in his skills, killing the creatures he has, and fighting the way he does leads to such things, he often faces multiple people at once without care, and it sometimes leaves him more injured than he needed to be. ❖ Low Impulse Control- Kol is often controlled by his impulses, leading to where he will say what is on his mind the moment it comes up, often losing himself in battle from the joy he has from it, or even wandering around as he feels and sometimes getting lost. ❖ Hazardous- Kol is often a Hazard when he is to go all out in a fight. He will often cause massive shockwaves, heat storms, infernos, knockout his own people with chemical overloads, and destroy entire areas easily if he is not careful of his power output when the moons are up.
M I S C E L L A N E O U S__ _ _ _ _
❖ Crimson- I use the word not any code. ❖ Kol means Dark or Victory of the People ❖ Blood Brother of Hildr and Vali, thinks of Vali like a little brother. ❖ The reason Kol keeps a clean face is that he would look like his father, and he hates the very notion that beast was his father. ❖ If Deep Arcane/Atomic wasn't so much studying and theoretical work, Kol would be irradiating everything around him and shooting laser beams.
Desmond looked to Benedetto without so much as moving, his eyes always stayed upon his, as he looked to Benedetto as he snarled and sneered. Desmond looked to this child, one given the power to kill men far greater than himself in a brutal way, and thinks of himself as a saint of it. Speaking of Death like he was to the purveyor of it like he's the one to figure out what death was, what it meant to destroy. Desmond's face sneered at the mere idea that he even had to look at Benedetto and understand the sentiment of his ideas. He understood, that saying something over the body means nothing much, but to bring the dead back, to speak their names, and then spit on them, means that you do nothing but draw evil.
Desmond watched the child begin to lash out at everyone now, yelling at Ingrid, howling as he declares the meaning of Lifelike some Philosopher: Struggle and Violence. Of those 2, Desmond agreed with 1, Struggle, everyone must struggle, and that is all. Everything else Benny speaks out of his little head is nothing but ramblings, like that of a madman explaining himself. Desmond had anger in him, but it subsided, he was mentally calming himself as he looked at Benedetto with nothing but a face that of a blank page but eyes with fury. Even then that fury eventually softened, it was now to keep an act rather than to be his true emotions.
There was no need to stoop to his level, to drop to Benedetto's thinking would mean you paint him as the one in the right, and sully the very ideas of those that have died. None of them knew that the Storehouse had people in there, so for them, they didn't consciously know where they were. None of them were trained, so, this will weigh heavy, as all death does. Death will weigh heavy, yet they are unable to cry and feel sorry for themselves, they need to move forward. And make sure that they didn't die just for us to die and quit. They'd die in vain.
As Benedetto continued to spew his maddened ideals and morals, he just made Desmond annoyed, acting as if he was not immoral in comparison to them because they all killed, but at least he wasn't a hypocrite, like some madman trying to make himself better by digging under someone. Yet this madman had some true power, Benedetto lifted tons of material into the air: water from the sea, splintered and burned wood, and crumbled stone. Desmond would be in awe as he saw each of these things rise, but he was more focused on Benedetto, Desmond needed to know something, and it might come from the man who's been hiding everything. But in preparation, Desmond began lightly drawing from the energy around them, slowly with smooth and calm regard, just enough to fill but not enough to disturb things. Like a good ghost, you mustn't draw in more than you need, the moment you do it makes you a bigger target. Once Desmond had his fill, he was ready for if Benedetto would try anything.
As Benedetto spoke, Desmond began picking up on his tones, his cadence, his shifting and heaving breath like that of an unstable person. He was cracking under his own emotional outburst, and like most unstable people, they'll spill everything they hold within them. Like some rocking boat in the thick of the storm, their bow creaking and cracking letting loose bits and pieces, and their secrets would be laid bare to those who listen. And it seemed it was true as Benedetto spoke, he spoke of his thoughts freely, of what he'd think of them to do instead of just prancing around. Then he spoke of VVvysen, as it seemed as if a bit of his 'good' was there, something that allowed him to feel, he felt something thinking of her weakness. As he pivoted and continued, almost none of them should have been there, as he told a truth Desmond needed to know, these are not the pirates they were looking for. Those who attacked them were not of the Maria Nera. As Benedetto continued, Desmond's anger had finally lowered and nearly disappeared as he calmed himself to not allow himself to get swept up, as the moment Benedetto blasted off into the sky, Desmond knew the conversation was over.
He was able to hear a weak voice off in the distance, he tossed a glance to see Onarr and sighed, "At least he seems okay". Desmond looked to the rest of the group as he took in a breath and said, "We can't listen to Benedetto. He's a mad dog trying to make himself seem better by saying doing terrible shit makes you better than those who accidentally do things because then you are the only one who knows what they are doing". Desmond sighed as he then continued, "We can't change things now, but if we wallow here then we will die here. Penny is out there, and God knows what's happening to her as we sit here and wallow. If we just sit here and let his madness get to us, we are no better than hypocrites and fools. Leaving those who have passed to be lost in vain, and leaving one of our people to die". Desmond could see a few were shaken, so he hoped that something to help them cut through the noise was enough.
As Ismette spoke up Desmond gave her a nod and said, "That's more than enough, you helped us when we needed it and saved us. Not everyone needs to fight, but everyone needs to help. We are not making out of this with us running around, we need to watch each other's backs". At this point, Desmond began to dig into his coin purse and started grabbing a few things.
The next person to awake was who Desmond was waiting for, he needed to know how she would be out of all of this. As Amelea rose, she seemed to make the remark that she was some kind of princess who needed to be saved. Yet the moment she looked around, she saw VVvysen and was startled enough to invoke the Pentad through physical gesture. She rose to call out for everyone and check if everyone is okay as she drew in kinetic energy, Desmond was immediately worried like she might have tried to hide it preparing to do something, yet Desmond was already filled with energy so his preparedness hopefully went unnoticed by the Princess. She seems far more prepared for fighting than what a normal person would, and far more so than what he'd expect from a princess.
As she called out with righteous anger, she proclaimed realizing who they are, and Desmond's eyes almost sharpened, yet he stopped himself from showing his thoughts. She already knew, she even said it herself: 'She should have known they would use her as bait'. Who were they baiting? Obviously, it wasn't just some random person. Desmond knew something was up, she was now beginning to shift the situation to try and get people to have a high resolve to go straight for the enemy, maybe this was her plan to play off what happened to VVvysen. As the Princess made her proclamations, Desmond put his hand on her shoulder as he said in a calm voice, "We have a few things to do before we do that. Firstly heal up and find our other partner. Talk about what we know,-".
Desmond shifted his arm that was on her shoulder slightly but keep his right hand hidden from her as he continued, "-after all, we need to know what we are dealing with. And what about those friends of yours? Shouldn't we go get them? After all, they should be able to help us defeat the Maria Nera's crew for sure, we did just kill 6 of their stronger mages, right?" Desmond was looking at the Princess waiting for a response as in his off-hand, his right hand, hidden from her view, flashed what seemed to be 3 Neskal. In the order from left to right while looking at Desmond head on goes: Lapis Lazuli, Ivory, and Onyx. He hopes that whoever sees this might understand his message for this conversation, hopefully, Ingrid might understand what this means.
Ipte, Garnet- Lover. Maybe is given to pay for a dowry, anniversary, gifts of love, and the such like that.
Shune, Lapis Lazuli- Learner. Maybe given to people as either a way to pay for school, pay someone in a school, may be used to congratulate someone, or to tell someone you learned something important.
Oraff, Gold- Creator. May be used when a great inventor makes something and used to congratulate them, may be used when a baby is born into a higher family, or stuff to deal with creation inside a higher family or industry.
Eshiran, Ivory- Destroyer. Maybe it's used as a threat, when nobles wish to threaten each other, used to pay soldiers, for funeral costs, and for condolences.
Dami, Onyx- Judge. Often given in professional and business matters as an exhortation to deal fairly also used to signify the person made a sound judgment and the such.
Standing at 6'10 Kol is heads and shoulders taller than most men, and being well over 300 pounds he weighs enough to make many men think of themselves as being lithe. His build is that of a strong and powerful man as his body is covered in muscles and scars. Kol keeps his black hair short and well kept as his style of fighting would lead for it to be an easy thing to grab, well if they could reach. His eyes are black and seem to have a sharp and solid look to them, but when emotion come to him his eyes almost seem to be a gateway that shows how he feels. They soften, harden, curl when he smiles, like his eyes react with his emotions. He has many scars across his body, the most numerous being on his back, his torso, and on his legs, many of which look quite nasty as many might not have been properly treated.
Kol's more basic gear is a thick set of hides, overlapping metal pieces to make armor, and thick covers to keep himself protected from attacks and the elements, his normal clothing is a bit different from this however. As his position as King, he has made sure to dress himself well, keep himself groomed, and make sure he is well adorned, yet the strange thing he does is he keeps his face clean of hair. Many comment of his behavior, yet he stays his way, often quoting that often when fighting, a proper opponent would use anything they could, hair pulling, eye gouging, anything that gives them an advantage.
Yet when Kol is meant to fight as Kol, Death's Hand King of Strumreef, he dons his armor he gained from his time when he joined the party of Hrothgar when they were both young Princes. There they dared to do the impossible and slay a Tyrannus Monsignus. Kol gained an armor that was designed soley for him, a pure black armor that covered him from head to toe in dragon scales, that break normal blades on the sheer toughness of the armor, and gives this man an additional layer of protection on top of his unbreakable Berserker rage. The Armor was designed to best compliment his aggressive style of Hand-to-Hand combat, giving him increased armored protection on his arms and shoulders to deflect blows, using scales to cover the chest in a certain way to deflect stabs away from him to allow him to charge forward more easily, and multiple leather and hide layers made from the interconnecting hide dragons have between scales to cover Kol's joints and neck to protect the softest parts of his body from glancing hit and attacks. This was a very expensive set of armor for Kol to have made, yet it was the only thing he could have ever thought of bring able to handle his immense power when the moons are all aligned.
General feel, not actual look-
Kol is not this hulking man for no reason, he hungers to fight and yearns to challenge himself. He loves the thrill of fighting, may it be man or beast, he loves to test himself, his mettle, his strength, and his power. Every inch of him wishes to be tested, to be the best he can be. He wishes to be the best fighter, the best king for his people, and the best brother he can be for his Blood Brothers.
His main reason to join in this war being waged by Hrothgar is to join a friend on the battlefield once more, give his men the honorable death they seek, and to make sure his people live in prosperity as they are. As always in the south, the cold is hell on them, their main sources of food come from roving beasts, the sea, and animals they herd and the cheese they can make. But because of this, any small thing could leave his people starving, so often Kol would lead raids, hunting parties, and anything he could do to keep his people okay. His life has been dedicated to those who are close to him and his people.
Kol wishes above all to keep his people safe and prosperous, challenge himself, challenge and harden his people who fight beside him, and to die on the field of battle with his people and Brothers with him.
Kol is a jovial man, who values friendship highly, and regards the bond with all of his followers and his Brothers to be his greatest treasure. His people being inspired by his actions gives him their undivided loyalty and adoration, in turn inspires him to do the most he can for them. He is very generous man who gives gift quite often and rarely hold much back for himself. He admires people who treat friendship with sincerity, while being compassionate to those with whom he bonds, even if he bonds with them from the other side of a blade.
He is not overly cruel as would be expected from the man known as Death's Hand, but tries instead to keep bloodshed and cruelty to a minimum despite his love for battle and destruction. He is fine with not actually winning a battle outright, often leaving with little casualties and the supplies or what they came for from the raid, and is known to even attempt to recruit enemies as his followers after witnessing their prowess for himself. Yet when put in a battle he fights with glee, fighting to his hearts content, breaking sheild lines with his body, and facing off with knights often challenging them to duels.
He insists that a king should be setting vivid examples to be followed, bond with his subjects at personal level, and his way of living should be something inspiring to and envied by all under his rule, not a distant ideal or martyr whose deeds would be praised yet whose path is so full of sorrow and pain that it would only inspire a sense of dread. To him, a selfless king who isolates himself from his people to die for ideals is nothing but a fool, which is worse than a tyrant. He is also in opinion that a king should be vibrant, a figure who is inspiring and leading his people, instead of being a distant loner who concerns himself only with protecting and saving his people. Ultimately, he would grieve and weep over his losses and mistakes, but he would stay true to himself and never regret decisions made as a king. For if he was to, those who died following him and believing in him as a king would have died for nothing in misplaced belief.
B A C K G R O U N D__ _ _ _ _
Kol is the King of Strumreef, an Island kingdom near the mainland Eskand that is known for being bountiful in fish, trading posts, and hearty men. Kol is a very proud King, he has the loyalty of his people not only from his exploits with the King of Kings Hrothgar Agnarsson in felling the legendary Dragon Mørkt Fjell, Tyrannus Monsignus, his many legendary hunts, raids, and exploits. He has faced many foes in battle, wrestled beasts far above his own size to the ground, brought men far beyond his years to their knees, and faced the most dangerous things with his bare fists and laughs.
Kol has faced countless hardships and realizations in his ascension to the throne, he learned of his naïve view of the world, his lacking as a commander, and the tough choices expected to be made as a king. Yet through his times even with his rocky start as a King, the direct action he took of his ascension had earned the trust and respect of his people. Kol had risen to Kingship from the display of his compassion to his people in slaying his own father. Kol slew his father, Ulfrik the Black Handed, with his Blood Sister Hildr after Ulfrik had nearly collapsed the entire Kingdom of Strumreef. His father had gone mad and slaughtered countless people, and family members, and had hoarded himself and his loyal followers away in their ancestral home. With the help of Hildr, they were able to defeat all those who were loyal to the Mad King, and once he confronted his father, Kol was the one to deal the death blow, marking him as Kin Slayer.
From that point onward Kol dedicated his time to his people and those closest to him, he made sure he took care of them the best he could. He was a generous man, he gave many gifts to those who followed him, and he made sure to take care of his people as he often lead raids, hunts, and fishing parties when areas were doing poorly. Yet when things were good, families were fed, and people were prepared for winter, Kol spent his time with his sworn Sister, Hildr, and eventually his Brother, Vali. The three became synonymous with each other, is known to hunt beasts and monsters, lead raids against the Greenlanders, and always be seen in battle together. With teamwork that has been forged in the heat of battle and the fire of Life and Death
Kol was born to King Ulfrik and Uriel of Strumreef, a kingdom founded on one of the islands connected to Eskand. It is best known for its bountiful fishing routes, strong trade routes, and the hearty people. This kingdom had been standing for multiple generations, with Ulfrik the Black Handed being the 4th ruler of Strumreef it has known quite a bit of prosperity at this point and has been loyal to Eskand and follows the Old Gods. The Union of Ulfrik and Uriel was a planned one, Ulfrik wished to have an heir that was as strong as could be, so with his Blood that of a Mooncaster and Uriel's of a Leadvein, he supposed he could have a child who would be something wholly different.
Kol was the child of this possible union of power, and he lived up to every bit of it. Kol grew very quickly, to the point where his father began even being able to play with, train, and teach Kol from the age of 5 to be a man. As Kol grew, his father noticed Kol's nature, he liked to fight, he liked to prove himself, and he liked to be the center of attention. Given a stick Kol turns it into a sword to slay a monster, a banner to rally troops behind, or a flag to stand and salute to, as he marches it seems he gets people to follow, or when someone tries to challenge him, he will fight them, not with sticks or rocks, but his fists. Once he beat them, they were forced to join him, he went to their homes, asked their parents to play with them, wrestled with them, invited them to fish with him, and do all sorts of things. Kol's very nature seemed overbearing on a person, to defeat them and then befriend them.
As he grew he began to train more, doing physical labor his father or uncles set for him, pushing barrels around, haul the fish they caught, carry and cut all the fire wood for the evening, they did this in possibility to see how far he would go. They trained him and he seemed to always rise to the occasion, as he grew, he started from carrying one of the large fish up at a time, to 2 to 3, then to a whole barrel filled, then even multiple barrels. He began from cutting for hours and making little progress, to being able to cut a full log in a day, to being able to find a tree felled and hauling back pieces to cut up, to being able to fell a tree for wood, and then to fell multiple and haul them back.
Yet the thing that changed most quickly wasn't his strength, but his combat prowess. As he trained, he rapidly grew in strength, skill, and instincts, his skills over shadowed those of his peers. As within a few short years, he had already needed to start to spar against older kids and then young adults just to find a challenge. Yet this rapid growth did not go uncontested, many often tried to bully him while on his lonesome. Many found him being so 'exceptional' and giving them bad looks as warriors would make it where they would be made a mockery of. Often they challenged him to a 'real' spar, using metal weapons as they tried either putting him in his place, or maybe give him a nice comfortable seat far away from the head of the Visitor's table. Yet Kol's instincts were something completely different, against metal weapons he did not falter, let alone feel any form of fear, as he fought them, he used the same methodical attacks he uses in spars to take them out. He had read them, understood what kind of fighters they were, as he beat them quickly without breaking a sweat.
Yet the time came when Kol was met with a hard lesson, not every situation would be so simple. Kol was around 10 at this time when he had beaten a younger man in a sparring session, this was after they had came back from a raid to the North. This man had lost his cool as he had just lost to the equivalent to a child, so he decided to take his revenge in an interesting way. He offered to take Kol out for a hunting trip that him and some other people are going on. Little did Kol know this was going to be the possible last time he would ever see the light of day. As they travelled out to hunt down a Mammoth, the others quietly planned where to dump Kol. As they travelled, they knew they couldn't lay a hand on him, none of them would ever reach the Visitor's table, but that shouldn't include if he was to die because of a monster out of their control. As once they camped for the night, the rest of them quietly packed up and left Kol in the deep cold.
Kol awoke and realized he was alone, in the freezing cold, with no fire, no food, nothing to keep himself anymore warm. Kol was stunned, he was completely alone, he spend multiple hours huddled there in his tent in the freezing cold, hoping that this is just another crazy test he was being given. His family will sometimes do crazy things to test him, have him sit in ice water for an hour without leaving, hanging from the rafters for hours on end without passing out, and all sorts of other things. This might be just a test…Kol was there until night fall, where he had felt something well inside him. His thoughts trying to rationalize what is happening faded as something told him, this was on purpose. They left him, he felt a sense of fear swell in him, he thought he might die out here, in the cold, alone, away from his mother and father. As a loud howl was let out that send his tent flying, revealing to Kol a large wolf standing well over 10 feet tall, it looked to Kol as if he was just easy prey.
Yet something seemed to be different with Kol, his eyes almost shook with rage, his body was heating up, as he felt a roar build up inside him as he screamed to the heavens. The immediate area seemed to shake violently as Kol launched himself forward at the great beast like a spear. He leaped into the air far above any man, as he aimed for the Great Wolf's eye, as he smashed his arm through the eye socket of the wolf and began to let out roars and attacks to this creature till it fell. As Kol ripped his hand out of the skull of the Great Wolf, he saw the position of the moons, all five were high above and seemed to almost soothe him as he looked to them. As he howled to the moon, as it had such energy that it shook the very trees near him from their roots, as he eventually passed out.
Kol woke up the next morning being held in his father's arms, as they travelled through the forest, his father spoke simple things to his only son. Whispers that could be heard by no one but Kol, the whispers of a man who thinks he's alone, as it is constant affirmations of his love for his son. His pride in his strength, his worry of his difference from those around him, and his sorrow that such a thing came to ever pass while he was under his care. Once Kol had been reunited with his people, those who had done such a thing to Kol were sentenced to be executed for leaving the prince to die. Kol wished for something different, he wished for them to be his first hunting partners, as he wanted to hunt some dangerous beasts.
The next few years Kol had showed his true interests, combat, fighting, hunting, he was the embodiment of a warrior. Those who challenged him felt the full force of his might, and then often invited to participate in some of his hunts. He hunted all types of beasts and monster, Great Wolf packs, Great Ursas, Serpents, and any beast or monster he could find. As he fought and killed these beasts he began to receive visions of these beasts, their power almost coursing through Kol as he gained new aspects of power. Kol had became the very thing his father envisioned, a true monster.
Once Kol was 16, his father wanted him to experience their culture to the fullest, he had shown skills in running hunting parties, fishing parties, and taking control of people in dispute, but now came time to see him as a leader in war. So when this is when Ulfrik and his Jarls called for a raid, and the people answered, now with Kol among their ranks. As Kol left his little Island for the north, he had a strange sense of excitement within him, he could test himself on the field of battle, against people who would come at him with everything.
Kol's first kill occurred when he was faced with guards of a city, he was faced with a spear line as he remembered how the Unstoppable Razor Back Boar would rush head long into anything, ripping through trees, boulders, and men with spears pointed in its direction. As he filled himself with images of it, his legs began to swell as he sprinted to the line as the moment a spear tip was to hit his skin, the spear bowed and broke against his body, as he slammed into their shields the metal and wood bowed and broke, as the sounds of bones crunching and men screaming filled the air.
Once the battle was done, blood has been spilt, and prisoners taken, Kol…disliked the feeling. To break a man, to draw their blood, to snuff their fire, it felt strange. It felt wrong, Kol couldn't put it as why, but from the look everyone around him had, he was the one who was strange. To them it seemed fun, invigorating, like this was something that was the peak. Kol held his tounge back, he couldn't speak of his feelings, he needed to be strong, he was strong, the strong fight, the strong *killed*. Kol let out a sigh as he left for his tent, but his father was there to speak with his son. King Ulfrik was to ask his son and heir, "How was your first battle"? Kol broke down and told his father, he didn't like the idea of killing, Kol couldn't understand why, but the mere concept seemed fine, but when blood is on his hands and bodies lay at his feet, Kol's stomach churns, and he feels uneasy.
His father listened to his son and spoke to him, and reassured him that to feel that is fine, that means that you can feel from the heart. Death is a part of life, to fight is to show courage, when you fight a worthy opponent death is always there. Either of you will die, the only decision you can have in that is simple, kill or be killed. Either you die and find your place at the Visitor's Table, or they die and they find themselves judged by the Visitor. As they spoke, Kol found some calmness that his father didn't seem enraged at him, his worry wasn't towards Kol's dislike of killing, but to what could occur if he was to falter if his dislike for killing made him hesitate.
The next day, Kol marched forward with the raiders, as they began to regale stories, Kol began to learn himself through this time. He understood why he disliked to kill, why their death did not seem to sit well with him, he wished for them to join his band. He had always got his way: get into a fight with people, beat them up, be declared the winner, and inviting them to join in his adventures. He tried his same actions, he beat them up, they obviously felt like they lost, and he then invited him to join his hunting party…but it seemed a few things were in the way of his enemies becoming his allies, the first being one he can't get over easily, he didn't speak their language.
This was a dilemma that Kol couldn't really solve easily, yet he did not give up on his ideals. He always did his best, put on a friendly face, weild no weapons, and having a happy voice, yet for some reason people were afraid of the now 6 foot 6 man covered in mud, blood, and torn up clothing. To them Kol was the very thing his father envisioned, a true monster.
Father was the one to guard the realm of work, for he was strong and sure. Yet now he has forsaken his job and fattened with hate, so now I must take his place.
Mother used to guard the hearth and home, and there we were to pray to her. Yet now the home runs cold and none is to be fed since you crossed that line.
Sister walked to market and hurries about town, Yet she now hides from your wrath and scurries around.
Brother fights the Greenlanders and strikes his rival down. Yet you slayed him and stained your own crown.
To act with grace and purpose, I shall always do my best, For the Visitor has arrived to take you off to rest.
TLDR Time Line;
Age | What happened 00 | Koli, Son of Ulfrik is born 05 | Kol begins his 'training' how to be a man, he also begins to become the center of attention and king of the kids. 06 | Kol begins his training in fighting, sparring, doing labors to get stronger as he begins to rapidly grow. 10 | Kol has made many people angry because of his strength that many challenge him to real duels, and often leaves them in the dust. 10 | Kol fought the wrong person, at which point when they lost, they pulled a simple trick to get Kol alone on a hunting trip with him and some friends to leave him to die. 10 | Kol Awoken the Gift and awoken his calling, filling himself with power to kill a Great Wolf, a 10 foot tall wolf, and changing him as person. Learning his love of hunting and fighting. 15 | By this point, Kol proved himself to be an exceptional warrior and a competent leader his skills are matched by few and his hunger by none. He yearns to battle more intense beasts and monsters, as he 16 | Kol goes on his first Raid, becomes enthralled in battle, as he quickly becomes a true force of nature, he learns and adapts becoming stronger. Yet after he realized what he did and feels strange. He spoke to his father, who calmed his son and made sure Kol understood what it means to fight. 17 | Kol goes on his first Raid, becomes enthralled in battle, as he quickly becomes a true force of nature, he learns and adapts becoming stronger. 24 | Kol joined Hrothgar's party to hunt down a Tyrannus Monsignus that has appeared. Kol is excited at the thought to kill such a legendary creature. 25 | The party of Hrothgar, Kol, & Hildr had felled the beast, each of them now being covered in glory, armor made of dragon, and riches from the material, yet it was short lived for Kol as he received news of what is happening in his home, his father has gone mad in this year he was away and had nearly collapsed the entire kingdom. 25.3 | Asked his companions if they could assist him in this trying time Hildr agreed, yet Hrothgar declined, because of his position it would more likely cause too much of a commotion to assist. 26 | Kol & Kildr had finally stopped the madness that Ulfrik has caused in Strumreef, ending with Kol and Hildr killing over 100 people loyal to his father, multiple family members who seemed to have gone mad with him, including Kol's father Ulfrik.
33.5 | Invited Vali to hunt the Super Camo Saber Tooth Tiger 36 | Became Blood brothers with Vali now. 43 | Kol calls for his people to prepare for war, as the King of Kings had called for a Great raid to begin.
I N V E N T O R Y__ _ _ _ _
❖ Basic Armor- Kol's armor he wears on any normal day is that of thick hides, overlapping metal pieces to make armor, and thick covers to keep himself protected from attacks and the elements. Most of this is pieces he doesn't care to lose, as often when he is in battle he can lose his coverings because of enemies catching it and ripping it off of his body, spells destroying it, or Kol's own magic destroying it in his frenzy.
❖ Dark Armor- Kol's custom armor is made of the pure black dragon scales of the Tyrannus Monsignus. The Armor was designed to best compliment his aggressive style of Hand-to-Hand combat, giving him increased armored protection on his arms and shoulders to deflect blows, using scales to cover the chest in a certain way to deflect stabs away from him to allow him to charge forward more easily, and multiple leather and hide layers made from the interconnecting hide dragons have between scales to cover Kol's joints and neck to protect the softest parts of his body from glancing hit and attacks. This was a very expensive set of armor for Kol to have made, yet it was the only thing he could have ever thought of bring able to handle his immense power when the moons are all aligned. As when he uses his arcane powers he could possibly warp his armor, incinerate the leather of other animals, and melt his armor.
❖ Mørke Greb (Dark Grasps)- A pair of gauntlets made from the scales and some of the spines and horns of the Tyrannus Monsignus, they were made as a special gift for Kol to signify the achievement they accomplished. These black gauntlets have always been used by Kol in every fight, as they are some of the greatest pride he has and that which has defined his being as a warrior.
❖ Knife- It's a dagger, he uses it to cut things. Not people, like food and rope.
❖ Drinking Horn- It's a drinking horn made from the horn of a goat who Kol raised. It has sentimental value as it was close to him and he cared for the goat.
❖ King's Banner- Unlike what the name entails, this is his cloak that he wears on himself. This is normally a very bright color, his favorite is red, which he wears on his back as it is the symbol of who his people are to follow. He always jests that if you are unable to see his 'banner' then you need to work that belly off before you grow rounder than Father.
T H E G I F T__ _ _ _ _
Berserkers are particularly blessed of Echeran-Sept. They can be found in Eskand.
A rare calling, and found only among the Eskandr, the path of the Berserker is one of controlled madness. These hulking, feral warriors enter a trancelike state, empowering their minds with visions and thoughts of ferocious beasts such as wolves, dragons, and bears and their bodies with essence, force, and arcane magics. Charging into battle, they attack with unmatched ferocity and great speed, greatly resistant to damage and nearly impervious to pain.
Mooncasters are extremely rare, and often possess heightened senses and reflexes. Their base power levels are often quite low, rarely exceeding Second-and-a-Half Wheel. However, they grow exponentially more powerful depending on the position and brightness of the five moons. Given the right position, a mediocre Second wheel magic-user can multiply his power, becoming a monstrous fifth-plus wheel with a capacity ten times that of before. For reasons unknown, it is possible for a mooncaster to also possess a second mana type.
Leadveins are generally solid and balanced. They can safely draw and contain half again the amount of kinetic energy that their capacity would usually allow. They can impart this into physical blows and tend to be highly self-damage resistant. However, they tend to tire easily and can struggle to control their own force.
Blood type: Mooncaster Leadvein
Preferred schools: Force, Essence, & Arcane
Wheel Rating: 2 1/2+, based upon the position of the moons his power can increase wildly.
Kol is not just a physical monster, but also a monster with the use of the Gift. With the blood of his mother and his father had created a Monsterous berserker, being a leadvein enhanced his already naturally powerful physical nature, but then being a Mooncaster enhanced his own reflexes and senses making him a dangerous opponent dueling opponent. With his mother's blood giving him Leadvein, he had a very natural development into the force branch of mana, using it to enhance his blows, create roars and claps that can deflect projectiles or throw fully grown men off their feet, to throw himself hundreds of feet into the air, or to protect himself with a layer of kinetic energy around him to dampen blows if not fully negate them.
Kol did not hear the Gods calling for him as a Berserker and just used force. He had heard the calls and has seen visions of beasts. As he fights, gaining new visions of beasts, enemies, and allies, inspiring him with new powers. As either when he is in the heat of combat or through 'meditation' he is able to harness these visions to something that can increase his own power. By using Essence Kol is able to fill himself or others with visions of ferocious monsters and beasts to enhance himself and/or his allies, cleansing himself of his 'visions' and forced ailments, filling opponents with these visions of beasts to fill them with fear, or to fill his or others Arcane spells with visions of Wyverns and Dragons to enhance the power and ferocity of the fire.
This is not where Kol's powers end, through his fight with the Mørkt Fjell, he was filled with visions of heats, flames, and ferocity he had never seen until then. As he fills himself with visions and remembrances of the great dragon and lesser ones he is able to channel the Gift into that of intense flames. Using arcane mana Kol is able to surround himself with such intense heat that it can ignite wood instantly, breath fire out like a dragon, form fire on his arms and legs to attack with or dissuade grapples, draw from the heat a target produces to fuel his own magics, or even put out a very intense blast of heat or fire to deflect certain magical attacks or just incinerate a target instantly.
Spell Examples:
I'm just using this to give a bit of a flavor to what kind of things Kol would use The Gift for. If you were also expecting me to put his fighting style(s), like I have been known recently to be doing, don't worry baby, I'll get to that soon enough, I wanted to get this up within the year.
Force__ _ _ _ _
Tyrant's Roar- A ferocious roar that explodes with such power that the land shakes, stone crumbles, sends men and projectiles flying, and men die from the shockwaves of the roar. Based upon where the moons are, this roar can cause metal to crack and crumble, stone to pulverize, or can even be heard from miles away.
Wyvern's Glide- Kol will use force to launch himself into the air, as the more he does this, the more energy he can take in, to the point where when he has enough, he is able to use it to propel himself in the air to simulate gliding before he begins to fall and he begins to siphon kinetic energy again. Based upon the position of the moons, it will increase the distance he can jump, the time he is able to hold himself in the air, and even being able to simulate actual flight for some time.
Death's Hammer- Kol uses his Force energy to do a great leap, as once he begins to fall, he starts inputting more of his energy into the fall until impact, where he absorbs the Force he would take from the destructive landing, at this point he causes a crushing blow on whatever he lands. Based upon where the moons are will change the power from a crushing blow that can destroy most stone, metal, and reinforcements, to the point where him landing the wrong way on the ground might send him into the earth too far for people to even think he might have broken into the Visitor's Table.
Dragon Skin- Kol uses force energy to defend himself from all kinds of external attacks, making his body able to take bolts and ballista to the chest and keep running, explosions at point-blank and laugh it off, or even intense heats for an extended period of time without as much as a burn.
Essence__ _ _ _ _
Owl's Wisdom- Anytime Kol wishes to end his rage or any other substances or changes within him, Kol cleanses himself of any foreign substances, calms his mind, and steadies his body. This takes less time based upon the position of the moons, with the base being 30 seconds before his body is put back into a normal equilibrium and counteracting any internal changes forced upon him.
Wolf's Cry- Kol can fill a willing target with energy, vigor, and power allowing them to have visions of beasts empowering them. Giving these people short-lived boosts of power and energy makes them more ferocious than any man. The duration of this, the power, and the number of people he can target increase based on where the moons are.
Wyvern's Rage- When he sees a fire he can 'fill it' with the rage of Wyverns. This increases the intensity, and the heat, but makes the fire die out faster if not around enough burnable items. Often these are completely uncontrolled, as the fires will run rampant out of his control, yet this is often fine as the chaos is normally in the middle of the enemy. Based upon where the moons are and the amount of fuel, the fire and explosion can range from a small blue flame to that of an inferno and explosive wave able to wipe out a small village.
Dragon's Domination- Kol fills a target with visions of roaring beasts, instilling varying levels of hesitation, anxiety, fear, or even incapacitating people. Based upon the positions of the moons, will increase the power as he can fill the target with more of his visions, to the point where he can possibly even kill someone from a pure overload of chemicals.
Arcane__ _ _ _ _
Dragon's Breath- Kol focuses arcane energy at his mouth as he simulates a scream, this is when he starts to pour out the arcane energy into a stream of hot fire that reaches out about 50 or so feet at the base. Based upon the position of the moons, he will be able to make the fire hotter, larger, and stretch out farther, to the point where he is breathing out white-hot fires that incinerate swaths of trees in a moment.
Draconic Touch- Kol covers his hands in a layer of fire as it gives him the ability to burn anything he touches, leaving fire on that he hits, and able to burn close wounds in an instant. Based upon where the moons are, it will increase the power he can put into the fires, the heat, and the intensity, yet can become uncontrollable and start to burn him if he is not careful.
Dragon's Presence- Kol radiates an intense heat in the direction of an attack to either melt the object or overpower the attack. This gets stronger and stronger based upon where the moons are, to the point where he can have an intense aura around him that can incinerate nearly anything.
Death's Touch- Kol learned to draw from the heat of a target, using their energy to fight with, if they produce a lot of heat, they are just fueling your fire, like when he faced against the Mørkt Fjell. However, if they are a normal person, Kol is able to pull enough energy from someone to knock them out if not outright kill them. And based on the position of the moons, this can be done as easily as a simple glance.
Original__ _ _ _ _
Mørk Tilstedeværelse (Dark Presence)- An intense heat begins to emanating and surround Kol as his face begins to twist and contort into a visage of a maddened demon. His veins begin to protrude, his muscles swell, and an emanating aura of heat begins to surround him. His attacks become more ferocious, every hit after the other seems more powerful, his speed increases dramatically, the heat grows more intense, and his body begins to look like it is darkening into a deep crimson. The heat creates mirages and images within it, many say they see a beast, a demon, a devil, but some swear by the idea that it is the soul of the Mørkt Fjell he wears on his back.
Kol is using multiple spells in tandem to enact this demonic frenzy-like state. As he hits, moves, or leaps, he draws and takes in the kinetic energy he would take from the reverse reaction or recoil, channeling in the energy either to keep his controlled rage and physical enhancments up, put into his next hit, or channel the energy he can not contain out into the heat surrounding him.
This was made in mimicry when Kol faced the Tyrannus Monsignus, the power it displayed, the near frenzy it went into, the heat and near-indestructible nature inspired Kol, more enlightened him, and heightened his power, as this tandem of spells and power came about in the midst of the fighting with the Monsignus, allowing him to fight the beast with ferocity and power that was able to hurt it, break it's scales, and through the teamwork of Hildr, Hrothgar, and himself eventually felled the once invincible beast.
S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S__ _ _ _ _
❖ Combat Savant- Being born his size, with instincts of a honed warrior, and a love of fighting made Kol a monster who has yet to see an equal in single combat. His skills with unarmed combat is matched by few if any and his reaction speeds are of an otherworldly nature. His powers with the Gift is otherworldly as when met under the moons few if any can match the sheer power he can generate. ❖ Strategy, Tactics, and Leadership- Kol is a fighter at heart but to be a good king you must know how to best lead your people, if it is through famine, war, or hunts, a King must lead his people, to inspire them. Kol is very skilled at this, being trained from a young age to become king after his father, and then needing to employ those skills to stabilize a near collapsing kingdom had proved his skills as a leader. While in war Kol is will often be in the vanguard, giving orders from there as he can see the battlefield change and enact his own strategies most directly. ❖ Tireless- From his many hunts, participation in war parties, and travels, Kol has become preternaturally able to stay awake, operate, and fight for days on end. ❖ Hard Worker- Not only to better himself for fighting but also to make sure he is constantly updated on his realm and the happenings to best take care of his people. He often makes sure he is ahead of the curve on many things, when he knows a dip in food will happen, he will often already have prepared for such an occasion. The same thing applies to combat, as often he trains and spars with others, often trying to figure out everything that could come at him and his people in battle, and eventually teaching counters and other such things to raise the skill of his people.
W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S__ _ _ _ _
❖ Obstinate- When he believes in a course of action, almost nothing can dissuade him, even to the point where reason falls upon deaf ears. ❖ Honorable/Gullible- Unlike what is expected of his people, Kol has honor in a fight, tricks, subterfuge, and other such things are not within his being. Leaving where if someone is to surrender, he often leaves them alone, he just asks them to leave the battlefield. This has often led him to be taken advantage of, but it has not dissuaded his nature. ❖ Overconfident- Kol is very confident in his skills, killing the creatures he has, and fighting the way he does leads to such things, he often faces multiple people at once without care, and it sometimes leaves him more injured than he needed to be. ❖ Low Impulse Control- Kol is often controlled by his impulses, leading to where he will say what is on his mind the moment it comes up, often losing himself in battle from the joy he has from it, or even wandering around as he feels and sometimes getting lost. ❖ Hazardous- Kol is often a Hazard when he is to go all out in a fight. He will often cause massive shockwaves, heat storms, infernos, knockout his own people with chemical overloads, and destroy entire areas easily if he is not careful of his power output when the moons are up.
M I S C E L L A N E O U S__ _ _ _ _
❖ Crimson- I use the word not any code. ❖ Kol means Dark or Victory of the People ❖ Blood Brother of Hildr and Vali, thinks of Vali like a little brother. ❖ The reason Kol keeps a clean face is that he would look like his father, and he hates the very notion that beast was his father. ❖ If Deep Arcane/Atomic wasn't so much studying and theoretical work, Kol would be irradiating everything around him and shooting laser beams.
Desmond rose from his crouching position as he saw the bullet pass through the mage's skull and began to fade away. Desmond gave them a quick thought before he moved on, Desmond doesn't like to kill, he does because it's all he knows. Kill or be Killed, that was the situation, that was his life, and still, it is the thing that follows him. He can't change that, not today, but at least he can live to see tomorrow.
Desmond made his way to the group again, they seemed to have been gathering near the princess. Upon a quick glance she seemed to be breathing, her joints seem to be in the right directions, and her neck seems limp but not flimsy, Desmond thinks she'll make it. Yet almost like an old wound reopening Benedetto appeared and proceeded to spew bile. Desmond was fine with his attitude, he was already going to pay him back for threatening him, yet him mocking the dead…Desmond snapped out at him in a low and angered tone, "Shut the fuck up". His face was much different from the one he normally shows, no smile was there, no happy or slightly smirking face, just eyes that look as if they held every bit of scorn they could.
Desmond's eyes locked with Benedetto's as he said this, he was not going to let him disrespect the dead, especially someone from their side. Banter, jabs, and insults at your enemies as you fight them? That is fair game to Desmond, but the moment they are dead you leave them, to bring them up and mock them only brings them back and causes ill omens to all those around them. Desmond lived by this, the only time the dead are brought up is when you speak good of them, are in remembrance of them, or when you are to regale of them.
Desmond gave the princess a nod with his smile still strewn across his face as he said, "Alright, lady's first". As Desmond lightly bowed in front of the window to allow her to go first, after which he followed after. Desmond looked out as the princess landed and tossed him a mischievous smile, he tossed her one as well as he began to grab his hat in one hand and the other takes hold of the rail and jumped out. As he approached the ground he shifted his leg placement to be directly underneath himself to prepare for impact. Once his feet hit the ground, he allowed his knees to buckle as he began to control his fall, allowing the next area to make contact with the ground be his thigh. After this, he continued his 'fall' having his hip and shoulder twisted so he then let his ass and his back and shoulder land as he began to roll out of this fall. Shifting his body to allow him to set his knee to the ground and pop up quickly with his free hand.
Once he hopped up to his feet, Desmond tossed the Princess a toothy grin as he began to head towards La Fleur Rouge, he needed to find Benedetto but he needed to make sure he wasn't spotted in there a second time. If he was seen there a second time, people might start asking questions. So once he made it near the building, he looked at the princess and said, "Give me a quick minute to change. Can't let myself be seen as a suspicious target while looking for my partner". As he set his back to it and began to change his look, he took off his hat, and his jacket, and began affixing different things onto himself. A bandana to hide away some of his hair and change its look a bit, tightening up his shirt and allowing his weapons to be more shown rather than hidden away. His rifle was already hidden away attached underneath the cart they appeared herewith to make sure he wasn't pinpointed so quickly. After changing himself to look like a completely average pirate, he tossed his other clothing at her and said with a smile, "Here, put some of this one and change yourself up a little, can't have you looking like yourself. You might get caught", as he walked around to begin his look around. He spoke a much more guttural Perrench, much different from his suave and aloof persona. Maybe after a few drinks and moving around, Desmond left with an upset look on his face, pushing his way through a few people who got in his way before making a bit of a small circle before meeting up with the princess again. This entire time, Desmond was worried, Benedetto was nowhere to be seen, and he had a bad itch in the back of his mind about the princess. Was this so easy?
Desmond had thoughts running through his mind while he was away from the Princess, he did not want his thoughts to be read by her prying eyes. Desmond had no clue on her skills, yet he was not going to take a chance of her reading him. After all, she seemed suspicious. She was stolen away by the pirates and held captive, yet it felt weird, she seemed almost strangely free. She almost walked around like she knew this place, she was even able to take a long and strange route to her room, like she was trying to mislead someone, to Desmond it felt like she was trying to buy time. She looks decently healthy even after her being taken by pirates and probably held for ransom for about a month. They hold no need to keep her 'healthy', just alive, yet she looks shockingly so, she has enough strength to break a false piece of wood on a drawer with her knee and didn't even seem to worry. She was able to hold onto the rain flute with relative ease and landed clumsily yet not like she would fall. Also, there was no way she was able to install a false bottom to the drawer with what she had on hand, let alone steal a pistol and coin purse so easily without being noticed. She also seemed like she was not watched over by anybody, from what Desmond knew, all Nobles and Royals have some use in the Gift so that meant they would either need not be worried about her or that she wouldn't do anything. But the most interesting one was that she was at La Fleur Rouge.
She was in the den of pirates, a very beautiful woman who seemed to have no one at all near her, as she seemed like she was looking out for 'interesting' people, people here to save her. She was not taken for the night, preoccupied, or even doing something of interest. She was drinking alcohol and watching the door, sure other women were also unoccupied, however with her beauty, she should have garnered some attention. People should have been near her unless they knew she was off-limits, or already knew who she…fuck!, that wasn't it.
She was looking for people to come to save her yet then is trying to buy time? If they were as strong as they seem to be, they would know where she was and she could never run from them. She would know this, yet she was composed, and she showed her ability to prep and plan. This might have been a way to try and lead Desmond astray. Desmond thought they might not be Perrench, because of what Penny was saying. Revidia and Perrench are at the brink of war, and privateers on both sides would be shooting for each other when either stepped over a line, yet this ship seemed to stick around, and so did Nero's. So obviously they never faced off, where one would be looking for the other.
So they might not be Perrench, so that might mean she is not a captive. If she was, they wouldn't let her leave their sight and run off to the Perrench area, if she had any chance to run to the Revidians and spilled their secrets they would get hunted and lose a big payday…wait…what is their motive? They can attack any ship, any shipment, hell, they could attack a port and take everything it had with the power they must be packing. Yet they target Revidian Ships, any and every, war-ready ships even are on the chopping block. She wasn't running to the Revidians, who would possibly be of some gain to her, the Segoñaian might be in good relation with Revidians. That would give her safety, and Nero is a well-known Privateer who is loyal to Revidia, so that means it would be a safer bet to be there than to do as these pirates do.
Desmond thought of this and immediately wished he studied more, if he did, maybe then he could understand what was going on in Segoña. Maybe they are Segoñaian Privateers, but why would they take the princess? Maybe there is something else there, maybe Revidia has control in Segoña, and the princess might have some hate for it. Maybe she is working with the Pirates giving them things that no real pirate can have, after all, warships aren't an easy target, even with magic, they would need to know where it's coming from, especially since it's like a ghost. Survivors should be few and far between, yet reports of it come up, like ghost stories. Who would produce them? Maybe someone who might capitalize on such things. Maybe they are trying to either spark a war or maybe get back at Revidia.
Once Desmond made his way back to meet the Princess, he said in a low tone as they moved, "So it seems my partner has ran off. He does know our meet-up point, so we'll meet up with the others, and he's probably going to be with one of the others if not with us before long". Desmond tossed her a small smile as they continued forward to The Main, trying to reassure her everything is okay.
To Desmond, he expected this, and honestly, he was hoping the same thing occurs with another group or two. He hoped for one person to slightly be split off for him to capitalize on, maybe for him to run off and find them, but she might be too smart for that. Maybe someone would find such a situation dubious enough to think of something is up and doing something he just couldn't, after all, his RAS doesn't allow him such skills as long-distance communications, so he is unable to tell others what he's thinking. His hope was that someone could do something other than what's on his mind.
About me:
I am an amateur writer at best as I have had a bit of experience writing short novels and stories as a side gig (Don't ask me for help unless you are desperate. I barely know what I'm doing half the time!)
I mostly Rp on medieval fantasy, modern fantasy, and modern slice of life. However, I am always willing to do anything. And I have been roleplaying for about 8 years now.
I have a pretty open schedule right now, other than planning DnDs, and looking for a job. (Still praying that one day I can get payed to play DnD or by playing videogames, but I haven't made a dollar yet).
PLEASE IF YOU THINK I FORGOT AN RP MESSAGE ME!!!! I CAN GUARANTEE THAT I FORGOT AS I WAS PROBABLY PRAYING TO THE GODS OF CHAOS THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO WIN THE NEXT GAME OF MAGIC I'M GOING TO PLAY!!! (In all seriousness I'm very forgetful and scatter brained, just send me a message and I should be able to pump out that post in no time)
The partners I am looking for right now is people who are chill and relax as well as just some genuinely nice people to chat to and play with. Any style is fine, just be ready as there are time where it will take some time for advanced posts will take me a few days.
Other than that I like to listen to music and anytime someone asks me to do a thing, 90% of the time I will just do it as I just don't care enough. But I will not sing, my voice is garbage and I am not confident enough to even try to learn now.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">About me:<br>I am an amateur writer at best as I have had a bit of experience writing short novels and stories as a side gig (Don't ask me for help unless you are desperate. I barely know what I'm doing half the time!)<br><br>I mostly Rp on medieval fantasy, modern fantasy, and modern slice of life. However, I am always willing to do anything. And I have been roleplaying for about 8 years now.<br><br>I have a pretty open schedule right now, other than planning DnDs, and looking for a job. (Still praying that one day I can get payed to play DnD or by playing videogames, but I haven't made a dollar yet).<br><br>PLEASE IF YOU THINK I FORGOT AN RP MESSAGE ME!!!! I CAN GUARANTEE THAT I FORGOT AS I WAS PROBABLY PRAYING TO THE GODS OF CHAOS THAT I WOULD BE ABLE TO WIN THE NEXT GAME OF MAGIC I'M GOING TO PLAY!!! (In all seriousness I'm very forgetful and scatter brained, just send me a message and I should be able to pump out that post in no time)<br><br>The partners I am looking for right now is people who are chill and relax as well as just some genuinely nice people to chat to and play with. Any style is fine, just be ready as there are time where it will take some time for advanced posts will take me a few days.<br><br>Other than that I like to listen to music and anytime someone asks me to do a thing, 90% of the time I will just do it as I just don't care enough. But I will not sing, my voice is garbage and I am not confident enough to even try to learn now.</div>