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Current My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, they have stolen my milkshake, I have called the authorities.
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Isla Gill

Mentions: @Pyromania99 @PKMNB0Y @XxFellsingxX @Savo Location: Byjerlfal City Docks

Before he, whatever his name was, had gotten a chance to reply another person came bounding up. Isla hadn't seen the girl at all and her first indication of anything at all happening being the sound of her voice. For the briefest moment she could feel herself jump in place, head whipping over to find a hand extended out. Isla took a moment to steady herself, thinking that her mentally shutting out the vast crowds probably was the best catch-all solution. Deep breaths, deep breaths were always good. The crowd about them seemed to part ways, a little pocket amid another wave of disembarking passengers with all their luggage and talk and motion. Lots of distracting movement about here and there, stuff Isla wasn't too keen on.

"Oh, are you guys about the job too?"

"Hi, I'm Jill, and it's very nice to meet both of you!"

She looked Jill up and down, focusing on her instead of the movement behind. All of it seemed pretty well in line with…maybe a history book Isla had read some years before? Maybe some of the trainers at the tower before she'd left? Ninja type, but…greens instead of blacks. It was more than odd. Despite having a few inches on her, Jill seemed a lot smaller too. The comparison went further still, a little Pokemon Isla didn't recognize perched on her shoulders eating a treat. They already had one? And…they were out and about, not confined in a Pokeball? She suddenly felt a little smaller, too. Sure, mom and dad had always said that Pokemon should be asked to be friends, not forced to it,but that argument always made it seem as though it was a far off thing she could never quite reach. Maybe that was closer than it seemed? Maybe?

Isla looked back at the guy she'd originally poked. He seemed a lot younger from the front than the back, tall and lanky and just a little bit annoyed at the other girl, Jill. He introduced himself, sort of laid back compared to what he could be.

"Sir's a bit formal, but yeah, I am. Name's Richard Evans. I presume you two've also been pulled from overseas?"

"Isla. And yes," she replied to both, taking the otherwise ignored hand from Jill to shake as the guy - Richard, now he was Richard she had to remind herself, seemed distracted enough to look out through the crowd. Letting free the hand, she turned too to look down whatever direction it was…she could nearly see it, a piece of cardboard through which Isla could see…ah, it was at an angle. She could only make out "Lab". Had to be it, the.

"We can continue talking as we walk. Let's not keep anyone waiting," he followed, gesturing briefly in the direction of the sign waving in the air before starting to move. "I'm getting a bit tired of smelling nothing but saltwater, anyhow."

Well if there was anything that'd make her decide to jump into it, offering up what she had desperately been looking for before was surely among them. Adjusting her straps for the duffel, Isla nodded her agreement before saying, almost eagerly, "sure, that's fine by me. Let's go."
Isla Gill

Mentions: @Pyromania99 @PKMNB0Y Location: SS Calliope, Byjerlfal City

She could hear it, even though the topside decks were maybe three, four above. In her minds eye, she could see all of them, all the people, all the noise about the battle. When Isla had boarded, she couldn’t really have imagined there being so many in one place, all packed around together. Deep breath, deep breath. Her headphones were tight around her head, music blasting. At the quiet points, she could still hear them. There were so many, watching and yelling and moving and- no, no, too much. For a brief moment before, she’d looked up the city they were going to, Byjerlfal. No idea on how to pronounce the place, one way or another, but then again she’d forgotten about the name the moment the population numbers popped up. After that, Isla hadn’t read much at all about the city.

In some ways she really, really wanted to get back home. She knew everyone there and they all knew her. It was simple and easy, with the only ones who came and went being the trainers at the tower. They were in a whole different category to her, people she couldn’t really make real friends with as they always came and went. But…with so many people, everyone was going to be like that. Isla was already wanting to leave the city before she’d even arrived, to get out on the road and see Pokemon or nature, to just be away from all the people and noise and movement.

Eidda. Hands shook a little as they rummaged around a pocket in her jacket before finding the little folded-up map dad had printed off. There were a lot of places around, different routes to take, a whole new…continent, really. A thought arose at that. How different would the food really be? She’d grown up eating fish, mainly. There was enough coastline for that, surely, but…would they be the same? Maybe, maybe not. Things to try out, Isla supposed, things to try out and experience. She had to like something there, surely, and maybe it’d be something surprising.

Her eyes glanced at the little phone resting on the desk, charging away, and at the message the Professor had sent. What was her name? It reminded her of a Pokemon in some ways. Camphor, that’s what it was. She’d mentioned Tanoby, as well as Nemesis. They seemed sort of…dismissive on things, things deemed boring or dull or sad like the Unknown at those Ruins. Dad had warned her, said that if the Professor was difficult to work with to just accept it and remember she’d not have to work with Camphor directly in the field, right there, all the time. It was weird advice, especially considering all the other Professors Isla knew about. She could remember Oak’s talks, televised and recorded as they were, or Elm and Birch. They were all pretty good, educational, interesting. What’s a Professor like if not that? What’s a Professor who’s not good with talking or being…nice? She wasn’t entirely sure.

The ship’s announcement system came on, something she only noticed by the fact that a little green light appeared next to the speaker. As she took her headphones off, the sound of wind crept through the noise as the Captain gave his announcement. It sounded like he was outside, somewhere. Was he battling? Isla thought, suddenly distracted. Maybe, maybe. The sounds of it had seemed to die down, she thought. In any case, there was that announcement.

“-pulling into port shortly! Everyone get ready to pack up and move out! If you need assistance, ask any of the crew! I’ll be out on deck.”

She looked over at her bags, just an old forest green duffle they’d bought from one of the Seagallop sailors a few years before, already packed away. Sure, there was a sleeping bag tucked away there, a blanket or so, few sets of clothes and the like, a set of waterproofed pants for fishing, and in some ways it was probably not as packed as it could be. It looked almost sad, drooping over slightly with all the weight at the bottom, the metal fasteners at the top jangling slightly. Two rubber boots hung by their laces on one of the straps, only serving to make it look even more awkward. A quick check around the room and, well, everything seemed to be in order there, nothing lost, nothing out of place, and a made bed. Good, good, she thought, everything nice and set. Getting up, her hand slapped against her pocket and gears started to whirr. Phone, phone, phone, phone - she checked under her bag, under the pillow where she kept it while asleep, before her head whipped around to the other side of the room. Desk. Good. Only she could lose something in plain sight, and a bit of relief came at the fact that no one had seen that. It was fully charged, too, and quickly enough unplugged from the socket, the charger wrapped up and put into its proper pocket on her pants. Good.

A ship’s horn, closer. It was…a few blasts, though she couldn’t really make out in what order. Might as well go outside to check. Slipping her phone into her pocket and heaving up the duffle about her shoulders, Isla patted herself down again, checking that she had everything in her pockets where it should be, especially that key card, and clicked off the lights. Down, down, down the hall, and she could hear people in a lot of the rooms packing away in the last minute. Where’s that exit to the weatherdecks, where is that…ah, there. She took the turn, opening the door out into the wind. Well, there was the source of it, a tug pulled up alongside. Leaning out over the railing, boots swinging to one side for just a moment, she felt herself staring, trying to make out details here, there. People moved about on the decks, seeming to be so far away, one of them looking up just a moment. Isla couldn’t help but smile, waving down before feeling foolish at waving, of all things, at a…tug. Whoever it was down there waved back. Ah, crisis averted. Good. Looking back up, she saw for the first time, truly for the first time in person, that city as the tugs swung the ship around, the one she had been staring at moving away and off to the other side.

It seemed so big, compared to everything else, so big and just…tall. Buildings reached up, sleek glass and steel shining against the light, and the streets between them seemed to be lost. Next to the piers and quays, long and low warehouses dotted the landscape, roofs painted at random intervals with various company colors, logos, designs. Where would she find that…assistant? They had to be near the pier, that’d be the best place to be, that or a…terminal, like there was for the Seagallop ferries. There had to be one somewhere, to process people coming on or off the ships. Swallowing her nervousness at the idea, especially at the fact that her plan had boiled down to waiting at the terminal until the vast crowds had finally sifted away from the piers and into the city, she stood there, waiting, waiting as they slowly, slowly came closer to the pier. The warehouses seemed to grow bigger for a moment before they moved past, off and away to a more clear, clean area.

Finally they were right alongside it, the tug engines growing louder as they pushed the ship up against the buffers. Here and there Isla could see little teams waiting, hardhats and even some Pokemon dotting the length of the cruise liner. Lines were cast off and away to the pier, teams working quickly to secure them away, and still they waited. A brow was brought up, a crane working quicker than Isla could have guessed before it was in place as well and lines also set down and secured. Figures moved along it, up and down for a long handful of minutes, before it was finally open to traffic. Quick as can be, it seemed like a floodgate had been opened as tourists moved down it as rapid as they could, down and out into the city.

Wait, wait. She didn’t want to deal with that sort of traffic. She just sort of marveled, breathing in and out, looking at the city and the various little details. There didn’t seem to be any little groups forming on the pier…maybe at the terminal. Probably. Hopefully. Aside from a phone number to call, out to Camphor’s lab directly, there wasn’t much of a backup plan for Isla. She knew she should have gotten out more during their voyage, out and talked to people to try and find others who would be going to the lab as new hires, but just…every time she’d tried, there had just been too many people. Too late for that sort of wishful thinking. Wait, wait. Ah, it was finally clearing up after a…Isla checked her phone. Fifteen minutes? Time had just gone and flown away. She sighed. It wouldn’t do that at the terminal.

Making her way over to it, she turned in her room card with one of the staff members before briefly bounding down the brow. It shook and bent at the action, elastic as it seemed to be, and her heart just dropped. She stopped, waiting for it to stop moving, before starting again with careful, measured steps. Someone behind her chuckled at the pause, another somewhere behind them snorted in annoyance, and Isla tried to ignore both reactions. Definitely not the sort of thing she’d been used to with the Seagallop, there it was as short as could be and you were just…there. Dry land, there it was. She walked to the side just a few steps, letting others go past as she scanned about for…another person who was scanning about? Someone standing to the side and waiting for others? Maybe? There was someone off to the side, and tentatively Isla took a few steps forward.

“Excuse me, sir?”

He looked over, then down again one he realized that whoever he was talking to wasn’t exactly as tall as himself. Oh, heck, he was tall with a big gut, a sparse beard, crinkles in his face that spoke of long years smiling. The huge backpack set down next to him said either tourist or another new hire, but the sparse beard did not say the same. Too old? Maybe he was the assistant, Isla didn’t know how old those got especially with a strange person like this Professor. Maybe he’d just…go out and live life in the mountains? Maybe? He replied with a curious little accent, almost nervous and too quiet among the hum-drum of the pier, and Isla almost had to stretch upwards to hear him. “Yes?”

“Um…” She paused, unsure. The accent didn’t say he was from Eidda…unless she was wrong about that and it was from Eidda. Oh, heck, it was too much to analyze in the moment. “Are you…Professor Camphor’s assistant, sir?”

He stared for a second before smiling, chuckling to himself. “Ah, no. Waiting on the wife. Forgot something in the room. But hey-good luck to you. Good for the kids to run around, even better if some Pokemon Professor helps em out. You have fun.”

“Ahhh…well, thank you. You have a good day, sir.”

“Oh, we will, we will.”

Well, that didn’t work. Looking about again, she didn’t see anyone else waiting on someone to come down. Terminal it was. Where was it…signs, signs, signs…pursing her lips, she walked off from the waiting man purely because she didn’t want to stand around with him and make something awkward. It’d be weird. Where was it…she couldn’t see. Even then there seemed to be too many people and the ship itself still seemed to have more waiting as others came off the brow. Wait, there was a…no, probably not. Maybe? He seemed to also be looking, young as well with maybe a foot of height on her and just a single bag. All the other tourists seemed to be carrying a house with them. Maybe. She inwardly collected herself, little courage and all after the brush with failure before, before approaching him before he got too far away from the pier and all the people coming off of it. Getting in close, she cleared her throat as loudly as she might which was not very loud at all, before speaking up.

“Excuse me, sir, are you…are you one of Professor Camphor’s new hires too?”

Just tagging this for the future.
Considering an older member of society

I feel like I should ask.
What is the technology for synthetic bodies looking like?
Are memetic viruses (for instance, a sequence of flashing lights which infects an optical modification) a thing?
Can one hack an implant to produce more mental strain/capacity than it would normally require (For instance, forcing it to run one billion instances of BonziBuddy)?
Aside from vehicles, what else is Geonet required for?

New Discord Link for the use of all.

Name: Isla Gill
    Standing at 5’ even, Isla’s sparse frame is well-tanned and rather athletic for her age. Used to the outdoors, her hands are somewhat calloused and her smile has creased her face at a rather early age. She keeps her brown hair, which rarely meets a professional barber, is a loose and messy ponytail. Isla’s green eyes rarely seem to see the light of day, smiling as often as she does, though they do seem to constantly dart from one object to another. Likewise, her hands often are at play with any small item she can pick up on the go, such as stones, constantly turning them over and over in the palm of her hand or feeling the differences between smooth portions and the edges.
Age: 16
Gender: Female
    Moving would be the key word to describe Isla. Intensely curious, there is little answer which satisfies her aside from a complete answer. To this end, she constantly is searching through whatever environment she’s in, looking off at the ocean during boat rides to see the various Pokémon, listening in the distance when walking through places such as Sevault Canyon, and having a notebook and pencil in her hands. Whenever not looking through at Pokémon, she could be found to be fidgeting with a rock she’s somehow acquired, playing with loose threads on her jacket, or tapping out an irregular rhythm with her feet. If overwhelmed, which has rarely happened in her life, Isla tends to absolutely tune-out from her environment entirely, blasting loud music with her headphones and avoiding eye contact.

    When talking with others, she tends to err on asking too many questions rather than asking not enough. Isla finds other people interesting in nearly every way, as they have lived elsewhere, done other things, and so on. There is a significant barrier, in her mind and manner, before she begins such interrogations as they need to be her friend, so she does not precisely prattle off to every shopkeep she runs across. To her friends, however, Isla is nearly a menace whenever a topic is come upon which she is not entirely familiar with and the other is. Her sense of planning is likewise interrogative, requiring information on every step of the way and little in the way of improvisation.
Hometown: Seventh Island, Sevii Islands
    Born in the Sevii Islands near Tanoby Ruins to a pair of research assistants, Isla’s life would largely revolve around the same things as her parents. From an early age she grew to appreciate and be around Pokémon, though not necessarily be close to them or train them; her parents made it exceedingly clear that Pokémon should do, generally, as Pokémon naturally do and that interfering with such was simply wrong. From that young of an age, it was also simply due to the exceptional aggression which many of these Pokémon displayed. She would visit Trainer Tower several times, though it would eventually be shut down due to an incident where a Typhlosion destroyed two floors and forced an evacuation. The incident would highlight the growing trend in Pokémon to all, driving Isla’s parents to further study to determine what may be causing the rise in violence.

    As time went on, eventually they began to teach her how exactly one studies Pokémon in the wild, on the shores or in the less hostile portions of Sevault Canyon, something to which she took to quite naturally and with similar enthusiasm. Isla would even venture down along the coast, though never venturing too far as even experienced Trainers became more wary of mere travel. How Pokémon were was a world all on its own and, in peeking in, she saw a grave issue at play. It was something to be fixed, making her want to follow in her parents footsteps even more. For a time, even the Seagallop ferries would be shut down due to several attacks.

    The conclusion to such events would come when she turned thirteen, a group known as Nemesis which operated in further-off Kanto and Johto, one which had been using the distant islands as their testing grounds for new methods of control. Such would be remedied by the efforts of, at least in the Sevii Islands, the International Police with Isla’s parents helping to determine the exact locations of the Nemesis base in the region. She too would play a small part in this, mainly in the collection of rock samples in some parts of the island for chemical signs of the group’s tampering. The return to normal would come slowly, as the methods which Nemesis had employed were cleaned out from the ecosystem, though the local Pokémon Centers would work at maximum capacity to help heal Trainer Pokémon. The Trainer Tower would open ahead of many other services, though in time Seagallop would begin usual operations.

    Eventually, as she got older, her parents decided that the very limited experiences on Seven Island were simply not enough for their daughter and that she needed to go out into the real world. There was more to life than just a few buildings and nature and, besides that, they worried that Isla would grow too accustomed to how things were done back home, that if she ever had to go to a city she would have a panic attack. Already to her a crowd was three people. Though they already were looking for opportunities for her to go and explore the world outside, through the grapevine of other researchers word came that Professor Camphor was interested in assistants. Along with that was of course some minor warnings on her tendencies and potential issues, but Isla’s parents figured that their daughter would not be working directly alongside the Professor and, as such, anything like that would be an occasional issue at best. With a few recommendations, courtesy of the International Police, they made inquiries to the Professor via normal channels and in due course she set off on the several days long journey there, taking the Seagallop to Viridian City before catching the cruise liner, paid by the Professor, to Eidda and Byjerlfal City. After a few months, at a not-so-insubstantial amount of anxiety, she would finally arrive in the city with the rest of the prospective employees.
Kind of Pokémon you like:
    Isla prefers to judge Pokémon, in her likeliness to want to keep them, by their personality; to her, the best are playful or cuddly, with aloof, stand-offish, and aggressive Pokémon simply not a good fit for her. She does have a catch-and-release policy with the vast majority, believing that the Pokémon should also have an actual desire to be with her rather than it being her decision alone with the Pokémon having to “grow to like her”.
    She possesses a small talent in rapid pencil sketches which, generally speaking, are quite accurate to whatever she is using as a model though she does absolutely chalk it up to her own long years of practice. Generally speaking, Isla aspires to be the best researcher she can be, to learn things about Pokémon no one else has before discovered, and to grow to understand them even more than she does now.
    1 x Potion
Pokédollars: 1000p

So I know I’m a tad late and this isn't even my first post here, but yeah! I'm here! Not quite new at rp, been doing that on Vin's TnT Trollbridge, Ongoingworlds,and most recently via Nationstates, so just somewhat new at the bbc code formats here and customs and so on. Looking forward to writing and such.

Generally been a more nation rp player, for recent times, though played Fallout, World of Darkness, Warhammer 30/40k, and Percy Jackson character games before.

Anywhoo, well...hello!

Ah I see. Well she's going to be pretty dern isolated from most of that stuff, being on Seven Island, but I suppose one or two things may have floated her way. Will try to fluff up bio a bit more today, wait on that info from you to integrate it, before posting the app.
By the by, question since I am entirely new at this site. The characters thread is only for accepted characters right? We still post here to get them accepted before throwing them into that thread?
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