Avatar of Thayr


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4 mos ago
Current Thanks for threatening my hope for disability pay, guys. God what a shitahow of a time.
6 mos ago
Man, when we gettin tables for these posts. I want to microsoft sheets on these folks.
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6 mos ago
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, they have stolen my milkshake, I have called the authorities.
10 mos ago
I have 99 problems and they're all trying to fight me please send help.
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1 yr ago
Don't be a part of the problem, be the whole problem.


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Prof Kennedy, Miles

Location: Great Hall, Hogwarts
Mentions: @MrSkimobile @World Traveler @Varshanka @Eviledd1984 @Herald

Kennedy chuckled a bit more at the dog's name, shaking his head a little at the antics and questions and all that. Sure, her dog was absolutely massive, but…he almost felt like Lickspittle would always have that even chance. Cats were funny like that. He took a few more bites of chicken, thinking it over for a moment. Eyes scanned over the spread that was before him, even as the offhand remarks by Antonio dallied through the air.

Bar hopping and drinking, this that and the other. Kennedy swallowed at the thought and the issue; sure, enjoy the things in life, but he knew that if students picked up on the little habits here and there there would be no end to the jokes and issues and foolishness among them. Drinking while tellings students to not drink wasn’t a great idea, as a general rule, and the same went with smoking. ”At least disperse the damn smell, Antonio,” he replied, shaking his head at the man’s strange time. Sure, Miles had stuck around with folks for a long, long time, but he knew enough to keep that sort of crowd separate from the somewhat fragile, somewhat volatile group of wizarding students. He was almost sure the two groups wouldn't mix well.

Kaiden's own alcoholic profferings were lost though amid the squealing and excitement of Ms Tygath. An owl swooped it, which frankly he was almost concerned would be taken down by the great big dog among them, dropped off a box for the woma. A dragon's scale, clean enough for all accounts, and for the woman a grand addition to her collection as she acted more student than teacher. The words washed over Kennedy as he looked on, continuing to eat his chicken. In some ways, dragons were quite fascinating, but they weren't the entirety of the world for the man nor were they altogether appetizing for him to put his efforts to helping. Dragons were by and large mean-spirited creatures with more than enough adoring fans to try and keep them going. Of course, then Kaiden recognized the book and the woman…Kennedy had no idea she'd published, but smiled on just a little nonetheless. It was interesting watching them all go about it.

As another teacher joined them, who seemed content to sit on the sidelines and observe, Liam made a curious question. Kennedy chewed it over a little before answering, all while producing a tupperware container from his pocket for some bits and pieces of food.

”An Auror running Hogwarts would be as bad as Durmstrang. I'd say she was speaking true, you don't make cops into school principals. That said, I really have no idea. The theme between us all of new blood makes it a little hard to guess.”
Boston & Jane Dyer
12 March 14
Shattered Steel Headquarters

They watched with mild amusement as one pilot decided to light a cigar after throwing up, seeming to have speed-eaten half a dozen donuts, before that same pilot was lit the hell up from front to back by the CO. It turned a smile to Boston’s face at it, at the whole of it, just because of how absurd the whole thing had become and how absolutely stupid the pilot seemed to be for doing it. If anything, he expected the man to have been hungover or still drunk to do such things, and that somehow seemed better than if he’d done it sober even if being drunk at a briefing was so very, very dumb on its own. Jane just let out a long, long sigh, pinching the bridge of her nose with closed eyes. Yeah, positive thoughts. Positive thoughts.

Then Valentine got through the briefing, Jane producing from her pocket a notepad and pencil like magic. She jotted things down as they came, notes here and there, key points of the briefing itself along with a personal note to check the goddamn tablet. They never checked the tablet, it seemed like, between the fact that the battery always seemed to die too quickly and the charger never seemed to properly work, but jesus they really did need to check that stupid tablet. Leaning back, she turned to Boston briefly, nudging him with her elbow while tapping on the note. He nodded sagely. Yup, they needed to check that thing.

Maltese convoys being caught by unknown parties, destroyed here and there…Boston narrowed his eyes at it. Why they were doing that…that was the big question. It wasn’t to steal it, blowing things up with missiles and cannons generally destroyed it, so clearly it was to apply pressure on Malta to either abandon itself - impossible, really -, to seek help from elsewhere, or to simply starve away and die. That’d cut down the potential culprits pretty well, and Boston could dismiss the Lt Col’s idea that the Libyans or Tunisians would be able to take advantage of that issue. Sure, they were maybe staging out from there, but certainly that’d be mercenaries working for some other group. Who could fund the whole issue while being able to actually take advantage of it realistically…there were a few groups, but really only a few. The plan itself was pretty solid, though.

Then one of the younger pilots piped-up, and Boston’s mouth went wry at the idea. A certain nation east of Ukraine, jesus just say Russia. He scratched at his neck idly, swallowing before speaking-up in response to the guy seated further on up, looking directly at him.

“Thirteen hundred today, clearly not good enough to halt the raids, good enough to keep whoever is pulling this nonsense from actually attacking Malta itself, god knows but it’s an International Airport, and an AWACS from Italy.”

Turning his head back to the Lt Col, Boston continued, “Am I to understand Freight Train and Stingray will be performing your reconnaissance operations along with the AWACS, sir?”
Are we good to continue the rp?-@Rhona W

I mean, considering that Rhona hasn't yet posted, I'd say no.
Blood Ravens

Accepted. While the Emperor's Tarot is obscured in your ordained mission, know that He smiles upon all who deliver the xenos to death.
Yeah I know I put something in the ic that was supposed to be in the ooc so I just edited it because as far as I know I can’t delete it—-@Thayr

Fascinating. There's a good amount of other stuff you could do - such as, maybe, an actual post or a -deleted- edit-in rather than...
Having the character do something that makes absolutely no sense

<Snipped quote by Thayr>

Let him cook.

Cooking involves ingredients in the pan and a fire under it. This is microwaving tin-foil.
Hey @Chronic
What does that IC post actually add to the game
You don't need to be every other post. In fact it's probably best if you're not every other post.
Just a thought.
Boston & Jane Dyer
1036R 12 March 14
Shattered Steel Headquarters

“Goddamn, who sets briefings before lunch.”

Click-click, click-click, click-click. Flight boots against the linoleum tile, the wisp patter of loose shirts in the wind, echoed down the hallway. Yeah, he had a point. Who did set briefings right before lunch instead of most any other time. He’d have preferred it early in the morning, further into the night, but the middle of the day was always a bit odd. On the plus side, though, Boston had come to appreciate the laxity of it all, though, even if he compared it to the lessening standards with the Air Force. He’d never have been able to get away with aloha shirts, DBDU pants, and his boots.

Whap whap-whap, whap whap-whap.The heavy-built metal thermos hung at his belt, dancing against his leg with every step, and his hands were shoved deep into the hip pockets. Jane held her thermos, taking a long sip as they strode down the way.

“Busy beforehand, maybe?”


“Where the heck…oh, there it is.”

Open door, stride on in, and see everyone else right there. It’d have been easy enough to pause, look around, what have you with the feeling like they’d missed something, but clearly that wasn’t the case. After all, Valentine didn’t have any bits or pieces of information on the board. Boston smiled a little at it, a shadow of a smirk, turning to one of the back tables to draw out one chair before sitting in another. Jane sat in the proffered seat, briefly pausing to deliver a light shove against his arm, before setting her thermos against the leg of the table with a metallic clang - magnets were useful, all told, for putting mugs wherever you wanted them.

A sweep of the eyes, Boston taking it all in. Who the fuck brought in donuts at this hour. It was almost like they were trying to make him fat and happy, rat bastards. He didn’t recognize the brand, though, so at least that was a plus. All the brands he’d tried on-island were universally shit. One guy was practically stuffing his face with them, though, which was…yeah, a time.

For his part, Boston leaned back in his chair, folding his arms in front of him. Jane just templed her hands in a triangle, leaning forward with her chin on the knuckles.

Anything Else:
- Collective Consciousness, Oh Shit I'm Feeling It, Schostakovich Quartet No. 8
- The couple wears open Aloha shirts between their flight suits and gear

Anything Else:
- Collective Consciousness, Oh Shit I'm Feeling It, Schostakovich Quartet No. 8
- The couple wears open Aloha shirts between their flight suits and gear


Accepted. The Gorgon looks upon these new sons with favor. May they not displease him.
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