Avatar of The Irish Tree


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11 mos ago
Current @SaltSight Game was Astlibra: Revision. Found it on sale bundled with another game I've been wanting so I gave it a shot and got like, straight indie JRPG of the early 2000s injected into my veins.
11 mos ago
Hate that strange ennui that hits after 100%'ing a really, really good game. Good time was had, but man am I glad it can't mess my sleep schedule up anymore.
2 yrs ago
Rich people blood sports is how the Oscar's should always have gone. As a hot blooded american man I cant sleep at night without witnessing violence of some kind.
3 yrs ago
So true. Anyways, play Lancer!
3 yrs ago
Final Fantasy: Stranger in Paradise is the funniest shit I've ever seen while also not being a bad game. Just crack open some cold ones with the boys, blare Limp Bizket, and Kill Chaos.


No longer an asshole!

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...Well. Not that Vivian was interested, but that was rather rude. Were Shizuyamans under the impression all yokai were aggressive husband-napping bedwinners? ...Perhaps, that was true for other species, but she was certain that Glacies were probably the most capable of not losing to a man's charms right away. Her heart was literally frozen after all.

"Oh, not to worry, you're not my type either. You don't seem like you could keep up," Vivian said, before taking a seat on a nearby log, at least putting herself in a vulnerable enough position that Kazenosuke would guess that they weren't here to try and steal him away. Crossing one leg over the other, Vivian's left hand would rest upon her knee, the wood beneath her hissing just a bit as the water inside it froze. "Varã dear, badgering him about who he associates with is only going to make this harder. We've come to ask for your aid in defending...how did they pronounce it...Tearyouitchi temple? Your lord's son is beginning a little counterattack against the Varjans, and thought it might be wise to seek your blade to his cause."

Vivian would beckon for Varã to sit down on the log beside her, continuing to speak after a moment. "I imagine you have your reasons for not being at the beach, and won't pry into that matter. But I would like to know whether we walked out here to find a comrade, or a future enemy." Vivian, despite her sharp tongue, was doing her best to assuage any warrior's honor drivel that might come next, given that she didn't particularly care if Kazenosuke was busy taking care of his sick grandmother, or having a hangover when the battle happened.

Her job was just to see if he was willing to join their fight, not grade his attendance.


"My faith comes from my gut, and my Father always said to trust it. And, thank you thank you thank you!" Matsuri said, eagerly following Lady Kyouko beside Zeka as they were taken to Kyouko's estate, then lead into a magical circle of some sort. Matsuri hadn't even considered keeping her ancestry secret, and as such would nod at Lady Kyouko's instructions. "Got it. I'm just a concerned fireworks maker from the mainland!" Matsuri said, straighting herself out, adjusting the strap that held her bamboo cannon against her back, and finally, give her tail a little fluff to make it a bit more presentable. She wouldn't back down from this, and was more than ready as white light enveloped the duo, depositing them in a wooden chamber.

Rubbing her eyes to get the blinding whiteness out of it, Matsuri's ears perked up as she heard Ayu speak. Once she could see, Matsuri would bow respectfully, saying: "Matsuri Okitsu, a pleasure to meet you. Oh, and you too, Ms. Zeka. Sorry. Didn't have a proper chance to introduce myself directly." With that short introduction out of the way, the inari would want to know where she could be of the most help. "I'm not the best at fighting, but I can cook, make fireworks, and I'm great with people. Oh and, I guess I have a fox's nose now," Matsuri listed her "best" traits to at least give Ayu an idea of what she could do, unaware that this was sort of a "pick your gig" kind of task force.

With an innocent gleam to her eyes, she would look at Ayu and ask: "Sooo, what should I do?"

[@Breakthrough Crew!]
After the party thankfully said that Io zombifying an entire fort was a bad idea and maybe even a bit of a "moral evil", or even a "violation of human rights and ethics", and the Shizuka brothers made friends with one another, it was time for them to execute the plan! Hiding within the sake shipment, Liliana was more than capable of simply hiding between the large containers, so even if the others were spotted, she could...do...something?

...She didn't really think the plan B part through all the way, and Ayu also didn't seem sure on where she should go so...Liliana figured she'd pipe up. "Miss Ayu, I think you should stay with Shizuka. If anything goes wrong, you might be able to send a message or something, and be our eyes on the outside. At least, that's what I think. I'm not the best planner, but we're all a lot tougher than a normal person. If you got hurt, Takeshi would be super sad." With her piece said though, the fairy would shrink down and sit beside the shipment, ready to get the ball rolling.


After her heart-to-generator with Kerry, Eula would join her in exiting the tent only to find the entire temple area had been reconstructed, with a bevy of beverages and tarts laid out in a whimsical fashion. Eula had never been to the Wonderlands, but she could recognize the spontaneous banquet was probably caused by the present Mad Hatter. Or at least, she had to assume she was that, given their fashionable foppish floppy hat. Smelling the freshly conjured tarts and hearing the discourse of the humans assuming the worst, Eula would take a seat at a table and politely lift one of the "dangerous" tarts to her lips, taking a bite before her malfunctioning eye sparked a bit, her functioning eye lighting up. "Analyzing composition...mm! Finely made flour, salt, lard, chilled butter, golden syrup, lemon zest, heavy cream, eggs, and...apricot jam," the automaton happily said.

After that one bite she couldn't help herself from devouring the rest of the tart in one bite, wiping her mouth with a nearby napkin. "Not an ounce of wonderland magic was used in this, beyond its creation. As such, I can judge this to be 100% safe for human consumption," she said, standing after Alice's speech. "Please, Sorae. If you can't trust her, then trust those yokai who stood in defense of this temple," Eula said, washing down the apricot tart with a cup of black tea, approaching Sorae and looking her in the eyes.

"I know nothing about this woman, but Wonderland magic would certainly disrupt my internal systems if I ingested enough to harm humans. Your people are strong, but I can see that they're afraid. Of what comes next. Of what the future holds. I can promise that as many as I can protect will survive, but...surviving isn't enough." Turning towards the conjured banquet, Eula would gesture towards it with her free, un-bound arm, the almost-formerly-detached one resting in a sling. "Foreign treats from a land they'll never see. A reprieve from the fighting and fear. A chance to know the world itself doesn't want this place to fall. ...That much, is what this woman is promising. So please...let them do more than survive," Eula said, and, having said her peace, would grab another tart and bite into it, smiling warmly.

"...This one has blackberry jam..." she said, perhaps happier looking than she'd ever been since coming here as she felt the sweet taste of fruits, and the golden crust of baked goods melt in her mouth. Alice and Kerry were off to the hot springs, and as such that would just leave Eula and Carroll, the former wondering when the latter intended to finish the crusts of her tarts.

It seemed Varã had some sort of personal space issue, and was insisting she didn't swing "that way". Pah. Vivian was mainly just taking her side to suck up her ambient hot air. Then came the time for those in the task force to take on jobs and make themselves useful. "I'll travel with Varã to meet this Kazenosuke. A blademaster's aid would at least be better than a gaggle of peasants," the glacies said, feeling that, Varã's pomp and huffing would mean she'd quickly meet her end if the blademaster turned his sword upon her.

The duo didn't have much trouble finding the hovel that Kazenosuke made his home, able to catch a bit of the conversation before the three soldiers left. Kazenosuke's services seemed to be in high demand, enough so that the iron warriors were even willing to declare neutrality against him. Interesting. Once they were cleared out and Kazenosuke was alone, Vivian would make their presence known. "Interesting. A swordsman without a cause. You didn't jump at the chance to slaughter for the Varjans, so I have to assume your services aren't something that can be bought with coin, or an appeal to a duty to your homeland. Otherwise, you would have already swayed one way or the other," Vivian said, slowly walking in a circle around Kazenosuke. "I don't suppose we could talk? That is, if you're not as vehemently against yokai as the Varjans."


Matsuri had a feeling that Lady Kyouko might have reservations, but...she wasn't expecting her to play the Dad card! The Inari was flustered enough after Kyouko bowed her head to her, reflexively doing the same before getting ready to verbally defend her position. "M-My father is...w-well...he's somewhere. I'm not sure. I woke up as an Inari and he was gone but...I'm sure that he's fine. He spent a long time trying to find a cure for me, so I ran things while he was gone."

With at least an explanation offered, Matsuri would suddenly bow down as low as one could go, the traditional Zipangu dogeza. "My father's not here right now, and...because of that, I want to go defend his home in his stead. He told me a bit about it but...any place that he's called home is somewhere important to me, too!" Raising her head to look Kyoko in the eyes, Matsuri wouldn't break her posture once, ears basically flat against the top of her head. "So, while he's gone...I'll defend any place important to him. Our fireworks are safe, so...now all I have left to protect is Shizuyama. A-And I'm gonna, even if I have to get in a boat and row myself there."

Matsuri would consider one last thing to say, before finally adding: "And...I wanted to repay the help you gave him a long time ago. If he hadn't known then...that Inari that saved me might have never been able to help. Please Lady Kyouko, let me fight! Or even just cook and clean...those people need help, and even an amateur fox is better than nothing."


It had taken a lot of time for Matsuri to work up her courage to arrive at Lady Kyouko's domicile on Akamagaseki Island. With a heartfelt goodbye to the workers of her family's business and a truckload of packed lunches, the masked Inari would quietly work her courage up, still unused to her own monsterhood. Her vulpine tail swished to and fro, and her ears kept swiveling to every new sound around her. A fellow prospective freedom fighter seemed to also have just arrived, a mouse-like yokai that would be addressed first. Zeka Willows was her name it seemed, and even she was having doubts about being able to help. Once Lady Kyouko's attention was on Matsuri, she would clear her throat.

Lowering her mask and moving it over her heart, Matsuri would introduce herself. "I'm...Matsuri Okitsu, Ma'am. A little while ago, my Papa- I-I mean my father came to you about a sickness I had. I'm all better now and I wanted to ask a favor of you." Matsuri would then remove her bamboo cannon from her back and lay the flat end on the ground, taking a deep breath and laying her hands interlaced atop the barrel before making her request. "Please, let me go to Shizuyama too! My father was born there, a-and I don't want to think about it being conquered by anyone," The fledgling Inari spoke, seeming determined to fight for her father's homeland.
Hector Wyland

@Polaris North, @PaulHaynek, @AzureKnight

Just when Hector was getting proud of his newly upgraded rifle, death was staring him in the face. Even so, he wouldn't abandon Einer, ready to pull out every trick he had to try and keep their attackers at bay until their fellow Magi could help them...that was the plan anyways, until he was decked squarely in the jaw, sending his brain reeling. Hector's vision blurred a bit as his brain rattled against his skull, his eye squeezing shut as his senses slowly caught up to the pummeling he was receiving. Blow after blow against his face, the distinct feeling, smell, and taste of copper letting him know he probably just got his nose broken. Not one to take it lying down, Hector was absolutely, most definitely, not defending himself in hindsight, about to sock him into next week before a burst of light and a flash of steel signaled a turning of the tides.

Imre had emerged adorned in an armored dress and swiftly cut down the man atop Hector, the marksman staring in awe as he sat up, blood flowing from his nose as he stared, mouth agape at his savior. Hector was already certain that Imre was quite the beautiful lady but..somehow, amidst her stunning victory and her shining armored dress, Hector could have sworn that he'd died then and there, and that an angel had arrived to take him. His heart was racing, and he couldn't take his eyes off of Imre as she spoke to Ruecian. So lost was he in his delusional infatuation that Hector would need to get spooked by Herne hissing to remember that he was still bleeding with a broken nose. Einer had been scooped up and everyone was getting into the carriage once more, and Hector wasted no time grabbing his rifle and scurrying after, with Herne crawling up his leg as he sat down.

In lieu of not having a mirror to help, Hector would have to instead rely on some basic first aid and his trusty snake companion.

"So...how bad is it, Herne?"


"...I assume that means it could be worse. Alright. Point your head in the direction I need to move it back to," Hector said, biting down on his wadded up shirt to keep from screaming, which...he likely would have, given the somewhat disgusting crack that his nose made. But, it was at least back to its usual angle, and the panting marksman would begin to mend the internal damage with his thaumaturgy. Sadly, he wasn't quite strong enough to mend bones yet, and the last thing he wanted was for his healing to start and bend his nose permanently. Plus...Hector already felt ashamed of having the person they were escorting swoop in to save him. He wouldn't bring himself to ask her to heal his injury for him.

Occasionally, he would steal glances at Imre and Einer, silently cursing his own lack of ability. He'd never had a hand for magic as a boy, so his father decided it was a waste of time for him to try. It wasn't until the disastrous end of Hector's fledgling military career that he'd even begin to learn magic, and...it was painfully clear, while his tricks worked well enough when he had the advantage, nothing he had was good enough to help Einer, or himself, and in all likelihood...he might not have been able to fight off his attacker had she not stepped in.

Hubris was a funny thing, that made you soar near the sun, then plummet rapidly when you remembered your wings were wax. Hector was certain the bandits would just go running once they saw his firepower, not thinking past each shot. That's why Einer got hurt...an enemy with a gun was best fought with a gun in turn. Hector wouldn't be damaged enough to need an infirmary, and as such would stay with Imre while Herne idly coiled around his arm. Finding the nerve to speak after his embarassing display, Hector would say: "...Thank you, Lady Imre, for coming to my rescue. ...I got careless. I'll have to re-evaluate my training once I return to the tower." The marksman seemed to consider what to say next carefully, deciding to make small talk. "If you don't mind me asking, do you know who those brigands were, Ruecian? They seemed rather...well-armed, and single-minded in going after the carriage. Normally, bandits would know when to cut their losses, but they fought to the last man."

[@Breakthrough Crew!]
Liliana had to wonder...why was everyone lying? Alice wouldn't up and leave. After all...she was a queen Liliana had absolute confidence in. There's no way someone like that would just leave her friends behind!


Liliana wasn't sure, but she was sure Shizuka wasn't a liar but...m-maybe Alice went on a secret mission, and couldn't tell anybody. She's the type to go off on her lonesome and do something dangerous, then brush it off as if it was nothing. Liliana just hoped she'd come back soon.

Still, Liliana would be uncharacteristically quiet during the journey, at least until it was time for the mission. Ayu seemed to be talking to someone, and when he was introduced, Liliana was...confused. "So...Shizuka is Shizuka's brother?" the little fairy would flutter over and gently poke the newly introduced Shizuka's cheeks, chuckling. "Its kinda bouncy! And, if you're shipping sake, I could turn invisible and sneak in with it. Or, Io could put a sleeping spell on the drinks or something," Liliana said, joyfully smushing the swindler's cheeks while they formed their plan.

"Plus, I bet it'll work! If this Shizuka's as brave as our Shizuka, then his name isn't Shizukan't! ...Or...I guess that doesn't really work. Forget it. But pleaaaaase Mr. Shorter, more-fun-to-poke Shizuka? Won't you help us?"




The automaton was confused on Kerry's confusion. ...Was it not to be expected that they were simply making a stop? He hadn't ever said that the village they'd gone to was their final stop. But, Kerry did at least seem remorseful of what her and Relica had done. The automaton would nod thoughtfully. "I will make sure you keep that promise, Kerry. I promise."

Then came the question of why Eula hadn't simply ended Kerry then and there. Even if she meant to just take the money back for the monk, it was always within Eula's power to sneak one clean shot on Kerry to retrieve it. Eula would hum, seemingly wondering that herself as she tipped her own chin up, casting eyes to the ceiling. "...I suppose...it was more than directive driving me. I was angry. Very much so. I weighed the option of a fatal attack. After all, Monsters are able to be hurt more severely with our own energy than the humans its meant to tempt and beguile. But..."

Eula would look back to Kerry and approach her, without malice or anger in her eyes, motion, or mechanical heart as she tenderly cupped the hornet girl's cheek in her left hand. "Its because I knew you and Relica weren't bad people. You were just confused, given the situation." Kerry would likely notice...Eula was different from before. Somehow...perhaps something had broken. Releasing Kerry's cheek, Eula would take a step back. "There is still a lot to do, given the Varjans' recent boldness. I won't allow them to hurt people as they please."


Well, someone had a modicum of manners! Upon being treated with cordiality, Vivian was inclined to respond just the same. "From what I saw of my visit, Lady Kyouko is in good health. She has a good eye for people it seems, as she was willing to send me here," The Glacies said with confidence, looking from Nyla to the obvious noble accompanying her, then to the other male that seemed to be a warrior of some type, given his powerful presence, and the general feeling of strength he gave off. Then, there was the masked woman with icy hair beside Vară, who gave off a somewhat...familiar feeling, Vivian thought.

Overall, a fine assemblage of warriors, with the Glacies and the two mobling sisters seeming to round their numbers out. ...Still not a very large number, though. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but this place seems rather...ill-fit to be a base for a war," Vivian said, while not so subtly inching her way back towards Vară to feed off her ambient heat.

Bang bang boom time!

@AzureKnight(SHI), @Crowvette

Finally! Finally, finally, finally, Liliana was going to get to see Io's magic in full action! Team pink was finally formed, and Liliana was eager to get going as soon as possible. "Io, I'm glad I'll finally get to see your super wizard magic in action! I kinda showed up right at the end here, but I'm sure you were blowing things up left and right." The fairy would shrink down to her actual size, eagerly flying about. This was going to be great! They'd blow up some Varjan troops, have an adventure, and Liliana could tell Alice all..about...it..

...Oh. Right. She wasn't here right now. Liliana would look around for her once again, expecting her to be off somewhere alone with Carroll but... "She'll turn up eventually! Lady Alice is probably already off on another mission, is all..." the fairy thought to herself, clapping her hands against her cheeks to pep herself back up. And now, Shizuka was even volunteering to go with them! Liliana would flutter over to him and proudly stand on his shoulder. "Mhm! Me and Shizuka have experience in attacking places with lots of water around them by now, so this'll be cake! And if Io's tired, we can give her some cover. Right?" The fairy said, then asked, turning to Shizuka and sitting down on his shoulder.



"Well...I must admit, I'm rather upset Kikyo didn't pass my message along." The automaton would cross her arms, displaying perhaps the most emotion she'd had in a while as she pouted. "Especially after she ranted at me about how I was simply saving lives so they'd be indebted to me."

Then, Kerry's question came. Tilting her head quizzically, Eula would express her confusion with: "You left, and as such were no longer a threat to the humans in the village. I had no reason to give chase." Perhaps, now it was becoming clearer to Kerry that Eula...didn't actually have any desire to fight her at all, back there. Or even now. "After you and Relica left, I followed the Monk back to his actual home, and there I helped cure the villagers of the disease that was affecting them. It turned out to simply be some poison in the well that was causing the issue. Likely Varjans."

Eula would turn to Revuel, a smile on her face. "My thanks for re-attaching my arm. And, even moreso for your bravery in aiding these people. If there is ever anything I can do to help you, please let me know."

@Enkryption(UMI/RCD), @AzureKnight(VRA/KIR/LAV), @Rune_Alchemist

It seemed that Kyouko thought that Vivian might find a more..."permanent" food source, though she doubted it. She'd likely have to rely on the food source she mentioned, though she had no idea what sort of man would let himself be almost frozen. She'd drained a few Varjan soldiers of their heat from the battle she'd partaken in, so she was full for a few days at the least. Vivian, the mutt, and her sister would stand in the teleportation circle, with Vivian keeping a careful eye on Umami...not out of concern for violence, but expecting that she might try to lick her once again.

Once they arrived in a flash of light, Vivian would walk forward out of the temple, folding her arms as she took in the slightly humid air and general squalor of the place. For someone used to ice palaces, glass streets, and ice rinks, everything here was very...dull. Wood was for peasants. This green-robed person seemed to be getting their attention, and focusing it on the young lord. Vivian had no idea how important this man actually was, but would show due courtesy with a graceful bow. "Vivian of Lyonesse. Feel free to ask for me by name if you wish to see Lyonesse's famous royal ballet performances."

A sizeable entourage followed the young lord, including a slimy looking woman, a bald buff man, a masked monster, some fetching white-robed human, and a woman with a rather...delectable looking aura about her. Vivian was quick to approach Vară and hum, smiling softly. "Such an avant garde fashion sense. Is this how people accessorize above sea level?" she asked, seeming to assume the dirt was part of the ensemble. In truth, Vivian just wanted to siphon some free heat off of the demon noble.
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